「恵方巻」を英語で説明するには ? – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 節分
    • 日本の伝統行事で、立春の前日にあたる2月3日ごろに行われます。この日は、季節の変わり目を祝い、邪気を払い福を招くための様々な風習があります。
  2. 恵方巻き
    • 節分に食べられる太巻き寿司で、その年の「恵方」(幸運を招くとされる方角)を向いて無言で食べることが習慣になっています。恵方は毎年変わります。
  3. 恵方
    • 2024年の恵方は「東北東」です。恵方を向いて恵方巻きを食べることで、幸運が訪れるとされています。
  4. 食品廃棄問題
    • 恵方巻きは節分の時期に大量に生産されますが、売れ残りが食品廃棄を引き起こす問題があります。このため、事前予約が推奨されることもあります。
  5. 種類の多様性
    • 伝統的な具材だけでなく、最近ではさまざまなフレーバーや具材の恵方巻きが販売されており、選択肢が豊富になっています。



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know that it’s almost Setsubun? I’ve already pre-ordered my Ehōmaki for this year’s lucky direction eating ritual.


Oh, that’s right! Setsubun is coming up. I heard that eating Ehōmaki while facing the lucky direction can bring good fortune. What’s the direction this year?


It’s northeast. I made sure to check before I placed my order. I’ve read that this tradition started in Osaka and has spread all over Japan.


Interesting! I’ve noticed that there are so many types of Ehōmaki available now. Last year, I saw some with ingredients I’d never even thought to put in sushi.


Yeah, the variety is amazing. From traditional ones to those with avocado and even dessert Ehōmaki! I chose a traditional roll and a modern one with multiple fillings this time.


That sounds delicious. I’m also thinking about ordering in advance. It’s a smart way to avoid food waste, isn’t it?


Absolutely. With the issue of unsold Ehōmaki leading to food waste, pre-orders help stores know how many to prepare. It’s a win-win for us and the environment.


Right. Plus, it’s so convenient to pick up a pre-ordered roll at the convenience store. Do you have any special plans for Setsubun this year?


Not really, just planning to eat my Ehōmaki quietly facing northeast and make my wish. How about you?


I’ll probably do the same. It’s my first time participating, so I’m quite excited. Maybe we should share our experiences after?


That’s a great idea! It’ll be fun to compare notes on our Ehōmaki and wishes. Let’s do that.


Agreed. And maybe next year, we can try making our own Ehōmaki rolls!


Now that’s a plan! I’m looking forward to it.

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Ehōmaki
Ehōmaki is a special sushi roll enjoyed in Japan during Setsubun, the festival marking the start of spring. This unique tradition involves eating a whole sushi roll in silence while facing the year’s lucky direction, which changes every year. The practice is believed to bring good luck and happiness.

History and Tradition
The tradition of eating Ehōmaki started in the Kansai region of Japan and has spread throughout the country. It was originally a way to celebrate Setsubun by bringing in good fortune without cutting the roll, symbolizing the continuity of good luck and relationships.

Modern Practice
Today, Ehōmaki has become very popular, with various fillings and flavors available. From traditional to modern ingredients, there’s an Ehōmaki for everyone. Many people pre-order their rolls to avoid food waste and ensure they participate in this cultural event.

Environmental Consideration
With the rise in popularity of Ehōmaki, concerns about food waste have grown. To address this, many shops and consumers now focus on pre-ordering and preparing just enough rolls to meet demand. This approach helps reduce waste and promotes a more sustainable celebration of Setsubun.

Eating Ehōmaki on Setsubun is a delightful tradition that combines cultural heritage with modern practices. It’s a fun way to welcome spring, wishing for good luck and health, while also being mindful of the environment.



Setsubun: Welcoming Spring in Japan
Setsubun, celebrated every February 3rd, marks the end of winter and the start of spring in Japan. It’s a time for Japanese families to engage in unique rituals believed to cleanse away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year.

Mamemaki: Bean-Throwing Ceremony
A highlight of Setsubun is Mamemaki, where roasted soybeans are thrown to chase away Oni (demons), symbolizing evil. Shouting “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” (Demons out! Fortune in!), participants throw beans around their homes and at family members wearing Oni masks, promoting good health and happiness.

Eho-maki: Lucky Sushi Rolls
Another tradition is eating Eho-maki, thick sushi rolls filled with various ingredients. These are eaten in silence while facing the year’s lucky direction, determined by the zodiac. Eho-maki symbolizes the wish for a year of prosperity and happiness, embraced by all family members.

Setsubun at Temples and Shrines
Public celebrations at temples and shrines include larger-scale Mamemaki events, with famous personalities participating. These gatherings offer a community spirit, with additional performances, food, and festivities, allowing everyone to share in the joyful spirit of welcoming spring.

Setsubun encapsulates the cultural depth of Japan, blending tradition with family and community activities to celebrate the changing seasons. It’s a vibrant reminder of the importance of rituals in marking time and bringing people together.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know that it’s almost Setsubun? I’ve already pre-ordered my Ehōmaki for this year’s lucky direction eating ritual.



Oh, that’s right! Setsubun is coming up. I heard that eating Ehōmaki while facing the lucky direction can bring good fortune. What’s the direction this year?



It’s northeast. I made sure to check before I placed my order. I’ve read that this tradition started in Osaka and has spread all over Japan.



Interesting! I’ve noticed that there are so many types of Ehōmaki available now. Last year, I saw some with ingredients I’d never even thought to put in sushi.



Yeah, the variety is amazing. From traditional ones to those with avocado and even dessert Ehōmaki! I chose a traditional roll and a modern one with multiple fillings this time.



That sounds delicious. I’m also thinking about ordering in advance. It’s a smart way to avoid food waste, isn’t it?



Absolutely. With the issue of unsold Ehōmaki leading to food waste, pre-orders help stores know how many to prepare. It’s a win-win for us and the environment.



Right. Plus, it’s so convenient to pick up a pre-ordered roll at the convenience store. Do you have any special plans for Setsubun this year?



Not really, just planning to eat my Ehōmaki quietly facing northeast and make my wish. How about you?



I’ll probably do the same. It’s my first time participating, so I’m quite excited. Maybe we should share our experiences after?



That’s a great idea! It’ll be fun to compare notes on our Ehōmaki and wishes. Let’s do that.



Agreed. And maybe next year, we can try making our own Ehōmaki rolls!



Now that’s a plan! I’m looking forward to it.


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Ehōmaki
Ehōmaki is a special sushi roll enjoyed in Japan during Setsubun, the festival marking the start of spring. This unique tradition involves eating a whole sushi roll in silence while facing the year’s lucky direction, which changes every year. The practice is believed to bring good luck and happiness.


History and Tradition
The tradition of eating Ehōmaki started in the Kansai region of Japan and has spread throughout the country. It was originally a way to celebrate Setsubun by bringing in good fortune without cutting the roll, symbolizing the continuity of good luck and relationships.


Modern Practice
Today, Ehōmaki has become very popular, with various fillings and flavors available. From traditional to modern ingredients, there’s an Ehōmaki for everyone. Many people pre-order their rolls to avoid food waste and ensure they participate in this cultural event.


Environmental Consideration
With the rise in popularity of Ehōmaki, concerns about food waste have grown. To address this, many shops and consumers now focus on pre-ordering and preparing just enough rolls to meet demand. This approach helps reduce waste and promotes a more sustainable celebration of Setsubun.


Eating Ehōmaki on Setsubun is a delightful tradition that combines cultural heritage with modern practices. It’s a fun way to welcome spring, wishing for good luck and health, while also being mindful of the environment.




Setsubun: Welcoming Spring in Japan
Setsubun, celebrated every February 3rd, marks the end of winter and the start of spring in Japan. It’s a time for Japanese families to engage in unique rituals believed to cleanse away evil spirits and bring good luck for the coming year.


Mamemaki: Bean-Throwing Ceremony
A highlight of Setsubun is Mamemaki, where roasted soybeans are thrown to chase away Oni (demons), symbolizing evil. Shouting “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!” (Demons out! Fortune in!), participants throw beans around their homes and at family members wearing Oni masks, promoting good health and happiness.


Eho-maki: Lucky Sushi Rolls
Another tradition is eating Eho-maki, thick sushi rolls filled with various ingredients. These are eaten in silence while facing the year’s lucky direction, determined by the zodiac. Eho-maki symbolizes the wish for a year of prosperity and happiness, embraced by all family members.


Setsubun at Temples and Shrines
Public celebrations at temples and shrines include larger-scale Mamemaki events, with famous personalities participating. These gatherings offer a community spirit, with additional performances, food, and festivities, allowing everyone to share in the joyful spirit of welcoming spring.


Setsubun encapsulates the cultural depth of Japan, blending tradition with family and community activities to celebrate the changing seasons. It’s a vibrant reminder of the importance of rituals in marking time and bringing people together.


words & phrases



pre-order : 動詞 
意味: 事前に注文する。To order (something) before it is available for sale.
I decided to pre-order the book to get it as soon as it’s released.
Many fans pre-ordered the game, so it was sold out on the first day.
If you pre-order the meal, you won’t have to wait in line at the restaurant.

fillings : 名詞 
意味: 詰め物、中身。Materials that are used to fill something, especially food items.例文:
The pastry had a variety of fillings, including chocolate and custard.
She prefers dumplings with vegetable fillings.
Sushi rolls can have different fillings, from fish to vegetables.

continuity : 名詞 
意味: 連続性、継続性。The state of being continuous and without interruption.例文:
The director was praised for the continuity in his movies.
Continuity is important in storytelling to maintain the audience’s interest.
There’s a sense of continuity in their music that ties all their albums together.

mindful : 形容詞 
意味: 心に留めている、注意深い。Conscious or aware of something.
She’s very mindful of her health and always eats a balanced diet.
Be mindful of the time, as we have a lot to do today.
It’s important to be mindful of others’ feelings when giving feedback.

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