高野山:宿坊体験と精進料理 – 英語で説明 – 英会話形式で学ぶ





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  1. 高野山の基本情報
    • 高野山は和歌山県にあり、819年に弘法大師空海によって開かれた日本の重要な霊場
    • 真言宗の総本山であり、多くの寺院や歴史的な建造物が存在
  2. 見どころ
    • 金剛峯寺:高野山の中心的な寺院で、多くの重要な仏教行事が行われる
    • 奥の院:空海の霊廟があり、約20万基の墓が並ぶ参道が特徴
    • 壇上伽藍:重要な宗教的建造物が集まる場所で、高野山の精神的中心地の一つ
  3. 精進料理
    • 精進料理は仏教徒によるベジタリアン料理で、動物性の食材を使用しない
    • 高野豆腐や胡麻豆腐などが特徴的な食べ物
  4. 宿坊体験
    • 宿坊は寺院に宿泊することで、修行僧の生活を体験できる
    • 朝のお勤めに参加したり、精進料理を食べたりすることができる
  5. アクセス方法
    • 大阪から南海電鉄を利用し、極楽橋駅からケーブルカーで高野山駅まで行き、バスで高野山の中心地へ移動する



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I heard you visited Koyasan recently. It’s quite popular among tourists, right?


Yes, it’s very popular, especially with those interested in Japan’s spiritual and cultural heritage. Did you know it was founded back in 819 by Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai?


That’s quite historic! What would you say are the must-see attractions there?


Definitely check out Kongobuji Temple and Okunoin. Okunoin, in particular, is amazing with its old cemetery that stretches out across the forest.


I’m planning to go there this autumn. Is that a good time?


Absolutely! The autumn colors make Koyasan incredibly beautiful. The whole mountain is vibrant with reds and yellows.


Sounds picturesque! I’m also thinking about staying in a shukubo. What’s that like?


Staying in a shukubo is a unique experience. You get to live like the monks and eat shojin-ryori, vegetarian meals prepared in the Buddhist tradition. The food, including dishes like Koyadofu and Goma Dofu, is not only delicious but also creatively made.


That shojin-ryori sounds interesting. Is it all vegetarian?


Yes, all shojin-ryori dishes are vegetarian, following Buddhist principles of non-harm. The creativity in the cuisine comes through in how ingredients like sesame are used to craft dishes such as Goma Dofu, adding a rich, creamy texture.


And how do I get there from Osaka?


It’s quite convenient. Just take the Nankai Railway from Namba to Gokurakubashi, then a cable car up to Koyasan.


Sounds easy enough. What should I definitely not miss?


Don’t miss the Danjo Garan Complex. It’s a key part of Koyasan’s spiritual landscape. Also, walking through the cemetery in Okunoin during the evening is unforgettable.


Great, I’ll make sure to check those out. Thanks for all the info, Key!


No problem, Mack. You’ll love it. Koyasan is a place where you can truly feel the depth of Japanese spirituality.

関連情報 / related information




Introduction to Koyasan
Koyasan is a sacred mountain located in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It was founded in 819 by Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai. This mountain is an important center for Shingon Buddhism, a major Buddhist sect in Japan. Many pilgrims and tourists visit Koyasan to experience its spiritual and historical significance.

Main Attractions
One of the key sites in Koyasan is Kongobuji Temple, the head temple of the Shingon sect. Nearby, Okunoin Cemetery is a must-see, famous for its path lined with over 200,000 tombstones leading to Kukai’s mausoleum. Another significant spot is the Danjo Garan Complex, a group of important religious buildings and stupas.

Cultural Experience
Visitors to Koyasan can stay in shukubo, temple lodgings, where they can experience the daily life of monks. These lodgings offer a chance to participate in morning prayers and eat shojin-ryori, traditional Buddhist vegetarian cuisine. Shojin-ryori includes dishes like Koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu) and Goma Dofu (sesame tofu), known for their health benefits and unique flavors.

Access to Koyasan
Getting to Koyasan is straightforward. From Osaka, take the Nankai Railway to Gokurakubashi Station, then switch to a cable car that goes up to Koyasan Station. From there, buses are available to take visitors to the main areas of the mountain. This journey offers scenic views and a peek into Japan’s lush landscapes.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Koyasan?
Koyasan is a sacred mountain in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, and is the headquarters of Shingon Buddhism. It was founded in 819 by Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai.
2: Why is Koyasan important in Japanese culture?
Koyasan is important because it is a major pilgrimage site and a center of Buddhist study and practice. It also represents a unique blend of religious, historical, and natural significance.
3: What can visitors see in Koyasan?
Visitors can see many ancient temples, the Kongobuji Temple, the Okunoin Cemetery with its thousands of tombstones, and traditional shukubo (temple lodgings).
4: What is Okunoin?
Okunoin is the site of Kobo Daishi's mausoleum, surrounded by Japan’s largest cemetery. It is considered one of the most sacred places in Koyasan.
5: What are shukubo?
Shukubo are temple lodgings where visitors can stay overnight. Guests can experience traditional monk lifestyles, including eating shojin-ryori (vegetarian cuisine) and participating in morning prayers.
6: What is shojin-ryori?
Shojin-ryori is a type of vegetarian cuisine based on Buddhist ethical principles. It is made without meat or fish and features seasonal vegetables and tofu products.
7: How do you get to Koyasan from Osaka?
From Osaka, you can take the Nankai Railway to Gokurakubashi Station, then transfer to a cable car up to Koyasan Station. Buses are available from there to central Koyasan.
8: What is the best time to visit Koyasan?
The best times to visit Koyasan are during spring, for the cherry blossoms, and autumn, for the colorful fall leaves.
9: What is unique about the temples in Koyasan?
The temples in Koyasan are unique because they are part of a deeply spiritual environment and have a long history tied to the development of Shingon Buddhism in Japan.
10: What activities can visitors do in Koyasan?
Visitors can participate in guided tours, meditation sessions, sutra copying, and attend morning prayers, providing a deep cultural and spiritual experience.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I heard you visited Koyasan recently. It’s quite popular among tourists, right?



Yes, it’s very popular, especially with those interested in Japan’s spiritual and cultural heritage. Did you know it was founded back in 819 by Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai?



That’s quite historic! What would you say are the must-see attractions there?



Definitely check out Kongobuji Temple and Okunoin. Okunoin, in particular, is amazing with its old cemetery that stretches out across the forest.



I’m planning to go there this autumn. Is that a good time?



Absolutely! The autumn colors make Koyasan incredibly beautiful. The whole mountain is vibrant with reds and yellows.



Sounds picturesque! I’m also thinking about staying in a shukubo. What’s that like?



Staying in a shukubo is a unique experience. You get to live like the monks and eat shojin-ryori, vegetarian meals prepared in the Buddhist tradition. The food, including dishes like Koyadofu and Goma Dofu, is not only delicious but also creatively made.



That shojin-ryori sounds interesting. Is it all vegetarian?



Yes, all shojin-ryori dishes are vegetarian, following Buddhist principles of non-harm. The creativity in the cuisine comes through in how ingredients like sesame are used to craft dishes such as Goma Dofu, adding a rich, creamy texture.



And how do I get there from Osaka?



It’s quite convenient. Just take the Nankai Railway from Namba to Gokurakubashi, then a cable car up to Koyasan.



Sounds easy enough. What should I definitely not miss?



Don’t miss the Danjo Garan Complex. It’s a key part of Koyasan’s spiritual landscape. Also, walking through the cemetery in Okunoin during the evening is unforgettable.



Great, I’ll make sure to check those out. Thanks for all the info, Key!


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Koyasan
Koyasan is a sacred mountain located in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. It was founded in 819 by Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai. This mountain is an important center for Shingon Buddhism, a major Buddhist sect in Japan. Many pilgrims and tourists visit Koyasan to experience its spiritual and historical significance.


Main Attractions
One of the key sites in Koyasan is Kongobuji Temple, the head temple of the Shingon sect. Nearby, Okunoin Cemetery is a must-see, famous for its path lined with over 200,000 tombstones leading to Kukai’s mausoleum. Another significant spot is the Danjo Garan Complex, a group of important religious buildings and stupas.


Cultural Experience
Visitors to Koyasan can stay in shukubo, temple lodgings, where they can experience the daily life of monks. These lodgings offer a chance to participate in morning prayers and eat shojin-ryori, traditional Buddhist vegetarian cuisine. Shojin-ryori includes dishes like Koyadofu (freeze-dried tofu) and Goma Dofu (sesame tofu), known for their health benefits and unique flavors.


Access to Koyasan
Getting to Koyasan is straightforward. From Osaka, take the Nankai Railway to Gokurakubashi Station, then switch to a cable car that goes up to Koyasan Station. From there, buses are available to take visitors to the main areas of the mountain. This journey offers scenic views and a peek into Japan’s lush landscapes.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Koyasan?
Koyasan is a sacred mountain in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan, and is the headquarters of Shingon Buddhism. It was founded in 819 by Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai.
2: Why is Koyasan important in Japanese culture?
Koyasan is important because it is a major pilgrimage site and a center of Buddhist study and practice. It also represents a unique blend of religious, historical, and natural significance.
3: What can visitors see in Koyasan?
Visitors can see many ancient temples, the Kongobuji Temple, the Okunoin Cemetery with its thousands of tombstones, and traditional shukubo (temple lodgings).
4: What is Okunoin?
Okunoin is the site of Kobo Daishi's mausoleum, surrounded by Japan’s largest cemetery. It is considered one of the most sacred places in Koyasan.
5: What are shukubo?
Shukubo are temple lodgings where visitors can stay overnight. Guests can experience traditional monk lifestyles, including eating shojin-ryori (vegetarian cuisine) and participating in morning prayers.
6: What is shojin-ryori?
Shojin-ryori is a type of vegetarian cuisine based on Buddhist ethical principles. It is made without meat or fish and features seasonal vegetables and tofu products.
7: How do you get to Koyasan from Osaka?
From Osaka, you can take the Nankai Railway to Gokurakubashi Station, then transfer to a cable car up to Koyasan Station. Buses are available from there to central Koyasan.
8: What is the best time to visit Koyasan?
The best times to visit Koyasan are during spring, for the cherry blossoms, and autumn, for the colorful fall leaves.
9: What is unique about the temples in Koyasan?
The temples in Koyasan are unique because they are part of a deeply spiritual environment and have a long history tied to the development of Shingon Buddhism in Japan.
10: What activities can visitors do in Koyasan?
Visitors can participate in guided tours, meditation sessions, sutra copying, and attend morning prayers, providing a deep cultural and spiritual experience.

words & phrases



vibrant : 形容詞
意味: 色が鮮やかな、活気ある。Full of energy and enthusiasm.
The city is vibrant with its bustling nightlife.
She wore a vibrant dress that stood out in the crowd.
The discussion became more vibrant as everyone joined in.

picturesque : 形容詞
意味:絵画のように美しい。Charmingly or quaintly attractive, especially in a quaint or pretty style.
We walked through a picturesque village nestled in the mountains.
The old bridge was very picturesque.
He took a picturesque route along the coast.

texture : 名詞
意味:触感、質感。The feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or substance.
The texture of the fabric was soft and smooth.
This cake has a light and airy texture.
He enjoys the creamy texture of yogurt.

tombstones : 名詞
意味:墓石。A stone that marks a grave.
The cemetery was filled with old, weathered tombstones.
Each tombstone in the field bore the name of a soldier.
We cleaned the moss off the tombstones.

mausoleum : 名詞
意味:霊廟。A large and stately tomb or building housing such a tomb or several tombs.
The emperor was buried in a grand mausoleum.
They visited the mausoleum to pay their respects.
The mausoleum stood silent and majestic on the hill.

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