英語で紹介 – OP技術 : フェイクニュースへの対抗策 – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介







  1. OP技術(Originator Profile Technology)の基本
    • インターネット上のコンテンツが信頼できる情報源から発信されたかを確認するためのデジタル識別子を使用。
  2. デジタル識別子
    • コンテンツに付与されるユニークなマーカーで、その情報の出所を証明するために使われます。
  3. フェイクニュース
    • インターネット社会では、フェイクニュースや誤情報が大きな問題となっています。
  4. ウェブ標準としての可能性
    • OP技術は、広く受け入れられることでウェブ標準の一部となる可能性があります。
  5. メディアと広告業界への影響
    • 信頼できる情報源からのコンテンツであることが証明されると、メディア企業や広告主は自社のブランド信頼性を高め、広告の透明性を向上させることができます。




会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you heard about this new technology called OP Technology? It’s getting a lot of attention for fighting fake AI-generated news.


Yeah, I’ve read a bit about it. Originator Profile Technology, right? It embeds a digital identifier into content to verify its source. Sounds promising!


Exactly! It’s fascinating because it helps browsers and apps to confirm if the information comes from a reliable source. I’m really interested in how it’s developed.


That’s right. They’ve got this group, the Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership, that’s pushing it forward. They’re actually a bunch of big names in media and advertising working together.


I heard that they’re planning trials and want to make it a web standard. Do you think it’ll really help reduce misinformation online?


Definitely. If it becomes widely accepted, we could see a lot less fake news. It makes the internet a bit safer, don’t you think?


For sure. It also seems like it could help advertisers know where their ads are going, making advertising more transparent.


Speaking of transparency, the technology also allows users to see validated information about the content creator, like their editorial policies and privacy practices.


That’s a level of detail I hadn’t considered. Knowing more about the creator could really change how we view content online.


Absolutely. And the more it’s used, the more developers will want to integrate it into their platforms. It could really shift how we interact with online information.


I’m curious about the technical side. How exactly do they embed these identifiers?


From what I understand, each piece of content gets a unique digital marker, verified by third parties. This marker is then readable by any system that supports OP Technology.


It sounds like a big step towards a more trustworthy internet. I’d love to see how it continues to develop!


Me too, Mack. It’s definitely a technology to keep an eye on. Watching how it evolves will be interesting.


I think I’ll follow their developments more closely. Thanks for the info, Key!


Anytime, Mack. It’s always good to stay informed about these things!

関連情報 / related information



What is OP Technology?
OP Technology, or Originator Profile Technology, helps ensure that information shared on the internet comes from reliable sources. This technology uses digital markers or identifiers that are embedded in digital content, such as articles, videos, and advertisements. These markers verify the authenticity of the content, making it easier for users and algorithms to trust the information they find online.

How It Works
The process begins by embedding a unique digital identifier into each piece of content. This identifier contains verified details about the content’s creator, such as their name, organization, and contact information. It may also include their editorial policies and privacy practices. This information is then verified by third-party organizations, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.

The Impact on Fake News
One of the main goals of OP Technology is to combat the spread of fake news. By making the origins of online content clear and verifiable, it helps users distinguish between real news and misleading or false information. This is especially important in today’s digital age, where AI and other technologies can easily generate misleading content.

Benefits for Media and Advertising
For media companies and advertisers, OP Technology offers a way to enhance transparency and build trust with their audience. When content is clearly labeled with a trusted source, it boosts the credibility of the platform and protects advertisers from being associated with unreliable or harmful content. This transparency is crucial for maintaining consumer trust in an increasingly skeptical digital environment.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you heard about this new technology called OP Technology? It’s getting a lot of attention for fighting fake AI-generated news.

ねえKey、OP技術という新しい技術を聞いたことがある? それがAIが生成した偽ニュースと戦うために多くの注目を集めているんだ。


Yeah, I’ve read a bit about it. Originator Profile Technology, right? It embeds a digital identifier into content to verify its source. Sounds promising!

うん、少し読んだよ。Originator Profile Technologyだよね? コンテンツにデジタル識別子を埋め込んでその情報源を検証するんだ。有望に聞こえるね!


Exactly! It’s fascinating because it helps browsers and apps to confirm if the information comes from a reliable source. I’m really interested in how it’s developed.

その通り! ブラウザやアプリが情報が信頼できる情報源から来ているかを確認するのを助けるから面白いんだ。その開発方法にとても興味があるよ。


That’s right. They’ve got this group, the Originator Profile Collaborative Innovation Partnership, that’s pushing it forward. They’re actually a bunch of big names in media and advertising working together.

そうだね。彼らは「オリジネータープロファイル技術研究組合」 というグループを持っていて、それが技術を推進しているんだ。実際には、メディアと広告の大手が協力しているんだよ。


I heard that they’re planning trials and want to make it a web standard. Do you think it’ll really help reduce misinformation online?



Definitely. If it becomes widely accepted, we could see a lot less fake news. It makes the internet a bit safer, don’t you think?



For sure. It also seems like it could help advertisers know where their ads are going, making advertising more transparent.



Speaking of transparency, the technology also allows users to see validated information about the content creator, like their editorial policies and privacy practices.



That’s a level of detail I hadn’t considered. Knowing more about the creator could really change how we view content online.



Absolutely. And the more it’s used, the more developers will want to integrate it into their platforms. It could really shift how we interact with online information.



I’m curious about the technical side. How exactly do they embed these identifiers?



From what I understand, each piece of content gets a unique digital marker, verified by third parties. This marker is then readable by any system that supports OP Technology.



It sounds like a big step towards a more trustworthy internet. I’d love to see how it continues to develop!



Me too, Mack. It’s definitely a technology to keep an eye on. Watching how it evolves will be interesting.



I think I’ll follow their developments more closely. Thanks for the info, Key!



Anytime, Mack. It’s always good to stay informed about these things!


関連情報 / related information



What is OP Technology?
OP Technology, or Originator Profile Technology, helps ensure that information shared on the internet comes from reliable sources. This technology uses digital markers or identifiers that are embedded in digital content, such as articles, videos, and advertisements. These markers verify the authenticity of the content, making it easier for users and algorithms to trust the information they find online.


How It Works
The process begins by embedding a unique digital identifier into each piece of content. This identifier contains verified details about the content’s creator, such as their name, organization, and contact information. It may also include their editorial policies and privacy practices. This information is then verified by third-party organizations, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.


The Impact on Fake News
One of the main goals of OP Technology is to combat the spread of fake news. By making the origins of online content clear and verifiable, it helps users distinguish between real news and misleading or false information. This is especially important in today’s digital age, where AI and other technologies can easily generate misleading content.


Benefits for Media and Advertising
For media companies and advertisers, OP Technology offers a way to enhance transparency and build trust with their audience. When content is clearly labeled with a trusted source, it boosts the credibility of the platform and protects advertisers from being associated with unreliable or harmful content. This transparency is crucial for maintaining consumer trust in an increasingly skeptical digital environment.


words & phrases



embed : 動詞 
意味 :埋め込む、組み込む。何かを固定的に取り付けること。To fix something firmly into a substance.
The video platform allows users to embed videos on their websites.
We can embed a link to the source within the document.
Embedding analytics into the application can provide real-time data.

identifier : 名詞 
意味 :識別子、同定子。何かを識別するためのマークや番号。A mark or a number that identifies something.
Each product has a unique identifier that helps track it in the system.
The police checked the car’s identifier to find its owner.
You need a user identifier to log into the online platform.

verify : 動詞 
意味 :確認する、検証する。情報が正しいかどうかを調べること。To make sure or demonstrate that something is true, accurate, or justified.
We need to verify your identity before you can use our service.
The scientist verified the results with additional experiments.
Please verify that all your details are correct.

confirm : 動詞 
意味 :確認する。事実や正確性を再確認すること。To establish the truth or correctness of something previously believed or suspected to be the case.
Can you confirm the time of our meeting tomorrow?
I need to confirm your booking details before we proceed.
The manager confirmed that the report was accurate.

validate : 動詞 
意味 :検証する、正当性を確認する。何かが正しいか合理的であることを確認する行為。To check or prove the validity or accuracy of something.
The data needs to be validated before it can be used.
We must validate the software to ensure it meets our standards.
The experiment was designed to validate the theory.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240503)のニュース memo は、憲法記念日、岸田首相プレゼント、フジコ・ヘミングさんの3つです。


Constitution Memorial Day is a national holiday established to commemorate the enactment of the Constitution of Japan on May 3, 1947. This day is an opportunity to deeply reflect on peace and democracy, and to contemplate the future of the country.


Prime Minister Fumio Kishida presented French President Emmanuel Macron with Edo Kiriko glassware featuring characters from “Dragon Ball.” President Macron had previously posted a message of condolence when Akira Toriyama, the creator of “Dragon Ball,” passed away.


Fujiko Hemming passed away at the age of 92. Known as the “miraculous pianist,” she continued to play the piano even after losing her hearing. May she rest in peace.


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