「花粉症とは」英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ








  1. 花粉症の原因
    • 日本では、主にスギやヒノキの花粉が花粉症の原因となっています。これらの木の花粉は春に大量に飛散し、多くの人にアレルギー反応を引き起こします。
  2. 花粉症の症状
    • 花粉症の症状には、くしゃみ、鼻水、鼻詰まり、目のかゆみや充血などがあります。これらの症状は、花粉に対する体の免疫反応によって引き起こされます。
  3. 治療法と予防策
    • 花粉症の治療には抗ヒスタミン薬や鼻スプレーが一般的に用いられます。また、花粉の飛散が多い時期にはマスクの着用や空気清浄機の使用、室内の換気を控えるなどの予防策が有効。
  4. 花粉の飛散情報
    • 花粉の飛散量は年によって異なり、気象情報や専門機関から提供される花粉飛散予報を通じて知ることができます。この情報を活用することで、花粉症の対策をより効果的に行うことが可能。




会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you noticed the cedar trees starting to bloom? I heard this year’s pollen count is going to be about the same or slightly more than usual.


Yeah, I saw that update too. It’s that time of the year again. I’ve already started feeling the itch in my eyes. How about you?


Same here. Last year was manageable, but I’m not taking any chances. I’ve learned a lot about managing hay fever. Did you know that cedar and cypress pollen are the main culprits in Japan?


I did, actually. And I’ve been using antihistamines and nasal sprays to help with the symptoms. They work wonders for my sneezing and stuffy nose.


I’ve gone a bit further this year. Bought an air purifier for my apartment and started wearing a mask outdoors. Plus, I’m considering immunotherapy. Heard it can provide long-term relief.


Immunotherapy? That sounds serious. Is it effective?


From what I’ve read, it gradually makes your body less sensitive to pollen. It takes time, but many say it’s worth it. Also, washing your face and hands after coming indoors helps a lot.


Good to know. I’ll try the face washing tip. Also, I’ve been avoiding outdoor activities during peak pollen days. Helps reduce exposure.


Smart move. I’ve been doing the same. Also, checking the daily pollen forecast has become part of my morning routine. Helps me plan my day.


That’s a great idea. I’ll start doing that too. Anything to make this season more bearable.


Absolutely. And remember, staying hydrated and keeping windows closed during high pollen times can also ease symptoms.


Thanks for the tips, Mack. Let’s help each other get through this hay fever season.


Definitely, Key. Here’s to a manageable hay fever season!

関連情報 / related information



What is Hay Fever?
Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. When people with hay fever breathe in these pollen particles, their body sees them as harmful and releases chemicals, causing symptoms.

Common Symptoms
The main symptoms include sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, itchy eyes, and sometimes an itchy throat. Some people may also feel tired or have a headache. These symptoms can affect daily life, especially during high pollen seasons.

Causes of Hay Fever
In many countries, including Japan, hay fever is often caused by cedar and cypress tree pollen. The time of year when symptoms are worst depends on what type of pollen a person is allergic to. For example, tree pollen is more common in spring.

Treatment and Management
There is no cure for hay fever, but symptoms can be managed with medication like antihistamines and nasal sprays. Avoiding pollen by staying indoors on windy days and using air purifiers can also help. Wearing sunglasses and masks can prevent pollen from getting into your eyes and nose.

Prevention Tips
To reduce hay fever symptoms, check the daily pollen forecast and plan outdoor activities for times when pollen counts are low. Washing your face and hands after being outside can also remove pollen. Keeping windows closed during peak pollen times will help keep pollen out of your home.

Understanding hay fever and how to manage it can make this condition easier to live with, especially during the pollen season.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you noticed the cedar trees starting to bloom? I heard this year’s pollen count is going to be about the same or slightly more than usual.



Yeah, I saw that update too. It’s that time of the year again. I’ve already started feeling the itch in my eyes. How about you?



Same here. Last year was manageable, but I’m not taking any chances. I’ve learned a lot about managing hay fever. Did you know that cedar and cypress pollen are the main culprits in Japan?



I did, actually. And I’ve been using antihistamines and nasal sprays to help with the symptoms. They work wonders for my sneezing and stuffy nose.



I’ve gone a bit further this year. Bought an air purifier for my apartment and started wearing a mask outdoors. Plus, I’m considering immunotherapy. Heard it can provide long-term relief.



Immunotherapy? That sounds serious. Is it effective?



From what I’ve read, it gradually makes your body less sensitive to pollen. It takes time, but many say it’s worth it. Also, washing your face and hands after coming indoors helps a lot.



Good to know. I’ll try the face washing tip. Also, I’ve been avoiding outdoor activities during peak pollen days. Helps reduce exposure.



Smart move. I’ve been doing the same. Also, checking the daily pollen forecast has become part of my morning routine. Helps me plan my day.



That’s a great idea. I’ll start doing that too. Anything to make this season more bearable.



Absolutely. And remember, staying hydrated and keeping windows closed during high pollen times can also ease symptoms.



Thanks for the tips, Mack. Let’s help each other get through this hay fever season.



Definitely, Key. Here’s to a manageable hay fever season!


関連情報 / related information



What is Hay Fever?
Hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis, is an allergic reaction to pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. When people with hay fever breathe in these pollen particles, their body sees them as harmful and releases chemicals, causing symptoms.


Common Symptoms
The main symptoms include sneezing, a runny or blocked nose, itchy eyes, and sometimes an itchy throat. Some people may also feel tired or have a headache. These symptoms can affect daily life, especially during high pollen seasons.


Causes of Hay Fever
In many countries, including Japan, hay fever is often caused by cedar and cypress tree pollen. The time of year when symptoms are worst depends on what type of pollen a person is allergic to. For example, tree pollen is more common in spring.


Treatment and Management
There is no cure for hay fever, but symptoms can be managed with medication like antihistamines and nasal sprays. Avoiding pollen by staying indoors on windy days and using air purifiers can also help. Wearing sunglasses and masks can prevent pollen from getting into your eyes and nose.


Prevention Tips
To reduce hay fever symptoms, check the daily pollen forecast and plan outdoor activities for times when pollen counts are low. Washing your face and hands after being outside can also remove pollen. Keeping windows closed during peak pollen times will help keep pollen out of your home.


Understanding hay fever and how to manage it can make this condition easier to live with, especially during the pollen season.


words & phrases



itch : 動詞 
意味: かゆみを感じる。To have or cause an uncomfortable sensation on the skin that leads to a desire to scratch.
My eyes always itch when hay fever season starts.
He couldn’t stop scratching his itchy arm.
The wool sweater made her skin itch.

culprit : 名詞
意味: 犯人、原因。The reason for a particular problem or issue.
Pollen is the main culprit behind my hay fever.
They finally found the culprit of the leak in the roof.
Detectives are working hard to catch the culprit.

antihistamine : 名詞 
意味: 抗ヒスタミン剤。A type of medication used to treat allergic reactions by blocking the effects of histamine.
I take an antihistamine to relieve my allergy symptoms.
Antihistamines can help reduce sneezing and itching.
She always carries antihistamines during spring.

nasal : 形容詞 /ˈneɪ.zəl/
意味: 鼻の、鼻に関連する。Relating to the nose.
He uses a nasal spray to clear his congestion.
Nasal congestion is a common symptom of a cold.
She has a nasal voice because of her allergies.

stuffy : 形容詞 
意味: (部屋などが)空気がこもった、(鼻が)詰まった。Lacking fresh air, or relating to a blocked nose.
The room is stuffy; let’s open a window.
I feel stuffy with a blocked nose.
A stuffy nose is a common issue during allergy season.

immunotherapy : 名詞 /ˌɪ.mjʊˈnəʊ.θer.ə.pi/
意味: 免疫療法。A treatment method that uses the body’s immune system to fight diseases, including allergies.
Immunotherapy has shown promise in treating severe hay fever.
She is undergoing immunotherapy to reduce her allergy symptoms.
Immunotherapy can help build tolerance to allergens.

exposure : 名詞 
意味: 露出、さらされること。The act of being exposed to something, such as allergens.
Reducing exposure to pollen can help alleviate hay fever symptoms.
Exposure to sunlight is important for vitamin D synthesis.
Wearing a mask can minimize your exposure to allergens.

hydrated : 形容詞 
意味: 水分を十分に含んでいる。Sufficiently supplied with water.
Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health.
Drink water regularly to keep hydrated during hot weather.
Hydrated skin is less prone to dryness and irritation.

rhinitis : 名詞 /raɪˈnaɪ.tɪs/
意味: 鼻炎。Inflammation of the nasal membranes, leading to symptoms like runny nose and sneezing.
Allergic rhinitis is commonly triggered by pollen.
Many people suffer from seasonal rhinitis during spring.
Treatment for rhinitis includes antihistamines and nasal sprays.

weeds : 名詞
意味: 雑草。
Unwanted plants that grow in gardens or fields, often causing problems for desired plants.
Weeds can also produce pollen that triggers hay fever.
She spends weekends pulling weeds in her garden to reduce allergens.
Controlling weeds is important for managing hay fever symptoms.

runny : 形容詞 
意味: 流れる、滴り落ちる。Liquids flowing freely, often used to describe a nose that discharges mucus.
A runny nose is one of the first signs of catching a cold.
Hay fever often causes itchy eyes and a runny nose.
To deal with a runny nose, he always carries tissues.

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