「湯島天神 梅まつり」英語で説明 – 英会話ダイアローグを通して学ぶ








  1. 湯島天神とは
    • 東京都文京区にある神社で、学問の神様、菅原道真を祀っています。
  2. 梅まつり
    • 毎年早春に湯島天神で開催される祭りで、梅の花が満開になる時期に合わせて行われます。梅の花を鑑賞するだけでなく、文化的なイベントや食べ物の露店も楽しめます。
  3. 菅原道真
    • 学問の神様として祀られている人物で、実際には平安時代の学者兼政治家です。彼は梅の花を特に愛していたとされ、そのため梅まつりが行われています。
  4. アクセス方法
    • 湯島天神へは、東京メトロの湯島駅や本郷三丁目駅から徒歩でアクセスできます。

>> 「亀戸天神の魅力を英語で紹介」はこちら





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you heard about the Ume Matsuri happening at Yushima Tenjin this month?


Yeah, I’ve heard it’s quite the sight with all the plum blossoms. Isn’t Yushima Tenjin that shrine dedicated to the god of learning?


Exactly! It’s Sugawara no Michizane they worship there. I’m really interested in seeing the plum blossoms. They say he loved plum trees, and now the shrine has about 300 of them.


That sounds wonderful. I read that this year’s festival is the 67th one, running from February 8th to March 8th. We should definitely check it out. What’s special about the festival, though?


Besides the gorgeous blooms, there are traditional performances, tea ceremonies, and lots of stalls. It’s a perfect mix of nature, culture, and history. I’m especially looking forward to the cultural events. It feels like a great way to welcome spring.


I agree. Plus, it’s a chance to pray for success. With my exams coming up, I could use some divine help from the god of learning.


We could also try some of the festival food. I hear they sell unique snacks and sweets. It’ll be a nice break from all the studying.


Good idea! How do we get there? I remember it’s in Bunkyo Ward, but I’m not sure about the best way to reach the shrine.


It’s easy. We can take the Tokyo Metro to either Yushima Station or Hongo-sanchome Station. It’s just a short walk from there.


Sounds like a plan. Let’s aim for a day when it’s not too crowded. Maybe early in the morning?


Perfect. Let’s do it next weekend. I’ll look forward to experiencing the Ume Matsuri and getting a bit of luck for my studies.


Me too. It’ll be a great experience. Thanks for suggesting it, Mack!

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Yushima Tenjin Plum Festival

The Yushima Tenjin Plum Festival is a beautiful event held in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward. Every year in early spring, this festival celebrates the blooming of plum trees at Yushima Tenjin Shrine, dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning. It attracts many visitors, including students praying for success in their studies.

What to Expect

During the festival, about 300 plum trees bloom, covering the shrine area with white and pink flowers. The sight of these blossoms symbolizes the arrival of spring. Besides enjoying the flowers, visitors can experience traditional performances, tea ceremonies, and browse through various food stalls offering delicious Japanese snacks and sweets.

Cultural Significance

The Plum Festival not only showcases the beauty of nature but also reflects Japanese culture and traditions. Sugawara no Michizane, a scholar from the Heian period, is celebrated here. He is known for his love of plum blossoms, making the festival a tribute to both his legacy and the flowers he adored.


The Yushima Tenjin Plum Festival is a wonderful way to experience Japanese culture, tradition, and the beauty of nature. It offers a unique opportunity to enjoy the early signs of spring, learn about historical figures, and participate in cultural activities. Visitors leave with a deeper appreciation for Japan’s rich heritage and natural beauty.



Introduction to Yushima Tenjin

Yushima Tenjin Shrine, located in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, is a historic site dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning. This shrine is famous for its annual Plum Festival, attracting visitors with its beautiful plum blossoms and cultural events.

The God of Learning

Sugawara no Michizane, worshiped at Yushima Tenjin, is known for his wisdom and contributions to education in Japan. Students and scholars visit the shrine to pray for success in their studies, especially during exam seasons, making it a hub of hope and faith.

Plum Festival Highlights

The Ume Matsuri (Plum Festival) is the shrine’s most celebrated event, held from early February to early March. It features about 300 plum trees blossoming in stunning shades of pink and white. Visitors can enjoy traditional performances, tea ceremonies, and explore various stalls offering local foods and goods.

Cultural and Natural Beauty

Yushima Tenjin not only offers spiritual benefits but also serves as a beautiful example of Japanese nature and tradition. The serene atmosphere, combined with the vibrant colors of plum blossoms, provides a perfect escape from the bustling city life.


Yushima Tenjin Shrine is a significant cultural landmark in Tokyo. It offers a unique blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit for anyone interested in Japanese culture and traditions.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you heard about the Ume Matsuri happening at Yushima Tenjin this month?



Yeah, I’ve heard it’s quite the sight with all the plum blossoms. Isn’t Yushima Tenjin that shrine dedicated to the god of learning?



Exactly! It’s Sugawara no Michizane they worship there. I’m really interested in seeing the plum blossoms. They say he loved plum trees, and now the shrine has about 300 of them.



That sounds wonderful. I read that this year’s festival is the 67th one, running from February 8th to March 8th. We should definitely check it out. What’s special about the festival, though?



Besides the gorgeous blooms, there are traditional performances, tea ceremonies, and lots of stalls. It’s a perfect mix of nature, culture, and history. I’m especially looking forward to the cultural events. It feels like a great way to welcome spring.



I agree. Plus, it’s a chance to pray for success. With my exams coming up, I could use some divine help from the god of learning.



We could also try some of the festival food. I hear they sell unique snacks and sweets. It’ll be a nice break from all the studying.



Good idea! How do we get there? I remember it’s in Bunkyo Ward, but I’m not sure about the best way to reach the shrine.



It’s easy. We can take the Tokyo Metro to either Yushima Station or Hongo-sanchome Station. It’s just a short walk from there.



Sounds like a plan. Let ‘s aim for a day when it’s not too crowded. Maybe early in the morning?



Perfect. Let’s do it next weekend. I’ll look forward to experiencing the Ume Matsuri and getting a bit of luck for my studies.



Me too. It’ll be a great experience. Thanks for suggesting it, Mack!


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Yushima Tenjin Plum Festival

The Yushima Tenjin Plum Festival is a beautiful event held in Tokyo’s Bunkyo Ward. Every year in early spring, this festival celebrates the blooming of plum trees at Yushima Tenjin Shrine, dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning. It attracts many visitors, including students praying for success in their studies.


What to Expect

During the festival, about 300 plum trees bloom, covering the shrine area with white and pink flowers. The sight of these blossoms symbolizes the arrival of spring. Besides enjoying the flowers, visitors can experience traditional performances, tea ceremonies, and browse through various food stalls offering delicious Japanese snacks and sweets.


Cultural Significance

The Plum Festival not only showcases the beauty of nature but also reflects Japanese culture and traditions. Sugawara no Michizane, a scholar from the Heian period, is celebrated here. He is known for his love of plum blossoms, making the festival a tribute to both his legacy and the flowers he adored.



The Yushima Tenjin Plum Festival is a wonderful way to experience Japanese culture, tradition, and the beauty of nature. It offers a unique opportunity to enjoy the early signs of spring, learn about historical figures, and participate in cultural activities. Visitors leave with a deeper appreciation for Japan’s rich heritage and natural beauty.




Introduction to Yushima Tenjin

Yushima Tenjin Shrine, located in Bunkyo Ward, Tokyo, is a historic site dedicated to Sugawara no Michizane, the god of learning. This shrine is famous for its annual Plum Festival, attracting visitors with its beautiful plum blossoms and cultural events.


The God of Learning

Sugawara no Michizane, worshiped at Yushima Tenjin, is known for his wisdom and contributions to education in Japan. Students and scholars visit the shrine to pray for success in their studies, especially during exam seasons, making it a hub of hope and faith.


Plum Festival Highlights

The Ume Matsuri (Plum Festival) is the shrine’s most celebrated event, held from early February to early March. It features about 300 plum trees blossoming in stunning shades of pink and white. Visitors can enjoy traditional performances, tea ceremonies, and explore various stalls offering local foods and goods.


Cultural and Natural Beauty

Yushima Tenjin not only offers spiritual benefits but also serves as a beautiful example of Japanese nature and tradition. The serene atmosphere, combined with the vibrant colors of plum blossoms, provides a perfect escape from the bustling city life.



Yushima Tenjin Shrine is a significant cultural landmark in Tokyo. It offers a unique blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty, making it a must-visit for anyone interested in Japanese culture and traditions.


words & phrases



divine : 形容詞
意味: 神聖な、非常に素晴らしい。Of, from, or like God or a god; heavenly; excellent to an extreme degree.

Many people visit the shrine to seek divine protection.

The beauty of the sunset was almost divine.

He prayed for divine guidance in his decision.

Sounds like a plan : フレーズ 

意味: 良い計画に聞こえる、賛成だ。Indicates agreement with a suggested plan; it seems like a good idea.


Let’s meet at the cafe at noon.” “Sounds like a plan.


We should visit the museum first, then have lunch. Sounds like a plan?


How about we watch a movie tonight?” “Sounds like a plan!

aim for a day : フレーズ
意味: 特定の日を目指す、特定の日に計画を立てる。To target or plan for a specific day.
Let’s aim for a day next week to start the project.
We aim for a day in spring to hold the outdoor event.
They aimed for a day when the weather was perfect for hiking.

blooming : 形容詞 
意味: 花が咲いている、満開の。Having flowers; in the process of opening or showing the flower.
The garden was full of blooming flowers in spring.
I love to see the trees blooming in the park.
The blooming cherry blossoms are a sign of spring.

serene : 形容詞
意味: 穏やかな、平和な。Calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil.
The lake was so serene in the early morning.
She has a serene expression that calms everyone around her.
The serene atmosphere of the garden made it a perfect place for meditation.

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