日本家屋 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 日本家屋の基本的な特徴
    • 木造建築:日本家屋は主に木材で建てられており、柔軟で地震に強い
    • 和室:畳敷きの部屋で、床に座る文化がある
    • 障子と襖:紙と木で作られた引き戸で、自然光を取り入れたり部屋を仕切ったりする
    • 縁側:家と庭をつなぐ廊下で、風通しと光を取り入れる役割がある
    • 深い庇:夏の直射日光を遮るための深い屋根の庇がある
  2. 日本家屋の設計思想
    • 自然との調和:自然素材を使用し、庭園を含めて自然と一体化した設計が特徴
    • 美的シンプルさ:ミニマリズムとバランスを重視し、わびさびの美学が反映されている
    • 機能性:通気性や断熱性に優れ、季節に応じた快適な生活環境を提供する
  3. 文化的背景
    • 歴史的意義:平安時代から江戸時代にかけて発展した建築様式で、文化や伝統を反映
    • 家族の絆:共用の空間が多く、家族のつながりを重視
  4. 銀閣寺との関連
    • 銀閣寺:室町時代に建てられた有名な寺院で、東求堂や同仁斎がある
    • 東求堂:銀閣寺の建物の一つで、同仁斎という書斎がある
    • 同仁斎:日本家屋の元祖とされる書斎の一つで、シンプルなデザインが特徴



>> 「銀閣寺 – 英語で説明するには」はこちら

会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in traditional Japanese houses lately. Do you know much about them?


Yes, I do. Traditional Japanese houses have some fascinating features. What sparked your interest?


I visited Ginkaku-ji recently, and I learned about Togu-do and Dojinsai. It’s amazing how they were designed to be in harmony with nature.


Absolutely. Ginkaku-ji is a great example. The houses are made mostly of wood, which is flexible and strong, especially important in a country with many earthquakes.


And the shoji and fusuma doors! They allow for good ventilation, right?


Exactly. Shoji are sliding doors made of paper and wood that let in soft light, and fusuma are used to divide rooms. This design helps keep the house cool in summer and warm in winter.


I also read about the deep eaves that block direct sunlight in summer. It’s quite clever.


Yes, those eaves help maintain a comfortable temperature inside. Plus, the tatami mats are great for regulating humidity.


I love the aesthetic simplicity too. The minimalism and balance in the design are very calming.


That’s part of the wabi-sabi philosophy—finding beauty in simplicity and imperfection. Japanese houses often have a tokonoma, an alcove for displaying art or flowers, which highlights this principle.


And the gardens! The integration with nature is so seamless. I saw the beautiful garden at Ginkaku-ji.


Japanese houses and gardens are designed to be in harmony. They often include elements like rocks, ponds, and carefully arranged plants, which change with the seasons.


It’s amazing how they also reflect cultural values, like family bonding. The shared spaces in the house bring everyone together.


Yes, common rooms where the family can gather are essential. And the concept of ma, or the space between things, is about creating a sense of openness and balance.


Learning about these houses really makes me appreciate the thought and philosophy behind the design. Do you think these traditional elements are still used today?


Definitely. Modern Japanese houses often blend traditional elements with contemporary styles. For example, you might find a house with both tatami rooms and Western-style rooms.


That’s great to hear. I think there’s so much we can learn from these traditional designs. They are beautiful, functional, and deeply meaningful.


Absolutely. If you want to learn more, you could visit other historic sites or even stay in a traditional inn, a ryokan. It’s a great way to experience traditional Japanese houses firsthand.


I’d love that! Thanks, Key. This conversation has really deepened my understanding of traditional Japanese houses.

関連情報 / related information




Structure and Materials
Traditional Japanese houses are mainly made of wood. This makes them flexible and strong, which is important in Japan because of frequent earthquakes. The floors in many rooms are covered with tatami mats, which are soft and comfortable to sit and sleep on.

Doors and Windows
Japanese houses have special sliding doors called shoji and fusuma. Shoji doors are made of paper and wood, letting in soft, natural light. Fusuma doors are also sliding doors but are used to separate rooms. These doors help with good ventilation, keeping the house cool in summer and warm in winter.

Design and Aesthetics
Traditional Japanese houses are designed with simplicity and balance. They follow the wabi-sabi philosophy, which finds beauty in simplicity and imperfection. The houses often have a tokonoma, an alcove where art or flowers are displayed.

Harmony with Nature
Japanese houses are built to harmonize with nature. They use natural materials like wood, paper, and bamboo. Many houses have gardens that include rocks, ponds, and plants, changing with the seasons. This creates a peaceful and relaxing environment.

Cultural Significance
These houses also reflect Japanese culture. Common rooms where the family can gather are essential. The design also includes the concept of ma, which is about the space between things, creating a sense of openness and balance.

Example: Ginkaku-ji
Ginkaku-ji, also known as the Silver Pavilion, is a famous example. It includes Togu-do, a building with one of the first study rooms in Japan called Dojinsai. This room shows the simple and elegant design of traditional Japanese houses.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What are traditional Japanese houses mainly made of?
Traditional Japanese houses are mainly made of wood, which makes them flexible and strong, especially in a country with frequent earthquakes.
2: What are tatami mats?
 Tatami mats are floor coverings made from rice straw. They are soft and comfortable to sit or sleep on and are commonly used in traditional Japanese rooms.
3: What is the purpose of shoji doors in a Japanese house?
Shoji doors are sliding doors made of paper and wood. They let in soft, natural light and provide privacy while maintaining an open and airy feel in the room.
4: How do fusuma doors function in a Japanese house?
Fusuma doors are sliding doors used to divide rooms. They are made of paper and wood, allowing for flexible room configurations.
5: What is a tokonoma?
A tokonoma is an alcove in a traditional Japanese room used to display art, such as paintings or flower arrangements. It is a focal point in the room, highlighting simplicity and elegance.
6: How does a traditional Japanese house stay cool in summer?
Traditional Japanese houses stay cool in summer through good ventilation, using open windows, shoji doors, and deep eaves that block direct sunlight.
7: What is wabi-sabi in the context of Japanese houses?
Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic philosophy that finds beauty in simplicity, imperfection, and the natural flow of time, often reflected in the design of traditional Japanese houses.
8: Why are eaves important in Japanese houses?
Eaves are important because they protect the house from harsh weather and help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature by blocking direct sunlight in summer.
9: How do Japanese houses integrate with nature?
Japanese houses integrate with nature by using natural materials like wood and paper, and by including gardens that blend seamlessly with the house, reflecting the changing seasons.
10: Are traditional elements still used in modern Japanese houses?
Yes, many modern Japanese houses blend traditional elements, like tatami rooms and shoji doors, with contemporary styles, preserving the cultural heritage while adapting to modern needs.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in traditional Japanese houses lately. Do you know much about them?



Yes, I do. Traditional Japanese houses have some fascinating features. What sparked your interest?



I visited Ginkaku-ji recently, and I learned about Togu-do and Dojinsai. It’s amazing how they were designed to be in harmony with nature.



Absolutely. Ginkaku-ji is a great example. The houses are made mostly of wood, which is flexible and strong, especially important in a country with many earthquakes.



And the shoji and fusuma doors! They allow for good ventilation, right?



Exactly. Shoji are sliding doors made of paper and wood that let in soft light, and fusuma are used to divide rooms. This design helps keep the house cool in summer and warm in winter.



I also read about the deep eaves that block direct sunlight in summer. It’s quite clever.



Yes, those eaves help maintain a comfortable temperature inside. Plus, the tatami mats are great for regulating humidity.



I love the aesthetic simplicity too. The minimalism and balance in the design are very calming.



That’s part of the wabi-sabi philosophy—finding beauty in simplicity and imperfection. Japanese houses often have a tokonoma, an alcove for displaying art or flowers, which highlights this principle.



And the gardens! The integration with nature is so seamless. I saw the beautiful garden at Ginkaku-ji.



Japanese houses and gardens are designed to be in harmony. They often include elements like rocks, ponds, and carefully arranged plants, which change with the seasons.



It’s amazing how they also reflect cultural values, like family bonding. The shared spaces in the house bring everyone together.



Yes, common rooms where the family can gather are essential. And the concept of ma, or the space between things, is about creating a sense of openness and balance.



Learning about these houses really makes me appreciate the thought and philosophy behind the design. Do you think these traditional elements are still used today?



Definitely. Modern Japanese houses often blend traditional elements with contemporary styles. For example, you might find a house with both tatami rooms and Western-style rooms.



That’s great to hear. I think there’s so much we can learn from these traditional designs. They are beautiful, functional, and deeply meaningful.



Absolutely. If you want to learn more, you could visit other historic sites or even stay in a traditional inn, a ryokan. It’s a great way to experience traditional Japanese houses firsthand.



I’d love that! Thanks, Key. This conversation has really deepened my understanding of traditional Japanese houses.


関連情報 / related information



Structure and Materials
Traditional Japanese houses are mainly made of wood. This makes them flexible and strong, which is important in Japan because of frequent earthquakes. The floors in many rooms are covered with tatami mats, which are soft and comfortable to sit and sleep on.


Doors and Windows
Japanese houses have special sliding doors called shoji and fusuma. Shoji doors are made of paper and wood, letting in soft, natural light. Fusuma doors are also sliding doors but are used to separate rooms. These doors help with good ventilation, keeping the house cool in summer and warm in winter.


Design and Aesthetics
Traditional Japanese houses are designed with simplicity and balance. They follow the wabi-sabi philosophy, which finds beauty in simplicity and imperfection. The houses often have a tokonoma, an alcove where art or flowers are displayed.


Harmony with Nature
Japanese houses are built to harmonize with nature. They use natural materials like wood, paper, and bamboo. Many houses have gardens that include rocks, ponds, and plants, changing with the seasons. This creates a peaceful and relaxing environment.


Cultural Significance
These houses also reflect Japanese culture. Common rooms where the family can gather are essential. The design also includes the concept of ma, which is about the space between things, creating a sense of openness and balance.


Example: Ginkaku-ji
Ginkaku-ji, also known as the Silver Pavilion, is a famous example. It includes Togu-do, a building with one of the first study rooms in Japan called Dojinsai. This room shows the simple and elegant design of traditional Japanese houses.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What are traditional Japanese houses mainly made of?  
Traditional Japanese houses are mainly made of wood, which makes them flexible and strong, especially in a country with frequent earthquakes.  
2: What are tatami mats?  
Tatami mats are floor coverings made from rice straw. They are soft and comfortable to sit or sleep on and are commonly used in traditional Japanese rooms.  
3: What is the purpose of shoji doors in a Japanese house?  
Shoji doors are sliding doors made of paper and wood. They let in soft, natural light and provide privacy while maintaining an open and airy feel in the room.  
4: How do fusuma doors function in a Japanese house?  
Fusuma doors are sliding doors used to divide rooms. They are made of paper and wood, allowing for flexible room configurations.  
5: What is a tokonoma?  
A tokonoma is an alcove in a traditional Japanese room used to display art, such as paintings or flower arrangements. It is a focal point in the room, highlighting simplicity and elegance.  
6: How does a traditional Japanese house stay cool in summer?  
Traditional Japanese houses stay cool in summer through good ventilation, using open windows, shoji doors, and deep eaves that block direct sunlight.  
7: What is wabi-sabi in the context of Japanese houses?  
Wabi-sabi is a Japanese aesthetic philosophy that finds beauty in simplicity, imperfection, and the natural flow of time, often reflected in the design of traditional Japanese houses.  
8: Why are eaves important in Japanese houses?  
Eaves are important because they protect the house from harsh weather and help maintain a comfortable indoor temperature by blocking direct sunlight in summer.  
9: How do Japanese houses integrate with nature?  
Japanese houses integrate with nature by using natural materials like wood and paper, and by including gardens that blend seamlessly with the house, reflecting the changing seasons.  
10: Are traditional elements still used in modern Japanese houses?  
Yes, many modern Japanese houses blend traditional elements, like tatami rooms and shoji doors, with contemporary styles, preserving the cultural heritage while adapting to modern needs.  

words & phrases



in harmony with : 前置詞句
意味: 調和して、一致して。In a state of agreement or concord.
The design of the house is in harmony with its natural surroundings.
She lives her life in harmony with her beliefs.
The colors in the painting are in harmony with each other.

allow for : 句動詞
意味: 〜を可能にする、〜を考慮に入れる。To make something possible, to consider something.
The design of the windows allows for good ventilation.
Please allow for extra time in case of traffic delays.
The budget should allow for unexpected expenses.

ventilation : 名詞
意味: 換気、通風。The provision of fresh air to a room, building, etc.
Good ventilation is important in traditional Japanese houses.
The room needs better ventilation to get rid of the smoke.
Proper ventilation can improve indoor air quality.

let in : 句動詞
意味: 〜を入れる。To allow something or someone to enter.
Shoji doors let in soft, natural light.
Please let me in; it’s cold outside.
Open the windows to let in some fresh air.

divide : 動詞
意味: 分ける、分割する。To separate into parts or groups.
Fusuma doors are used to divide rooms.
The teacher divided the class into four groups.
Let’s divide the cake into eight pieces.

eaves : 名詞
意味: 軒、屋根の庇。The part of a roof that meets or overhangs the walls of a building.
The deep eaves help block direct sunlight in summer.
Birds often build nests under the eaves of houses.
The rainwater dripped from the eaves onto the ground.

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