英語で紹介 – 世界幸福度ランキング – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. 世界幸福度ランキングとは?
    • このランキングは、国連が発表する報告書で、各国の住民が自らの幸福度をどう感じているかに基づいています。健康寿命、所得、社会的支援、自由、信頼、寛大さなどの要因を基にしてランキングが作成されます。
  2. フィンランドが1位の理由
    • 社会的支援や政府への信頼が高く評価されています。また、文化的な側面として「シス(sisu)」という概念があり、これは困難に直面したときの粘り強さや回復力を意味します。これらが組み合わさり、フィンランドが高い幸福度を維持している理由とされています。
  3. 日本のランキングが低い理由
    • 日本は自由や寛大さの項目で低いスコアを得ており、これが総合的な幸福度の低さに繋がっています。
    • また、日本の社会文化では自己評価を控えめにする傾向があり、これも自己申告に基づく幸福度スコアに影響。





会話 / conversation


Have you heard about the 2024 World Happiness Report? Finland is at the top again.


Yeah, I saw that! Finland seems to nail it every year. Do you know why they’re always ranked so high?


It’s mainly because of their strong social support, trust in their government, and something called “sisu.” It’s like a cultural concept of resilience. Plus, almost everyone feels they have someone to rely on in tough times.


That’s impressive. What about Japan? I heard we’re not ranked that high.


Right, Japan is 51st. It’s a bit complicated, but our scores in freedom and generosity are quite low. Also, culturally, we tend to rate ourselves modestly, which might affect our happiness score.


Makes sense. I guess our culture of not boasting and always comparing ourselves to a “middle” standard plays a part in this.


Exactly. And it’s interesting to note that the way happiness is measured might not fully align with Japanese societal norms. Some critiques say the survey reflects a more Western perspective of happiness.


That’s a fair point. But, it’s fascinating how these reports make us think about what contributes to happiness, right?


Absolutely! It got me interested in how we can adopt some aspects of Finnish culture, like valuing social support and maybe even trying out their sauna culture to boost our well-being.


Definitely worth exploring. Maybe we can start by being more open to seeking and offering help within our community.


Agreed. Let’s take some lessons from Finland and see if we can make our little corner of Japan a bit happier.


Sounds like a plan. And who knows? Maybe over time, we’ll see Japan climb up the happiness rankings.

関連情報 / related information

2024 世界幸福度ランキング


What is the World Happiness Report?
The World Happiness Report is a study that ranks countries by how happy their citizens say they are. It’s done every year and looks at things like money, health, support from friends, freedom, trust in society, and kindness to figure out the rankings. The United Nations uses this report to help understand and improve people’s well-being around the world.

Why Finland is at the Top
For several years, Finland has been at the top of this happiness list. People in Finland have a lot of social support, trust their government, and live in a clean and beautiful environment. They also have “sisu,” a Finnish idea of staying strong no matter what. This helps them feel happy even when things are tough.

Japan’s Ranking
Japan ranks lower in the happiness report. This is partly because people in Japan have less freedom to make their own life choices and are less likely to say they feel generous. Also, Japanese culture values modesty, which might make people less likely to say they are very happy when asked in a survey.

Culture and Happiness
The report shows that what makes people happy can be different in different countries. In some places, being open and talking about success is normal. In others, like Japan, being modest and not boasting is more common. This difference in culture can affect how people answer happiness surveys.


会話 / conversation


Have you heard about the 2024 World Happiness Report? Finland is at the top again.



Yeah, I saw that! Finland seems to nail it every year. Do you know why they’re always ranked so high?



It’s mainly because of their strong social support, trust in their government, and something called “sisu.” It’s like a cultural concept of resilience. Plus, almost everyone feels they have someone to rely on in tough times.



That’s impressive. What about Japan? I heard we’re not ranked that high.



Right, Japan is 51st. It’s a bit complicated, but our scores in freedom and generosity are quite low. Also, culturally, we tend to rate ourselves modestly, which might affect our happiness score.



Makes sense. I guess our culture of not boasting and always comparing ourselves to a “middle” standard plays a part in this.



Exactly. And it’s interesting to note that the way happiness is measured might not fully align with Japanese societal norms. Some critiques say the survey reflects a more Western perspective of happiness.



That’s a fair point. But, it’s fascinating how these reports make us think about what contributes to happiness, right?



Absolutely! It got me interested in how we can adopt some aspects of Finnish culture, like valuing social support and maybe even trying out their sauna culture to boost our well-being.



Definitely worth exploring. Maybe we can start by being more open to seeking and offering help within our community.



Agreed. Let’s take some lessons from Finland and see if we can make our little corner of Japan a bit happier.



Sounds like a plan. And who knows? Maybe over time, we’ll see Japan climb up the happiness rankings.


関連情報 / related information



What is the World Happiness Report?
The World Happiness Report is a study that ranks countries by how happy their citizens say they are. It’s done every year and looks at things like money, health, support from friends, freedom, trust in society, and kindness to figure out the rankings. The United Nations uses this report to help understand and improve people’s well-being around the world.


Why Finland is at the Top
For several years, Finland has been at the top of this happiness list. People in Finland have a lot of social support, trust their government, and live in a clean and beautiful environment. They also have “sisu,” a Finnish idea of staying strong no matter what. This helps them feel happy even when things are tough.


Japan’s Ranking
Japan ranks lower in the happiness report. This is partly because people in Japan have less freedom to make their own life choices and are less likely to say they feel generous. Also, Japanese culture values modesty, which might make people less likely to say they are very happy when asked in a survey.


Culture and Happiness
The report shows that what makes people happy can be different in different countries. In some places, being open and talking about success is normal. In others, like Japan, being modest and not boasting is more common. This difference in culture can affect how people answer happiness surveys.


words & phrases



nail : 動詞 
意味: 成功させる、見事にやり遂げる。To complete a task successfully or to do something perfectly.
He really nailed his presentation.
She nails every task she’s given, no matter how challenging.
To nail the interview, he prepared for weeks.

resilience: 名詞 
意味: 回復力、弾力性。The ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has happened.
Her resilience after the loss was inspiring.
Resilience is key to overcoming challenges.
Building resilience in children is important for their development.

align with : 動詞句 /əˈlaɪn wɪð/
意味: 一致する、合わせる。To agree with or match a particular idea, cause, or set of rules.
Your actions must align with your words.
Our goals align with the company’s vision.
To achieve harmony, our efforts need to align with each other.

corner : 名詞 
意味: 角、隅。部屋、街角などの角の部分。A place where two or more streets meet. Figuratively, it can refer to a specific aspect or part of something larger.
We turned the corner and saw the restaurant.「私たちは角を曲がり、レストランを見つけた。」
I always find peace in my little corner of the garden.
Let’s find a quiet corner in the library to study.「勉強するために図書館の静かな隅を見つけましょう。」

modesty : 名詞 
意味: 謙遜、控えめさ。The quality of not talking about or not trying to make people notice your abilities and achievements.
She accepted the award with modesty.
His modesty prevents him from bragging about his achievements.
Modesty is a valued virtue in many cultures.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240327)のニュース memo は、2024年公示地価、大谷翔平選手 記者会見、紅麹サプリ 被害の3つです。


The official land prices for 2024 were announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism. The national average increased by 2.3% compared to the previous year. This marks the third consecutive year of increases.


Shohei Ohtani held a press conference to deny involvement in illegal sports betting. He stated that he has never placed a bet on anything or requested a transfer of funds to a gambling operator.


The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare announced that two people died after consuming supplements containing red yeast rice from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical. Approximately 80 people have been hospitalized.


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