英語で紹介 – オーバードーズ(過剰摂取)の危険性 – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. オーバードーズとは
    • ある物質を推奨される量以上に摂取し、体がそれを処理できずに起こる重篤な健康問題です。
    • 影響を受けやすい物質としては、処方薬、市販薬、アルコール、違法薬物など、多種多様です。
  2. 若者におけるオーバードーズのリスク要因
    • 好奇心、社会的圧力、薬物へのアクセスの容易さ、情報不足などが若者をリスクにさらします。
  3. 予防と対処
    • 教育と意識の向上が重要で、薬物の安全な使用方法、緊急時の対応方法を知ることが予防につながります。




会話 / conversation


Hey Key, did you hear about the recent increase in overdose cases in Japan? It’s becoming a serious issue.


Yeah, I read about it. Overdose can happen with not just illegal drugs but also with prescription meds and alcohol, right?


Exactly. Even over-the-counter drugs can be dangerous if taken in large amounts. I bought some painkillers yesterday, and the pharmacist stressed not to take more than the recommended dose.


It’s surprising how something so common can be so dangerous. What’s causing all these overdoses among young people?


A lot of it comes down to lack of knowledge and social pressures. Some think it’s safe to experiment, but they don’t realize the risks.


I’ve seen that. There’s also the problem of easy access through the internet and friends. It’s like the dangers are downplayed.


True. That’s why education and awareness are key. Knowing the signs of an overdose and how to act can save lives.


Speaking of which, what are the signs?


Things like confusion, vomiting, slow breathing, or even passing out. If you see someone showing these signs, it’s critical to call for emergency help immediately.


Got it. I guess spreading the word and keeping an eye out for friends could really make a difference.


Definitely. And for those struggling, seeking help early is important. There are programs and treatments available.


It’s all about staying informed and supportive. Thanks for the chat, Mack. I feel like I understand the issue a lot better now.


Anytime, Key. It’s important to talk about these things. Let’s keep the conversation going.

関連情報 / related information



What is an Overdose?
An overdose happens when someone takes more of a substance, like drugs or alcohol, than their body can handle. It can make them very sick or even cause death. Overdoses can be accidental, like taking too much medicine by mistake, or on purpose, like trying to harm oneself.

Common Causes
Overdoses often involve prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, illegal drugs, or alcohol. Sometimes, people take too much medicine trying to feel better or because they don’t know the right amount to take. Young people might experiment with drugs out of curiosity or peer pressure, increasing their risk of overdosing.

Signs and Prevention
Signs of an overdose can include being very sleepy, having trouble breathing, or not being able to wake up. It’s important to know these signs to get help quickly. Teaching people, especially young ones, about the dangers of taking too much medicine or drugs can help prevent overdoses. It’s also good to keep medicines away from children and not to share prescription drugs with others.

Getting Help
If you think someone has overdosed, call for emergency help right away. There are treatments that can save lives if given in time. Talking about drug safety and the risks of overdose can make a big difference. Schools and communities often have programs to teach people how to stay safe.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, did you hear about the recent increase in overdose cases in Japan? It’s becoming a serious issue.

ねえキー、日本でオーバードーズのケースが最近増えているって聞いた? これが深刻な問題になっているんだ。


Yeah, I read about it. Overdose can happen with not just illegal drugs but also with prescription meds and alcohol, right?



Exactly. Even over-the-counter drugs can be dangerous if taken in large amounts. I bought some painkillers yesterday, and the pharmacist stressed not to take more than the recommended dose.



It’s surprising how something so common can be so dangerous. What’s causing all these overdoses among young people?



A lot of it comes down to lack of knowledge and social pressures. Some think it’s safe to experiment, but they don’t realize the risks.



I’ve seen that. There’s also the problem of easy access through the internet and friends. It’s like the dangers are downplayed.



True. That’s why education and awareness are key. Knowing the signs of an overdose and how to act can save lives.



Speaking of which, what are the signs?



Things like confusion, vomiting, slow breathing, or even passing out. If you see someone showing these signs, it’s critical to call for emergency help immediately.



Got it. I guess spreading the word and keeping an eye out for friends could really make a difference.



Definitely. And for those struggling, seeking help early is important. There are programs and treatments available.



It’s all about staying informed and supportive. Thanks for the chat, Mack. I feel like I understand the issue a lot better now.



Anytime, Key. It’s important to talk about these things. Let’s keep the conversation going.


関連情報 / related information



What is an Overdose?
An overdose happens when someone takes more of a substance, like drugs or alcohol, than their body can handle. It can make them very sick or even cause death. Overdoses can be accidental, like taking too much medicine by mistake, or on purpose, like trying to harm oneself.


Common Causes
Overdoses often involve prescription medicines, over-the-counter drugs, illegal drugs, or alcohol. Sometimes, people take too much medicine trying to feel better or because they don’t know the right amount to take. Young people might experiment with drugs out of curiosity or peer pressure, increasing their risk of overdosing.


Signs and Prevention
Signs of an overdose can include being very sleepy, having trouble breathing, or not being able to wake up. It’s important to know these signs to get help quickly. Teaching people, especially young ones, about the dangers of taking too much medicine or drugs can help prevent overdoses. It’s also good to keep medicines away from children and not to share prescription drugs with others.


Getting Help
If you think someone has overdosed, call for emergency help right away. There are treatments that can save lives if given in time. Talking about drug safety and the risks of overdose can make a big difference. Schools and communities often have programs to teach people how to stay safe.


words & phrases


over-the-counter : 形容詞
意味: 処方箋不要で購入できる。Available for purchase without a prescription.
You can buy over-the-counter pain relievers at any pharmacy.
Many over-the-counter medications are effective for treating common colds.
She prefers using over-the-counter skincare products.

painkiller : 名詞
意味: 痛み止めの薬。A drug that reduces or eliminates pain.
He took a painkiller to relieve his headache.
「彼は頭痛を和らげるために痛み止めを飲んだ。」 Doctors often prescribe painkillers after surgery.
「医師は手術後によく痛み止めを処方します。」 Overusing painkillers can lead to health problems.

dose : 名詞
意味: 1回分の薬量。A specific quantity of medicine taken at one time.
He forgot to take his morning dose of medication.
The doctor increased the dose of her medication.
It’s important to follow the prescribed dose to avoid side effects.

confusion : 名詞
意味: 混乱。A state of being bewildered or unclear in one’s mind about something.
There was a lot of confusion at the scene of the accident.
Symptoms of overdose may include confusion and dizziness.
To avoid confusion, please follow the instructions carefully.

prescription medicines : 名詞
意味: 処方薬。Medicines that can only be obtained with a doctor’s prescription.
Prescription medicines should only be used by the person whose name is on the prescription.
She went to the pharmacy to fill her prescription for antibiotics.
Always check with your doctor before stopping any prescription medicines.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240417)のニュース memo は、民法改正案 衆院可決、34年ぶり円安、一力棋聖 3連覇の3つです。


The bill for the Civil Code revision, centered on the introduction of “joint custody,” was passed by a majority vote in the House of Representatives plenary session on April 12, 2024.


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