英会話で説明 ! ゴールデンウィークとは / How to talk about Golden Week











会話 / conversation


Hey Key, Golden Week’s almost here, huh? The whole stretch from Showa Day on the 29th of April to Children’s Day on the 5th of May.


Yep, it’s a week packed with holidays! Families usually plan trips or visit theme parks. What’s your plan?


I haven’t decided yet. I know places like Tokyo get super crowded. Traveling anywhere far without pre-planning is tough during this week.


Definitely, I read that trains and popular spots are jam-packed. Many folks book their trips and tickets well ahead to avoid the hassle.


Exactly! Each day’s a celebration, starting with Showa Day, then Constitution Day on May 3rd, followed by Greenery Day, and ending with Children’s Day. It’s interesting how each day has its own significance.


True, it’s a reflection of Japanese culture and history. Lots of people also engage in local festivities or take short day trips nearby. Have you thought about exploring nearby places?


Thinking of maybe a day in Yokohama or Kamakura. Close enough to avoid travel stress but still a change of scenery. What about you?


I’m planning a quiet week; maybe some local sightseeing. Parks will be full of families and friends enjoying picnics and the outdoors.


Sounds good. Avoiding the major crowds seems like a wise choice. Should we plan a day trip together, maybe hit up Kamakura?


Kamakura sounds great! Let’s look into train schedules and make a plan. Early morning should help us beat the crowds.


Perfect, I’ll look into it and let you know. Golden Week’s a perfect time to enjoy the outdoors before the rainy season starts.


Agreed. Let’s make the most of it!

関連情報 / related information



What is Golden Week?
Golden Week in Japan is a collection of four national holidays that occur within one week at the end of April and beginning of May. It starts on April 29 with Showa Day, a day to reflect on the Showa era and its historical events. This is followed by Constitution Memorial Day on May 3, celebrating the enactment of the Japanese constitution. May 4 is Greenery Day, a day to appreciate nature and the environment. Finally, May 5 is Children’s Day, a day for celebrating children’s happiness and growth.

Travel During Golden Week
During Golden Week, many people in Japan take the opportunity to travel either within the country or abroad, making it one of the busiest travel times of the year. Popular destinations get very crowded, and transportation, including trains and planes, can be heavily booked. This week is seen as a chance to relax with family and friends, and many travel agencies offer special Golden Week tours and packages.

Planning for Golden Week
Because of the heavy demand, it’s important to plan your Golden Week holiday well in advance. Booking accommodations and travel tickets early is crucial to avoid the last-minute rush and high prices. It’s also a good time to visit local parks, go hiking, or participate in cultural festivals if you prefer to avoid traveling far. The weather during this period is generally mild, making it ideal for outdoor activities.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, Golden Week’s almost here, huh? The whole stretch from Showa Day on the 29th of April to Children’s Day on the 5th of May.



Yep, it’s a week packed with holidays! Families usually plan trips or visit theme parks. What’s your plan?



I haven’t decided yet. I know places like Tokyo get super crowded. Traveling anywhere far without pre-planning is tough during this week.



Definitely, I read that trains and popular spots are jam-packed. Many folks book their trips and tickets well ahead to avoid the hassle.



Exactly! Each day’s a celebration, starting with Showa Day, then Constitution Day on May 3rd, followed by Greenery Day, and ending with Children’s Day. It’s interesting how each day has its own significance.



True, it’s a reflection of Japanese culture and history. Lots of people also engage in local festivities or take short day trips nearby. Have you thought about exploring nearby places?



Thinking of maybe a day in Yokohama or Kamakura. Close enough to avoid travel stress but still a change of scenery. What about you?



I’m planning a quiet week; maybe some local sightseeing. Parks will be full of families and friends enjoying picnics and the outdoors.



Sounds good. Avoiding the major crowds seems like a wise choice. Should we plan a day trip together, maybe hit up Kamakura?



Kamakura sounds great! Let’s look into train schedules and make a plan. Early morning should help us beat the crowds.



Perfect, I’ll look into it and let you know. Golden Week’s a perfect time to enjoy the outdoors before the rainy season starts.



Agreed. Let’s make the most of it!


関連情報 / related information



What is Golden Week?
Golden Week in Japan is a collection of four national holidays that occur within one week at the end of April and beginning of May. It starts on April 29 with Showa Day, a day to reflect on the Showa era and its historical events. This is followed by Constitution Memorial Day on May 3, celebrating the enactment of the Japanese constitution. May 4 is Greenery Day, a day to appreciate nature and the environment. Finally, May 5 is Children’s Day, a day for celebrating children’s happiness and growth.


Travel During Golden Week
During Golden Week, many people in Japan take the opportunity to travel either within the country or abroad, making it one of the busiest travel times of the year. Popular destinations get very crowded, and transportation, including trains and planes, can be heavily booked. This week is seen as a chance to relax with family and friends, and many travel agencies offer special Golden Week tours and packages.


Planning for Golden Week
Because of the heavy demand, it’s important to plan your Golden Week holiday well in advance. Booking accommodations and travel tickets early is crucial to avoid the last-minute rush and high prices. It’s also a good time to visit local parks, go hiking, or participate in cultural festivals if you prefer to avoid traveling far. The weather during this period is generally mild, making it ideal for outdoor activities.


words & phrases



jam-packed: 形容詞
意味: 満員の、ぎっしり詰まった。Very crowded or tightly packed.
The train to Kyoto was jam-packed with tourists.
I could barely move in the jam-packed store during the sale.
We arrived at a jam-packed beach and couldn’t find a place to sit.

hassle: 名詞
意味: 面倒、苦労。Trouble or difficulty.
Getting tickets during Golden Week is always a hassle.
I don’t want to deal with the hassle of driving during the holidays.
Avoiding the hassle of crowded places, we chose a quiet park.

festivities: 名詞
意味: 祝祭、お祭り騒ぎ。Celebrations, especially those of a public nature.
The city was alive with the sound of festivities for Children’s Day.
We joined the local festivities and enjoyed traditional performances.
The Golden Week festivities include parades and fireworks.

hit up: 動詞句
意味: (人に)連絡する、(場所に)立ち寄る。To contact someone or visit a place, often casually or informally.
Let’s hit up some cafes in Harajuku during our trip.
I’m going to hit up my friend for some advice on where to go.
We hit up several spots that were recommended in the travel guide.

enactment: 名詞
意味: 法律化、制定。The process of passing legislation or the act of making something law.
The enactment of the new law caused widespread debate.
Constitution Memorial Day celebrates the enactment of Japan’s constitution.
The government is preparing for the enactment of several important policies.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240427)のニュース memo は、「スマホソフトウェア競争促進法案」閣議決定、富士山 黒幕設置、笠谷さんの3つです。


The Japanese government approved the “Smartphone Software Competition Enhancement Bill” in a cabinet meeting on April 26, 2024. This bill aims to strengthen regulations against major tech companies such as Apple and Google.


Mount Fuji is a popular photo spot for tourists, and pictures featuring Mount Fuji with convenience stores are frequently posted on social media. Considering the safety of tourists and the convenience of local residents, the town of Fujikawaguchiko has decided to install a black curtain measuring 20 meters wide and 2.5 meters high along the sidewalk to obscure the view of Mount Fuji.


Mr. Yukio Kasaya is known for becoming Japan’s first Winter Olympics gold medalist by winning the gold in the 70-meter ski jump at the 1972 Sapporo Winter Olympics. He passed away at the age of 80 on April 23, 2024.


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