英語で紹介 – 食品ロス: 環境を守る取り組み – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介








  1. 食品ロスの規模
    • 日本では年間約523万トンの食品ロスが発生(令和3年)。
  2. 賞味期限と消費期限の違い
    • 賞味期限は食品の品質が最も良いとされる期限、消費期限は安全に食べられる期限。
  3. コンビニエンスストアの役割
    • 食品ロス削減に積極的に取り組んでおり、賞味期限の延長や在庫管理の最適化などを実施。
  4. 消費者としてできること
    • 買い物を計画的に行う、食品を適切に保存する、賞味期限と消費期限を正しく理解することが重要。





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you noticed the onigiri here have longer expiration dates now?


Yeah, I read that they’ve extended them by about eight hours. It’s part of an effort to cut down on food waste.


That’s really interesting. I’m trying to learn more about food waste. It’s a big issue, isn’t it?


Absolutely. Japan throws away millions of tons of food each year. A lot of it is still good to eat but gets discarded due to aesthetics or strict date labeling.


What kind of food is most commonly wasted?


Mostly fruits, vegetables, bread, and dairy. They spoil quickly, and people often buy more than they need.


I’ve been reading about some ways to help reduce our food waste at home. Simple steps like planning shopping trips and storing food properly can make a big difference.


True, understanding the labels helps too. “Best before” isn’t the same as “use by.” We can often consume products safely after the best before date.


I think convenience stores like this one can play a huge role. Extending expiration dates and using AI for inventory management can prevent a lot of waste.


They’re also promoting food donation programs. It’s great for reducing waste and helping those in need at the same time.


It’s all about spreading awareness and making small changes. Even participating in food banks or buying less perfect-looking fruits and vegetables can help.


Exactly. Every little action counts. Maybe we can volunteer at a food bank together?


That sounds like a plan. It’ll be a good way to contribute and learn more about this issue firsthand.

関連情報 / related information



What is Food Waste?
Food waste refers to any edible food that is thrown away instead of being consumed. Globally, millions of tons of food are wasted each year. In Japan, for instance, about 5 million tons of food get discarded annually. This includes food from households, restaurants, and stores that is still safe to eat but is thrown out for various reasons such as appearance or because it has reached its sell-by date.

Causes of Food Waste
One of the main reasons for food waste is the confusion over date labels like “best before” and “use by”. Many people throw away food after the best before date, thinking it’s not safe to eat, which is not always true. Another cause is overbuying – people often buy more food than they need, especially during sales or when buying in bulk without a plan.

Impact on the Environment
Food waste is not just a waste of money; it also harms the environment. When food is thrown out, it ends up in landfills where it decomposes and produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Reducing food waste is crucial because it can significantly decrease the amount of methane released into the atmosphere, helping to combat climate change.

How to Reduce Food Waste
Everyone can help reduce food waste. Planning your grocery shopping and understanding the difference between “use by” and “best before” dates can prevent a lot of edible food from being thrown away. Also, proper storage of food can extend its life. Communities and stores can contribute by organizing food donations and using technology to better manage inventory and reduce overstock.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, have you noticed the onigiri here have longer expiration dates now?



Yeah, I read that they’ve extended them by about eight hours. It’s part of an effort to cut down on food waste.



That’s really interesting. I’m trying to learn more about food waste. It’s a big issue, isn’t it?



Absolutely. Japan throws away millions of tons of food each year. A lot of it is still good to eat but gets discarded due to aesthetics or strict date labeling.



What kind of food is most commonly wasted?



Mostly fruits, vegetables, bread, and dairy. They spoil quickly, and people often buy more than they need.



I’ve been reading about some ways to help reduce our food waste at home. Simple steps like planning shopping trips and storing food properly can make a big difference.



True, understanding the labels helps too. “Best before” isn’t the same as “use by.” We can often consume products safely after the best before date.



I think convenience stores like this one can play a huge role. Extending expiration dates and using AI for inventory management can prevent a lot of waste.



They’re also promoting food donation programs. It’s great for reducing waste and helping those in need at the same time.



It’s all about spreading awareness and making small changes. Even participating in food banks or buying less perfect-looking fruits and vegetables can help.



Exactly. Every little action counts. Maybe we can volunteer at a food bank together?



That sounds like a plan. It’ll be a good way to contribute and learn more about this issue firsthand.


関連情報 / related information



What is Food Waste?
Food waste refers to any edible food that is thrown away instead of being consumed. Globally, millions of tons of food are wasted each year. In Japan, for instance, about 5 million tons of food get discarded annually. This includes food from households, restaurants, and stores that is still safe to eat but is thrown out for various reasons such as appearance or because it has reached its sell-by date.


Causes of Food Waste
One of the main reasons for food waste is the confusion over date labels like “best before” and “use by”. Many people throw away food after the best before date, thinking it’s not safe to eat, which is not always true. Another cause is overbuying – people often buy more food than they need, especially during sales or when buying in bulk without a plan.


Impact on the Environment
Food waste is not just a waste of money; it also harms the environment. When food is thrown out, it ends up in landfills where it decomposes and produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. Reducing food waste is crucial because it can significantly decrease the amount of methane released into the atmosphere, helping to combat climate change.


How to Reduce Food Waste
Everyone can help reduce food waste. Planning your grocery shopping and understanding the difference between “use by” and “best before” dates can prevent a lot of edible food from being thrown away. Also, proper storage of food can extend its life. Communities and stores can contribute by organizing food donations and using technology to better manage inventory and reduce overstock.


words & phrases



discard : 動詞
意味 : 捨てる、放棄する。 To throw away or get rid of something as no longer useful or desirable.
Please discard any old magazines that you don’t want.
The company discards all outdated equipment.
It’s not safe to discard electronic devices in regular trash.

sell-by date : 名詞
意味 : 賞味期限。商品が最も品質が良いとされる期限。 A date marked on a perishable product indicating the recommended time by which it should be sold.
Always check the sell-by date before purchasing dairy products.
This yogurt is past its sell-by date, so we shouldn’t eat it.
The store discounts items that are close to their sell-by date.

in bulk : 副詞 
意味 : 大量に、まとめて。 In large amounts, typically of a single type or variety.
Buying toilet paper in bulk can save you money.
We ordered office supplies in bulk to get a discount.
It’s more eco-friendly to purchase grains in bulk.

landfills : 名詞 
意味 : 埋立地。廃棄物を埋める場所。 Sites for the disposal of solid waste, especially household waste, which is buried under the ground.
Most of the city’s waste ends up in landfills.
Environmentalists advocate for reducing the amount of waste going to landfills.
Recycling can help decrease our reliance on landfills.

decomposes : 動詞
意味 : 分解する。生物や有機物が自然に分解される過程。 To break down into smaller parts, typically as a part of a natural process of decay.
Organic material quickly decomposes in a compost pile.
If not properly managed, waste in landfills can decompose and release harmful gases.
The process by which food waste decomposes contributes to global warming.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240512)のニュース memo は、母の日、大相撲夏場所、白米千枚田の3つです。


May 12th is Mother’s Day. Since Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May each year, the date changes annually. In Japan, as well as in many other countries, this day is regarded as a special occasion to express gratitude to mothers.


The opening day of the Grand Sumo Summer Tournament will be held at the Ryogoku Kokugikan on May 12th. This tournament features wrestlers to watch, such as Onosato, who has been promoted to the rank of Komusubi, and Asanoyama, who has returned to the sanyaku ranks.


>> 「英語で語ろう! 大相撲 初場所」はこちら

In Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, the first rice planting since the Noto Peninsula earthquake began on May 11th at the Shirayone Senmaida. The Shirayone Senmaida are beautiful terraced rice fields located on a steep slope facing the Sea of Japan, and they are considered a symbol of the region.


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