英語で紹介 – 春の鈴鹿:2024F1日本GP – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. F1日本グランプリ
    • 世界最高峰の自動車レース、Formula 1の一戦で、日本では鈴鹿国際レーシングコースで開催されます。
    • 2024年は春にスケジュールされており、桜の季節と重なります。
  2. 角田裕毅
    • 日本人F1ドライバーで、若手ながら注目を集めています。
  3. 環境への配慮
    • F1は環境負荷を減らす取り組みを進めており、2030年までにカーボンニュートラルを目指しています。レースの日程変更も、この取り組みの一環です。
  4. 鈴鹿サーキット:
    • F1日本グランプリが開催されるサーキットで、独特な「8の字」形状のコースが特徴。その歴史と難易度の高さから、世界中のドライバーにとって名誉ある舞台とされています。





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, did you hear the 2024 F1 Japanese Grand Prix is this weekend? I’m thinking of watching it on TV.


Really? I heard it’s in April now. Perfect timing with the cherry blossoms. What got you interested in F1 all of a sudden?


Well, I’ve been catching up on it. Did you know Max Verstappen won the championship last year? And we have a Japanese driver, Yuki Tsunoda, in the race too.


Oh, Tsunoda? That’s cool. Having a local hero to cheer for makes it even more exciting. Plus, Suzuka Circuit is legendary.


Exactly! And moving the race to spring helps avoid typhoon season. It’s also part of F1’s effort to reduce its carbon footprint. They aim to be net-zero by 2030.


Wow, I didn’t realize F1 was pushing for sustainability like that. Is it big here in Japan?


Definitely, especially with Tsunoda competing. F1’s popularity is on the rise globally, and having the race during the cherry blossom season draws in more fans.


Sounds like a great time to start following. So, where can we watch it?


It’s being broadcast on DAZN. I was thinking of going to Suzuka, but tickets are sold out. Let’s watch it on TV this year and plan to go to Suzuka next year.


Watching from home sounds good for now. And going to Suzuka next year would be amazing! Count me in.


Great! Watching Tsunoda race at home will be special. Imagine the crowd’s energy if he performs well.


Let’s make Suzuka next year our goal. It’ll be an adventure.


Agreed! I’ll look into the details for next year. This weekend, let’s enjoy the race from the comfort of home.


Deal. It’s going to be an exciting race. I can’t wait!

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to the 2024 Japanese Grand Prix
The 2024 Formula 1 Japanese Grand Prix, set against the stunning backdrop of Japan’s cherry blossom season, marks a springtime highlight in the global F1 calendar. Hosted at the renowned Suzuka International Racing Course, this event is celebrated for its demanding “figure-eight” layout, offering both drivers and fans an exhilarating experience.

Suzuka’s Challenge and Charm
Renowned for its complex corners and high-speed stretches, the Suzuka Circuit stands as a pinnacle of racing excitement within the Formula 1 community. Its historical significance and technical demands have made it a beloved venue, promising unforgettable racing moments each year.

Environmental Forward Thinking
The decision to host the Grand Prix in spring aligns with Formula 1’s broader environmental strategy, aiming for a carbon-neutral footprint by 2030. This timing allows for greater operational flexibility, potentially reducing the carbon emissions associated with logistics and travel. Moreover, the stable spring weather can lead to fewer disruptions, minimizing the need for unexpected travel and thus lessening the environmental impact.

The Essence of the Event
The 2024 Japanese Grand Prix transcends mere racing; it’s a fusion of thrilling competition, cultural splendor, and environmental consciousness. Amidst Suzuka’s challenging turns, under the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms, the event is a testament to Formula 1’s commitment to excellence and sustainability.

With its thoughtful scheduling, iconic venue, and dedication to green initiatives, the 2024 F1 Japanese Grand Prix epitomizes the essence of modern motorsport. This event is not just about the race itself but also showcases the harmonious blend of nature, culture, and technology, offering a compelling spectacle for fans worldwide.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, did you hear the 2024 F1 Japanese Grand Prix is this weekend? I’m thinking of watching it on TV.



Really? I heard it’s in April now. Perfect timing with the cherry blossoms. What got you interested in F1 all of a sudden?



Well, I’ve been catching up on it. Did you know Max Verstappen won the championship last year? And we have a Japanese driver, Yuki Tsunoda, in the race too.



Oh, Tsunoda? That’s cool. Having a local hero to cheer for makes it even more exciting. Plus, Suzuka Circuit is legendary.



Exactly! And moving the race to spring helps avoid typhoon season. It’s also part of F1’s effort to reduce its carbon footprint. They aim to be net-zero by 2030.



Wow, I didn’t realize F1 was pushing for sustainability like that. Is it big here in Japan?



Definitely, especially with Tsunoda competing. F1’s popularity is on the rise globally, and having the race during the cherry blossom season draws in more fans.



Sounds like a great time to start following. So, where can we watch it?



It’s being broadcast on DAZN. I was thinking of going to Suzuka, but tickets are sold out. Let’s watch it on TV this year and plan to go to Suzuka next year.



Watching from home sounds good for now. And going to Suzuka next year would be amazing! Count me in.



Great! Watching Tsunoda race at home will be special. Imagine the crowd’s energy if he performs well.



Let’s make Suzuka next year our goal. It’ll be an adventure.



Agreed! I’ll look into the details for next year. This weekend, let’s enjoy the race from the comfort of home.



Deal. It’s going to be an exciting race. I can’t wait!


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to the 2024 Japanese Grand Prix
The 2024 Formula 1 Japanese Grand Prix, set against the stunning backdrop of Japan’s cherry blossom season, marks a springtime highlight in the global F1 calendar. Hosted at the renowned Suzuka International Racing Course, this event is celebrated for its demanding “figure-eight” layout, offering both drivers and fans an exhilarating experience.


Suzuka’s Challenge and Charm
Renowned for its complex corners and high-speed stretches, the Suzuka Circuit stands as a pinnacle of racing excitement within the Formula 1 community. Its historical significance and technical demands have made it a beloved venue, promising unforgettable racing moments each year.


Environmental Forward Thinking
The decision to host the Grand Prix in spring aligns with Formula 1’s broader environmental strategy, aiming for a carbon-neutral footprint by 2030. This timing allows for greater operational flexibility, potentially reducing the carbon emissions associated with logistics and travel. Moreover, the stable spring weather can lead to fewer disruptions, minimizing the need for unexpected travel and thus lessening the environmental impact.


The Essence of the Event
The 2024 Japanese Grand Prix transcends mere racing; it’s a fusion of thrilling competition, cultural splendor, and environmental consciousness. Amidst Suzuka’s challenging turns, under the fleeting beauty of cherry blossoms, the event is a testament to Formula 1’s commitment to excellence and sustainability.


With its thoughtful scheduling, iconic venue, and dedication to green initiatives, the 2024 F1 Japanese Grand Prix epitomizes the essence of modern motorsport. This event is not just about the race itself but also showcases the harmonious blend of nature, culture, and technology, offering a compelling spectacle for fans worldwide.


words & phrases



legendary : 形容詞
意味: 伝説的な、非常に有名な。Remarkably famous or well-known, often because of special quality or ability.
The Suzuka Circuit is legendary for its challenging layout.
He became a legendary figure in the world of motorsport.
The legendary performance still talked about today.

competing : 動詞(現在分詞)
意味:競争する、競い合う。 To take part in a contest or race against others.
Drivers from all over the world are competing in the Japanese Grand Prix.
Competing in F1 requires not just skill, but also a deep strategic understanding.
The two teams are competing for the championship title.

exhilarating : 形容詞 
意味:スリルのある、わくわくするような。Making one feel very excited and energetic.
Watching the cars speed down the track was an exhilarating experience.
The race offers an exhilarating spectacle for the fans.
I find skydiving both terrifying and exhilarating.

pinnacle : 名詞
意味: 頂点、最高点。The highest or most successful point; the peak.
( 鈴鹿サーキットがフォーミュラ1の世界で達成できる「最高点」として言及されることを指す)
Reaching the pinnacle of one’s career is a moment of great pride.
The Suzuka Circuit is considered the pinnacle of motorsport racing.
Winning the championship was the pinnacle of his achievements.

transcend : 動詞
意味:超える、上回る。To go beyond or rise above a normal limit or level.(2024年のF1日本グランプリが、ただのレースを「超えた」存在であることを指す)
The significance of the event transcends mere entertainment.
Her talent transcends that of her peers.
The beauty of the cherry blossoms transcends words.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240406)のニュース memo は、春の全国交通安全運動、東京都「ライドシェア」、台湾地震 100万ドル資金協力の3つです。


The National Spring Traffic Safety Campaign is being held from April 6th to 15th. This campaign aims to spread the concept of traffic safety widely among the public, encouraging adherence to traffic rules and the habitual practice of proper traffic manners.


In some areas of Tokyo, a “ridesharing” service, where individuals use their private cars to transport people for a fee, will start on the 8th. This service is managed by taxi companies and will be introduced in areas and at times where taxis are scarce.


Foreign Minister Kamikawa announced that, in response to the earthquake with its epicenter off the eastern coast of Taiwan, Japan will provide Taiwan with emergency grant aid amounting to one million dollars.


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