英語で説明 – プロボノ活動とは – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. プロボノとは
    • 専門的なスキルや知識を持つプロフェッショナルが、報酬を求めずに社会貢献活動を行うことです。
  2. 日本でのプロボノの状況
    • 日本ではプロボノがまだ一般的ではないものの、徐々に認知度が高まり、普及しつつあります。
  3. 非営利団体との連携
    • プロボノ活動を行う際、非営利団体と協力することが一般的です。
  4. 期待管理
    • プロボノ活動では、非営利団体が専門家の提供するサービスに対して高い期待を持つことがあります。そのため、プロジェクトの範囲や目標を明確にし、実現可能な約束をすることが重要です。





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I’ve been reading up on pro bono work in Japan. It seems like it’s not as common here as in the West, but it’s definitely growing.


That’s right, Mack. It’s gaining traction, especially among professionals who want to give back to the community using their skills. What sparked your interest in pro bono?


Well, I came across this concept while looking for ways to use my IT skills for a good cause. I’m really interested in how I can contribute, but I’m not sure where to start.


That makes sense. Many professionals here start by connecting with local non-profits that need technical help. Have you thought about what kind of projects you’d be interested in?


I’m particularly interested in helping non-profits enhance their online presence. A lot of organizations could reach more people if they had better websites or digital strategies.


Absolutely, that’s a great area to focus on. You should consider joining a platform that connects professionals with non-profits. It’s a good way to find projects that match your skills.


Do these platforms also help manage the scope of the work? I’m a bit worried about balancing my day job with pro bono projects.


Generally, yes. These platforms often help define the project scope so both parties have clear expectations. This helps manage your time effectively and ensures that the work is rewarding for both sides.


That sounds perfect. I’m also curious, are there any specific challenges I should be aware of before I dive in?


Well, managing expectations can be tricky. Non-profits might expect a lot, thinking professional skills come without any limits just because it’s pro bono.


I see, so communication is key. I guess it’s important to be clear about what can be realistically achieved from the start.


Exactly. It’s all about setting realistic goals and maintaining open communication. Also, keep in mind the satisfaction you’ll feel from making a direct impact. It’s very rewarding.


Definitely, I’m excited about the potential to make a difference. Thanks for the great advice, Key. I’ll start looking into those platforms right away.


Anytime, Mack. I’m glad to see you enthusiastic about using your skills for a good cause. Good luck, and let’s catch up soon on how it goes!

関連情報 / related information



What is Pro Bono?
Pro bono is when professionals offer their skills to help others for free. This concept comes from the Latin term “pro bono publico,” which means “for the public good.” Although it’s often associated with lawyers who provide free legal services, many other professionals like doctors, IT experts, and business consultants also engage in pro bono work to support communities and non-profit organizations.

Pro Bono in Japan
In Japan, pro bono work is still relatively new but is gaining recognition. It’s more common in big corporations and among professionals who want to contribute to society using their skills. Companies often see pro bono work as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, helping them build a positive image and connect better with the community.

The Benefits of Pro Bono
Pro bono work offers several benefits. It allows professionals to give back to their communities, develop new skills, and meet people from different backgrounds. For non-profits, receiving free professional help can make a big difference in how effectively they can serve their cause.

Challenges in Pro Bono
However, there are challenges in pro bono work, like managing expectations and time. Since the services are free, non-profits might expect a lot, and professionals need to be clear about what they can realistically achieve within their available time.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I’ve been reading up on pro bono work in Japan. It seems like it’s not as common here as in the West, but it’s definitely growing.



That’s right, Mack. It’s gaining traction, especially among professionals who want to give back to the community using their skills.



Well, I came across this concept while looking for ways to use my IT skills for a good cause. I’m really interested in how I can contribute, but I’m not sure where to start.



That makes sense. Many professionals here start by connecting with local non-profits that need technical help. Have you thought about what kind of projects you’d be interested in?



I’m particularly interested in helping non-profits enhance their online presence. A lot of organizations could reach more people if they had better websites or digital strategies.



Absolutely, that’s a great area to focus on. You should consider joining a platform that connects professionals with non-profits. It’s a good way to find projects that match your skills.



Do these platforms also help manage the scope of the work? I’m a bit worried about balancing my day job with pro bono projects.



Generally, yes. These platforms often help define the project scope so both parties have clear expectations. This helps manage your time effectively and ensures that the work is rewarding for both sides.



That sounds perfect. I’m also curious, are there any specific challenges I should be aware of before I dive in?



Well, managing expectations can be tricky. Non-profits might expect a lot, thinking professional skills come without any limits just because it’s pro bono.



I see, so communication is key. I guess it’s important to be clear about what can be realistically achieved from the start.



Exactly. It’s all about setting realistic goals and maintaining open communication. Also, keep in mind the satisfaction you’ll feel from making a direct impact. It’s very rewarding.



Definitely, I’m excited about the potential to make a difference. Thanks for the great advice, Key. I’ll start looking into those platforms right away.



Anytime, Mack. I’m glad to see you enthusiastic about using your skills for a good cause. Good luck, and let’s catch up soon on how it goes!


関連情報 / related information



What is Pro Bono?
Pro bono is when professionals offer their skills to help others for free. This concept comes from the Latin term “pro bono publico,” which means “for the public good.” Although it’s often associated with lawyers who provide free legal services, many other professionals like doctors, IT experts, and business consultants also engage in pro bono work to support communities and non-profit organizations.

プロボノとは、専門家が自らのスキルを無償で他人を助ける活動のことです。この概念はラテン語の「pro bono publico」から来ており、「公共の利益のために」という意味です。しばしば無料の法律サービスを提供する弁護士と関連付けられますが、医師、IT専門家、ビジネスコンサルタントなど多くの他の専門家も、コミュニティや非営利団体を支援するためにプロボノ活動に取り組んでいます。

Pro Bono in Japan
In Japan, pro bono work is still relatively new but is gaining recognition. It’s more common in big corporations and among professionals who want to contribute to society using their skills. Companies often see pro bono work as part of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives, helping them build a positive image and connect better with the community.


The Benefits of Pro Bono
Pro bono work offers several benefits. It allows professionals to give back to their communities, develop new skills, and meet people from different backgrounds. For non-profits, receiving free professional help can make a big difference in how effectively they can serve their cause.


Challenges in Pro Bono
However, there are challenges in pro bono work, like managing expectations and time. Since the services are free, non-profits might expect a lot, and professionals need to be clear about what they can realistically achieve within their available time.


words & phrases



traction : 名詞
意味: 物理的には「牽引力」、比喩的には「注目を集めること、進展」。Gaining traction in a figurative sense means to start gaining interest, approval, or momentum.
The new policy is finally gaining traction among the public.
It took a while for the project to get traction.
We need more marketing efforts to gain traction in the market.

rewarding : 形容詞
意味: 満足感や価値があること。Offering satisfaction or joy.
Working with children is a rewarding experience.
She found volunteering at the shelter very rewarding.
It’s rewarding to see the results of your hard work.

tricky : 形容詞
意味: 難しい、厄介な。Difficult and possibly deceptive.
The instructions for the game are quite tricky to follow.
Negotiating with him can be a tricky process.
Solving this puzzle is tricky, but fun.

for a good cause : フレーズ
意味: 善い目的のために。For a charitable or beneficial reason.
Many people donate money for a good cause.
We are all here to support the event for a good cause.
She ran the marathon for a good cause.

engage in : フレーズ
意味: (活動に)参加する、従事する。To participate or become involved in.
They engage in various community services.
It’s important to engage in regular exercise.
Professionals often engage in pro bono work to give back to the community.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240510)のニュース memo は、実質賃金、フィギュア 宇野選手、水原容疑者 司法取引の3つです。


In March 2024, real wages in Japan decreased by 2.5% compared to the same month of the previous year, marking the longest continuous decline of 24 months.


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