岡倉天心 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ 







  1. 岡倉天心(岡倉覚三)
    • 1863年生まれの日本の美術評論家、教育者、そして美術館創設者。
    • 近代日本美術の発展に大きく貢献し、東京美術学校(現在の東京芸術大学)と日本美術院を設立。
  2. 東京美術学校と日本美術院
    • 東京美術学校は、岡倉天心が1889年に設立した美術教育機関。
    • 日本美術院は、伝統的な日本画の振興を目指して設立された団体。
  3. 『茶の本』
    • 岡倉天心が1906年に英語で書いた本で、茶道を通じて日本文化と哲学を紹介する内容。
    • 茶道の歴史、哲学、デザイン、美と調和、おもてなしの心について書かれている。
  4. アーネスト・フェノロサ
    • アメリカの美術史家で、岡倉天心の師匠。共に日本美術の保護と普及に尽力した。
  5. 法隆寺夢殿の開扉
    • 1884年にフェノロサと岡倉天心が法隆寺を訪れ、秘仏である救世観音像の調査のために夢殿の厨子を開扉させた。この出来事は、日本の文化財保護と美術史研究に大きな影響を与えた。
  6. 弟子たち
    • 横山大観、下村観山、菱田春草などが岡倉天心の弟子であり、日本美術の発展に貢献した。




会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in learning more about Okakura Tenshin. Do you know much about him?


Yes, I do! Okakura Tenshin was an influential Japanese art critic and educator. He played a major role in the development of modern Japanese art.


That’s fascinating. I read that he founded the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Is that true?


Absolutely. He established it in 1889, and it’s now known as Tokyo University of the Arts. He was the first president and guided many young artists.


I also heard about his work with the Japan Art Institute. What was that about?


After leaving the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, Okakura founded the Japan Art Institute. It focused on promoting traditional Japanese painting and produced many famous artists.


Speaking of promoting art, didn’t he also write “The Book of Tea”?


Yes, “The Book of Tea” is one of his most famous works. He wrote it in English in 1906 to explain Japanese culture and philosophy through the tea ceremony. It’s still widely read today.


That sounds interesting. Did he work alone, or did he have any notable collaborations?


He worked closely with Ernest Fenollosa, an American art historian. Together, they promoted Japanese art and cultural preservation. One famous event was when they opened the shrine in the Yumedono at Horyu-ji Temple to study the Kuse Kannon statue.


Wow, that must have been a significant moment. Did he have any notable students?


Yes, he did. Some of his famous students include Yokoyama Taikan, Shimomura Kanzan, and Hishida Shunso. They continued his work in promoting and developing Japanese art.


That’s amazing. I’d love to see some of their works someday. How did Okakura’s efforts impact Japanese culture?


His efforts in preserving and promoting traditional Japanese art helped protect many cultural assets. His blend of traditional and Western influences also helped modernize Japanese art, making it more recognized worldwide.


I really appreciate you sharing all this information. It gives me a deeper understanding of Okakura Tenshin and his impact.


Anytime, Mack. If you’re interested, you should definitely read “The Book of Tea” and maybe visit some of the museums and exhibitions related to his work.


I will! Thanks again, Key.


You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your journey into Japanese art and culture!

関連情報 / related information




Okakura Tenshin, also known as Kakuzo Okakura, was born in 1863 in Japan. He was an important art critic, educator, and museum founder. His work greatly influenced modern Japanese art.

Education and Schools
In 1889, Okakura founded the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, which is now called Tokyo University of the Arts. He was the first president and helped many young artists. Later, he established the Japan Art Institute to promote traditional Japanese painting.

The Book of Tea
In 1906, Okakura wrote “The Book of Tea” in English. This book explains Japanese culture and philosophy through the tea ceremony. It talks about the history, philosophy, design, beauty, and hospitality of the tea ceremony. The book is still read by many people around the world.

Collaboration with Fenollosa
Okakura worked closely with Ernest Fenollosa, an American art historian. Together, they promoted Japanese art and worked to preserve cultural heritage. In 1884, they opened the shrine in the Yumedono (Hall of Dreams) at Horyu-ji Temple to study the hidden Kuse Kannon statue.

Legacy and Students
Okakura had many famous students, such as Yokoyama Taikan, Shimomura Kanzan, and Hishida Shunso. These students continued his work and helped develop Japanese art. Okakura’s efforts in blending traditional and Western influences helped modernize Japanese art and made it more recognized worldwide.

Okakura Tenshin’s contributions to art education and cultural preservation are significant. His work and teachings continue to influence Japanese art and culture today.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: Who was Okakura Tenshin?  
Okakura Tenshin, also known as Kakuzo Okakura, was a Japanese art critic and educator. He contributed to modern Japanese art and founded the Tokyo School of Fine Arts.
2: What did Okakura Tenshin write about in "The Book of Tea"? 
In "The Book of Tea," Okakura explained Japanese culture and philosophy through the tea ceremony. He discussed the importance of simplicity, beauty, and harmony in the tea ceremony.
3: Why is Okakura Tenshin important to Japanese art? 
Okakura Tenshin helped preserve traditional Japanese art and blended it with Western ideas. He played a key role in modernizing Japanese art while keeping its traditional roots.
4: What was the Tokyo School of Fine Arts?  
The Tokyo School of Fine Arts, founded by Okakura Tenshin in 1889, was a school dedicated to teaching and promoting Japanese art. It is now called Tokyo University of the Arts.
5: Who was Ernest Fenollosa?
Ernest Fenollosa was an American art historian and a mentor to Okakura Tenshin. Together, they worked to preserve Japanese art and cultural heritage.
6: What was the Yumedono shrine event?  
In 1884, Okakura and Fenollosa opened the shrine at Yumedono in Horyu-ji Temple to study the hidden Kuse Kannon statue. This event helped promote the preservation of Japanese cultural heritage.
7: How did Okakura contribute to cultural preservation? 
Okakura advocated for the protection of Japanese cultural heritage, such as art and historical buildings. His efforts helped save important cultural assets.
8: What is "The Book of Tea" about?  
"The Book of Tea" explains the philosophy and aesthetics of the Japanese tea ceremony. Okakura discusses how tea reflects Japanese ideals of simplicity, harmony, and beauty.
9: Who were some of Okakura Tenshin's famous students?  
Some of Okakura's well-known students include Yokoyama Taikan, Shimomura Kanzan, and Hishida Shunso. They became important figures in Japanese art.
10: How did Okakura influence Western understanding of Japanese culture?  
Okakura worked in the United States, especially at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, where he promoted Japanese art. His writings and teachings helped Western audiences appreciate Japanese culture.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in learning more about Okakura Tenshin. Do you know much about him?



Yes, I do! Okakura Tenshin was an influential Japanese art critic and educator. He played a major role in the development of modern Japanese art.



That’s fascinating. I read that he founded the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. Is that true?



Absolutely. He established it in 1889, and it’s now known as Tokyo University of the Arts. He was the first president and guided many young artists.



I also heard about his work with the Japan Art Institute. What was that about?



After leaving the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, Okakura founded the Japan Art Institute. It focused on promoting traditional Japanese painting and produced many famous artists.



Speaking of promoting art, didn’t he also write “The Book of Tea”?



Yes, “The Book of Tea” is one of his most famous works. He wrote it in English in 1906 to explain Japanese culture and philosophy through the tea ceremony. It’s still widely read today.



That sounds interesting. Did he work alone, or did he have any notable collaborations?



He worked closely with Ernest Fenollosa, an American art historian. Together, they promoted Japanese art and cultural preservation. One famous event was when they opened the shrine in the Yumedono at Horyu-ji Temple to study the Kuse Kannon statue.



Wow, that must have been a significant moment. Did he have any notable students?



Yes, he did. Some of his famous students include Yokoyama Taikan, Shimomura Kanzan, and Hishida Shunso. They continued his work in promoting and developing Japanese art.



That’s amazing. I’d love to see some of their works someday. How did Okakura’s efforts impact Japanese culture?



His efforts in preserving and promoting traditional Japanese art helped protect many cultural assets. His blend of traditional and Western influences also helped modernize Japanese art, making it more recognized worldwide.



I really appreciate you sharing all this information. It gives me a deeper understanding of Okakura Tenshin and his impact.



Anytime, Mack. If you’re interested, you should definitely read “The Book of Tea” and maybe visit some of the museums and exhibitions related to his work.



I will! Thanks again, Key.



You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your journey into Japanese art and culture!


関連情報 / related information



Okakura Tenshin, also known as Kakuzo Okakura, was born in 1863 in Japan. He was an important art critic, educator, and museum founder. His work greatly influenced modern Japanese art.


Education and Schools
In 1889, Okakura founded the Tokyo School of Fine Arts, which is now called Tokyo University of the Arts. He was the first president and helped many young artists. Later, he established the Japan Art Institute to promote traditional Japanese painting.


The Book of Tea
In 1906, Okakura wrote “The Book of Tea” in English. This book explains Japanese culture and philosophy through the tea ceremony. It talks about the history, philosophy, design, beauty, and hospitality of the tea ceremony. The book is still read by many people around the world.


Collaboration with Fenollosa
Okakura worked closely with Ernest Fenollosa, an American art historian. Together, they promoted Japanese art and worked to preserve cultural heritage. In 1884, they opened the shrine in the Yumedono (Hall of Dreams) at Horyu-ji Temple to study the hidden Kuse Kannon statue.


Legacy and Students
Okakura had many famous students, such as Yokoyama Taikan, Shimomura Kanzan, and Hishida Shunso. These students continued his work and helped develop Japanese art. Okakura’s efforts in blending traditional and Western influences helped modernize Japanese art and made it more recognized worldwide.


Okakura Tenshin’s contributions to art education and cultural preservation are significant. His work and teachings continue to influence Japanese art and culture today.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: Who was Okakura Tenshin?  
Okakura Tenshin, also known as Kakuzo Okakura, was a Japanese art critic and educator. He contributed to modern Japanese art and founded the Tokyo School of Fine Arts.  
2: What did Okakura Tenshin write about in "The Book of Tea"?  
In "The Book of Tea," Okakura explained Japanese culture and philosophy through the tea ceremony. He discussed the importance of simplicity, beauty, and harmony in the tea ceremony.  
3: Why is Okakura Tenshin important to Japanese art?  
Okakura Tenshin helped preserve traditional Japanese art and blended it with Western ideas. He played a key role in modernizing Japanese art while keeping its traditional roots.  
4: What was the Tokyo School of Fine Arts?  
The Tokyo School of Fine Arts, founded by Okakura Tenshin in 1889, was a school dedicated to teaching and promoting Japanese art. It is now called Tokyo University of the Arts.  
5: Who was Ernest Fenollosa?  
Ernest Fenollosa was an American art historian and a mentor to Okakura Tenshin. Together, they worked to preserve Japanese art and cultural heritage.  
6: What was the Yumedono shrine event?  
In 1884, Okakura and Fenollosa opened the shrine at Yumedono in Horyu-ji Temple to study the hidden Kuse Kannon statue. This event helped promote the preservation of Japanese cultural heritage.  
7: How did Okakura contribute to cultural preservation?  
Okakura advocated for the protection of Japanese cultural heritage, such as art and historical buildings. His efforts helped save important cultural assets.  
8: What is "The Book of Tea" about?  
"The Book of Tea" explains the philosophy and aesthetics of the Japanese tea ceremony. Okakura discusses how tea reflects Japanese ideals of simplicity, harmony, and beauty.  
9: Who were some of Okakura Tenshin's famous students?  
Some of Okakura's well-known students include Yokoyama Taikan, Shimomura Kanzan, and Hishida Shunso. They became important figures in Japanese art.  
10: How did Okakura influence Western understanding of Japanese culture?  
Okakura worked in the United States, especially at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston, where he promoted Japanese art. His writings and teachings helped Western audiences appreciate Japanese culture.  

words & phrases



notable : 形容詞 /ˈnoʊ.t̬ə.bəl/
意味: 注目すべき、顕著な。Worthy of attention or notice; remarkable.
Okakura Tenshin had many notable students.

His notable achievements include founding the Tokyo School of Fine Arts.
The museum displayed notable works of art.

preservation : 名詞
意味: 保存、保護。The act of keeping something in its original state or in good condition.
Okakura was dedicated to the preservation of Japanese art.

Preservation of cultural heritage is important for future generations.
The preservation of the ancient temple was a major project.

blend : 動詞
意味: 混ぜる、融合する。To mix or combine things together.
Okakura’s work blends traditional and Western influences.
The artist blended various techniques to create a unique piece.
The flavors in the dish blend perfectly.

contribution : 名詞
意味: 貢献、寄与。Something that you give or do to help something be successful.
Okakura’s contribution to Japanese art was significant.
His contributions include founding art institutions and writing influential books.
Everyone’s contribution is valued in this project.

teachings : 名詞
意味: 教え、教義。Ideas or principles taught by an authority or master.
Okakura’s teachings influenced many young artists.
His teachings focused on the importance of traditional art.
The teachings of great masters are often passed down through generations.

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