英語で紹介 – 「おにぎり」の人気 – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介







  1. おにぎりの基本
    • 手軽で栄養価が高く、移動中や外出先でも食べやすいため、日本全国で非常に人気
  2. 具材の多様性
    • 昔から梅干し、鮭、昆布がありますが、現代ではチーズやアボカドなど、さまざまな現代的な具材も人気
  3. おにぎり専門店の増加:
    • 近年、おにぎり専門店が増えており、様々な新しい味やオリジナル具材を提供し、さらなる人気を呼んでいる
  4. 価格の安定
    • 米の価格が比較的安定しており、インフレの影響を受けにくいため、おにぎりの価格は安定している





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you noticed how many onigiri specialty shops have popped up around Tokyo lately?


Yeah, it’s really amazing! It seems like they are becoming more popular not just here but internationally. People appreciate the healthy and convenient aspects of onigiri.


Absolutely. I read that places like Onigiri Bongo are drawing in customers with their unique fillings. I’m thinking of checking one out this weekend. Interested?


Count me in! What kind of fillings have caught your eye?


I’m curious about the yaki onigiri with cheese I heard about. It’s grilled with soy sauce and cheese—sounds delicious!


That does sound tempting! I usually go for the classic umeboshi. The tangy flavor just hits the spot.


Did you know onigiri used to be just a simple snack? Now, with all these specialty ingredients and even vegan options, it’s turned into a gourmet treat.


It’s a great way for people around the world to experience Japanese culture. The variety is incredible—from salmon roe to even international twists like avocado and chicken.


Exactly, and it’s affordable too. Most onigiri cost between 100 to 400 yen, making it a great budget-friendly meal option.


Speaking of budget-friendly, the reason behind the rise of these shops is pretty interesting. It’s partly because the price of rice has remained stable compared to other foods which have become more expensive due to inflation.


That makes sense. Plus, I think the aesthetic appeal plays a big role too. They look so Instagram-worthy!


Definitely. Next time, let’s try making our own onigiri. It could be a fun project!


Agreed! Let’s gather some recipes and give it a shot. Maybe we can even invent a new filling!

関連情報 / related information



What is Onigiri?
Onigiri, also known as Japanese rice balls, is a popular snack in Japan made from white rice. It is often shaped into triangles or rounds and wrapped with a strip of seaweed, known as nori. Onigiri is loved for its simplicity and convenience, making it a perfect quick meal or snack.

Common Fillings
The fillings inside onigiri vary widely, adding flavor and variety. Some traditional fillings include umeboshi (pickled plum), which offers a tangy taste, and salmon, which provides a salty flavor. More modern fillings can include combinations like chicken, avocado, or even Western-style ingredients like cheese.

Nutritional Benefits
Onigiri is considered a healthy food choice. The rice provides carbohydrates for energy, while the fillings can offer protein and vitamins, depending on what is used. For example, salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health.

Popularity and Cultural Significance
In Japan, onigiri is more than just food; it has cultural significance, often made at home and packed for lunches, picnics, and even formal occasions. Onigiri is also increasingly available globally, particularly in areas with large Japanese communities or in international cities, reflecting the global appreciation for Japanese cuisine.

Why Onigiri is Economical
Onigiri is also economical. The ingredients are simple and inexpensive, making it an affordable option for many people. The stable price of rice helps keep the cost of onigiri low, even as prices for other foods may rise due to economic changes. This makes onigiri a popular choice among students and busy workers looking for a cost-effective, nutritious meal.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you noticed how many onigiri specialty shops have popped up around Tokyo lately?



Yeah, it’s really amazing! It seems like they are becoming more popular not just here but internationally. People appreciate the healthy and convenient aspects of onigiri.



Absolutely. I read that places like Onigiri Bongo are drawing in customers with their unique fillings. I’m thinking of checking one out this weekend. Interested?



Count me in! What kind of fillings have caught your eye?



I’m curious about the yaki onigiri with cheese I heard about. It’s grilled with soy sauce and cheese—sounds delicious!



That does sound tempting! I usually go for the classic umeboshi. The tangy flavor just hits the spot.



Did you know onigiri used to be just a simple snack? Now, with all these specialty ingredients and even vegan options, it’s turned into a gourmet treat.



It’s a great way for people around the world to experience Japanese culture. The variety is incredible—from salmon roe to even international twists like avocado and chicken.



Exactly, and it’s affordable too. Most onigiri cost between 100 to 400 yen, making it a great budget-friendly meal option.



Speaking of budget-friendly, the reason behind the rise of these shops is pretty interesting. It’s partly because the price of rice has remained stable compared to other foods which have become more expensive due to inflation.



That makes sense. Plus, I think the aesthetic appeal plays a big role too. They look so Instagram-worthy!



Definitely. Next time, let’s try making our own onigiri. It could be a fun project!



Agreed! Let’s gather some recipes and give it a shot. Maybe we can even invent a new filling!


関連情報 / related information



What is Onigiri?
Onigiri, also known as Japanese rice balls, is a popular snack in Japan made from white rice. It is often shaped into triangles or rounds and wrapped with a strip of seaweed, known as nori. Onigiri is loved for its simplicity and convenience, making it a perfect quick meal or snack.


Common Fillings
The fillings inside onigiri vary widely, adding flavor and variety. Some traditional fillings include umeboshi (pickled plum), which offers a tangy taste, and salmon, which provides a salty flavor. More modern fillings can include combinations like chicken, avocado, or even Western-style ingredients like cheese.


Nutritional Benefits
Onigiri is considered a healthy food choice. The rice provides carbohydrates for energy, while the fillings can offer protein and vitamins, depending on what is used. For example, salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health.


Popularity and Cultural Significance
In Japan, onigiri is more than just food; it has cultural significance, often made at home and packed for lunches, picnics, and even formal occasions. Onigiri is also increasingly available globally, particularly in areas with large Japanese communities or in international cities, reflecting the global appreciation for Japanese cuisine.


Why Onigiri is Economical
Onigiri is also economical. The ingredients are simple and inexpensive, making it an affordable option for many people. The stable price of rice helps keep the cost of onigiri low, even as prices for other foods may rise due to economic changes. This makes onigiri a popular choice among students and busy workers looking for a cost-effective, nutritious meal.


words & phrases



fillings : 名詞
意味: 何かの中に入れる内容物、特に食品に挿入される材料。 Contents placed inside something else, especially ingredients inserted in food.
The dumplings have various fillings, such as meat and vegetables.
I prefer onigiri with salmon fillings.
Choosing the right fillings can enhance the flavor of any pastry.

tempting : 形容詞
意味 : 魅力的で、特に食べ物に関連している場合は美味しそうな見た目や音。 Appealing, attractive, or inviting, especially in looking or sounding delicious when related to food.
The chocolate cake looks very tempting.
It’s hard to resist the tempting aroma of freshly baked bread.
They offered me a tempting deal that I couldn’t refuse.

tangy : 形容詞
意味 : 鋭く、強烈な味や風味を持っている、通常は心地よい風味として表現される。 Having a strong, sharp taste or flavor, typically used to describe something that is pleasantly flavorful.
The sauce has a tangy flavor that complements the chicken perfectly.
I love the tangy taste of citrus in summer desserts.
She added some vinegar to make the dressing more tangy.

hit the spot : 句動詞
意味 : まさに必要とされているものを提供する;特に何かが非常に満足できるまたはその場にぴったりの場合に言われる。 To provide exactly what is needed; especially said when something is very satisfying or right for the occasion.
That ice cream really hit the spot after a long day in the sun.
After a hard workout, a cold drink can really hit the spot.
The meal wasn’t fancy, but it certainly hit the spot.

give it a shot : 句動詞
意味 : 何か(しばしば新しいこと)を試すこと、特にそれが気に入るか、成功するかを見るために。
To try something (often something new), typically to see if one likes it or can succeed at it.
I’ve never tried skiing, but I’ll give it a shot this winter.
Why not give it a shot? You might find you enjoy painting.
He was hesitant to try the new software, but decided to give it a shot.

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