英語で紹介 – 京都二条城:桜の夜間ライトアップ – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介







  1. 二条城について
    • 二条城は京都にあり、徳川家康によって1603年に建設されました。世界文化遺産に登録されています。
  2. 桜の夜間ライトアップ
    • 二条城では桜の木がライトアップされ、夜にも桜を楽しむことができる特別なイベントが開催されます。
  3. 鶯張りの廊下
    • 鶯張りの廊下を歩くと鳴き声のような音がします。侵入者を知らせる目的で使われていました。




会話 / conversation


Have you heard about the cherry blossom night viewing at Nijo Castle? I’m thinking of visiting this spring.


Yeah, I have! Nijo Castle is pretty famous for its springtime cherry blossoms. The illumination at night is supposed to be magical.


That sounds wonderful. I’ve read that Nijo Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Do you know why it’s so significant?


Well, it was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1603 and served as a residence for the Tokugawa shoguns. It’s a great example of Edo period architecture and power. Plus, the Ninomaru Palace inside is decorated with lavish gold leaf and has those unique Nightingale Floors.


Nightingale Floors? What are those?


They’re a type of security measure. The floors were designed to chirp like nightingales when someone walks on them, alerting the occupants to intruders.


That’s really interesting! And I suppose the gardens are worth a visit too?


Absolutely. They’re stunning, especially during cherry blossom season. The whole atmosphere changes, and the illuminated cherry blossoms at night offer a breathtaking view. It’s a popular event, so it might be crowded, but definitely worth it.


It sounds like the perfect place for cherry blossom viewing. How about the history? I’m eager to learn more when I visit.


You’ll find lots of historical significance there, especially related to the Tokugawa shogunate. For example, the castle witnessed the declaration of the restoration of imperial rule in 1867, marking the end of the Edo period.


I can’t wait to see it all and maybe take part in some cultural experiences. Do you know if they offer guided tours in English?


I believe they do during the cherry blossom season. There should be plenty of information available at the entrance, or you can check online beforehand.


Great idea! Let’s plan to go together. It will be an amazing experience to learn about Japanese history and enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms at Nijo Castle.


Count me in! It’s always more enjoyable to explore and learn new things with a friend. Let’s make it a memorable spring visit.

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Nijo Castle
Nijo Castle is a famous historic castle in Kyoto, Japan. It was built in 1603 by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Edo period. The castle is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its beautiful architecture and gardens. It was used as a residence for the Tokugawa shoguns.

Architecture and Design
The castle is famous for its “Nightingale Floors” that make a chirping sound when walked on, designed to alert of intruders. The luxurious Ninomaru Palace inside the castle is decorated with gold leaf and beautiful carvings. The palace has several rooms, each designed for different purposes, showing the rich culture of the Edo period.

Beautiful Gardens
Nijo Castle is surrounded by stunning gardens. These gardens have a variety of trees and flowers, including cherry blossoms and plum trees. In spring, the cherry blossoms bloom beautifully, making it a popular spot for visitors. The gardens are designed in a traditional Japanese style, offering a peaceful and scenic view.

Cherry Blossom Viewing
In spring, Nijo Castle holds a cherry blossom viewing event at night. The cherry trees are lit up, creating a magical atmosphere. This event is very popular and attracts many visitors. It’s a unique experience to see the cherry blossoms in a historical setting, under the beautiful night lights.

Nijo Castle is not just a place of historical importance but also a site of beauty. Visiting the castle gives you a glimpse into Japan’s rich history and culture, especially during the cherry blossom season. It’s a must-visit place for anyone traveling to Kyoto.


会話 / conversation


Have you heard about the cherry blossom night viewing at Nijo Castle? I’m thinking of visiting this spring.

二条城の桜の夜間ライトアップについて聞いたことある? この春に行こうかと思ってるんだ。


Yeah, I have! Nijo Castle is pretty famous for its springtime cherry blossoms. The illumination at night is supposed to be magical.



That sounds wonderful. I’ve read that Nijo Castle is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Do you know why it’s so significant?



Well, it was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu in 1603 and served as a residence for the Tokugawa shoguns. It’s a great example of Edo period architecture and power. Plus, the Ninomaru Palace inside is decorated with lavish gold leaf and has those unique Nightingale Floors.



Nightingale Floors? What are those?



They’re a type of security measure. The floors were designed to chirp like nightingales when someone walks on them, alerting the occupants to intruders.



That’s really interesting! And I suppose the gardens are worth a visit too?

それは本当に興味深いね! そして、庭園も訪れる価値があると思うよ?


Absolutely. They’re stunning, especially during cherry blossom season. The whole atmosphere changes, and the illuminated cherry blossoms at night offer a breathtaking view. It’s a popular event, so it might be crowded, but definitely worth it.



It sounds like the perfect place for cherry blossom viewing. How about the history? I’m eager to learn more when I visit.

桜を見るのに完璧な場所のようだね。歴史についてはどう? 訪れたときにもっと学びたいんだ。


You’ll find lots of historical significance there, especially related to the Tokugawa shogunate. For example, the castle witnessed the declaration of the restoration of imperial rule in 1867, marking the end of the Edo period.



I can’t wait to see it all and maybe take part in some cultural experiences. Do you know if they offer guided tours in English?



I believe they do during the cherry blossom season. There should be plenty of information available at the entrance, or you can check online beforehand.



Great idea! Let’s plan to go together. It will be an amazing experience to learn about Japanese history and enjoy the beautiful cherry blossoms at Nijo Castle.

いい考えだね! 一緒に行く計画を立てよう。日本の歴史について学び、二条城で美しい桜を楽しむのは素晴らしい体験になるだろうね。


Count me in! It’s always more enjoyable to explore and learn new things with a friend. Let’s make it a memorable spring visit.

乗った! 友達と一緒に新しいことを探求して学ぶのはいつもより楽しいからね。記憶に残る春の訪問にしよう。

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Nijo Castle
Nijo Castle is a famous historic castle in Kyoto, Japan. It was built in 1603 by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Edo period. The castle is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its beautiful architecture and gardens. It was used as a residence for the Tokugawa shoguns.


Architecture and Design
The castle is famous for its “Nightingale Floors” that make a chirping sound when walked on, designed to alert of intruders. The luxurious Ninomaru Palace inside the castle is decorated with gold leaf and beautiful carvings. The palace has several rooms, each designed for different purposes, showing the rich culture of the Edo period.


Beautiful Gardens
Nijo Castle is surrounded by stunning gardens. These gardens have a variety of trees and flowers, including cherry blossoms and plum trees. In spring, the cherry blossoms bloom beautifully, making it a popular spot for visitors. The gardens are designed in a traditional Japanese style, offering a peaceful and scenic view.


Cherry Blossom Viewing
In spring, Nijo Castle holds a cherry blossom viewing event at night. The cherry trees are lit up, creating a magical atmosphere. This event is very popular and attracts many visitors. It’s a unique experience to see the cherry blossoms in a historical setting, under the beautiful night lights.


Nijo Castle is not just a place of historical importance but also a site of beauty. Visiting the castle gives you a glimpse into Japan’s rich history and culture, especially during the cherry blossom season. It’s a must-visit place for anyone traveling to Kyoto.


words & phrases



lavish: 形容詞 
意味: 豪華な、贅沢な。Very generous or extravagant.
The banquet was lavish, with an abundance of exquisite dishes.
They lived in a lavish mansion filled with expensive furniture.
The wedding was celebrated with lavish decorations.

chirp: 動詞 /ˈtʃɜːrp/
意味: (小鳥が)チュンチュンと鳴く。A short, sharp sound made by small birds or insects.
The birds chirp loudly in the morning.
I love listening to the chirp of crickets at night.
「私は夜にコオロギの鳴き声を聞くのが好きです。」The sound of chirping filled the early spring air.

occupant: 名詞 
意味: 占有者、居住者。A person who occupies a place or a position.
The previous occupant of the apartment left it very clean.
The new occupants of the house are very friendly.
Every occupant of the building must follow the rules.

intruder: 名詞 
意味: 侵入者。Someone who enters a place without permission.
The alarm system is designed to deter intruders.
An intruder broke into the house while we were on vacation.
The camera caught the image of an intruder last night.

witness: 動詞 
意味: 目撃する。To see something happen, especially an accident or crime.
She witnessed the accident and called the police.
Many people gathered to witness the annual festival.
He was called to witness in the court case.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240405)のニュース memo は、東京都心 桜満開、大谷選手 ドジャース移籍後HR1号、自民党政治資金問題 39人処分の3つです。


On April 4th, the Meteorological Agency announced that the cherry blossoms in central Tokyo had reached full bloom. This weekend seems to be the perfect time for cherry blossom viewing.


After transferring to the Dodgers, Shohei Ohtani hit his first home run of the season, marking his first home run since the transfer. This long-awaited home run came in the 9th game of the season, at his 41st at-bat.


In connection with the Liberal Democratic Party’s political funding issue, 39 members of the Diet are set to be disciplined. The members facing discipline are those whose omissions in the political funds balance reports amounted to more than 5 million yen or executives who failed to take appropriate measures.


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