歌舞伎 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 歌舞伎の基本知識
    • 起源と歴史: 歌舞伎は1603年に京都の出雲の阿国という女性が始めました。最初は女性が演じていましたが、現在は男性のみが演じています。
    • 特徴: 豪華な衣装、ドラマチックなメイク(クマ取り)、誇張された演技が特徴です。メイクは役柄を際立たせるために使われます。
    • 演目の種類: 歌舞伎の演目は主に3つのカテゴリに分かれます。
      • 時代物 歴史的な出来事や侍の物語を描く。
      • 世話物: 普通の人々の生活を描く。
      • 所作事: 舞踊が中心の演目。
  2. 人気の演目
    • 勧進帳: 明快なストーリーと有名なシーンで初心者にもおすすめ。
    • 連獅子: ダイナミックな獅子舞が特徴で視覚的に楽しめる。
    • 仮名手本忠臣蔵: 忠義と復讐の物語。
  3. 観劇のポイント
    • 一幕見席: 初めての人には、一幕だけ観ることができるチケットがおすすめ。気軽に歌舞伎を体験できます。
    • イヤホンガイド: 英語などの解説が聞けるガイドがあり、物語や登場人物の理解が深まります。
    • パンフレット: 多言語のパンフレットで公演の概要を事前に読むことができます。
  4. チケットの購入
    • オンライン購入: 歌舞伎座の公式ウェブサイトで購入可能。
    • 価格: 一幕見席は1,000円から2,000円、全公演のチケットは席によって4,000円から20,000円程度。




会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Kabuki lately. I want to know more about it and maybe watch a performance. Have you ever been to a Kabuki show?


Yes, I have! Kabuki is fascinating. It started in the early 1600s by a woman named Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto. Did you know that?


No, I didn’t. That’s interesting. So, it’s pretty old, right?


Yes, it is. Initially, women performed it, but now only men perform Kabuki. They wear elaborate costumes and dramatic makeup called Kumadori to highlight their roles.


I’ve seen pictures of the makeup. It’s really striking. What kinds of plays do they perform?


Kabuki plays are mainly of three types: Historical plays, which depict samurai stories and historical events; Domestic plays, which focus on the lives of ordinary people; and Dance plays, which are centered around dance performances.


That sounds varied and interesting. Are there any specific plays you would recommend for a beginner like me?


Definitely. “Kanjincho” is a great one. It has a clear story and famous scenes, especially with the character Benkei. “Renjishi,” which features dynamic lion dances, is also very visually impressive. And “Kanadehon Chushingura” is a classic tale of loyalty and revenge.


Those sound great. Where can I watch these performances?


The best place to start is Kabuki-za in Tokyo. It’s a beautiful theater with regular performances. They also offer earphone guides in English, which help a lot. Another great theater is Minami-za in Kyoto.


I’ll definitely check out Kabuki-za. What about tickets? Are they hard to get?


Not really. You can buy tickets online from their official website or directly at the theater. For a first-timer, I recommend getting a single act ticket. It’s less commitment and a good way to get a feel for Kabuki.


That’s a good tip. How much do the tickets usually cost?


It depends on the seating. Single act tickets can be around 1,000 to 2,000 yen. Full performance tickets range from 4,000 to 20,000 yen, depending on the seat.


That sounds reasonable. Is there anything else I should know before going?


It helps to read a bit about the play beforehand. Also, there are pamphlets and earphone guides available in multiple languages, so you won’t miss any details. And don’t forget to check out the shops and restaurants inside the theater.


Thanks, Key. I’m really excited to experience Kabuki now. It sounds like a fantastic way to dive into Japanese culture.


You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy the show! It’s truly an unforgettable experience.

関連情報 / related information




Origin and History
Kabuki is a traditional Japanese theater form that started in 1603. It was created by a woman named Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto. At first, women performed Kabuki, but later, only men were allowed to perform. Today, Kabuki is performed only by men.

Kabuki is known for its elaborate costumes, dramatic makeup, and exaggerated acting. The makeup, called Kumadori, highlights the characters’ roles and emotions. The actors use strong poses and movements to express their characters.

Types of Plays
There are three main types of Kabuki plays:

  1. Historical Plays : These plays tell stories about historical events and samurai.
  2. Domestic Plays : These focus on the lives of ordinary people and everyday events.
  3. Dance Plays: These are centered around dance performances.

Popular Plays
Some popular Kabuki plays are:

  1. Kanjincho: A play with a clear story and famous scenes. It’s good for beginners.
  2. Renjishi: This play features dynamic lion dances, which are very visually impressive.
  3. Kanadehon Chushingura: A classic story about loyalty and revenge.

Watching Kabuki
For beginners, it is good to buy a single act ticket. This allows you to watch one part of the play. Most theaters offer earphone guides in English and other languages to help you understand the story. Kabuki-za in Tokyo is a great place to watch Kabuki. You can buy tickets online from their official website. Single act tickets cost around 1,000 to 2,000 yen, and full performance tickets range from 4,000 to 20,000 yen.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Kabuki?
Kabuki is a traditional Japanese theater form that started in the early 1600s. It is known for its elaborate costumes, dramatic makeup, and exaggerated acting.
2: Who created Kabuki?
Kabuki was created by a woman named Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto in 1603. She performed dance and drama, which became the basis of Kabuki.
3: What are the main types of Kabuki plays?
There are three main types of Kabuki plays: historical plays (jidaimono), domestic plays (sewamono), and dance plays (shosagoto).
4: What is Kumadori in Kabuki?
Kumadori is the dramatic makeup used in Kabuki to highlight the characters' roles and emotions. It uses bold colors and patterns.
5: Why do only men perform in Kabuki?
Originally, women performed in Kabuki, but in 1629, women were banned from performing, and since then, only men have taken on all the roles.
6: What is Hanamichi in Kabuki?
Hanamichi is a raised platform or runway that extends from the stage into the audience. It is used for dramatic entrances and exits.
7: What is a popular Kabuki play for beginners?
Kanjincho is a popular Kabuki play for beginners. It has a clear story and famous scenes, making it easy to understand.
8: Where can you watch Kabuki performances?
Kabuki performances can be watched at theaters like Kabuki-za in Tokyo and Minami-za in Kyoto, where regular performances are held.
9: How can a beginner enjoy watching Kabuki?
A beginner can enjoy Kabuki by buying a single act ticket and using an earphone guide, which provides explanations in English and other languages.
10: How much do Kabuki tickets usually cost?
Kabuki ticket prices vary. Single act tickets cost around 1,000 to 2,000 yen, while full performance tickets can range from 4,000 to 20,000 yen, depending on the seat.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Kabuki lately. I want to know more about it and maybe watch a performance. Have you ever been to a Kabuki show?



Yes, I have! Kabuki is fascinating. It started in the early 1600s by a woman named Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto. Did you know that?



No, I didn’t. That’s interesting. So, it’s pretty old, right?



Yes, it is. Initially, women performed it, but now only men perform Kabuki. They wear elaborate costumes and dramatic makeup called Kumadori to highlight their roles.



I’ve seen pictures of the makeup. It’s really striking. What kinds of plays do they perform?



Kabuki plays are mainly of three types: Historical plays, which depict samurai stories and historical events; Domestic plays, which focus on the lives of ordinary people; and Dance plays, which are centered around dance performances.



That sounds varied and interesting. Are there any specific plays you would recommend for a beginner like me?



Definitely. “Kanjincho” is a great one. It has a clear story and famous scenes, especially with the character Benkei. “Renjishi,” which features dynamic lion dances, is also very visually impressive. And “Kanadehon Chushingura” is a classic tale of loyalty and revenge.



Those sound great. Where can I watch these performances?



The best place to start is Kabuki-za in Tokyo. It’s a beautiful theater with regular performances. They also offer earphone guides in English, which help a lot. Another great theater is Minami-za in Kyoto.



I’ll definitely check out Kabuki-za. What about tickets? Are they hard to get?



Not really. You can buy tickets online from their official website or directly at the theater. For a first-timer, I recommend getting a single act ticket. It’s less commitment and a good way to get a feel for Kabuki.



That’s a good tip. How much do the tickets usually cost?



It depends on the seating. Single act tickets can be around 1,000 to 2,000 yen. Full performance tickets range from 4,000 to 20,000 yen, depending on the seat.



That sounds reasonable. Is there anything else I should know before going?



It helps to read a bit about the play beforehand. Also, there are pamphlets and earphone guides available in multiple languages, so you won’t miss any details. And don’t forget to check out the shops and restaurants inside the theater.



Thanks, Key. I’m really excited to experience Kabuki now. It sounds like a fantastic way to dive into Japanese culture.



You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy the show! It’s truly an unforgettable experience.


関連情報 / related information



Origin and History
Kabuki is a traditional Japanese theater form that started in 1603. It was created by a woman named Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto. At first, women performed Kabuki, but later, only men were allowed to perform. Today, Kabuki is performed only by men.


Kabuki is known for its elaborate costumes, dramatic makeup, and exaggerated acting. The makeup, called Kumadori, highlights the characters’ roles and emotions. The actors use strong poses and movements to express their characters.


Types of Plays
There are three main types of Kabuki plays:

  1. Historical Plays: These plays tell stories about historical events and samurai.
  2. Domestic Plays : These focus on the lives of ordinary people and everyday events.
  3. Dance Plays : These are centered around dance performances.


  1. 時代物: 歴史的な出来事や侍の物語を描く演目。
  2. 世話物: 普通の人々の生活や日常の出来事を描く演目。
  3. 所作事: 舞踊を中心とした演目。

Popular Plays
Some popular Kabuki plays are:

  1. Kanjincho: A play with a clear story and famous scenes. It’s good for beginners.
  2. Renjishi: This play features dynamic lion dances, which are very visually impressive.
  3. Kanadehon Chushingura: A classic story about loyalty and revenge.


  1. 勧進帳: 明確なストーリーと有名なシーンがある演目。初心者におすすめです。
  2. 連獅子: ダイナミックな獅子舞が特徴の演目。視覚的に非常に印象的です。
  3. 仮名手本忠臣蔵: 忠誠と復讐の古典的な物語。

Watching Kabuki
For beginners, it is good to buy a single act ticket. This allows you to watch one part of the play. Most theaters offer earphone guides in English and other languages to help you understand the story. Kabuki-za in Tokyo is a great place to watch Kabuki. You can buy tickets online from their official website. Single act tickets cost around 1,000 to 2,000 yen, and full performance tickets range from 4,000 to 20,000 yen.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Kabuki?  
Kabuki is a traditional Japanese theater form that started in the early 1600s. It is known for its elaborate costumes, dramatic makeup, and exaggerated acting.  
2: Who created Kabuki?  
Kabuki was created by a woman named Izumo no Okuni in Kyoto in 1603. She performed dance and drama, which became the basis of Kabuki.  
3: What are the main types of Kabuki plays?  
There are three main types of Kabuki plays: historical plays (jidaimono), domestic plays (sewamono), and dance plays (shosagoto).  
4: What is Kumadori in Kabuki?  
Kumadori is the dramatic makeup used in Kabuki to highlight the characters' roles and emotions. It uses bold colors and patterns.  
5: Why do only men perform in Kabuki?  
Originally, women performed in Kabuki, but in 1629, women were banned from performing, and since then, only men have taken on all the roles.  
6: What is Hanamichi in Kabuki?  
Hanamichi is a raised platform or runway that extends from the stage into the audience. It is used for dramatic entrances and exits.  
7: What is a popular Kabuki play for beginners?  
Kanjincho is a popular Kabuki play for beginners. It has a clear story and famous scenes, making it easy to understand.  
8: Where can you watch Kabuki performances?  
Kabuki performances can be watched at theaters like Kabuki-za in Tokyo and Minami-za in Kyoto, where regular performances are held.  
9: How can a beginner enjoy watching Kabuki?  
A beginner can enjoy Kabuki by buying a single act ticket and using an earphone guide, which provides explanations in English and other languages.  
10: How much do Kabuki tickets usually cost?  
Kabuki ticket prices vary. Single act tickets cost around 1,000 to 2,000 yen, while full performance tickets can range from 4,000 to 20,000 yen, depending on the seat.  

words & phrases



elaborate : 形容詞
意味:精巧な、複雑な。Involving many careful details or complicated parts.
The costume was very elaborate, with intricate patterns and bright colors.
The elaborate set design made the play look more realistic.
Her elaborate explanation helped everyone understand the complex topic.

depict : 動詞
意味:描写する、描く。To represent or show something in a picture or story.
The painting depicts a beautiful landscape.
The novel depicts the struggles of a young woman in the 19th century.
Kabuki plays often depict historical events and samurai stories.

varied : 形容詞
意味:多様な、様々な。Including many different types or elements.
The restaurant offers a varied menu with dishes from different cuisines.
Her interests are quite varied, ranging from sports to art.
Kabuki has varied performances, including historical and dance plays.

commitment : 名詞 
意味:約束、責任、献身。A promise or firm decision to do something; dedication.
He made a commitment to finish the project on time.
Marriage requires a strong commitment between partners.
「結婚はパートナー間の強い献身を必要とします。」Buying a single act ticket is less of a commitment than a full performance.

seating : 名詞
意味:座席、座ること。The arrangement or number of seats in a particular space.
The seating in the theater was very comfortable.
We need to arrange the seating for the event.
The seating at Kabuki-za varies in price depending on the location.

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