大塚国際美術館 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 大塚国際美術館の基本情報
    • 徳島県鳴門市にある美術館です。1998年に大塚製薬グループによって設立されました。
    • 世界中の有名な芸術作品を実物大で陶板に再現していることが特徴です。
  2. 特徴と見どころ
    • 色褪せず、劣化しない耐久性のある陶板に名画を再現。触れたり写真を撮ったりできる展示があります。
    • 主要な展示作品は、レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの「最後の晩餐」、ミケランジェロの「システィーナ礼拝堂天井画」、ゴッホの「ひまわり」、ピカソの「ゲルニカ」
  3. 訪問に関する情報
    • 鳴門駅からバスで約15分、JR徳島駅から特急バスで約45分。
    • 春(3月〜5月)と秋(9月〜11月)が特におすすめ。
  4. 周辺の観光スポット
    • 鳴門の渦潮、鳴門公園、大鳴門橋架橋記念館エディなど、近隣にも見どころがたくさんあります。



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know that the Ōtsuka Museum of Art is really popular with foreign visitors?


Really? What makes it so appealing?


Well, the museum has life-sized reproductions of famous artworks from around the world. They use ceramic boards, so the colors and details don’t fade.


That sounds amazing! What kind of artworks can you see there?


They have reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” Michelangelo’s “Sistine Chapel Ceiling,” Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers,” and Picasso’s “Guernica,” among many others.


Wow, those are some iconic pieces. How do they make the reproductions?


They use a special technique to transfer the images onto ceramic boards. This makes the artworks very durable and keeps the original colors and details intact.


That’s impressive. Are there any interactive exhibits?


Yes, there are. Some areas allow you to touch the artworks and take photos. It makes the visit more engaging and fun.


That’s good to know. How do you get there?


The museum is in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. You can get there by bus from Naruto Station, which takes about 15 minutes, or by express bus from JR Tokushima Station, which takes about 45 minutes.


When is the best time to visit?


The museum is indoors, so you can visit any time of the year. But spring and autumn are especially nice because the weather is mild, and you can also enjoy the nearby Naruto Park and whirlpools.


What should I definitely see if I go?


Start with the main exhibits like “The Last Supper,” “Sistine Chapel Ceiling,” and “Sunflowers.” Also, don’t miss the interactive exhibits and the museum shop for unique souvenirs.


How much time should I plan for the visit?


If you want to see the main exhibits, 2 to 3 hours should be enough. But if you want to explore more thoroughly, plan for 4 to 5 hours or even a full day if you include breaks and the museum café.


Sounds like a full day of fun. I’d love to visit. Do they provide information in English?


Yes, they do. The museum provides information in multiple languages, including English, so you’ll be able to understand the artworks and their history.


Great, I’ll make sure to check it out. Thanks for the info, Mack!


No problem! I’m planning to visit soon too. Maybe we can go together.


That sounds like a plan!

関連情報 / related information




The Ōtsuka Museum of Art is located in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. It was opened in 1998 by the Ōtsuka Pharmaceutical Group. This museum is famous for its life-sized reproductions of famous artworks from around the world.

Unique Features
The artworks at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art are reproduced on ceramic boards. This special technique makes the reproductions very durable and resistant to fading. Visitors can see famous paintings from artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Van Gogh, and Picasso. The reproductions capture the original colors and details very well.

Visiting the Museum
The museum is easy to reach. You can take a bus from Naruto Station, which takes about 15 minutes, or an express bus from JR Tokushima Station, which takes about 45 minutes. The museum is open year-round, but spring and autumn are the best times to visit because of the mild weather. You should plan to spend 2 to 3 hours for a quick visit, but 4 to 5 hours if you want to see everything.

Interactive Exhibits
Some parts of the museum allow visitors to touch the artworks and take photos. This makes the visit more engaging and fun. The museum also provides information in multiple languages, including English, so it is accessible to foreign visitors.

The Ōtsuka Museum of Art offers a unique experience where visitors can enjoy life-sized reproductions of famous artworks in a durable and detailed format. It is a must-see attraction for art lovers and tourists in Japan.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The Ōtsuka Museum of Art is a large art museum in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. It is famous for displaying life-sized ceramic reproductions of famous artworks from around the world.
2: When was the Ōtsuka Museum of Art opened? 
The museum was opened in 1998 by the Ōtsuka Pharmaceutical Group.
3: What is unique about the artworks at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The artworks are reproduced on ceramic boards, which makes them very durable and resistant to fading, allowing visitors to see famous paintings in their original size and detail.
4: What famous artworks can you see at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art? 
You can see reproductions of famous artworks such as Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," Michelangelo's "Sistine Chapel Ceiling," and Van Gogh's "Sunflowers."
5: How are the artworks reproduced at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The artworks are digitally transferred onto ceramic boards using a special technique that preserves their colors and details.
6: Is the Ōtsuka Museum of Art popular with foreign visitors? 
Yes, the museum is popular with foreign visitors because it provides information in multiple languages and allows them to experience famous artworks from around the world in one place.
7: How long does it take to visit the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
It takes about 2 to 3 hours for a quick visit to the main exhibits, but if you want to explore the entire museum, you should plan for 4 to 5 hours or even a full day.
8: Are there interactive exhibits at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
Yes, there are some areas where visitors can touch the artworks and take photos, making the experience more engaging and fun.
9: How can you get to the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
You can take a bus from Naruto Station, which takes about 15 minutes, or an express bus from JR Tokushima Station, which takes about 45 minutes.
10: When is the best time to visit the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The museum is open year-round, but spring and autumn are the best times to visit because of the mild weather and the chance to enjoy nearby attractions like Naruto Park and the whirlpools.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know that the Ōtsuka Museum of Art is really popular with foreign visitors?



Really? What makes it so appealing?



Well, the museum has life-sized reproductions of famous artworks from around the world. They use ceramic boards, so the colors and details don’t fade.



That sounds amazing! What kind of artworks can you see there?



They have reproductions of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper,” Michelangelo’s “Sistine Chapel Ceiling,” Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers,” and Picasso’s “Guernica,” among many others.



Wow, those are some iconic pieces. How do they make the reproductions?



They use a special technique to transfer the images onto ceramic boards. This makes the artworks very durable and keeps the original colors and details intact.



That’s impressive. Are there any interactive exhibits?



Yes, there are. Some areas allow you to touch the artworks and take photos. It makes the visit more engaging and fun.



That’s good to know. How do you get there?



The museum is in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. You can get there by bus from Naruto Station, which takes about 15 minutes, or by express bus from JR Tokushima Station, which takes about 45 minutes.



When is the best time to visit?



The museum is indoors, so you can visit any time of the year. But spring and autumn are especially nice because the weather is mild, and you can also enjoy the nearby Naruto Park and whirlpools.



What should I definitely see if I go?



Start with the main exhibits like “The Last Supper,” “Sistine Chapel Ceiling,” and “Sunflowers.” Also, don’t miss the interactive exhibits and the museum shop for unique souvenirs.



How much time should I plan for the visit?



If you want to see the main exhibits, 2 to 3 hours should be enough. But if you want to explore more thoroughly, plan for 4 to 5 hours or even a full day if you include breaks and the museum café.



Sounds like a full day of fun. I’d love to visit. Do they provide information in English?



Yes, they do. The museum provides information in multiple languages, including English, so you’ll be able to understand the artworks and their history.



Great, I’ll make sure to check it out. Thanks for the info, Mack!



No problem! I’m planning to visit soon too. Maybe we can go together.



That sounds like a plan!


関連情報 / related information



The Ōtsuka Museum of Art is located in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. It was opened in 1998 by the Ōtsuka Pharmaceutical Group. This museum is famous for its life-sized reproductions of famous artworks from around the world.


Unique Features
The artworks at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art are reproduced on ceramic boards. This special technique makes the reproductions very durable and resistant to fading. Visitors can see famous paintings from artists like Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Van Gogh, and Picasso. The reproductions capture the original colors and details very well.


Visiting the Museum
The museum is easy to reach. You can take a bus from Naruto Station, which takes about 15 minutes, or an express bus from JR Tokushima Station, which takes about 45 minutes. The museum is open year-round, but spring and autumn are the best times to visit because of the mild weather. You should plan to spend 2 to 3 hours for a quick visit, but 4 to 5 hours if you want to see everything.


Interactive Exhibits
Some parts of the museum allow visitors to touch the artworks and take photos. This makes the visit more engaging and fun. The museum also provides information in multiple languages, including English, so it is accessible to foreign visitors.


The Ōtsuka Museum of Art offers a unique experience where visitors can enjoy life-sized reproductions of famous artworks in a durable and detailed format. It is a must-see attraction for art lovers and tourists in Japan.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The Ōtsuka Museum of Art is a large art museum in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture, Japan. It is famous for displaying life-sized ceramic reproductions of famous artworks from around the world.  
2: When was the Ōtsuka Museum of Art opened?  
The museum was opened in 1998 by the Ōtsuka Pharmaceutical Group.  
3: What is unique about the artworks at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The artworks are reproduced on ceramic boards, which makes them very durable and resistant to fading, allowing visitors to see famous paintings in their original size and detail.  
4: What famous artworks can you see at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
You can see reproductions of famous artworks such as Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," Michelangelo's "Sistine Chapel Ceiling," and Van Gogh's "Sunflowers."  
5: How are the artworks reproduced at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The artworks are digitally transferred onto ceramic boards using a special technique that preserves their colors and details.  
6: Is the Ōtsuka Museum of Art popular with foreign visitors?  
Yes, the museum is popular with foreign visitors because it provides information in multiple languages and allows them to experience famous artworks from around the world in one place.  
7: How long does it take to visit the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
It takes about 2 to 3 hours for a quick visit to the main exhibits, but if you want to explore the entire museum, you should plan for 4 to 5 hours or even a full day.  
8: Are there interactive exhibits at the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
Yes, there are some areas where visitors can touch the artworks and take photos, making the experience more engaging and fun.  
9: How can you get to the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
You can take a bus from Naruto Station, which takes about 15 minutes, or an express bus from JR Tokushima Station, which takes about 45 minutes.  
10: When is the best time to visit the Ōtsuka Museum of Art?  
The museum is open year-round, but spring and autumn are the best times to visit because of the mild weather and the chance to enjoy nearby attractions like Naruto Park and the whirlpools.  

words & phrases



appealing : 形容詞
意味: 魅力的な、心を引きつける。Attractive or interesting.
The new restaurant has an appealing menu.
Her friendly smile is very appealing.
The idea of a weekend getaway is appealing to me.

fade : 動詞
意味: 薄れる、色あせる。To gradually become less bright or strong.
The colors of the painting have started to fade.
Memories of the old days are beginning to fade.
The sound of the music faded away.

durable : 形容詞
意味: 耐久性のある、長持ちする。Able to last a long time without becoming damaged.
This jacket is made from durable materials.
We need a durable solution to this problem.
The company produces durable goods.

intact : 形容詞
意味: 無傷の、完全なままの。Not damaged or impaired in any way; complete.
The ancient manuscript was found intact.
Despite the accident, the car remained intact.
The original structure of the building is still intact.

whirlpools : 名詞
意味: 渦巻き、渦潮。A rapidly rotating mass of water in a river or sea.
The boat was caught in the whirlpools.
Whirlpools can be dangerous for swimmers.
The ocean currents create whirlpools.

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