英語で紹介 – 21世紀美術館: 金沢美術館探訪 – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. 21世紀美術館の概要
    • 2004年に開館した金沢市の現代美術館で、国内外からの注目を集める建築と展示で知られています。
    • 金沢駅からバスで約15分、または徒歩で30分の位置にあります。
  2. 主要な展示作品
    • 「スイミング・プール」などのインスタレーションが有名で、視覚的な錯覚を楽しむことができます。
    • 美術館では多言語の情報提供があり、外国人観光客にも親しみやすい設計となっています。
  3. 周辺の観光スポット
    • 兼六園や東茶屋街など、金沢の伝統的な日本庭園や古い町並みを楽しむことができます。
    • 近江町市場では新鮮な海鮮丼をはじめとする地元食材を味わうことができます。





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I heard that the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa is quite a spot. Planning to visit soon. Know anything about it?


Absolutely, Mack! It’s not just a museum; it’s an architectural marvel. The building is made entirely of glass and is circular, offering a 360-degree view from inside out.


Sounds intriguing! What about the exhibits? Anything special?


Definitely! One of the most famous pieces is the “Swimming Pool” by Leandro Erlich. It plays with your senses, making you feel like you’re underwater when you’re not. It’s a hit, especially on social media.


That must look amazing in photos! How do I get there from the Kanazawa station?


It’s pretty convenient. You can take a bus from the station and be there in about 15 minutes. Or if you prefer walking, it’s a nice 30-minute stroll through some beautiful parts of the city.


Great, I might walk then. Is the museum popular with foreigners as well?


Yes, it attracts visitors from all over the world. It offers information in several languages, and the interactive exhibits are quite engaging, regardless of where you’re from.


That’s perfect. I’m always on the lookout for places where language isn’t a barrier. How about the surroundings? Anything else to see?


Oh, plenty! Kenrokuen Garden is nearby, one of Japan’s three great gardens. And if you have time, stroll through the Higashi Chaya District for some traditional teahouse vibes.


Sounds like a full day of exploring! And I’m thinking of trying some local food. Any recommendations?


Definitely check out Omicho Market. It’s famous for its fresh seafood bowls. You’ll love the vibrant atmosphere and the fresh tastes. It’s not far from the museum, either.


Perfect! Fresh seafood after a day of art and gardens sounds ideal. Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m looking forward to it even more now.


Anytime, Mack. Enjoy Kanazawa—it’s a gem!

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, located in Kanazawa, Japan, is a popular destination for art lovers and tourists. Opened in 2004, this museum is well-known for its unique architectural design and its focus on contemporary art. The building’s distinctive circular shape and glass walls make it stand out in the city center, creating a welcoming space for all visitors.

Exhibitions and Artworks
Inside the museum, visitors can enjoy various interactive and innovative artworks that are engaging for people of all ages. One of the most famous exhibits is Leandro Erlich’s “Swimming Pool.” This artwork creates an optical illusion that makes it appear as if people are underwater, offering a fun and unique experience. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions that showcase contemporary art from around the world, providing fresh perspectives and new ideas regularly.

Accessibility and Services
The museum is easily accessible from Kanazawa Station, just a 15-minute bus ride or a 30-minute walk. For those who prefer a quicker route, taxis are readily available. Additionally, the museum offers information in several languages to cater to its international visitors, ensuring everyone can enjoy their visit without language barriers.

Nearby Attractions
After visiting the museum, tourists can explore nearby attractions such as Kenrokuen Garden, one of Japan’s most beautiful gardens, and the Higashi Chaya District, where they can experience traditional Japanese tea houses. These spots provide a perfect complement to the contemporary experience at the museum.

Local Cuisine
Close to the museum, Omicho Market offers a taste of local cuisine with fresh seafood and traditional Japanese dishes. It’s a great place to enjoy the vibrant local food culture and a must-visit for food enthusiasts.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I heard that the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa is quite a spot. Planning to visit soon. Know anything about it?



Absolutely, Mack! It’s not just a museum; it’s an architectural marvel. The building is made entirely of glass and is circular, offering a 360-degree view from inside out.



Sounds intriguing! What about the exhibits? Anything special?



Definitely! One of the most famous pieces is the “Swimming Pool” by Leandro Erlich. It plays with your senses, making you feel like you’re underwater when you’re not. It’s a hit, especially on social media.



That must look amazing in photos! How do I get there from the Kanazawa station?



It’s pretty convenient. You can take a bus from the station and be there in about 15 minutes. Or if you prefer walking, it’s a nice 30-minute stroll through some beautiful parts of the city.



Great, I might walk then. Is the museum popular with foreigners as well?



Yes, it attracts visitors from all over the world. It offers information in several languages, and the interactive exhibits are quite engaging, regardless of where you’re from.



That’s perfect. I’m always on the lookout for places where language isn’t a barrier. How about the surroundings? Anything else to see?



Oh, plenty! Kenrokuen Garden is nearby, one of Japan’s three great gardens. And if you have time, stroll through the Higashi Chaya District for some traditional teahouse vibes.



Sounds like a full day of exploring! And I’m thinking of trying some local food. Any recommendations?



Definitely check out Omicho Market. It’s famous for its fresh seafood bowls. You’ll love the vibrant atmosphere and the fresh tastes. It’s not far from the museum, either.



Perfect! Fresh seafood after a day of art and gardens sounds ideal. Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m looking forward to it even more now.



Anytime, Mack. Enjoy Kanazawa—it’s a gem!


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art
The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, located in Kanazawa, Japan, is a popular destination for art lovers and tourists. Opened in 2004, this museum is well-known for its unique architectural design and its focus on contemporary art. The building’s distinctive circular shape and glass walls make it stand out in the city center, creating a welcoming space for all visitors.


Exhibitions and Artworks
Inside the museum, visitors can enjoy various interactive and innovative artworks that are engaging for people of all ages. One of the most famous exhibits is Leandro Erlich’s “Swimming Pool.” This artwork creates an optical illusion that makes it appear as if people are underwater, offering a fun and unique experience. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions that showcase contemporary art from around the world, providing fresh perspectives and new ideas regularly.


Accessibility and Services
The museum is easily accessible from Kanazawa Station, just a 15-minute bus ride or a 30-minute walk. For those who prefer a quicker route, taxis are readily available. Additionally, the museum offers information in several languages to cater to its international visitors, ensuring everyone can enjoy their visit without language barriers.


Nearby Attractions
After visiting the museum, tourists can explore nearby attractions such as Kenrokuen Garden, one of Japan’s most beautiful gardens, and the Higashi Chaya District, where they can experience traditional Japanese tea houses. These spots provide a perfect complement to the contemporary experience at the museum.


Local Cuisine
Close to the museum, Omicho Market offers a taste of local cuisine with fresh seafood and traditional Japanese dishes. It’s a great place to enjoy the vibrant local food culture and a must-visit for food enthusiasts.


words & phrases



marvel : 名詞・動詞 
意味: 驚くべきこと、驚異。To become filled with surprise, wonder, or amazed curiosity.
The architecture of the museum is a marvel to behold.
Visitors often marvel at the innovative designs.
It’s a marvel how quickly the city has developed.

circular : 形容詞 
意味: 円形の。Having the shape of a circle.
The building has a unique circular design.
They arranged the chairs in a circular pattern.
Circular windows give the house a distinct look.

engaging : 形容詞
意味: 魅力的な、心を引きつける。Charming and pleasing, capturing interest.
The guide told an engaging story about the artist.
Her smile is engaging and warm.
Engaging content is crucial for social media success.

gem : 名詞 
意味: 宝石、または価値あるもの。A precious stone or something very valuable or highly prized.
Kanazawa is a hidden gem in Japan.
She found a real gem of a book in the old bookstore.
This small cafe is a gem in the heart of the city.

distinctive : 形容詞 
意味: 特徴的な、際立つ。Having a quality or characteristic that makes something different and easily noticed.
The museum features a distinctive architectural style.
She has a distinctive way of speaking that captivates everyone.
His paintings are known for their distinctive colors.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240506)のニュース memo は、Uターンラッシュ、R京都駅に不審物、健康寿命の3つです。


The return rush during the extended holiday period is in full swing. Reservations for bullet trains and flights are almost fully booked, with occupancy rates for non-reserved seats on the bullet trains reaching up to 120%.


On May 5, 2024, a suspicious object was reported at JR Kyoto Station, prompting West Japan Railway Company (JR West) to temporarily suspend operations. After the police conducted an inspection and determined that the object was not dangerous, services were resumed on the same day.

2024年5月5日、JR京都駅に不審物があるとの連絡があり、JR西日本は運転を一時見合わせました。警察が構内の確認を行い、不審物は危険でないことが分かり、運転は同日再開されました 。

To extend healthy life expectancy, it is recommended to aim for 9,000 steps per day. According to research by Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, walking 9,000 steps a day can prolong the period during which one can live independently without the need for care.


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