英語で紹介 – 避難訓練:自然災害に備える – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. 避難訓練
    • 災害時に安全に避難するための手順を実践する訓練。地震だけでなく、火災や津波など、様々な災害に対応。
  2. “Drop, Cover, and Hold On”技術
    • 地震発生時の安全対策で、「その場でしゃがみ、頭を守り、安全なものに掴まる」という行動。
  3. 緊急キット
    • 災害時に必要な物資をまとめたキット。水、非常食、応急処置キット、懐中電灯、重要な書類などを含みます。
  4. 避難経路と集合地点
    • 災害時に安全な場所へ移動するための経路と、避難後に集まる場所のこと。





会話 / conversation


Have you noticed the increase in earthquakes lately?


Yes, it’s becoming quite concerning. It really highlights the importance of being prepared, especially with evacuation drills.


Speaking of which, I participated in one at work today. It was an eye-opener. We practiced the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique and then evacuated using the route we’d been shown.


That sounds useful. I read that understanding the type of disaster and knowing the best actions to take are crucial. What else did you learn?


Well, we were reminded to have an emergency kit ready and to establish a communication plan with our families. The drill instructor emphasized using technology, like disaster information apps, to stay informed.


Makes sense. Having essentials on hand and knowing how to reach out to loved ones during chaos is vital. Did you go over assembling emergency kits?


Yes, we did. They suggested including water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, flashlights, and important documents. It’s something everyone should have, considering how common natural disasters are here.


Absolutely. And knowing safe evacuation routes and assembly points is just as important. It could save valuable time during an actual emergency.


Exactly. Today’s drill made me realize how unprepared I was. It’s more than just knowing what to do; it’s about making these responses second nature.


True. I think participating in these drills regularly is key to staying calm and collected during real emergencies.


Agreed. It’s something we should all take seriously, not just in workplaces but at schools and in our communities too.


Definitely. It’s about keeping ourselves and others safe. Thanks for sharing your experience, Mack. It’s motivated me to review my own preparedness.


Anytime, Key. It’s better to be overprepared than caught off guard. Let’s both make sure we’re ready for anything.

関連情報 / related information



What is an Evacuation Drill?
An evacuation drill is a practice to prepare people to leave a place quickly and safely during emergencies, like earthquakes or fires. It helps everyone know what to do and where to go when a real disaster happens. This practice is very important in places where natural disasters happen often, such as Japan.

Why are Evacuation Drills Important?
Evacuation drills are important because they teach us how to stay safe during emergencies. By practicing, we learn the best ways to protect ourselves and others. Drills also help us remember safe paths and meeting points, which can save lives when time is critical.

What Do We Learn in an Evacuation Drill?
In an evacuation drill, we learn several key things. First, we practice the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique for earthquakes. We also learn about emergency kits that contain water, food, and first aid supplies. Finally, drills teach us about evacuation routes to take and where to meet outside the danger zone.

Evacuation drills are an essential part of staying safe during disasters. They help us react quickly and effectively, reducing panic and confusion. By participating in these drills, we can protect ourselves and help others in times of need. Remember, being prepared can make a big difference during an emergency.



Japan’s Natural Disasters: An Overview
Japan is a country known for its natural beauty, but it also faces many natural disasters. This is because Japan sits on the “Ring of Fire,” an area with a lot of earthquakes and volcanic activity. Earthquakes are very common, and they can lead to other disasters like tsunamis and landslides.

Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Earthquakes happen often in Japan and can be very powerful. When the earth shakes near the ocean, it can cause a tsunami. A tsunami is a huge wave that can flood the land near the coast. The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami is a sad example that showed how dangerous these natural events can be.

Typhoons and Heavy Rain
Japan also experiences typhoons, which are big storms that come from the ocean. These storms bring very strong winds and heavy rain. The rain can cause flooding and landslides, especially in mountainous areas. Typhoons usually happen between July and October.

Being Prepared
Because natural disasters are common in Japan, it’s important for people to be prepared. This means having emergency kits, knowing evacuation routes, and practicing evacuation drills. Being ready can save lives and help everyone stay safe during these challenging times.


会話 / conversation


Have you noticed the increase in earthquakes lately?



Yes, it’s becoming quite concerning. It really highlights the importance of being prepared, especially with evacuation drills.



Speaking of which, I participated in one at work today. It was an eye-opener. We practiced the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique and then evacuated using the route we’d been shown.



That sounds useful. I read that understanding the type of disaster and knowing the best actions to take are crucial. What else did you learn?



Well, we were reminded to have an emergency kit ready and to establish a communication plan with our families. The drill instructor emphasized using technology, like disaster information apps, to stay informed.



Makes sense. Having essentials on hand and knowing how to reach out to loved ones during chaos is vital. Did you go over assembling emergency kits?



Yes, we did. They suggested including water, non-perishable food, a first aid kit, flashlights, and important documents. It’s something everyone should have, considering how common natural disasters are here.



Absolutely. And knowing safe evacuation routes and assembly points is just as important. It could save valuable time during an actual emergency.



Exactly. Today’s drill made me realize how unprepared I was. It’s more than just knowing what to do; it’s about making these responses second nature.



True. I think participating in these drills regularly is key to staying calm and collected during real emergencies.



Agreed. It’s something we should all take seriously, not just in workplaces but at schools and in our communities too.



Definitely. It’s about keeping ourselves and others safe. Thanks for sharing your experience, Mack. It’s motivated me to review my own preparedness.



Anytime, Key. It’s better to be overprepared than caught off guard. Let’s both make sure we’re ready for anything.


関連情報 / related information



What is an Evacuation Drill?
An evacuation drill is a practice to prepare people to leave a place quickly and safely during emergencies, like earthquakes or fires. It helps everyone know what to do and where to go when a real disaster happens. This practice is very important in places where natural disasters happen often, such as Japan.


Why are Evacuation Drills Important?
Evacuation drills are important because they teach us how to stay safe during emergencies. By practicing, we learn the best ways to protect ourselves and others. Drills also help us remember safe paths and meeting points, which can save lives when time is critical.


What Do We Learn in an Evacuation Drill?
In an evacuation drill, we learn several key things. First, we practice the “Drop, Cover, and Hold On” technique for earthquakes. We also learn about emergency kits that contain water, food, and first aid supplies. Finally, drills teach us about evacuation routes to take and where to meet outside the danger zone.


Evacuation drills are an essential part of staying safe during disasters. They help us react quickly and effectively, reducing panic and confusion. By participating in these drills, we can protect ourselves and help others in times of need. Remember, being prepared can make a big difference during an emergency.




Japan’s Natural Disasters: An Overview
Japan is a country known for its natural beauty, but it also faces many natural disasters. This is because Japan sits on the “Ring of Fire,” an area with a lot of earthquakes and volcanic activity. Earthquakes are very common, and they can lead to other disasters like tsunamis and landslides.


Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Earthquakes happen often in Japan and can be very powerful. When the earth shakes near the ocean, it can cause a tsunami. A tsunami is a huge wave that can flood the land near the coast. The 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami is a sad example that showed how dangerous these natural events can be.


Typhoons and Heavy Rain
Japan also experiences typhoons, which are big storms that come from the ocean. These storms bring very strong winds and heavy rain. The rain can cause flooding and landslides, especially in mountainous areas. Typhoons usually happen between July and October.


Being Prepared
Because natural disasters are common in Japan, it’s important for people to be prepared. This means having emergency kits, knowing evacuation routes, and practicing evacuation drills. Being ready can save lives and help everyone stay safe during these challenging times.


words & phrases



eye-opener : 名詞
意味: 目を覚ますもの、啓発的な体験。Something that surprises and teaches you new facts about life, people, etc.
The documentary on climate change was a real eye-opener for me.
Reading her book was an eye-opener to the struggles she faced.
The workshop was an eye-opener, showing us new techniques.

go over : 動詞句
意味: 徹底的に調べる、見直す、または詳しく説明する。To examine, review, or explain in detail.
Let’s go over the contract again to make sure we didn’t miss anything.
Before the exam, I need to go over my notes one more time.
The manager went over the project plan with the team to ensure everyone understood their tasks.

essentials : 名詞
意味: 必需品、基本的な要素。Necessary items, basic requirements.
Remember to pack the essentials for the trip, like your passport and toothbrush.
Water, food, and shelter are essentials for survival.
Learning the essentials of cooking can greatly improve your diet.

assembly : 名詞
意味: 組み立て、集会。The act of assembling or a group of people gathered together.
The furniture comes with a manual for easy assembly.
The assembly of students listened attentively to the principal’s speech.
Assembly of the new machine took about three hours.

non-perishable : 形容詞
意味: 非常に腐りにくい、長期保存可能な。Items that do not spoil or decay easily and can be stored for a long time.
Non-perishable food items are essential for emergency preparedness kits.
Canned goods are a popular choice for non-perishable donations.
It’s important to have a stock of non-perishable foods in case of natural disasters.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240309)のニュース memo は、鳥山明さん訃報、日本アカデミー賞、ガラス・シーリング・インデックスの3つです。


Akira Toriyama, globally renowned as the creator of ‘Dragon Ball’ and ‘Dr. Slump,’ has passed away at the age of 68. His works, beloved by many, have not only influenced manga but also anime and video games.


The 47th Japan Academy Prize was held on March 8, 2024. The Best Picture Award was won by ‘Godzilla-1.0’.


In the 2023 Glass Ceiling Index, Japan was ranked 28th out of 29 countries, highlighting persistent barriers to women’s career advancement. The country faces challenges such as below-average OECD gender pay gaps and women’s representation in managerial positions.


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