スマートグラスの最新技術と可能性 – 英語で説明 – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. スマートグラスとは
    • メガネ型のデバイスで、情報をレンズに表示することができます。通常のメガネのように見えますが、内部には小さなコンピュータが内蔵されています。
    • メッセージの表示、地図のナビゲーション、リアルタイム翻訳、写真やビデオの撮影などが可能です。多くの場合、音声コマンドやジェスチャーで操作できます。
  2. 利便性と使用例
    • 手を使わずに情報を確認できるため、ジョギング中にナビを使用したり、料理中にメッセージをチェックしたりするのに便利です。
    • 医療現場での患者情報の表示、工場での作業手順の確認、物流倉庫での在庫管理など、業務用としての利用が進んでいます。
  3. 現在の普及状況
    • 工場、病院、倉庫などで使われています。個人用は普及しつつありますが、まだ一般的ではありません。
  4. プライバシーの懸念
    • スマートグラスにはカメラが内蔵されていることが多く、他人に気づかれずに写真やビデオを撮影することが可能です。このため、プライバシー侵害のリスクがあります。
  5. 将来の展望
    • 高度なAR機能やより高性能なカメラが搭載されることが期待されています。また、価格が下がり、より多くの人が利用できるようになると予想されています。




会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you hear about the cheating incident at Waseda University? A student used smart glasses to send exam questions to someone outside.


Yes, I read about that. It’s amazing how advanced technology has become, but also a bit scary. Do you know much about smart glasses?


Not really. Can you tell me more about them?


Sure. Smart glasses are like regular glasses but with a small computer inside. They can display information on the lenses, like messages or maps, right in front of your eyes.


That sounds convenient. So, you don’t need to use your hands?


Exactly. You can control them with your voice or gestures. They often have cameras and microphones too, so you can take photos, record videos, and even make calls.


Wow, that’s impressive. Are they widely used in Japan?


They are mostly used in workplaces, like factories or hospitals, to help workers do their jobs more efficiently and safely. For personal use, they are becoming more popular but are still not very common.


Why is that?


Partly because they are expensive and not many people know about them. Also, there are privacy concerns because they can record videos and take photos without others knowing.


I see. But it sounds like they have a lot of potential. What can they do for everyday users?


They can be very useful. For example, you can use them for navigation while jogging, check messages while cooking, or even get real-time translations when traveling.


That sounds very handy. What about future developments?


As technology improves, we can expect more features like advanced AR, better cameras, and more affordable prices. They might become as common as smartphones someday.


I’m interested in trying them out. Do you know any popular models?


There are a few popular ones on the market, each with different features, so it’s best to choose one based on your needs.


Thanks, Key. I’ll look into them. It’s exciting to see how this technology will evolve.


Definitely. Just keep in mind the potential privacy issues and use them responsibly.


Absolutely. Thanks for the information!


Anytime, Mack! Let me know if you have more questions about smart glasses or any other tech.

関連情報 / related information




What are Smart Glasses?
Smart glasses look like regular glasses but have a small computer inside. They show information on the lenses, like messages, maps, and notifications. You can see this information right in front of your eyes. Smart glasses often have cameras and microphones too. This allows you to take photos, record videos, and make calls without using your hands.

How Do They Work?
Smart glasses can be controlled by voice commands or gestures. For example, you can say “show map” and see the map on your lenses. You can also swipe or tap the side of the glasses to navigate through menus. This hands-free operation makes smart glasses very convenient for many activities, like jogging, cooking, or driving.

Uses in Daily Life
In daily life, smart glasses can help with many tasks. They are used for navigation, allowing you to see directions without looking at your phone. They can also translate signs or menus when you are traveling. In work settings, they help workers in factories and hospitals by showing important information directly on the glasses.

Privacy Concerns
There are some concerns about privacy with smart glasses. Because they can record videos and take photos without others knowing, people worry about being recorded without their permission. This is something to consider if you are thinking about using smart glasses.

Future Potential
The future for smart glasses looks bright. As technology improves, they will have more features and become cheaper. In the future, they might be as common as smartphones. Advanced augmented reality (AR) and better cameras are expected, making them even more useful for everyday tasks.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What are smart glasses?
Smart glasses are wearable devices that look like regular glasses but have a built-in computer. They can display information on the lenses, such as messages, maps, and notifications.
2: How do smart glasses work?
Smart glasses use voice commands or gestures to control them. You can ask them to show information, like a map, and it will appear on the lenses.
3: What can you do with smart glasses?
You can use smart glasses for navigation, checking messages, taking photos, and even making calls. They also provide real-time translation and other useful features.
4: Are smart glasses common in everyday life?
Smart glasses are becoming more popular, but they are not yet common in everyday life. They are mainly used in workplaces like factories and hospitals.
5: Why are smart glasses useful?
Smart glasses are useful because they allow you to access information without using your hands. This makes them convenient for activities like jogging, cooking, or working.
6: Can smart glasses help with work?
Yes, smart glasses are often used in workplaces to improve efficiency and safety. Workers can see important information directly on the lenses without stopping their tasks.
7: What are the privacy concerns with smart glasses?
One concern is that smart glasses have cameras that can take photos or videos without others knowing. This can lead to privacy issues if people are recorded without their permission.
8: What is augmented reality in smart glasses?
Augmented reality (AR) is a feature that overlays digital information on the real world. For example, smart glasses can show navigation arrows on the street while you are walking.
9: Can smart glasses replace smartphones?
In the future, smart glasses might become as common as smartphones. They offer many similar features, but they are still expensive and not widely used yet.
10: What is the future of smart glasses?
As technology improves, smart glasses will likely have more features, better cameras, and lower prices. They may become an essential part of everyday life, just like smartphones are today.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you hear about the cheating incident at Waseda University? A student used smart glasses to send exam questions to someone outside.



Yes, I read about that. It’s amazing how advanced technology has become, but also a bit scary. Do you know much about smart glasses?



Not really. Can you tell me more about them?



Sure. Smart glasses are like regular glasses but with a small computer inside. They can display information on the lenses, like messages or maps, right in front of your eyes.



That sounds convenient. So, you don’t need to use your hands?



Exactly. You can control them with your voice or gestures. They often have cameras and microphones too, so you can take photos, record videos, and even make calls.



Wow, that’s impressive. Are they widely used in Japan?



They are mostly used in workplaces, like factories or hospitals, to help workers do their jobs more efficiently and safely. For personal use, they are becoming more popular but are still not very common.



Why is that?



Partly because they are expensive and not many people know about them. Also, there are privacy concerns because they can record videos and take photos without others knowing.



I see. But it sounds like they have a lot of potential. What can they do for everyday users?



They can be very useful. For example, you can use them for navigation while jogging, check messages while cooking, or even get real-time translations when traveling.



That sounds very handy. What about future developments?



As technology improves, we can expect more features like advanced AR, better cameras, and more affordable prices. They might become as common as smartphones someday.



I’m interested in trying them out. Do you know any popular models?



There are a few popular ones on the market, each with different features, so it’s best to choose one based on your needs.



Thanks, Key. I’ll look into them. It’s exciting to see how this technology will evolve.



Definitely. Just keep in mind the potential privacy issues and use them responsibly.間違いないね。ただ、プライバシーの問題には注意して、責任を持って使うようにしてね。


Absolutely. Thanks for the information!



Anytime, Mack! Let me know if you have more questions about smart glasses or any other tech.


関連情報 / related information



What are Smart Glasses?
Smart glasses look like regular glasses but have a small computer inside. They show information on the lenses, like messages, maps, and notifications. You can see this information right in front of your eyes. Smart glasses often have cameras and microphones too. This allows you to take photos, record videos, and make calls without using your hands.


How Do They Work?
Smart glasses can be controlled by voice commands or gestures. For example, you can say “show map” and see the map on your lenses. You can also swipe or tap the side of the glasses to navigate through menus. This hands-free operation makes smart glasses very convenient for many activities, like jogging, cooking, or driving.


Uses in Daily Life
In daily life, smart glasses can help with many tasks. They are used for navigation, allowing you to see directions without looking at your phone. They can also translate signs or menus when you are traveling. In work settings, they help workers in factories and hospitals by showing important information directly on the glasses.


Privacy Concerns
There are some concerns about privacy with smart glasses. Because they can record videos and take photos without others knowing, people worry about being recorded without their permission. This is something to consider if you are thinking about using smart glasses.


Future Potential
The future for smart glasses looks bright. As technology improves, they will have more features and become cheaper. In the future, they might be as common as smartphones. Advanced augmented reality (AR) and better cameras are expected, making them even more useful for everyday tasks.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What are smart glasses?  
Smart glasses are wearable devices that look like regular glasses but have a built-in computer. They can display information on the lenses, such as messages, maps, and notifications.  
2: How do smart glasses work?  
Smart glasses use voice commands or gestures to control them. You can ask them to show information, like a map, and it will appear on the lenses.  
3: What can you do with smart glasses?  
You can use smart glasses for navigation, checking messages, taking photos, and even making calls. They also provide real-time translation and other useful features.  
4: Are smart glasses common in everyday life?  
Smart glasses are becoming more popular, but they are not yet common in everyday life. They are mainly used in workplaces like factories and hospitals.  
5: Why are smart glasses useful?  
Smart glasses are useful because they allow you to access information without using your hands. This makes them convenient for activities like jogging, cooking, or working.  
6: Can smart glasses help with work?  
Yes, smart glasses are often used in workplaces to improve efficiency and safety. Workers can see important information directly on the lenses without stopping their tasks.  
7: What are the privacy concerns with smart glasses?  
One concern is that smart glasses have cameras that can take photos or videos without others knowing. This can lead to privacy issues if people are recorded without their permission.  
8: What is augmented reality in smart glasses?  
Augmented reality (AR) is a feature that overlays digital information on the real world. For example, smart glasses can show navigation arrows on the street while you are walking.  
9: Can smart glasses replace smartphones?  
 In the future, smart glasses might become as common as smartphones. They offer many similar features, but they are still expensive and not widely used yet.  
10: What is the future of smart glasses?  
As technology improves, smart glasses will likely have more features, better cameras, and lower prices. They may become an essential part of everyday life, just like smartphones are today.  

words & phrases



navigation : 名詞
意味: ナビゲーション、方向案内。特に、移動中の方向や位置を示す手段。The process of accurately determining one’s position and planning and following a route.
The car’s navigation system helps drivers find the best routes.
Using GPS navigation, hikers can explore unfamiliar trails safely.
Smart glasses offer hands-free navigation for joggers.

responsibly : 副詞
意味: 責任を持って、責任感を持って行動すること。In a way that shows a proper sense of responsibility.
Please use social media responsibly to avoid spreading misinformation.**
Drivers should behave responsibly on the road to ensure everyone’s safety.**
It is important to dispose of waste responsibly to protect the environment.

notifications : 名詞
意味: 通知、通知メッセージ。特に、デジタルデバイスからのアラートやメッセージ。Messages or alerts that inform the user about new information or events.
I received several notifications about new emails on my smart glasses.**
App notifications can be customized to suit your preferences.
He set his phone to receive notifications from important contacts only.**

commands : 名詞
意味: 指示、命令。特に、デバイスを操作するための音声指示やコマンド。Instructions given to a device to perform a specific action.
You can control the smart glasses using voice commands.
The computer executes commands as soon as they are entered.
She gave her dog simple commands to follow during training.

augmented : 形容詞
意味: 拡張された、増強された。特に、現実世界にデジタル情報を重ね合わせる技術を指す。Enhanced or expanded by adding digital elements to the real world.
The app uses augmented reality to display virtual furniture in your room.
Augmented reality games overlay digital images onto the real world.
She wore augmented reality glasses to see additional information about the exhibit.

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