英語で説明 – 桜の開花:春の風物詩 – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. 花見
    • 春の風物詩で、桜の花を観賞する行事です。公園や川沿いなどで、家族や友人、同僚と一緒に桜の下で食事を楽しんだり、美しい桜を眺めたりします。
    • 花見では、おにぎり、お弁当、唐揚げなどの食べ物やビール、日本酒などの飲み物を楽しみます。
  2. 桜前線
    • 春になると南から北へ桜の開花が進む現象を指します。気象庁が開花予報を発表します。
  3. 人気の花見スポット
    • 東京には多くの花見スポットがありますが、特に人気が高いのは上野公園、目黒川、新宿御苑などです。

>> 「桜の開花予想を英語で紹介」はこちら





会話 / conversation


Did you catch the news? The Japan Meteorological Agency finally announced Tokyo’s cherry blossom forecast. It looks like they’ll bloom a bit later than usual this year.


Yeah, I read about it! I’m really looking forward to hanami. Any particular place in Tokyo you’re eyeing for this year?


I’ve been thinking about either Ueno Park or Meguro River. I make it a point to see the cherry blossoms every year, and those spots never disappoint. What about you?


Both are fantastic choices. But there’s something about Meguro River at night with those lanterns lighting up the cherry blossoms… It feels like a scene from a movie.


Absolutely. And Ueno Park during the day is just so lively. The food stalls, the picnic crowds – it really captures the essence of hanami for me.


Did you know the cherry blossom front, or “sakura zensen,” progresses northward across Japan? It’s incredible how it marks the changing seasons.


It’s such a poetic time of year, right? The blossoms are a reminder of the transient beauty of life. “Mono no aware,” the Japanese call it.


Exactly. Speaking of which, do you have any hanami traditions?


Well, I usually grab some food and drinks, often sake, and enjoy the company of friends under the cherry blossoms. Sometimes, in Ueno Park, we rent a boat for a different view of the blossoms from the water.


That does sound nice. I tend to take a leisurely walk along Meguro River, snapping lots of photos. The blossoms reflecting off the water create such a serene atmosphere.


This year, I’m thinking of trying something new. Maybe joining one of the night festivals. I heard the Sumida River and Asukayama Park have great evening illuminations.


That’s a great idea. The evening illuminations add a whole new dimension to hanami. Plus, Asukayama Park is a bit less crowded, offering a more relaxed experience.


Right? It’d be nice to have a more chill hanami for a change. We should definitely plan a day for it. How about we also check out some lesser-known spots? I’ve heard Shinjuku Gyoen has a mix of early and late-blooming varieties.


Count me in! Shinjuku Gyoen sounds perfect for catching blossoms if we miss the peak elsewhere. Let’s finalize our plans soon and make the most of the cherry blossom season.


Agreed. I’ll start looking into the best days for us to go based on the bloom predictions. This year’s hanami is going to be unforgettable!


Absolutely, I can’t wait. This year’s hanami will surely be one for the books. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for good weather!

関連情報 / related information

花見 / Hanami : The Joy of Cherry Blossoms


Introduction to Hanami
Hanami, or cherry blossom viewing, is a cherished tradition in Japan that welcomes spring. People gather in parks, gardens, and along riverbanks to admire the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms. This event symbolizes the arrival of warmer weather and is a time for joy and renewal.

The Beauty of Cherry Blossoms
Cherry blossoms, or sakura, are known for their delicate pink flowers. They bloom for a short period, usually from late March to early April, creating a stunning landscape across Japan. The blossoms are celebrated for their beauty and the transient nature of life, as they only last for a week or two before falling.

Celebrating Together
During hanami, families, friends, and colleagues spread picnic blankets under cherry trees to enjoy food, drinks, and conversation. Popular foods include onigiri (rice balls), sushi, and seasonal sweets. Sake and non-alcoholic beverages are also enjoyed. Some parks host festivals with food stalls and lanterns for nighttime viewing, known as yozakura.

Popular Spots and Timing
Iconic spots for hanami in Tokyo include Ueno Park and the Meguro River. People check the cherry blossom forecast to plan their outings, aiming to catch the peak bloom. Despite the crowds, the atmosphere is festive, with everyone coming together to appreciate the beauty of nature.

A Tradition of Reflection
Hanami is more than just a flower viewing party; it’s a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty and impermanence of life. It brings communities together and is a highlight of the Japanese cultural calendar, eagerly anticipated by all.


会話 / conversation


Did you catch the news? The Japan Meteorological Agency finally announced Tokyo’s cherry blossom forecast. It looks like they’ll bloom a bit later than usual this year.



Yeah, I read about it! I’m really looking forward to hanami. Any particular place in Tokyo you’re eyeing for this year?



I’ve been thinking about either Ueno Park or Meguro River. I make it a point to see the cherry blossoms every year, and those spots never disappoint.



Both are fantastic choices. But there’s something about Meguro River at night with those lanterns lighting up the cherry blossoms… It feels like a scene from a movie.

どちらも素晴らしい選択肢だね。でも、夜の目黒川で提灯が桜を照らす様子は… まるで映画の一場面みたいだよ。


Absolutely. And Ueno Park during the day is just so lively. The food stalls, the picnic crowds – it really captures the essence of hanami for me.



Did you know the cherry blossom front, or ‘sakura zensen,’ progresses northward across Japan? It’s incredible how it marks the changing seasons.



It’s such a poetic time of year, right? The blossoms are a reminder of the transient beauty of life. ‘Mono no aware,’ the Japanese call it.



Exactly. Speaking of which, do you have any hanami traditions?



Well, I usually grab some food and drinks, often sake, and enjoy the company of friends under the cherry blossoms. Sometimes, in Ueno Park, we rent a boat for a different view of the blossoms from the water.



This year, I’m thinking of trying something new. Maybe joining one of the night festivals. I heard the Sumida River and Asukayama Park have great evening illuminations.



That’s a great idea. The evening illuminations really add another layer to the hanami experience. Plus, those spots are a bit less crowded, so it might offer a more relaxed atmosphere.



Exactly. We should also consider some less-known spots. I’ve heard Shinjuku Gyoen has a great mix of early and late blooming cherry trees. It might be a good backup if we miss the peak bloom elsewhere.



I love that plan. Let’s make sure to check the bloom forecasts regularly and set a date. This year, we’re going all out for hanami.



And let’s not forget the food! A hanami isn’t complete without some delicious snacks and sake. We should start thinking about what to bring.



Definitely. I’ll bring my famous homemade onigiri. They’re always a hit.



Perfect. I’ll take care of the drinks then. Let’s make this hanami unforgettable.


関連情報 / related information

花見 / Hanami : The Joy of Cherry Blossoms


Introduction to Hanami
Hanami, or cherry blossom viewing, is a cherished tradition in Japan that welcomes spring. People gather in parks, gardens, and along riverbanks to admire the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms. This event symbolizes the arrival of warmer weather and is a time for joy and renewal.


The Beauty of Cherry Blossoms
Cherry blossoms, or sakura, are known for their delicate pink flowers. They bloom for a short period, usually from late March to early April, creating a stunning landscape across Japan. The blossoms are celebrated for their beauty and the transient nature of life, as they only last for a week or two before falling.


Celebrating Together
During hanami, families, friends, and colleagues spread picnic blankets under cherry trees to enjoy food, drinks, and conversation. Popular foods include onigiri (rice balls), sushi, and seasonal sweets. Sake and non-alcoholic beverages are also enjoyed. Some parks host festivals with food stalls and lanterns for nighttime viewing, known as yozakura.


Popular Spots and Timing
Iconic spots for hanami in Tokyo include Ueno Park and the Meguro River. People check the cherry blossom forecast to plan their outings, aiming to catch the peak bloom. Despite the crowds, the atmosphere is festive, with everyone coming together to appreciate the beauty of nature.


A Tradition of Reflection
Hanami is more than just a flower viewing party; it’s a moment to pause and reflect on the beauty and impermanence of life. It brings communities together and is a highlight of the Japanese cultural calendar, eagerly anticipated by all.


words & phrases



transient : 形容詞
意味: 一時的な、はかない。Temporary or short-lived.
The beauty of the cherry blossoms is transient.
Transient visitors filled the city during the festival.
Happiness can sometimes be transient.

leisurely : 形容詞
意味: ゆっくりとした、のんびりとした。Unhurried or relaxed.
We took a leisurely walk through the park.
She spent a leisurely afternoon reading a book.
The boat moved at a leisurely pace.

fleeting : 形容詞
意味: つかの間の、短期間の。Lasting for a very short time.
The cherry blossoms offer a fleeting beauty.
Life is full of fleeting moments.
He caught a fleeting glimpse of the bird.

festive : 形容詞
意味: 祝祭の、お祭り気分の。Relating to a festival or celebration, joyous.
The streets were festive during the cherry blossom season.
We had a festive dinner with family.
The atmosphere was festive and cheerful.

impermanence : 名詞
意味: 儚さ、一時的な性質。The state of not lasting forever.
The impermanence of cherry blossoms reminds us of the fleeting nature of life.
I’ve come to appreciate the beauty of impermanence.
The concept of impermanence is central to many philosophies.

今日のニュース memo

今日(2024031)のニュース memo は、小林製薬工場 立ち入り検査、NHK朝ドラ「ブギウギ」終了、フォーミュラE 開催の3つです。


In response to the issue of individuals developing kidney diseases and other health problems after consuming health food products containing red yeast rice from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical, the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, along with Osaka city, conducted an on-site inspection on the 30th at the Osaka factory that manufactures the red yeast rice ingredient, based on the Food Sanitation Act.


“Boogie Woogie,” the 109th series of NHK’s serial TV novels, is a fictional drama based on the post-war singer Shizuko Kasagi. It concluded on the 29th.


Formula E, a racing series for fully electric vehicles, held a race on March 30, 2024, around the Big Sight Convention Center located at the waterfront of Tokyo Bay in Ariake.

フォーミュラEは、完全電動車のレーシングシリーズで、2024年3月30日に東京湾のウォーターフロントにある有明のビッグサイト コンベンション センター周辺でレースが行われました。

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