英語で紹介 – 高尾山:自然と歴史を楽しむハイキング – 英会話ダイアローグを通して紹介 








  1. 高尾山の基本情報
    • 東京都八王子市の標高599メートルの山で、アクセスしやすく、初心者に優しいハイキングコースがあります。
  2. 薬王院
    • 8世紀に建立された寺院で、修験道(山岳信仰と仏教・神道が融合した日本の宗教的修行)の実践地として知られています。
  3. 火渡り祭
    • 春に薬王院で行われる火渡りの儀式で、修験者や参加者が火の上を歩くことで心身を浄化します。
  4. 天狗焼
    • 高尾山で人気のある地元のスナックで、餡子を詰めた和風ワッフルです。天狗という伝説の生き物にちなんで名付けられています。
  5. 温泉施設
    • 高尾山の麓には「京王高尾山温泉 極楽湯」があり、ハイキング後に疲れを癒すのに適しています。





会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about hiking up Mount Takao next weekend. It’s supposed to be great for beginners, isn’t it?


Absolutely, Mack. It’s only 599 meters high and has a variety of trails. Trail 1 is the most popular because it’s pretty easy and even has a cable car partway, making it accessible for everyone.


That sounds convenient. I heard there’s also a temple, Yakuo-in, along the way. Do you know anything about it?


Yes, Yakuo-in is quite historic, dating back to the 8th century. It’s linked to Shugendo, where followers combine aspects of mountain worship with Buddhism and Shintoism. It’s a fascinating place.


I read something about a fire walking festival there. Have you ever been to it?


The Hiwatari Matsuri? Yes, it’s incredible! They hold it in the spring. Both monks and visitors can walk over the smoldering embers to purify themselves. It’s quite a sight.


Wow, that does sound amazing. And I suppose after all that hiking and culture, I could go for some local food. Isn’t there a special snack?


You’re thinking of Tengu-yaki. It’s a kind of sweet waffle filled with red bean paste, inspired by the Tengu, legendary creatures said to inhabit the mountain. Perfect for a post-hike treat.


Perfect! This trip is shaping up to be more interesting than I thought. With nature, history, and some unique cultural experiences, Mount Takao really seems to have it all.


Definitely. And if you get tired, we can always take the cable car back down. It’s all about enjoying the journey at your own pace.


Speaking of relaxing, I heard there’s a hot spring facility nearby. Can we check that out after the hike?


Absolutely, the Keio Takaosan Onsen is at the base. It’s perfect for soaking those tired muscles and really caps off the day nicely.


That sounds like the ideal way to end our day. A good soak in a hot spring sounds heavenly after a hike.


I agree. Let’s plan more details over coffee soon. It’ll be a great mix of adventure and relaxation.

関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Mount Takao
Mount Takao is a popular mountain located in Hachioji, Tokyo, standing at 599 meters tall. It is famous for its accessibility from the city, making it a favorite destination for both locals and tourists who want to enjoy nature without traveling too far.

Hiking Trails
Mount Takao boasts several hiking trails, with Trail 1 being the most popular due to its ease and the amenities available along the way, such as tea houses. The trails offer scenic views and connect to historical and cultural sites, providing a fulfilling outdoor experience for hikers of all levels.

Yakuo-in Temple
At the midpoint of Trail 1, you will find Yakuo-in Temple, a historical site that dates back to the 8th century. This temple is a center for Shugendo, a form of mountain worship combining elements of Buddhism and Shinto. Visitors often stop here to learn about its history and partake in spiritual practices.

Cultural Events
Mount Takao is also home to unique cultural events, such as the Fire Walking Festival held in spring at Yakuo-in Temple. This event attracts many visitors who come to see participants walk over hot coals as a form of purification and spiritual renewal.

Local Cuisine and Relaxation
After hiking, many enjoy trying local snacks like Tengu-yaki, a sweet treat inspired by the legendary Tengu spirits said to inhabit the mountain. Additionally, near the base of the mountain, there is the Keio Takaosan Onsen, a hot spring facility perfect for relaxing and soothing tired muscles after a day of hiking.


会話 / conversation


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about hiking up Mount Takao next weekend. It’s supposed to be great for beginners, isn’t it?



Absolutely, Mack. It’s only 599 meters high and has a variety of trails. Trail 1 is the most popular because it’s pretty easy and even has a cable car partway, making it accessible for everyone.



That sounds convenient. I heard there’s also a temple, Yakuo-in, along the way. Do you know anything about it?



Yes, Yakuo-in is quite historic, dating back to the 8th century. It’s linked to Shugendo, where followers combine aspects of mountain worship with Buddhism and Shintoism. It’s a fascinating place.



I read something about a fire walking festival there. Have you ever been to it?



The Hiwatari Matsuri? Yes, it’s incredible! They hold it in the spring. Both monks and visitors can walk over the smoldering embers to purify themselves. It’s quite a sight.



Wow, that does sound amazing. And I suppose after all that hiking and culture, I could go for some local food. Isn’t there a special snack?



You’re thinking of Tengu-yaki. It’s a kind of sweet waffle filled with red bean paste, inspired by the Tengu, legendary creatures said to inhabit the mountain. Perfect for a post-hike treat.



Perfect! This trip is shaping up to be more interesting than I thought. With nature, history, and some unique cultural experiences, Mount Takao really seems to have it all.



Definitely. And if you get tired, we can always take the cable car back down. It’s all about enjoying the journey at your own pace.



Speaking of relaxing, I heard there’s a hot spring facility nearby. Can we check that out after the hike?



Absolutely, the Keio Takaosan Onsen is at the base. It’s perfect for soaking those tired muscles and really caps off the day nicely.



That sounds like the ideal way to end our day. A good soak in a hot spring sounds heavenly after a hike.



I agree. Let’s plan more details over coffee soon. It’ll be a great mix of adventure and relaxation.


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Mount Takao
Mount Takao is a popular mountain located in Hachioji, Tokyo, standing at 599 meters tall. It is famous for its accessibility from the city, making it a favorite destination for both locals and tourists who want to enjoy nature without traveling too far.


Hiking Trails
Mount Takao boasts several hiking trails, with Trail 1 being the most popular due to its ease and the amenities available along the way, such as tea houses. The trails offer scenic views and connect to historical and cultural sites, providing a fulfilling outdoor experience for hikers of all levels.


Yakuo-in Temple
At the midpoint of Trail 1, you will find Yakuo-in Temple, a historical site that dates back to the 8th century. This temple is a center for Shugendo, a form of mountain worship combining elements of Buddhism and Shinto. Visitors often stop here to learn about its history and partake in spiritual practices.


Cultural Events
Mount Takao is also home to unique cultural events, such as the Fire Walking Festival held in spring at Yakuo-in Temple. This event attracts many visitors who come to see participants walk over hot coals as a form of purification and spiritual renewal.


Local Cuisine and Relaxation
After hiking, many enjoy trying local snacks like Tengu-yaki, a sweet treat inspired by the legendary Tengu spirits said to inhabit the mountain. Additionally, near the base of the mountain, there is the Keio Takaosan Onsen, a hot spring facility perfect for relaxing and soothing tired muscles after a day of hiking.


words & phrases



partway 副詞
意味: 途中で。Part of the way, not the entire distance.
We decided to turn back partway through the hike because it started raining.
The road was blocked partway, so we had to find another route.
The cable car takes you partway up the mountain, making the hike easier.

smoldering 形容詞
意味: くすぶる。Burning slowly with smoke but no flame.
The fire pit was still smoldering the morning after the campfire.
We found the remains of a smoldering log in the fireplace.
The smoldering ashes are a safety hazard if not properly extinguished.

embers 名詞
意味: 燃えさし、火の粉。Glowing fragments of wood or coal that remain from a fire.
The embers glowed in the darkness, providing a small amount of light.
Be careful around the barbecue; the embers are still hot.
We roasted marshmallows over the glowing embers of the fire.

inhabit 動詞
意味: 住む。To live or reside in a place.
Many different species of birds inhabit the forest.
Ancient myths suggest that spirits inhabit these mountains.
The locals believe that mythical creatures inhabit the remote island.

partake 動詞
意味: 参加する、味わう。To take part in an activity or consume something.
We were invited to partake in the local festival.
Guests are welcome to partake of the buffet during the reception.
All team members are expected to partake in the training sessions.

今日のニュース memo

今日(20240515)のニュース memo は、皇居内 田植え、築地市場跡地 再開発計画、首都高速 事故の3つです。


This year, His Majesty the Emperor once again performed the annual rice planting in the Imperial Palace, as is customary. This event promotes agriculture, and the harvested rice is used in royal Shinto ceremonies such as the Niiname-sai in November.


In the redevelopment plan for the Tsukiji Market site, a consortium led by Mitsui Fudosan plans to develop nine large facilities, including a multi-purpose stadium with a capacity for 50,000 people.


In Saitama Prefecture’s Toda City on the metropolitan expressway, an accident involving four large trucks and three passenger cars occurred. It has been reported that three people died and two others were injured in this accident.


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