「建国記念日」英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ








  1. 建国記念の日
    • 毎年2月11日に祝われ、日本の初代天皇である神武天皇の即位を記念する日です。この日は、日本の国の始まりとされ、国民の祝日として広く認識されています。
    • 全国各地でさまざまなイベントや儀式が行われますが、特に神社での神道式の儀式が中心になります。
  2. 神武天皇
    • 日本の伝説上の初代天皇で、日向国(現在の宮崎県)から出発し、東征を経て大和国(現在の奈良県)に都を定めたとされています。彼は日本の建国者として、多くの伝説や神話に登場します。
  3. 橿原神宮
    • 奈良県橿原市にある神社で、神武天皇を祭神としています。橿原神宮は、神武天皇が即位したとされる地に建てられ、建国記念の日には特に重要な儀式が行われる場所です。





会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know today is National Foundation Day in Japan?


Yeah, it’s on February 11th, right? It commemorates the ascension of Emperor Jimmu, Japan’s first emperor.


Exactly. I’ve been reading about it and found out that Emperor Jimmu is considered a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. It’s fascinating how this day marks the beginning of Japan’s national history.


It is. There are all sorts of events held across the country. Have you heard about the ceremonies at Kashihara Shrine in Nara? It’s one of the main sites for celebrating this day.


I have, and it sounds like an incredible place to visit. They say that Kashihara Shrine is where Emperor Jimmu was enthroned. I’m really interested in experiencing National Foundation Day there someday, although it’s quite far from here.


Yeah, visiting Kashihara Shrine for the ceremonies would be a unique experience. The shrine is significant because it’s directly connected to the origins of National Foundation Day. Plus, attending the event there would give you a deeper understanding of Japan’s culture and history.


That’s true. Do you know what kinds of events they have?


Well, they conduct traditional Shinto rituals, and there’s a sense of reverence throughout the day. People dress formally, and there’s a lot of emphasis on remembering the foundation of the nation and fostering patriotism.


That’s something I’d love to see. The blend of tradition and national pride must be quite moving.


Definitely. And it’s not just about looking back; it’s also a day to reflect on the present and future of Japan. It’s about appreciating the country’s history and culture while fostering a sense of unity among its people.


Thanks for sharing all this, Key. I hope we can plan a trip to Kashihara Shrine for National Foundation Day in the future. It would be an unforgettable way to experience a part of Japan’s heritage.


Absolutely, Mack. Let’s make it happen. It’ll be an educational and inspiring journey.

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to National Foundation Day

National Foundation Day in Japan is celebrated every year on February 11th. This day marks the legendary founding of Japan by its first emperor, Emperor Jimmu, making it a significant day in Japanese history.

Who Was Emperor Jimmu?

Emperor Jimmu is known as the first emperor of Japan. According to myths, he was a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Emperor Jimmu’s ascension to the throne is considered the start of Japan’s imperial lineage and the nation’s beginning.

Celebrating National Foundation Day

On National Foundation Day, people across Japan honor their country’s history. Many participate in ceremonies and festivals, especially at Shinto shrines. These events often include traditional rituals, prayers, and offerings to show respect and love for the nation.

Kashihara Shrine’s Role

A key location for National Foundation Day celebrations is the Kashihara Shrine in Nara Prefecture. This shrine is built on the site where Emperor Jimmu is said to have been enthroned. Visiting Kashihara Shrine on this day is a way for many Japanese people to connect with their country’s past and traditions.

Why It Matters

National Foundation Day is more than just a public holiday. It’s a day for the Japanese to reflect on their country’s origins, culture, and unity. By remembering Emperor Jimmu and the founding of Japan, people reaffirm their national identity and pride.



Kashihara Jingu Shrine: A Historic Sanctuary

Kashihara Jingu Shrine, located in Nara Prefecture, is a significant site dedicated to Emperor Jimmu, Japan’s first emperor. Founded in 1890, this shrine is nestled at the base of Mt. Unebi and covers nearly 530,000 square meters. It’s a place where visitors can connect with the spiritual and historical roots of Japan.

Visiting Kashihara Jingu

Accessible by a 10-minute walk from Kintetsu Kashiharajingu-mae Station, the shrine offers free admission to its grounds. Visitors can explore from 6:30 AM to 17:00 PM, with the Treasure Museum available at a small fee. The shrine’s vast expanse includes beautiful gardens, a large pond, and is a popular location for Shinto weddings.

Cultural Celebrations

Annually on February 11, Kashihara Jingu celebrates Kigensai, marking National Foundation Day in honor of Emperor Jimmu’s ascension. This festival, alongside the serene environment of the shrine, offers a deep dive into Japan’s cultural heritage, making it a must-visit for those interested in the nation’s history and spirituality.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know today is National Foundation Day in Japan?



Yeah, it’s on February 11th, right? It commemorates the ascension of Emperor Jimmu, Japan’s first emperor.



Exactly. I’ve been reading about it and found out that Emperor Jimmu is considered a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. It’s fascinating how this day marks the beginning of Japan’s national history.



It is. There are all sorts of events held across the country. Have you heard about the ceremonies at Kashihara Shrine in Nara? It’s one of the main sites for celebrating this day.



I have, and it sounds like an incredible place to visit. They say that Kashihara Shrine is where Emperor Jimmu was enthroned. I’m really interested in experiencing National Foundation Day there someday, although it’s quite far from here.



Yeah, visiting Kashihara Shrine for the ceremonies would be a unique experience. The shrine is significant because it’s directly connected to the origins of National Foundation Day. Plus, attending the event there would give you a deeper understanding of Japan’s culture and history.



That’s true. Do you know what kinds of events they have?



Well, they conduct traditional Shinto rituals, and there’s a sense of reverence throughout the day. People dress formally, and there’s a lot of emphasis on remembering the foundation of the nation and fostering patriotism.



That’s something I’d love to see. The blend of tradition and national pride must be quite moving.



Definitely. And it’s not just about looking back; it’s also a day to reflect on the present and future of Japan. It’s about appreciating the country’s history and culture while fostering a sense of unity among its people.



Thanks for sharing all this, Key. I hope we can plan a trip to Kashihara Shrine for National Foundation Day in the future. It would be an unforgettable way to experience a part of Japan’s heritage.



Absolutely, Mack. Let’s make it happen. It’ll be an educational and inspiring journey.


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to National Foundation Day

National Foundation Day in Japan is celebrated every year on February 11th. This day marks the legendary founding of Japan by its first emperor, Emperor Jimmu, making it a significant day in Japanese history.



Who Was Emperor Jimmu?

Emperor Jimmu is known as the first emperor of Japan. According to myths, he was a descendant of the sun goddess Amaterasu. Emperor Jimmu’s ascension to the throne is considered the start of Japan’s imperial lineage and the nation’s beginning.



Celebrating National Foundation Day

On National Foundation Day, people across Japan honor their country’s history. Many participate in ceremonies and festivals, especially at Shinto shrines. These events often include traditional rituals, prayers, and offerings to show respect and love for the nation.



Kashihara Shrine’s Role

A key location for National Foundation Day celebrations is the Kashihara Shrine in Nara Prefecture. This shrine is built on the site where Emperor Jimmu is said to have been enthroned. Visiting Kashihara Shrine on this day is a way for many Japanese people to connect with their country’s past and traditions.



Why It Matters

National Foundation Day is more than just a public holiday. It’s a day for the Japanese to reflect on their country’s origins, culture, and unity. By remembering Emperor Jimmu and the founding of Japan, people reaffirm their national identity and pride.





Kashihara Jingu Shrine: A Historic Sanctuary

Kashihara Jingu Shrine, located in Nara Prefecture, is a significant site dedicated to Emperor Jimmu, Japan’s first emperor. Founded in 1890, this shrine is nestled at the base of Mt. Unebi and covers nearly 530,000 square meters. It’s a place where visitors can connect with the spiritual and historical roots of Japan.



Visiting Kashihara Jingu

Accessible by a 10-minute walk from Kintetsu Kashiharajingu-mae Station, the shrine offers free admission to its grounds. Visitors can explore from 6:30 AM to 17:00 PM, with the Treasure Museum available at a small fee. The shrine’s vast expanse includes beautiful gardens, a large pond, and is a popular location for Shinto weddings.



Cultural Celebrations

Annually on February 11, Kashihara Jingu celebrates Kigensai, marking National Foundation Day in honor of Emperor Jimmu’s ascension. This festival, alongside the serene environment of the shrine, offers a deep dive into Japan’s cultural heritage, making it a must-visit for those interested in the nation’s history and spirituality.



words & phrases



commemorate: 動詞
意味: 〜を記念する。To recall and show respect for (someone or something) in a ceremony.
Japan commemorates the ascension of Emperor Jimmu on National Foundation Day.
Many countries have monuments to commemorate heroes of war.
The ceremony will commemorate the founding of the school 100 years ago.

ascension: 名詞
意味: 昇進、上昇。The act of rising to an important position or a higher level.
The ascension of the new emperor marked a new era for the country.
His ascension to the throne was a significant event in history.
The story describes the ascension of a young warrior to the role of a king.

descendant: 名詞
意味: 子孫。A person who is related to you and who lives after you, such as your child or grandchild.
He is a descendant of an ancient royal family.
The museum displayed artifacts belonging to the descendants of the Mayans.
Many descendants of the original settlers still live in this area.

enthron: 動詞
意味: 王位に就かせる。To make someone a king, queen, bishop, etc., in a formal ceremony.
The new queen was enthroned in a lavish ceremony.

Historians have documented the enthronement of many ancient leaders.
The king’s enthronement ceremony will be broadcasted worldwide.

reverence: 名詞
意味: 崇敬、敬意。Deep respect for someone or something.
The shrine is a place of reverence for many people.
They showed great reverence towards the historical monument.
In our culture, we have a deep reverence for nature.

throne: 名詞
意味: 王座、玉座。The official chair or seat of a monarch or high-ranking person in power.
The king sat upon his throne during the ceremony.
The throne has been passed down through generations.
The heir to the throne was announced yesterday.

lineage: 名詞
意味: 家系、血統。Direct descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.

The royal lineage is well-documented in the country’s history.
She is proud of her lineage and heritage.
The ancient lineage of that family is respected in the community.

nestle: 動詞
意味: 寄り添う、潜む。To settle or lie comfortably within or against something.
The village nestles in the valley between two mountains.
The cat nestles in a sunny spot on the windowsill.
We found a small cottage nestled in the woods.

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