アルテミス計画とは? 日本人宇宙飛行士が月に! – 宇宙開発の話題で実践的英会話 / Practical English through Space Development !








  1. アルテミス計画とは
    • NASAが主導するこの計画は、人類を再び月に送り込むことを目標としています。
  2. 日米間の合意
    • 日米間の合意により、日本人宇宙飛行士が月面に着陸する予定です。
  3. 使用技術
    • 日本が開発したプレステージド・ムーン・ローバーが月面環境での活動支援に使用されます。





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, did you catch the news about Japan and the U.S. reaching an agreement on the Artemis program?


I heard something about that. They agreed to send a Japanese astronaut to the Moon, right?


Yes, the plan is for one Japanese astronaut to land on the Moon in 2028 as part of the Artemis IV mission. Another astronaut might join in 2032. It’s a significant step in international collaboration for space exploration.


That’s pretty exciting! What kind of technology are they using for the mission?


They’re planning to use a rover that Japan is developing. It’s pressurized, which means the astronauts can ride inside without full space suits, making it easier to explore the lunar surface.


Interesting! And why do they call it the Artemis program?


It’s named after Artemis, the Greek goddess and twin sister of Apollo, who represents the moon. It symbolizes the continuation of lunar exploration that began with the Apollo program.


What else is happening before the 2028 landing?


Before that, Artemis II is scheduled for 2025, which will take astronauts around the Moon without landing. Then, Artemis III in 2026 aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon’s South Pole.


So they’re ramping up quite a bit then. What’s the ultimate goal of these missions?


They want to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon to prepare for future missions to Mars and beyond. It’s all about laying the groundwork for more ambitious endeavors.


That makes sense. How are the astronauts preparing for this?


They undergo extensive training to handle the challenges of space travel and lunar exploration. Japan’s space agency, JAXA, is heavily involved in their preparation.


It must be a thrilling time to be involved in space exploration.


Absolutely. And the technology developed for these missions could also benefit us here on Earth, especially in terms of robotics and life support systems.


It’s amazing to think about the impact of these missions. I’m looking forward to seeing that first landing in 2028.


Me too, Key. It will be a monumental moment in the history of space travel. We should definitely watch it live!


Absolutely! Let’s plan for that. It’ll be a great way to see the results of this international cooperation.

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to the Artemis Program

The Artemis program is a space mission organized by NASA, the United States space agency. Its main goal is to return humans to the Moon, with the first crewed mission now scheduled for 2025 and the subsequent mission to land the first woman and the next man near the Moon’s South Pole in 2026. This will be the first time humans will land at the Moon’s South Pole.

International Cooperation

The Artemis program is notable for its international cooperation. Countries like Japan, Canada, and European nations are contributing technology and expertise. For example, Japan is developing a specialized moon rover that will be used in the missions. This cooperation is crucial for the success of the missions and future space exploration.

Technology and Missions

The program will use advanced technology to ensure safety and success. It includes building a new space station around the Moon, called Gateway, which will serve as a stopover for astronauts going to and from the Moon. The first mission, Artemis I, was an uncrewed test flight around the Moon. Artemis II will send astronauts on a lunar flyby, and Artemis III will land astronauts on the Moon.

Japan-U.S. Agreement and Future Plans

As part of the international collaboration, a significant agreement between Japan and the U.S. will see a Japanese astronaut landing on the Moon in 2028. This landmark step underscores the collaborative efforts under the Artemis program. Besides returning to the Moon, the Artemis program aims to establish a sustainable presence there to prepare for future missions to Mars. The experiences and technologies developed through Artemis will help in planning these longer, more complex missions. This step-by-step approach helps ensure that each phase builds on the last, making space travel safer and more efficient.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, did you catch the news about Japan and the U.S. reaching an agreement on the Artemis program?



I heard something about that. They agreed to send a Japanese astronaut to the Moon, right?



Yes, the plan is for one Japanese astronaut to land on the Moon in 2028 as part of the Artemis IV mission. Another astronaut might join in 2032. It’s a significant step in international collaboration for space exploration.



That’s pretty exciting! What kind of technology are they using for the mission?



They’re planning to use a rover that Japan is developing. It’s pressurized, which means the astronauts can ride inside without full space suits, making it easier to explore the lunar surface.



Interesting! And why do they call it the Artemis program?



It’s named after Artemis, the Greek goddess and twin sister of Apollo, who represents the moon. It symbolizes the continuation of lunar exploration that began with the Apollo program.



What else is happening before the 2028 landing?



Before that, Artemis II is scheduled for 2025, which will take astronauts around the Moon without landing. Then, Artemis III in 2026 aims to land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon’s South Pole.



So they’re ramping up quite a bit then. What’s the ultimate goal of these missions?



They want to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon to prepare for future missions to Mars and beyond. It’s all about laying the groundwork for more ambitious endeavors.



That makes sense. How are the astronauts preparing for this?



They undergo extensive training to handle the challenges of space travel and lunar exploration. Japan’s space agency, JAXA, is heavily involved in their preparation.



It must be a thrilling time to be involved in space exploration.



Absolutely. And the technology developed for these missions could also benefit us here on Earth, especially in terms of robotics and life support systems.



It’s amazing to think about the impact of these missions. I’m looking forward to seeing that first landing in 2028.



Me too, Key. It will be a monumental moment in the history of space travel. We should definitely watch it live!



Absolutely! Let’s plan for that. It’ll be a great way to see the results of this international cooperation.


関連情報 / related information



International Cooperation

The Artemis program is notable for its international cooperation. Countries like Japan, Canada, and European nations are contributing technology and expertise. For example, Japan is developing a specialized moon rover that will be used in the missions. This cooperation is crucial for the success of the missions and future space exploration.



Technology and Missions

The program will use advanced technology to ensure safety and success. It includes building a new space station around the Moon, called Gateway, which will serve as a stopover for astronauts going to and from the Moon. The first mission, Artemis I, was an uncrewed test flight around the Moon. Artemis II will send astronauts on a lunar flyby, and Artemis III will land astronauts on the Moon.



Japan-U.S. Agreement and Future Plans

As part of the international collaboration, a significant agreement between Japan and the U.S. will see a Japanese astronaut landing on the Moon in 2028. This landmark step underscores the collaborative efforts under the Artemis program. Besides returning to the Moon, the Artemis program aims to establish a sustainable presence there to prepare for future missions to Mars and beyond. The experiences and technologies developed through Artemis will help in planning these longer, more complex missions. This step-by-step approach helps ensure that each phase builds on the last, making space travel safer and more efficient.



words & phrases


rover : 名詞
意味: 惑星や月の表面を移動するために設計された車両。 A vehicle designed to move across the surface of a planet or moon.
The rover will explore the surface of Mars.
NASA launched a rover to collect samples from the moon.
Engineers are developing a new rover for the next lunar mission.

pressurized : 形容詞
意味: 外部条件がそれを妨げる可能性がある環境で通常の気圧を維持することMaintaining normal air pressure in an environment where external conditions might prevent it.
The spacecraft has a pressurized cabin to protect astronauts.
Pressurized containers are used to store gases.
Engineers are testing a new pressurized suit for deep-sea divers.

continuation : 名詞
意味: 継続する行為または継続されている状態。 The act of continuing or the state of being continued.
The continuation of the project depends on funding.
This meeting is a continuation of last week’s discussion.
The series will see a continuation next year.

ramp up : 動詞
意味: 何かの量、速度、または強度を増やすこと。 To increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something.
We need to ramp up production to meet the deadline.
The company is ramping up its efforts to expand into new markets.
As the project progresses, we will ramp up our investment.

stopover : 名詞
意味: 最終目的地ではない場所での短い滞在で、通常は長い旅の一部。 A short stay in a place that is not the final destination, usually part of a long journey.
We have a stopover in Dubai before reaching our final destination.
Many travelers use the city as a stopover on their way to Europe.
The flight includes a brief stopover in Tokyo.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240413)のニュース memo は、水原一平容疑者 約24億円不正送金、日本の総人口推計 1億2435万人 13年連続減少、消費者庁 機能性表示食品 緊急点検の3つです。


Suspect Ippei Mizuhara has been charged with illicitly transferring approximately 2.4 billion yen from the bank account of baseball player Shohei Ohtani. It is alleged that this amount was used by Mizuhara to repay debts incurred from illegal gambling.


As of October 1, 2023, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications in Japan estimates the total population at 124,352,000, a decrease of 595,000 from the previous year, marking the 13th consecutive year of population decline. Additionally, the population aged 75 and older has reached 20,078,000, an increase of 713,000 compared to the same month the previous year.


The Consumer Affairs Agency has conducted an emergency inspection on Foods with Function Claims, announcing that there have been 117 reports of health issues across 18 products. This action was taken in response to issues related to supplements containing “red yeast rice” from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical.


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