英語で紹介 – 「小江戸」川越 – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介



実際の英会話例とともに、歴史ある街並み 川越の魅力と基本情報を解説。





  1. 川越の蔵造りの街並み
    • 川越は「小江戸」と呼ばれ、江戸時代の雰囲気を今に伝える歴史的な街並みが特徴です。蔵造りの建物が多く残っており、商店やカフェとして利用されています。
  2. 時の鐘
    • 川越のシンボルとして知られる時の鐘は、市民に時間を告げ続ける歴史的な建造物です。江戸時代から存在し、現在も定時に鐘が鳴らされています。
  3. さつまいもスイーツ
    • 川越はさつまいもの産地としても有名で、さつまいもを使ったスイーツや料理が豊富にあります。特に「いも恋」などのさつまいもスイーツは人気が高いです。
  4. 菓子屋横丁
    • 昔ながらの和菓子やさつまいもスイーツが並ぶ、観光客に人気の商店街です。色とりどりのお菓子が並び、歩くだけでも楽しい場所です。
  5. 川越まつり
    • 毎年10月に開催される川越最大の祭りで、豪華な山車(だし)が練り歩く姿は見応えがあります。関東三大祭りの一つとも言われ、多くの観光客が訪れます。





会話 / conversation


This warehouse district is incredible, Key! It feels like we’ve stepped back into the Edo period.


Absolutely, Mack. The way these buildings have been preserved is amazing. And think, some of them are over a hundred years old!


I read that the Toki no Kane is around here. It’s been telling time for the city since the Edo period. We should definitely check it out.


Yeah, it’s the symbol of Kawagoe. Hearing it ring is supposed to be a moment you can’t miss. After that, how about we try some of Kawagoe’s famous sweet potato treats?


I’m all for it. I’ve heard their sweet potatoes are unlike anything else. Plus, the snacks in Kashiya Yokochō are supposed to be delicious.

After visiting the Toki no Kane and exploring more, they head to Candy Alley.


Look at all these sweet potato snacks, Mack! There are so many varieties. What do you think we should try first?


Let’s start with the sweet potato ice cream. Then, maybe those chips. Oh, and I bought this guidebook from a local shop. It has coupons and recommendations for the best spots in Kawagoe.


That’s perfect! This ice cream is amazing, by the way. Sweet, but not too sweet, with a rich flavor. Kawagoe really knows how to make the most of its sweet potatoes.


Absolutely. And this guidebook says there’s a small movie theater around here that’s been showing films since the early 1900s. It’s had a couple of close calls but the community always comes together to keep it open.


I love how Kawagoe blends the old with the new. There’s so much history here, but it’s still vibrant and alive.


Definitely. This trip has been an amazing journey through time. I’m glad we decided to explore Kawagoe together, Key.


Me too, Mack. Let’s make sure to come back for the Kawagoe Festival. I read it’s one of the biggest in the region, with incredible floats and performances.


It’s a plan. Kawagoe has been full of surprises. I can’t wait to see what else we can discover here.

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Kawagoe
Kawagoe, often called “Little Edo,” is a charming city in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It’s famous for preserving the traditional atmosphere of the Edo period (1603-1868). Visitors can experience old Japan by walking through the city’s historic streets.

Historical Landmarks
One of the city’s most iconic landmarks is the “Toki no Kane” (Bell of Time), a large bell tower that has been telling time for centuries. The Kurazukuri Street is lined with old warehouses that have been converted into shops and cafes, giving a glimpse into Japan’s past.

Culinary Delights
Kawagoe is also known for its delicious sweet potato treats. The city takes pride in its sweet potatoes, using them in various sweets and snacks. “Kashiya Yokochō” (Candy Alley) is a popular spot where visitors can try traditional Japanese candies and sweet potato-based delights.

Festivals and Culture
The Kawagoe Festival is a highlight, attracting visitors from all over Japan. Held every October, the festival features magnificent floats and lively performances, showcasing the city’s rich cultural heritage.

A Visit Worthwhile
Exploring Kawagoe offers a unique journey through time, combining historical sights with delicious food and vibrant festivals. It’s a must-visit for those wanting to experience traditional Japanese culture within reach of modern Tokyo.


会話 / conversation


This warehouse district is incredible, Key! It feels like we’ve stepped back into the Edo period.



Absolutely, Mack. The way these buildings have been preserved is amazing. And think, some of them are over a hundred years old!



I read that the Toki no Kane is around here. It’s been telling time for the city since the Edo period. We should definitely check it out.



Yeah, it’s the symbol of Kawagoe. Hearing it ring is supposed to be a moment you can’t miss. After that, how about we try some of Kawagoe’s famous sweet potato treats?



I’m all for it. I’ve heard their sweet potatoes are unlike anything else. Plus, the snacks in Kashiya Yokochō are supposed to be delicious.


After visiting the Toki no Kane and exploring more, they head to Candy Alley.



Look at all these sweet potato snacks, Mack! There are so many varieties. What do you think we should try first?



Let’s start with the sweet potato ice cream. Then, maybe those chips. Oh, and I bought this guidebook from a local shop. It has coupons and recommendations for the best spots in Kawagoe.



That’s perfect! This ice cream is amazing, by the way. Sweet, but not too sweet, with a rich flavor. Kawagoe really knows how to make the most of its sweet potatoes.



Absolutely. And this guidebook says there’s a small movie theater around here that’s been showing films since the early 1900s. It’s had a couple of close calls but the community always comes together to keep it open.



I love how Kawagoe blends the old with the new. There’s so much history here, but it’s still vibrant and alive.



Definitely. This trip has been an amazing journey through time. I’m glad we decided to explore Kawagoe together, Key.



Me too, Mack. Let’s make sure to come back for the Kawagoe Festival. I read it’s one of the biggest in the region, with incredible floats and performances.



t’s a plan. Kawagoe has been full of surprises. I can’t wait to see what else we can discover here.


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Kawagoe
Kawagoe, often called “Little Edo,” is a charming city in Saitama Prefecture, Japan. It’s famous for preserving the traditional atmosphere of the Edo period (1603-1868). Visitors can experience old Japan by walking through the city’s historic streets.


Historical Landmarks
One of the city’s most iconic landmarks is the “Toki no Kane” (Bell of Time), a large bell tower that has been telling time for centuries. The Kurazukuri Street is lined with old warehouses that have been converted into shops and cafes, giving a glimpse into Japan’s past.


Culinary Delights
Kawagoe is also known for its delicious sweet potato treats. The city takes pride in its sweet potatoes, using them in various sweets and snacks. “Kashiya Yokochō” (Candy Alley) is a popular spot where visitors can try traditional Japanese candies and sweet potato-based delights.


Festivals and Culture
The Kawagoe Festival is a highlight, attracting visitors from all over Japan. Held every October, the festival features magnificent floats and lively performances, showcasing the city’s rich cultural heritage.


A Visit Worthwhile
Exploring Kawagoe offers a unique journey through time, combining historical sights with delicious food and vibrant festivals. It’s a must-visit for those wanting to experience traditional Japanese culture within reach of modern Tokyo.


words & phrases



close call: 名詞
意味: 間一髪で事故や災害を免れたこと、危うく大変なことになるところだった状況。
That was a close call; we almost missed our flight.
The driver’s quick reaction avoided an accident. It was a real close call.
After the earthquake, we had a close call with falling debris.

blend with: 動詞句
意味: 混ざり合う、調和する。
The new building blends with the historical landscape.
Her voice blends with the music beautifully.
The flavors blend with each other perfectly in this dish.

vibrant: 形容詞
意味: 活気に満ちた、鮮やかな。
The city is vibrant with culture and history.
She wore a vibrant dress that caught everyone’s eye.
The festival made the town more vibrant than ever.

treats: 名詞
意味: おやつ、ごちそう。
Let’s make some sweet treats for the party.
The bakery is known for its delicious treats.
Halloween is a time for spooky costumes and sweet treats.

lined with: 動詞句
意味: 〜で並んでいる。
The street was lined with cherry trees in full bloom.
The path to the temple is lined with ancient lanterns, creating a mystical atmosphere.
The mall is lined with a variety of shops and restaurants.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240305)のニュース memo は、日経平均株価、トランプ前大統領の立候補資格の2つです。


On March 4, 2024, the Nikkei Stock Average closed above 40,000 for the first time, setting a new all-time high. This marks the highest value in 34 years since the collapse of the bubble economy on December 29, 1989.


The United States Supreme Court has ruled in favor of former President Trump’s eligibility to run for president. This decision overturns a previous ruling by the Colorado Supreme Court, which had denied Trump’s candidacy eligibility in connection with the 2021 Capitol riot.


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