英語で説明 – 杉玉:新酒の季節を告げる – 英会話ダイアローグを通して








  1. 杉玉
    • 新しい酒の醸造が始まったことを示すために、日本の酒蔵の入り口に吊るされます。
    • 新鮮な杉の枝で作られ、初めは鮮やかな緑色で、時間が経つにつれて茶色に変わります。
    • この色の変化は、お酒が熟成していく過程を象徴しています。
  2. 酒造りのサイクル
    • 日本の酒造りは季節に深く関わっています。
    • 秋に収穫された米を使用して冬に醸造が行われ、春に新酒が完成します。
  3. 新酒祭り
    • 春になると、新しい酒造りのシーズンを祝うために、新酒祭りや酒蔵開放などのイベントが開催されます。
    • これらの祭りでは、新酒の試飲や酒蔵の見学が楽しめます。




会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I saw this interesting cedar ball hanging at the entrance of a local brewery yesterday. Do you know anything about it?


Oh, you’re talking about a Sugidama! They’re quite traditional here in Japan. Made from fresh cedar branches, breweries hang them to indicate that new sake has been brewed.


Interesting! I noticed it was a bright green color. Does that mean something?


Exactly! When a Sugidama is first hung, its bright green color signifies the new sake season. Over time, as the sake matures, the color fades to brown. It’s a natural indicator of the sake’s aging process.


That’s fascinating! I’ve become really interested in Sugidama and would love to learn more. Is there a specific time when breweries start making sake?


Yes, sake brewing is deeply tied to the seasons. It begins with rice harvested in autumn. The brewing process occurs during winter, and by spring, the new sake is ready. That’s why you see Sugidama being hung from late winter to early spring.


So, spring must be a special time with new sake being released. Are there any celebrations?


Definitely! Spring is when “New Sake Festivals” happen. Breweries open up for tours, and you can taste the new sake. It’s a great way to experience Japanese culture and the excitement around new sake.


Sounds like a plan! I’d love to visit one of these festivals. It would be a great opportunity to see a Sugidama in its prime and taste some fresh sake.


I’ll keep an eye out for the next festival. Let’s go together! It’s a unique experience, especially seeing how the community celebrates the new sake season.


Thanks, Key! Learning about Sugidama has given me a deeper appreciation for Japanese traditions. I’m looking forward to experiencing a festival firsthand.


My pleasure, Mack! There’s so much to explore, and the festivals are just the beginning. We’ll dive into the world of sake together.

関連情報 / related information



What is Sugidama?

Sugidama is a traditional Japanese decoration made of fresh cedar branches formed into a ball. It’s often seen hanging at the entrance of sake breweries. The green color of a new Sugidama symbolizes the start of a new sake brewing season. As time passes and the sake ages, the Sugidama slowly turns brown. This change in color indicates the aging process of the sake inside the brewery.

The Purpose of Sugidama

The main purpose of Sugidama is to show that new sake has been brewed. It also represents the purity and cleanliness necessary for brewing sake, which is very important in Japanese culture. By hanging a Sugidama, breweries tell everyone that their new sake is ready to be enjoyed. It’s a traditional way to announce the completion of sake brewing.

Sake Brewing Cycle

Sake brewing in Japan follows a seasonal cycle. It starts with rice harvested in the autumn, continues with brewing in winter, and by spring, the new sake is ready. This cycle is closely linked to the Sugidama. The new Sugidama is hung in spring to announce that the sake brewed from last autumn’s rice is now ready to be enjoyed. This tradition highlights the connection between the seasonal cycle of sake brewing and the symbolic meaning of the Sugidama.

Celebrating New Sake

In spring, when the new sake is ready, many breweries and towns in Japan celebrate with “New Sake Festivals.” These festivals are a great opportunity for people to try the new sake, visit breweries, and learn more about the sake brewing process. The festivals are a fun way for everyone to enjoy the traditions and tastes of sake together.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I saw this interesting cedar ball hanging at the entrance of a local brewery yesterday. Do you know anything about it?



Oh, you’re talking about a Sugidama! They’re quite traditional here in Japan. Made from fresh cedar branches, breweries hang them to indicate that new sake has been brewed.



Interesting! I noticed it was a bright green color. Does that mean something?



Exactly! When a Sugidama is first hung, its bright green color signifies the new sake season. Over time, as the sake matures, the color fades to brown. It’s a natural indicator of the sake’s aging process.



That’s fascinating! I’ve become really interested in Sugidama and would love to learn more. Is there a specific time when breweries start making sake?



Yes, sake brewing is deeply tied to the seasons. It begins with rice harvested in autumn. The brewing process occurs during winter, and by spring, the new sake is ready. That’s why you see Sugidama being hung from late winter to early spring.



So, spring must be a special time with new sake being released. Are there any celebrations?



Definitely! Spring is when “New Sake Festivals” happen. Breweries open up for tours, and you can taste the new sake. It’s a great way to experience Japanese culture and the excitement around new sake.



Sounds like a plan! I’d love to visit one of these festivals. It would be a great opportunity to see a Sugidama in its prime and taste some fresh sake.



I’ll keep an eye out for the next festival. Let’s go together! It’s a unique experience, especially seeing how the community celebrates the new sake season.



Thanks, Key! Learning about Sugidama has given me a deeper appreciation for Japanese traditions. I’m looking forward to experiencing a festival firsthand.



My pleasure, Mack! There’s so much to explore, and the festivals are just the beginning. We’ll dive into the world of sake together.


関連情報 / related information



What is Sugidama?
Sugidama is a traditional Japanese decoration made of fresh cedar branches formed into a ball. It’s often seen hanging at the entrance of sake breweries. The green color of a new Sugidama symbolizes the start of a new sake brewing season. As time passes and the sake ages, the Sugidama slowly turns brown. This change in color indicates the aging process of the sake inside the brewery.


The Purpose of Sugidama
The main purpose of Sugidama is to show that new sake has been brewed. It also represents the purity and cleanliness necessary for brewing sake, which is very important in Japanese culture. By hanging a Sugidama, breweries tell everyone that their new sake is ready to be enjoyed. It’s a traditional way to announce the completion of sake brewing.


Sake Brewing Cycle
Sake brewing in Japan follows a seasonal cycle. It starts with rice harvested in the autumn, continues with brewing in winter, and by spring, the new sake is ready. This cycle is closely linked to the Sugidama. The new Sugidama is hung in spring to announce that the sake brewed from last autumn’s rice is now ready to be enjoyed. This tradition highlights the connection between the seasonal cycle of sake brewing and the symbolic meaning of the Sugidama.


Celebrating New Sake
In spring, when the new sake is ready, many breweries and towns in Japan celebrate with “New Sake Festivals.” These festivals are a great opportunity for people to try the new sake, visit breweries, and learn more about the sake brewing process. The festivals are a fun way for everyone to enjoy the traditions and tastes of sake together.


words & phrases



cedar : 名詞 
意味: 杉。A type of evergreen tree.
Cedar trees are known for their aromatic wood.
We used cedar branches to make the traditional decoration.
The scent of cedar is calming and is often used in spas.

brewery : 名詞 
意味: 酒蔵。A place where beer is made commercially.
We toured a local brewery to learn how beer is made.
The brewery has been producing sake for over a hundred years.
Each brewery has its unique method of brewing sake.

fade : 動詞 
意味: 色あせる、徐々に消える。To lose brightness or color; to disappear gradually.
The color of the fabric will fade over time.
As the sun set, the light began to fade.
The memories of that summer began to fade as years passed.

prime : 名詞 
意味: 最高の状態、全盛期。The state of being the best or most flourishing condition.
The athlete said he was still in his prime and ready to compete.
Many artists produce their best work in the prime of their lives.
The garden is in its prime in early summer, with all the flowers blooming.

purity : 名詞 
意味: 純度、純粋さ。The quality of being pure; free from contaminants.
The purity of the water is crucial for brewing good sake.
This skincare product is known for its purity and natural ingredients.
He admired the purity of her voice in the performance.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240415)のニュース memo は、日本製鉄の米鉄鋼大手USスチール買収案 USスチール臨時株主総会で承認、大阪・関西万博 公式キャラクターラッピング新幹線運行開始、ドジャースの大谷翔平選手元通訳 詐欺容疑で訴追の3つです。


The proposal by Nippon Steel to acquire the major American steel manufacturer U.S. Steel was approved by a majority at the U.S. Steel special shareholders meeting held on the 12th. Nippon Steel aims to complete the acquisition by September 2024, pending regulatory approval.


The wrapping Shinkansen featuring ‘Myakumyaku,’ the official mascot of the 2025 Osaka-Kansai Expo, has begun operations. This special Shinkansen is running on the Tokaido-Sanyo, Sanyo-Kyushu, and Hokuriku lines to boost the excitement for the Expo.


Former interpreter Ippei Mizuhara has been indicted on charges of bank fraud for illegally transferring money from the account of Dodgers player Shohei Ohtani. He appeared in federal court in Los Angeles and was granted bail. The bail conditions include a no-contact order and the payment of bail money.

元通訳の水原一平容疑者が、ドジャースの大谷翔平選手の口座から不正送金したとして、銀行詐欺容疑で訴追され、ロサンゼルスの連邦地裁に出廷し、保釈されました。保釈条件には、接触禁止や保釈金の支払いが含まれています 。

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