「オーバーツーリズムの現状と対策」英語で説明 – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. オーバーツーリズムとは
    • 特定の観光地が訪問者によって過剰に混雑し、地域の環境、社会、文化に悪影響を及ぼす状況を指します。日本の人気観光地である京都、大阪、東京などがこの問題に直面しています。
  2. 政府の対策
    • 日本政府はオーバーツーリズムに対処するために、交通インフラの強化、地方地域への観光客の誘導、持続可能な観光の推進など、様々な取り組みを実施しています。
  3. 個人の責任
    • 観光客として持続可能な旅行の実践が強調されています。これには、オフピークシーズンの訪問、地元経済への貢献、環境に配慮した行動などが含まれます。




会話 / dialogue


Have you noticed how crowded Kyoto has become lately? I read that Japan is really struggling with over-tourism.


Yeah, I’ve seen that too. It’s not just Kyoto; places like Osaka and Tokyo are facing similar issues. The government is trying to manage it by promoting travel to less known areas and improving infrastructure.


 I’m really interested in this topic. The idea that our favorite spots could lose their charm or, worse, suffer environmental damage is worrying.


 It is. But there are efforts to make tourism sustainable, like encouraging visits during off-peak seasons and supporting local businesses. That way, tourism can benefit the community without the negative impacts.


That’s true. I also read about a fund the government launched to help tourism businesses adapt and grow sustainably. It’s a step in the right direction.


Definitely. And as individuals, we can help by being responsible tourists, like choosing eco-friendly accommodations and respecting local cultures.


Speaking of which, have you heard about the new initiatives to spread tourists more evenly across the country? They’re using things like commemorative coin projects to draw attention to lesser-known national parks.


That sounds interesting! It’s a creative way to promote under-visited areas. Japan has so much to offer beyond the usual tourist spots.


Absolutely. I’m thinking of exploring some of those areas myself. It could be a great way to experience Japan’s natural beauty without contributing to over-tourism.


Count me in! It’ll be an adventure, and we’ll be doing our part to travel more sustainably. Let’s plan a trip soon.


 Agreed. It’s about finding that balance between exploring new places and preserving them for future generations.


Exactly. Let’s make our next trip a model of responsible and sustainable tourism.

関連情報 / related information



Understanding Over-tourism

Over-tourism happens when too many visitors go to a place, causing problems for the local people and environment. In Japan, famous cities like Kyoto, Tokyo, and Osaka have faced such issues. Too many tourists can harm nature, make daily life hard for locals, and damage the quality of visiting experience.

Japan’s Challenges

Japan is known for its beautiful nature, historic sites, and unique culture. This attracts millions of tourists every year. However, popular spots have become overcrowded, especially during peak travel seasons. This overcrowding leads to long lines at attractions, crowded public transport, and pressure on local facilities.

Government Actions

To solve these problems, the Japanese government has taken steps. They are improving public transport, promoting places that are not well-known to tourists, and encouraging travel outside the busy seasons. These efforts aim to spread tourists more evenly across the country and reduce the negative impacts of over-tourism.

What Can We Do?

As travelers, we can help by visiting less crowded places, traveling during quieter times, and respecting local cultures and environments. By making these choices, we can enjoy Japan’s beauty without adding to the problem of over-tourism.



Kyoto’s Over-tourism Issue

Kyoto, a city celebrated for its historical temples and vibrant culture, is grappling with over-tourism. The influx of tourists, both from within Japan and abroad, has led to crowded streets, packed buses, and strains on local life and the environment.

Efforts to Manage the Crowds

In response, Kyoto’s city government has taken active steps. They’ve improved public transport and promoted lesser-known sites to help spread out the tourist population. Technology plays a key role too, with live cameras at popular spots so visitors can avoid overcrowded areas.

Supporting Local Businesses

Kyoto is also helping small businesses attract tourists to quieter areas, offering tech support and social media training. This initiative aims to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to preserve Kyoto’s charm and livability for residents.

Advice for Visitors

Tourists are encouraged to research their destination thoroughly, travel outside peak seasons, and explore beyond the most famous sites. By traveling thoughtfully, visitors can enjoy Kyoto’s beauty without contributing to over-tourism.


会話 / dialogue


Have you noticed how crowded Kyoto has become lately? I read that Japan is really struggling with over-tourism.



Yeah, I’ve seen that too. It’s not just Kyoto; places like Osaka and Tokyo are facing similar issues. The government is trying to manage it by promoting travel to less known areas and improving infrastructure.



 I’m really interested in this topic. The idea that our favorite spots could lose their charm or, worse, suffer environmental damage is worrying.



It is. But there are efforts to make tourism sustainable, like encouraging visits during off-peak seasons and supporting local businesses. That way, tourism can benefit the community without the negative impacts.



That’s true. I also read about a fund the government launched to help tourism businesses adapt and grow sustainably. It’s a step in the right direction.



Definitely. And as individuals, we can help by being responsible tourists, like choosing eco-friendly accommodations and respecting local cultures.



Speaking of which, have you heard about the new initiatives to spread tourists more evenly across the country? They’re using things like commemorative coin projects to draw attention to lesser-known national parks.



That sounds interesting! It’s a creative way to promote under-visited areas. Japan has so much to offer beyond the usual tourist spots.



Absolutely. I’m thinking of exploring some of those areas myself. It could be a great way to experience Japan’s natural beauty without contributing to over-tourism.



Count me in! It’ll be an adventure, and we’ll be doing our part to travel more sustainably. Let’s plan a trip soon.



Agreed. It’s about finding that balance between exploring new places and preserving them for future generations.



Exactly. Let’s make our next trip a model of responsible and sustainable tourism.


関連情報 / related information



Understanding Over-tourism

Over-tourism happens when too many visitors go to a place, causing problems for the local people and environment. In Japan, famous cities like Kyoto, Tokyo, and Osaka have faced such issues. Too many tourists can harm nature, make daily life hard for locals, and damage the quality of visiting experience.



Japan’s Challenges

Japan is known for its beautiful nature, historic sites, and unique culture. This attracts millions of tourists every year. However, popular spots have become overcrowded, especially during peak travel seasons. This overcrowding leads to long lines at attractions, crowded public transport, and pressure on local facilities.



Government Actions

To solve these problems, the Japanese government has taken steps. They are improving public transport, promoting places that are not well-known to tourists, and encouraging travel outside the busy seasons. These efforts aim to spread tourists more evenly across the country and reduce the negative impacts of over-tourism.



What Can We Do?

As travelers, we can help by visiting less crowded places, traveling during quieter times, and respecting local cultures and environments. By making these choices, we can enjoy Japan’s beauty without adding to the problem of over-tourism.





Kyoto’s Over-tourism Issue

Kyoto, a city celebrated for its historical temples and vibrant culture, is grappling with over-tourism. The influx of tourists, both from within Japan and abroad, has led to crowded streets, packed buses, and strains on local life and the environment.



Efforts to Manage the Crowds

In response, Kyoto’s city government has taken active steps. They’ve improved public transport and promoted lesser-known sites to help spread out the tourist population. Technology plays a key role too, with live cameras at popular spots so visitors can avoid overcrowded areas.



Supporting Local Businesses

Kyoto is also helping small businesses attract tourists to quieter areas, offering tech support and social media training. This initiative aims to balance the economic benefits of tourism with the need to preserve Kyoto’s charm and livability for residents.



Advice for Visitors

Tourists are encouraged to research their destination thoroughly, travel outside peak seasons, and explore beyond the most famous sites. By traveling thoughtfully, visitors can enjoy Kyoto’s beauty without contributing to over-tourism.



words & phrases



worrying: 形容詞 /ˈwʌr.i.ɪŋ/
意味: 心配させる、不安を感じさせる。Causing anxiety about actual or potential problems.
The rising level of pollution in the city is quite worrying.
She found the news about the storm very worrying.
The lack of communication was worrying the team.

evenly: 副詞
意味: 均等に、平等に。In equal or uniform manner.
The cake should be baked evenly to avoid burning.
The teacher distributed the textbooks evenly among the students.
Spread the seeds evenly over the soil.

commemorative: 形容詞
意味: 記念の、記念すべき。Marking or celebrating an event or person.
The city released a commemorative coin for its 200th anniversary.
They attended a commemorative service for the war heroes.
A commemorative plaque was unveiled at the site.

under-visited: 形容詞
意味: 訪問者の少ない。Not visited by many people.
The museum is one of the city’s under-visited gems.
We explored some under-visited villages on our trip.
The guidebook highlights under-visited natural parks.

sustainably: 副詞
意味: 持続可能に。In a way that can be maintained for the long term without harming the environment or depleting resources.
The company aims to produce its products sustainably.
We should travel sustainably to protect the destinations we love.

overcrowding: 名詞
意味: 過剰な混雑。A situation in which a place is filled with too many people or things.
Overcrowding at the festival made it difficult to move.
The city is facing problems due to overcrowding in public transport.
Measures are being taken to reduce overcrowding in schools.

attractions: 名詞
意味: 観光名所。Places of interest to tourists and visitors.
The city’s main attractions include museums and historical buildings.
We visited several attractions during our vacation.
The new park has become one of the area’s top attractions.

vibrant: 形容詞
意味: 活気に満ちた。Full of energy and life.
The market is vibrant with colors and sounds.
She leads a vibrant community of artists.
The festival brings a vibrant atmosphere to the city.

grapple with: 句動詞
意味: ~と取り組む。To struggle or deal with a difficult problem.
The government is grappling with the issue of unemployment.
Many cities grapple with the challenge of over-tourism.
Schools grapple with the need to adapt to new teaching methods.

livability: 名詞 /ˌlɪv.əˈbɪl.ɪ.ti/
意味: 住みやすさ。The quality of being suitable or pleasant to live in.
The city is known for its high livability.
Improving livability in urban areas is a key focus for many governments.
The project aims to enhance the livability of the neighborhood.

thoroughly: 副詞 /ˈθɜːr.ə.li/
意味: 徹底的に。Completely, in a detailed and careful manner.
She thoroughly researched the history of the building before her visit.
The report was thoroughly reviewed to ensure accuracy.
He cleaned the room thoroughly before the guests arrived.

thoughtfully: 副詞
意味: 思慮深く。In a way that shows careful consideration or attention.
She thoughtfully chose a gift that he would truly appreciate.
The article was written thoughtfully, covering all aspects of the issue.
He thoughtfully considered all options before making a decision.

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