ロードプライシング – 英語で説明 – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. ロードプライシングとほ
    • 特定の道路を利用する際に料金を課すシステム。ピーク時間帯には料金を高く、オフピーク時間帯には料金を低く設定。徴収された料金は、公共交通機関の改善や道路インフラの整備に使われます。
    • 日本政府は2025年度から高速道路での導入を計画。
  2. 目的
    • 高料金を設定することで、ピーク時間帯の道路利用を抑制し、交通量を減少させることを目指します。
    • 車の利用を減らし、排出ガスの削減。車の利用を控え、公共交通機関の利用を推奨。
  3. 導入事例
    • 2021年の東京オリンピック期間中に、首都高速道路で試験的に導入、交通渋滞の大幅な緩和を確認。
    • ロンドンやシンガポールではすでに成功しており、交通量の減少や空気の質の改善。
  4. メリットとデメリット
    • メリット:交通の流れがスムーズになり、移動時間が短縮。排出ガスが減少し、空気の質が改善。人々が公共交通機関を利用するようになる。
    • デメリット:ピーク時間帯に移動が必要な運転者は、追加コストが発生。システムの設置と維持に高い費用。





会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you hear that the Japanese government plans to introduce road pricing on highways from 2025?


Yes, I heard about that. They want to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, right?


Exactly. They will charge higher toll fees during peak hours to encourage drivers to avoid those times or use public transport.


That makes sense. I’ve read that this system was tested during the Tokyo Olympics, and it really helped reduce traffic jams.


Right. They saw a significant decrease in congestion. But I’m curious, how will this impact everyday drivers?


For drivers, it means they might have to pay more if they travel during busy times. But on the upside, it should lead to shorter and more predictable travel times.


That’s true. Fewer cars on the road during peak hours would also mean less pollution, which is great for the environment.


Yes, and the money collected from the tolls can be used to improve public transportation and road infrastructure. That’s a big plus.


What about the challenges? It sounds good in theory, but are there any downsides?


Well, the additional costs could be a burden for some drivers, especially those who don’t have flexible schedules. Also, setting up and maintaining the system can be expensive.


I see. And I guess there’s also the question of fairness, right? Ensuring that the system is fair to all drivers.


Exactly. They need to make sure that everyone has good alternatives, like reliable public transport, to make it fair.


I’m interested in how this system has worked in other countries. Do you know of any examples?


Yes, places like London and Singapore have successfully implemented road pricing. They’ve seen reduced traffic and better air quality as a result.


That’s encouraging. It seems like Japan could benefit in the same way if it’s implemented well.


Definitely. It will require careful planning and continuous adjustments, but the potential benefits are significant.


Thanks, Key. This has really helped me understand road pricing better. I’m looking forward to seeing how it works out here in Japan.


No problem, Mack. It’s an interesting topic and one that could really change the way we think about driving and transportation.

関連情報 / related information




What is Road Pricing?
Road pricing is a system where drivers pay to use certain roads, especially during busy times. The goal is to reduce traffic jams and improve air quality. By charging fees, it encourages drivers to travel during less busy times or use public transport.

Why is Road Pricing Important?
Road pricing helps reduce traffic congestion. When fees are higher during peak hours, fewer people choose to drive. This makes travel times shorter and more predictable. It also means fewer cars on the road, which helps reduce pollution and improve air quality.

Examples from Other Countries
Countries like London and Singapore have used road pricing successfully. In London, it reduced traffic by 30% and improved air quality. Singapore has seen similar benefits, with less traffic and cleaner air. These examples show that road pricing can work well if implemented correctly.

Japan’s Plan for 2025
The Japanese government plans to start road pricing on highways in 2025. They tested it during the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, and it reduced traffic significantly. The system will charge higher fees during busy times to encourage drivers to travel at different times or use public transportation.

Benefits and Challenges
Benefits: Road pricing can reduce traffic, improve air quality, and promote the use of public transport.
Challenges: It can be costly for drivers, especially those who must travel during peak times. Setting up and maintaining the system can also be expensive. Ensuring fairness is another challenge, as the system must be fair to all drivers.

Road pricing is a useful tool for managing traffic and improving the environment. By understanding its benefits and challenges, we can better appreciate its role in modern transportation.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is road pricing?
Road pricing is a system where drivers are charged fees for using certain roads, especially during peak times. The goal is to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.
2: Why is road pricing used?
Road pricing is used to manage traffic by encouraging drivers to travel during less busy times or to use public transportation. It helps to reduce traffic jams and pollution.
3: How does road pricing work?
Road pricing works by charging higher fees during peak hours when traffic is heavy and lower fees during off-peak hours. This encourages drivers to avoid driving during busy times.
4: What are the benefits of road pricing?
The benefits of road pricing include reduced traffic congestion, improved air quality, and increased use of public transportation. It also generates revenue that can be used for infrastructure improvements.
5: Are there any downsides to road pricing?
Yes, some downsides include higher costs for drivers who must travel during peak times, the complexity of setting up the system, and concerns about fairness to all drivers.
6: Where has road pricing been successfully implemented?
Road pricing has been successfully implemented in cities like London and Singapore. These cities have seen reduced traffic and improved air quality as a result.
7: How will road pricing be implemented in Japan?
Japan plans to introduce road pricing on highways starting in 2025. The system will charge higher tolls during busy times to encourage drivers to travel at different times or use public transportation.
8: How does road pricing affect the environment?
Road pricing helps reduce the number of cars on the road, which leads to lower emissions and improved air quality, benefiting the environment.
9: What are peak and off-peak hours in road pricing?
Peak hours are the busiest times when traffic is heaviest, usually during morning and evening commutes. Off-peak hours are less busy times when fewer cars are on the road.
10: Can road pricing reduce traffic congestion?
Yes, road pricing is effective in reducing traffic congestion by discouraging drivers from using busy roads during peak hours, leading to smoother traffic flow and shorter travel times.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you hear that the Japanese government plans to introduce road pricing on highways from 2025?



Yes, I heard about that. They want to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality, right?



Exactly. They will charge higher toll fees during peak hours to encourage drivers to avoid those times or use public transport.



That makes sense. I’ve read that this system was tested during the Tokyo Olympics, and it really helped reduce traffic jams.



Right. They saw a significant decrease in congestion. But I’m curious, how will this impact everyday drivers?



For drivers, it means they might have to pay more if they travel during busy times. But on the upside, it should lead to shorter and more predictable travel times.



That’s true. Fewer cars on the road during peak hours would also mean less pollution, which is great for the environment.



Yes, and the money collected from the tolls can be used to improve public transportation and road infrastructure. That’s a big plus.



What about the challenges? It sounds good in theory, but are there any downsides?



Well, the additional costs could be a burden for some drivers, especially those who don’t have flexible schedules. Also, setting up and maintaining the system can be expensive.



I see. And I guess there’s also the question of fairness, right? Ensuring that the system is fair to all drivers.



Exactly. They need to make sure that everyone has good alternatives, like reliable public transport, to make it fair.



I’m interested in how this system has worked in other countries. Do you know of any examples?



Yes, places like London and Singapore have successfully implemented road pricing. They’ve seen reduced traffic and better air quality as a result.



That’s encouraging. It seems like Japan could benefit in the same way if it’s implemented well.



Definitely. It will require careful planning and continuous adjustments, but the potential benefits are significant.



Thanks, Key. This has really helped me understand road pricing better. I’m looking forward to seeing how it works out here in Japan.



No problem, Mack. It’s an interesting topic and one that could really change the way we think about driving and transportation.


関連情報 / related information



What is Road Pricing?
Road pricing is a system where drivers pay to use certain roads, especially during busy times. The goal is to reduce traffic jams and improve air quality. By charging fees, it encourages drivers to travel during less busy times or use public transport.


Why is Road Pricing Important?
Road pricing helps reduce traffic congestion. When fees are higher during peak hours, fewer people choose to drive. This makes travel times shorter and more predictable. It also means fewer cars on the road, which helps reduce pollution and improve air quality.


Examples from Other Countries
Countries like London and Singapore have used road pricing successfully. In London, it reduced traffic by 30% and improved air quality. Singapore has seen similar benefits, with less traffic and cleaner air. These examples show that road pricing can work well if implemented correctly.


Japan’s Plan for 2025
The Japanese government plans to start road pricing on highways in 2025. They tested it during the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, and it reduced traffic significantly. The system will charge higher fees during busy times to encourage drivers to travel at different times or use public transportation.


Benefits and Challenges
Benefits: Road pricing can reduce traffic, improve air quality, and promote the use of public transport.
Challenges: It can be costly for drivers, especially those who must travel during peak times. Setting up and maintaining the system can also be expensive. Ensuring fairness is another challenge, as the system must be fair to all drivers.

利点: ロードプライシングは交通量を減らし、空気の質を改善し、公共交通機関の利用を促進することができます。
課題: 特にピーク時に移動しなければならない運転者にとって、コストがかかる場合があります。また、このシステムを設置し、維持するのにも費用がかかります。すべての運転者に対して公平であることを確保することも課題です。

Road pricing is a useful tool for managing traffic and improving the environment. By understanding its benefits and challenges, we can better appreciate its role in modern transportation.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is road pricing?  
Road pricing is a system where drivers are charged fees for using certain roads, especially during peak times. The goal is to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality.  
2: Why is road pricing used?  
Road pricing is used to manage traffic by encouraging drivers to travel during less busy times or to use public transportation. It helps to reduce traffic jams and pollution.  
3: How does road pricing work?  
Road pricing works by charging higher fees during peak hours when traffic is heavy and lower fees during off-peak hours. This encourages drivers to avoid driving during busy times.  
4: What are the benefits of road pricing?  
The benefits of road pricing include reduced traffic congestion, improved air quality, and increased use of public transportation. It also generates revenue that can be used for infrastructure improvements.  
5: Are there any downsides to road pricing?  
Yes, some downsides include higher costs for drivers who must travel during peak times, the complexity of setting up the system, and concerns about fairness to all drivers.  
6: Where has road pricing been successfully implemented?  
Road pricing has been successfully implemented in cities like London and Singapore. These cities have seen reduced traffic and improved air quality as a result.  
7: How will road pricing be implemented in Japan?  
Japan plans to introduce road pricing on highways starting in 2025. The system will charge higher tolls during busy times to encourage drivers to travel at different times or use public transportation.  
8: How does road pricing affect the environment?  
Road pricing helps reduce the number of cars on the road, which leads to lower emissions and improved air quality, benefiting the environment.  
9: What are peak and off-peak hours in road pricing?  
Peak hours are the busiest times when traffic is heaviest, usually during morning and evening commutes. Off-peak hours are less busy times when fewer cars are on the road.  
10: Can road pricing reduce traffic congestion?  
Yes, road pricing is effective in reducing traffic congestion by discouraging drivers from using busy roads during peak hours, leading to smoother traffic flow and shorter travel times.  

words & phrases



charge : 名詞または動詞
意味: 料金、費用。または、課す、請求する。A fee or price demanded for a service or product. Also, to demand payment.
They will charge higher fees during peak hours to reduce congestion.
The hotel charges $100 per night.
There is a delivery charge for this service.

toll : 名詞
意味: 通行料金。A fee paid for the use of a road or bridge.
The system will charge higher tolls during busy times.
Drivers must pay a toll to use the expressway.
The toll for crossing the bridge is $5.

upside : 名詞
意味: 利点、メリット。The positive aspect of a situation.
But on the upside, it should lead to shorter and more predictable travel times.
One upside of working from home is the flexibility.
The upside of this plan is that it will reduce pollution.

encouraging : 形容詞と
意味: 励みになる、勇気づける。Giving hope or confidence.
That’s encouraging. It seems like Japan could benefit in the same way.
The results are encouraging for our future plans.
She gave me an encouraging smile.

adjustments : 名詞
意味: 調整、修正。Small changes made to improve something or make it more suitable.
It will require careful planning and continuous adjustments.
The mechanic made some adjustments to the engine.
We need to make some adjustments to the schedule.

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