金刀比羅宮 – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 場所と基本情報
    • 所在地:香川県仲多度郡琴平町に位置する
    • 主祭神:大物主神(おおものぬしのかみ)と崇徳天皇(すとくてんのう)
    • 別名:地元では親しみを込めて「こんぴらさん」と呼ばれる
  2. 歴史と重要性
    • 歴史:江戸時代から巡礼地として知られ、特に海上安全を祈願する場所として有名
    • 役割:海の守護神を祀る神社で、多くの漁師や船員が安全を祈願する
  3. 特徴と見どころ
    • 785段の石段:本宮へ到達するために登る石段、チャレンジングだが登り切ると達成感が得られる
    • 奥宮:本宮からさらに583段を登ると到達する。合計で1,368段
    • 美しい自然:春の桜と秋の紅葉が特に美しい
  4. 名物とお土産
    • 金平糖:小さな砂糖菓子
    • 石段もち:柔らかいおもち
    • うどん:香川県はうどんで有名



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of Kotohira-gu? It’s called “Konpira-san” by locals.


Yes, I have! It’s quite famous in Kagawa Prefecture. Why do you ask?


I’m planning to visit there soon. I heard it’s a significant place, especially for sea protection.


That’s right. The shrine is dedicated to Ōmononushi-no-kami and Emperor Sutoku. It’s been a pilgrimage site since the Edo period.


I read that you have to climb 785 stone steps to reach the main shrine. That sounds challenging!


It is, but it’s also very rewarding. The steps lead to the main shrine on Mount Zōzu. The view is amazing, and it’s a great way to feel connected to the place.


There’s also an inner shrine, right? How many more steps do you need to climb?


Yes, the inner shrine is higher up. You need to climb an additional 583 steps, making a total of 1,368 steps.


Wow, that sounds like a real workout! But it must be worth it.


Definitely. And the best time to visit is either in spring or autumn. In spring, you can see cherry blossoms, and in autumn, the leaves are beautiful.


I love cherry blossoms. I think I’ll plan my visit for spring. What else should I do there?


You should definitely explore the approach to the shrine. There are many shops selling local specialties like konpeito, omamori charms, and stone steps mochi.


I’ve heard about those. I also want to try the local udon noodles. Kagawa is famous for them, right?


Yes, Kagawa is known for its delicious udon. It’s perfect after a long climb. And don’t forget to check out the treasure hall and the beautiful gardens.


This sounds like a great plan. I’ll arrive early, explore the shops, climb to the main shrine, visit the inner shrine, enjoy some udon, and maybe relax in a hot spring afterward.


That sounds perfect. The hot springs nearby are a great way to relax after all that climbing.


Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really looking forward to my visit to Konpira-san now.


You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your trip and the beautiful scenery. Don’t forget to bring back some souvenirs!

関連情報 / related information




Location and Deities

Kotohira-gu, also known as “Konpira-san,” is a famous shrine in Kotohira Town, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. It is dedicated to Ōmononushi-no-kami and Emperor Sutoku.

History and Importance

Kotohira-gu has been an important pilgrimage site since the Edo period. It is known for protecting people at sea, so many fishermen and sailors visit the shrine to pray for safety.

Stone Steps and Shrines

To reach the main shrine, visitors must climb 785 stone steps. This climb is challenging but offers a great sense of achievement. There is also an inner shrine, located higher up the mountain, requiring an additional 583 steps, making a total of 1,368 steps.

Best Time to Visit

The best times to visit Kotohira-gu are in spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, creating beautiful scenery. In autumn, the leaves turn vibrant colors, offering stunning views.

Specialties and Souvenirs

Visitors can enjoy local specialties and buy souvenirs along the path to the shrine. Popular items include konpeito (sugar candies), omamori charms, stone steps mochi (rice cakes), local sake, and udon noodles, as Kagawa is famous for udon.

Recommended Plan

A good plan for visiting Kotohira-gu includes arriving early, exploring the shops, climbing to the main shrine, visiting the inner shrine, enjoying local udon, and relaxing in a hot spring afterward. This makes for a fulfilling and memorable visit.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Kotohira-gu?
Kotohira-gu, also known as "Konpira-san," is a famous Shinto shrine located in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. It is dedicated to the gods of sea protection and safety.
2: Why is Kotohira-gu important?
Kotohira-gu has been an important pilgrimage site since the Edo period. It is especially famous for protecting sailors and fishermen, who pray for safety at sea.
3: How many steps are there to reach Kotohira-gu's main shrine?
To reach the main shrine, visitors must climb 785 stone steps. The long climb is seen as a challenge but is also very rewarding.
4: What is the inner shrine at Kotohira-gu?
The inner shrine is located higher up on the mountain and requires climbing an additional 583 steps, making a total of 1,368 steps from the bottom.
5: What can visitors see along the steps to Kotohira-gu?
Visitors can see beautiful scenery, including cherry blossoms in spring and autumn leaves in fall. There are also traditional lanterns and resting spots along the path.
6: What is the best time to visit Kotohira-gu?
The best times to visit are spring (March to May) for cherry blossoms and autumn (September to November) for the stunning autumn colors.
7: What are some famous souvenirs from Kotohira-gu?
Famous souvenirs include konpeito (sugar candies), omamori (charms for protection), and stone steps mochi (a traditional rice cake).
8: How do people refer to Kotohira-gu locally?
Locally, people often call it "Konpira-san" as a friendly and familiar name.
9: Why do pilgrims visit Kotohira-gu?
Many pilgrims visit Kotohira-gu to pray for sea safety, personal protection, and success in their endeavors. The shrine has a long history of spiritual significance.
10: What makes climbing the steps at Kotohira-gu rewarding?
Climbing the steps is both physically challenging and spiritually fulfilling. Reaching the top provides a sense of achievement, and the view of the shrine and surrounding nature is stunning.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of Kotohira-gu? It’s called “Konpira-san” by locals.



Yes, I have! It’s quite famous in Kagawa Prefecture. Why do you ask?



I’m planning to visit there soon. I heard it’s a significant place, especially for sea protection.



That’s right. The shrine is dedicated to Ōmononushi-no-kami and Emperor Sutoku. It’s been a pilgrimage site since the Edo period.



I read that you have to climb 785 stone steps to reach the main shrine. That sounds challenging!



It is, but it’s also very rewarding. The steps lead to the main shrine on Mount Zōzu. The view is amazing, and it’s a great way to feel connected to the place.



There’s also an inner shrine, right? How many more steps do you need to climb?



Yes, the inner shrine is higher up. You need to climb an additional 583 steps, making a total of 1,368 steps.



Wow, that sounds like a real workout! But it must be worth it.



Definitely. And the best time to visit is either in spring or autumn. In spring, you can see cherry blossoms, and in autumn, the leaves are beautiful.



I love cherry blossoms. I think I’ll plan my visit for spring. What else should I do there?



You should definitely explore the approach to the shrine. There are many shops selling local specialties like konpeito, omamori charms, and stone steps mochi.



I’ve heard about those. I also want to try the local udon noodles. Kagawa is famous for them, right?



Yes, Kagawa is known for its delicious udon. It’s perfect after a long climb. And don’t forget to check out the treasure hall and the beautiful gardens.



This sounds like a great plan. I’ll arrive early, explore the shops, climb to the main shrine, visit the inner shrine, enjoy some udon, and maybe relax in a hot spring afterward.



That sounds perfect. The hot springs nearby are a great way to relax after all that climbing.



Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really looking forward to my visit to Konpira-san now.



You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your trip and the beautiful scenery. Don’t forget to bring back some souvenirs!


関連情報 / related information



Location and Deities

Kotohira-gu, also known as “Konpira-san,” is a famous shrine in Kotohira Town, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. It is dedicated to Ōmononushi-no-kami and Emperor Sutoku.


History and Importance

Kotohira-gu has been an important pilgrimage site since the Edo period. It is known for protecting people at sea, so many fishermen and sailors visit the shrine to pray for safety.


Stone Steps and Shrines

To reach the main shrine, visitors must climb 785 stone steps. This climb is challenging but offers a great sense of achievement. There is also an inner shrine, located higher up the mountain, requiring an additional 583 steps, making a total of 1,368 steps.


Best Time to Visit

The best times to visit Kotohira-gu are in spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, creating beautiful scenery. In autumn, the leaves turn vibrant colors, offering stunning views.


Specialties and Souvenirs

Visitors can enjoy local specialties and buy souvenirs along the path to the shrine. Popular items include konpeito (sugar candies), omamori charms, stone steps mochi (rice cakes), local sake, and udon noodles, as Kagawa is famous for udon.


Recommended Plan

A good plan for visiting Kotohira-gu includes arriving early, exploring the shops, climbing to the main shrine, visiting the inner shrine, enjoying local udon, and relaxing in a hot spring afterward. This makes for a fulfilling and memorable visit.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Kotohira-gu?
Kotohira-gu, also known as "Konpira-san," is a famous Shinto shrine located in Kagawa Prefecture, Japan. It is dedicated to the gods of sea protection and safety.
2: Why is Kotohira-gu important?
Kotohira-gu has been an important pilgrimage site since the Edo period. It is especially famous for protecting sailors and fishermen, who pray for safety at sea.
3: How many steps are there to reach Kotohira-gu's main shrine?
To reach the main shrine, visitors must climb 785 stone steps. The long climb is seen as a challenge but is also very rewarding.
4: What is the inner shrine at Kotohira-gu?
The inner shrine is located higher up on the mountain and requires climbing an additional 583 steps, making a total of 1,368 steps from the bottom.
5: What can visitors see along the steps to Kotohira-gu?
Visitors can see beautiful scenery, including cherry blossoms in spring and autumn leaves in fall. There are also traditional lanterns and resting spots along the path.
6: What is the best time to visit Kotohira-gu?
The best times to visit are spring (March to May) for cherry blossoms and autumn (September to November) for the stunning autumn colors.
7: What are some famous souvenirs from Kotohira-gu?
Famous souvenirs include konpeito (sugar candies), omamori (charms for protection), and stone steps mochi (a traditional rice cake).
8: How do people refer to Kotohira-gu locally?
Locally, people often call it "Konpira-san" as a friendly and familiar name.
9: Why do pilgrims visit Kotohira-gu?
Many pilgrims visit Kotohira-gu to pray for sea safety, personal protection, and success in their endeavors. The shrine has a long history of spiritual significance.
10: What makes climbing the steps at Kotohira-gu rewarding?
Climbing the steps is both physically challenging and spiritually fulfilling. Reaching the top provides a sense of achievement, and the view of the shrine and surrounding nature is stunning.

words & phrases



pilgrimage : 名詞
意味:巡礼。A journey to a sacred place for religious reasons.
Many people make a pilgrimage to Mecca each year.
The pilgrimage to Kotohira-gu is a significant journey for many Japanese.
She went on a pilgrimage to visit the holy sites in Israel.

rewarding : 形容詞 
意味:やりがいのある、報われる。Providing satisfaction; gratifying.
Teaching is a very rewarding profession.
Climbing the 785 steps to Kotohira-gu is challenging but rewarding.
Volunteering at the shelter was a rewarding experience.

workout : 名詞 
意味:運動、トレーニング。A session of physical exercise.
She has a strict workout routine at the gym.
The climb to the inner shrine is a great workout.
After a good workout, I always feel energized.

stunning : 形容詞 
意味:驚くほど美しい、素晴らしい。Extremely impressive or attractive.
The view from the mountain top was absolutely stunning.
The cherry blossoms around Kotohira-gu are stunning in spring.
She wore a stunning dress to the party.

fulfilling : 形容詞
意味:充実した、満足感のある。Making you feel happy and satisfied.
Helping others is a fulfilling experience.
Visiting Kotohira-gu was a fulfilling journey for many pilgrims.
She finds her job very fulfilling.

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