四国八十八ヶ所巡り – 英語で説明 – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 四国八十八ヶ所巡りの基本
    • 四国地方の88の寺院を巡る仏教の巡礼路
    • 巡礼は空海(弘法大師)にゆかりがあるとされ、精神的な浄化や成長を目的として行われる
  2. 巡礼の方法
    • 徒歩、車、公共交通機関など、様々な方法で巡礼を行うことができる
    • 通常は1番の霊山寺から始まり、88番の大窪寺で終わりますが、逆順で巡る「逆打ち」もある
  3. 巡礼の費用と期間
    • 巡礼の総費用は約20万円から30万円程度が目安、利用する交通手段や宿泊施設によって異なる
    • 徒歩で巡る場合、完成までには約6週間かかることが一般的
  4. 巡礼中の服装と装備
    • 伝統的な白衣や蓑笠(すげがさ)、錫杖(しゃくじょう)、数珠を装備することが一般的、現代では機能的な服装を選ぶ人もいる
  5. 閏年の特別な意味
    • 閏年に巡礼を行うと、通常よりも多くの功徳を得られるとされている




会話 / dialogue


Hi Key, I’ve been really interested in the Shikoku Pilgrimage lately. Have you ever thought about doing it?


Hey Mack, yes, I’ve read about it. It sounds like a profound spiritual journey. Are you thinking of doing all 88 temples?


I am, but it seems like a huge undertaking. I learned that it starts at Ryozenji and you can either walk, drive or use public transport to move between temples.


That’s right. It’s quite flexible. Many people also choose to do it in sections, not necessarily all at once. How long do you think it would take to complete by walking?


I guess around 6 weeks if you walk about 20-25 kilometers a day. It’s also said that doing the pilgrimage during a leap year brings triple the spiritual benefits.


Interesting! I heard that staying in traditional lodgings and experiencing local cuisine are part of the appeal. What’s the cost like?


It varies, but generally, it could cost between 200,000 to 300,000 yen, considering accommodation, food, and other essentials. Plus, wearing the traditional white robe and hat adds to the experience.


Definitely adds to the authenticity. Do you know which temples are the must-visits?


Well, Temple 11, Fujii-dera, is famous for its historical significance, and Temple 88, Okuboji, marks the completion of the pilgrimage. Each has its own unique story.


Do pilgrims usually follow a specific route?


Yes, they typically follow the temple order from 1 to 88, but some do it in reverse, which is called “Gyaku-uchi.”


Sounds like you need to be well-prepared, especially health-wise.


Absolutely. It’s advised to be in good shape, plan your route carefully, and respect the local customs and temple etiquette. It’s not just a physical journey but a spiritual one.


It sounds amazing. Maybe I should consider it too. It could be a great way to reflect and find some inner peace.


Definitely, and we could even plan some parts together! It would be an unforgettable experience.


Let’s think more about this. Maybe start with some shorter sections to see how it feels?


That’s a great idea, Key. Let’s start planning some weekend trips soon!

関連情報 / related information




Introduction to the Shikoku Pilgrimage
The Shikoku Pilgrimage, also known as “Henro,” is a famous spiritual journey across the Shikoku region of Japan. It involves visiting 88 Buddhist temples and is closely associated with Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. This pilgrimage is a way for people to seek spiritual purification and growth.

Route and Methods
The journey typically starts at Temple 1, Ryozenji, and ends at Temple 88, Okuboji. Pilgrims can choose to walk, drive, or use public transportation to move between temples. Some pilgrims opt to do the pilgrimage in reverse, a practice known as “Gyaku-uchi.” This flexibility allows individuals of all physical abilities to participate.

Duration and Costs
Completing the pilgrimage on foot usually takes about six weeks, covering 20 to 25 kilometers per day. The total cost for the pilgrimage can vary, generally ranging from 200,000 to 300,000 yen, depending on travel methods, accommodation, and food.

Clothing and Equipment
Traditionally, pilgrims wear white robes, carry prayer beads, and use walking sticks and sedge hats for protection against the elements. However, modern pilgrims may wear practical outdoor clothing and gear.

Significance of Leap Years
It is believed that completing the pilgrimage during a leap year brings additional spiritual benefits. This special significance attracts many pilgrims to plan their journey in such years, seeking even greater purification and blessings.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
The Shikoku Pilgrimage is a famous spiritual journey in Japan that involves visiting 88 Buddhist temples on the island of Shikoku. It is associated with Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism.
2: Why do people undertake the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
People undertake the Shikoku Pilgrimage for spiritual purification, self-reflection, and to pay homage to Kobo Daishi. It is believed to help in personal growth and to bring blessings.
3: How long does the Shikoku Pilgrimage usually take?
The duration of the pilgrimage can vary widely, but walking the entire route typically takes about 6 to 8 weeks, covering approximately 1200 kilometers.
4: What are typical items carried by pilgrims on the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
Pilgrims usually carry items such as a white robe, sedge hat, walking stick, and prayer beads. These items symbolize purity and the pilgrim's spiritual intentions.
5: Can the Shikoku Pilgrimage be done by car or public transportation?
Yes, while traditionally done on foot, many modern pilgrims use cars or public transportation to complete the pilgrimage due to time constraints or physical ability.
6: What is the significance of the white robe worn by pilgrims?
The white robe, called "hakui" or "oizuru," symbolizes purity and the pilgrim’s renunciation of vanity. It helps to signify their humble status as a pilgrim.
7: Are there any special rituals performed at each temple?
At each temple, pilgrims usually perform a set of rituals that may include chanting sutras, lighting incense, and offering prayers or donations. These acts are meant to honor Kobo Daishi and other deities.
8: What is the starting point of the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
The pilgrimage traditionally starts at Ryozenji, which is Temple 1 in Tokushima Prefecture. However, pilgrims can start at any point along the route.
9: Is there a particular order to visit the temples?
The traditional route follows a numbered sequence from 1 to 88, but some pilgrims choose to visit the temples in reverse order or select specific temples based on personal reasons.
10: What are the challenges faced during the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
Pilgrims may face physical challenges such as long distances and varied terrain, as well as weather conditions. There are also emotional and spiritual challenges associated with such a long and introspective journey.


会話 / dialogue


Hi Key, I’ve been really interested in the Shikoku Pilgrimage lately. Have you ever thought about doing it?



Hey Mack, yes, I’ve read about it. It sounds like a profound spiritual journey. Are you thinking of doing all 88 temples?



I am, but it seems like a huge undertaking. I learned that it starts at Ryozenji and you can either walk, drive or use public transport to move between temples.



That’s right. It’s quite flexible. Many people also choose to do it in sections, not necessarily all at once. How long do you think it would take to complete by walking?



I guess around 6 weeks if you walk about 20-25 kilometers a day. It’s also said that doing the pilgrimage during a leap year brings triple the spiritual benefits.



Interesting! I heard that staying in traditional lodgings and experiencing local cuisine are part of the appeal. What’s the cost like?



It varies, but generally, it could cost between 200,000 to 300,000 yen, considering accommodation, food, and other essentials. Plus, wearing the traditional white robe and hat adds to the experience.



Definitely adds to the authenticity. Do you know which temples are the must-visits?



Well, Temple 11, Fujii-dera, is famous for its historical significance, and Temple 88, Okuboji, marks the completion of the pilgrimage. Each has its own unique story.



Do pilgrims usually follow a specific route?



Yes, they typically follow the temple order from 1 to 88, but some do it in reverse, which is called “Gyaku-uchi.”



Sounds like you need to be well-prepared, especially health-wise.



Absolutely. It’s advised to be in good shape, plan your route carefully, and respect the local customs and temple etiquette. It’s not just a physical journey but a spiritual one.



It sounds amazing. Maybe I should consider it too. It could be a great way to reflect and find some inner peace.



Definitely, and we could even plan some parts together! It would be an unforgettable experience.



Let’s think more about this. Maybe start with some shorter sections to see how it feels?



That’s a great idea, Key. Let’s start planning some weekend trips soon!


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to the Shikoku Pilgrimage
The Shikoku Pilgrimage, also known as “Henro,” is a famous spiritual journey across the Shikoku region of Japan. It involves visiting 88 Buddhist temples and is closely associated with Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai, the founder of the Shingon sect of Buddhism. This pilgrimage is a way for people to seek spiritual purification and growth.


Route and Methods
The journey typically starts at Temple 1, Ryozenji, and ends at Temple 88, Okuboji. Pilgrims can choose to walk, drive, or use public transportation to move between temples. Some pilgrims opt to do the pilgrimage in reverse, a practice known as “Gyaku-uchi.” This flexibility allows individuals of all physical abilities to participate.


Duration and Costs
Completing the pilgrimage on foot usually takes about six weeks, covering 20 to 25 kilometers per day. The total cost for the pilgrimage can vary, generally ranging from 200,000 to 300,000 yen, depending on travel methods, accommodation, and food.


Clothing and Equipment
Traditionally, pilgrims wear white robes, carry prayer beads, and use walking sticks and sedge hats for protection against the elements. However, modern pilgrims may wear practical outdoor clothing and gear.


Significance of Leap Years
It is believed that completing the pilgrimage during a leap year brings additional spiritual benefits. This special significance attracts many pilgrims to plan their journey in such years, seeking even greater purification and blessings.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
The Shikoku Pilgrimage is a famous spiritual journey in Japan that involves visiting 88 Buddhist temples on the island of Shikoku. It is associated with Kobo Daishi, also known as Kukai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism.
2: Why do people undertake the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
People undertake the Shikoku Pilgrimage for spiritual purification, self-reflection, and to pay homage to Kobo Daishi. It is believed to help in personal growth and to bring blessings.
3: How long does the Shikoku Pilgrimage usually take?
The duration of the pilgrimage can vary widely, but walking the entire route typically takes about 6 to 8 weeks, covering approximately 1200 kilometers.
4: What are typical items carried by pilgrims on the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
Pilgrims usually carry items such as a white robe, sedge hat, walking stick, and prayer beads. These items symbolize purity and the pilgrim's spiritual intentions.
5: Can the Shikoku Pilgrimage be done by car or public transportation?
Yes, while traditionally done on foot, many modern pilgrims use cars or public transportation to complete the pilgrimage due to time constraints or physical ability.
6: What is the significance of the white robe worn by pilgrims?
The white robe, called "hakui" or "oizuru," symbolizes purity and the pilgrim’s renunciation of vanity. It helps to signify their humble status as a pilgrim.
7: Are there any special rituals performed at each temple?
At each temple, pilgrims usually perform a set of rituals that may include chanting sutras, lighting incense, and offering prayers or donations. These acts are meant to honor Kobo Daishi and other deities.
8: What is the starting point of the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
The pilgrimage traditionally starts at Ryozenji, which is Temple 1 in Tokushima Prefecture. However, pilgrims can start at any point along the route.
9: Is there a particular order to visit the temples?
The traditional route follows a numbered sequence from 1 to 88, but some pilgrims choose to visit the temples in reverse order or select specific temples based on personal reasons.
10: What are the challenges faced during the Shikoku Pilgrimage?
Pilgrims may face physical challenges such as long distances and varied terrain, as well as weather conditions. There are also emotional and spiritual challenges associated with such a long and introspective journey.

words & phrases



pilgrimage : 名詞 /ˈpɪl.ɡrɪ.mɪdʒ/
意味: 宗教的な理由から聖地への旅。 A journey to a sacred place for religious reasons.
Many people make a pilgrimage to the city every year to visit the historic temple.
The pilgrimage to Mecca is an important part of Islamic faith.
He described his trip to India as a sort of spiritual pilgrimage.

profound : 形容詞
意味 : 非常に深い、重大な。 Very great; deep; significant.
The book offers profound insights into human behavior.
She felt a profound sadness when she heard the news.
His speech had a profound impact on everyone in the room.

undertaking : 名詞
意味 : 取り組むタスクやプロジェクトで、通常は何か挑戦的なもの。 A task or project that is taken on; usually something challenging.
Starting a new business is a huge undertaking.
The construction of the bridge was a massive undertaking.
He approached the new project as an exciting undertaking.

authenticity : 名詞
意味: 真正性、本物であることの品質。 The quality of being genuine or real.
The authenticity of the artifact was confirmed by experts.
Tourists appreciate the authenticity of the local culture.
He values authenticity in all his interactions.

purification : 名詞
意味: 不純物や汚染物質を取り除くプロセス;しばしば精神的な文脈で使用されます。 The process of removing impurities or contaminants; often used in a spiritual context.
The ritual was meant for the purification of the soul.
Water purification is essential for healthy living.
He underwent a purification process before entering the temple.

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