和菓子 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ 







  1. 和菓子の基本情報
    • 和菓子は日本の伝統的なお菓子で、自然の素材(米、小豆、季節の果物など)を使用して作られます。
    • 季節ごとに異なる種類があり、春には桜餅、夏には水ようかん、秋には栗羊羹、冬にはいちご大福があります。
  2. 和菓子の美しさ
    • 和菓子は見た目が非常に美しく、花や自然の風景を模したデザインが特徴です。手作りで繊細な細工が施されています。
  3. 日本茶との相性
    • 和菓子は日本茶、特に抹茶と非常に相性が良いです。和菓子の甘さが抹茶の苦さとバランスよく調和します。
  4. 購入場所
    • 和菓子は専門店、デパート、スーパーマーケット、コンビニエンスストアなどで購入できます。特に専門店では季節ごとの美しい和菓子が揃っています。
  5. 文化的背景
    • 和菓子は日本の伝統と文化を感じることができるスイーツです。茶道などの行事や季節の変化を反映したデザインが多く、見た目や味を通じて日本の季節感を楽しむことができます。

>> 「抹茶 – 英語で説明するには」はこちら



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in wagashi lately. Do you know much about them?


Oh, definitely! Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets. They’re not just delicious but also beautiful to look at. Have you tried any?


I’ve had some mochi and dorayaki, but I’m curious about other types. What makes wagashi so special?


Well, wagashi are made from natural ingredients like rice, beans, and seasonal fruits. Each season has its own special wagashi. For example, in spring, you can find sakura mochi, which is mochi wrapped in cherry blossom leaves.


That sounds amazing! I love how they reflect the seasons. How about summer?


In summer, you should try mizuyokan. It’s a cool, jelly-like sweet made from agar and red beans, perfect for hot days. And there’s also kuzukiri, which are transparent noodles made from kudzu starch, served with cold syrup.


Nice! I didn’t know wagashi could be so refreshing. What about autumn?


Autumn is all about chestnut wagashi. Kuri yokan, for example, is a type of yokan with chestnuts. And let’s not forget the beautiful maple leaf shapes some wagashi take on during this season.


And in winter?


Winter brings us strawberry daifuku, which is a mochi filled with a whole strawberry. It’s both sweet and a bit tart. There’s also yuzu manju, which has the refreshing taste of yuzu, a citrus fruit.


Wagashi really do seem like little works of art. I’ve seen some with intricate designs. Are they all handmade?


Yes, that’s another wonderful thing about wagashi. Each piece is handmade by skilled artisans. The detail and care they put into making each wagashi is incredible.


I’ve heard they go well with Japanese tea. Is that true?


Absolutely! The sweetness of wagashi balances perfectly with the bitterness of Japanese tea, especially matcha. It’s a traditional pairing that enhances the flavors of both.


I really want to experience this. Any recommendations on where to buy wagashi?


You can find wagashi in specialty shops, department stores, supermarkets, and even convenience stores. But for the best experience, visit a specialty shop. They often have seasonal and beautifully crafted wagashi.


Thanks, Key! I’m excited to explore more about wagashi and try different types. Maybe we can go to a wagashi shop together sometime?


Sounds great! I’d love to show you some of my favorites. Let’s plan for it soon.

関連情報 / related information




What is Wagashi?
Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets. They are made from natural ingredients like rice, beans, and seasonal fruits. Each wagashi has a unique taste and look, reflecting the beauty of Japanese culture.

Seasonal Varieties
Wagashi come in different types depending on the season. In spring, you can enjoy sakura mochi, which is mochi wrapped in cherry blossom leaves. Summer offers mizuyokan, a cool jelly made from agar and red beans. In autumn, kuri yokan, made with chestnuts, is popular. Winter brings ichigo daifuku, mochi filled with a whole strawberry.

Beauty and Design
Wagashi are not only delicious but also beautiful. They are often designed to look like flowers, leaves, or other natural scenes. Skilled artisans make each piece by hand, creating delicate and intricate designs. The colors and shapes of wagashi are a feast for the eyes.

Enjoying Wagashi with Tea
Wagashi are traditionally enjoyed with Japanese tea, especially matcha. The sweetness of wagashi balances the bitterness of matcha perfectly. This combination enhances the flavors of both the sweet and the tea, making for a delightful experience.

Where to Buy Wagashi
You can buy wagashi at specialty shops, department stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores. For the best experience, visit a specialty shop, where you can find the most beautiful and seasonal wagashi.

Wagashi are a wonderful way to experience Japanese culture and the changing seasons. Enjoying these sweets is not only about taste but also about appreciating their beauty and craftsmanship.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is wagashi?  
Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets made from natural ingredients like rice, beans, and seasonal fruits. They are often enjoyed with tea and are known for their beautiful designs.
2: What are the main ingredients in wagashi?  
The main ingredients in wagashi include rice flour, red bean paste, and sugar. Some types also use ingredients like matcha, chestnuts, or fruit.
3: How are wagashi related to the seasons?  
Wagashi often reflect the seasons with different designs and flavors. For example, in spring, wagashi might be shaped like cherry blossoms, while in autumn, chestnuts are commonly used.
4: What is sakura mochi?
Sakura mochi is a type of wagashi made with sweet rice wrapped in a pickled cherry blossom leaf. It is often eaten in spring during cherry blossom season.
5: What is nerikiri?
Nerikiri is a type of wagashi made from white bean paste and rice flour. It is often shaped into intricate designs like flowers or animals and is known for its delicate appearance.
6: Why is wagashi often paired with tea? 
Wagashi are paired with tea, especially matcha, because their sweetness balances the bitterness of the tea, creating a harmonious flavor combination.
7: What is mizuyokan? 
Mizuyokan is a cool, jelly-like wagashi made from agar and red bean paste. It is often enjoyed in the summer for its refreshing texture.
8: What is ichigo daifuku? 
Ichigo daifuku is a popular wagashi made with mochi filled with sweet red bean paste and a whole strawberry inside. It is often eaten in winter.
9: How are wagashi made?
Wagashi are often handmade by skilled artisans who shape the sweets into beautiful and intricate designs. The process involves cooking ingredients like rice flour or beans, then forming them into traditional shapes.
10: Where can I buy wagashi?
You can buy wagashi at specialty shops, department stores, supermarkets, and even convenience stores. Some stores offer seasonal varieties that change throughout the year.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in wagashi lately. Do you know much about them?



Oh, definitely! Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets. They’re not just delicious but also beautiful to look at. Have you tried any?



I’ve had some mochi and dorayaki, but I’m curious about other types. What makes wagashi so special?



Well, wagashi are made from natural ingredients like rice, beans, and seasonal fruits. Each season has its own special wagashi. For example, in spring, you can find sakura mochi, which is mochi wrapped in cherry blossom leaves.



That sounds amazing! I love how they reflect the seasons. How about summer?



In summer, you should try mizuyokan. It’s a cool, jelly-like sweet made from agar and red beans, perfect for hot days. And there’s also kuzukiri, which are transparent noodles made from kudzu starch, served with cold syrup.



Nice! I didn’t know wagashi could be so refreshing. What about autumn?



Autumn is all about chestnut wagashi. Kuri yokan, for example, is a type of yokan with chestnuts. And let’s not forget the beautiful maple leaf shapes some wagashi take on during this season.



And in winter?



Winter brings us strawberry daifuku, which is a mochi filled with a whole strawberry. It’s both sweet and a bit tart. There’s also yuzu manju, which has the refreshing taste of yuzu, a citrus fruit.



Wagashi really do seem like little works of art. I’ve seen some with intricate designs. Are they all handmade?



Yes, that’s another wonderful thing about wagashi. Each piece is handmade by skilled artisans. The detail and care they put into making each wagashi is incredible.



I’ve heard they go well with Japanese tea. Is that true?



Absolutely! The sweetness of wagashi balances perfectly with the bitterness of Japanese tea, especially matcha. It’s a traditional pairing that enhances the flavors of both.



I really want to experience this. Any recommendations on where to buy wagashi?



You can find wagashi in specialty shops, department stores, supermarkets, and even convenience stores. But for the best experience, visit a specialty shop. They often have seasonal and beautifully crafted wagashi.



Thanks, Key! I’m excited to explore more about wagashi and try different types. Maybe we can go to a wagashi shop together sometime?



Sounds great! I’d love to show you some of my favorites. Let’s plan for it soon.


関連情報 / related information



What is Wagashi?
Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets. They are made from natural ingredients like rice, beans, and seasonal fruits. Each wagashi has a unique taste and look, reflecting the beauty of Japanese culture.


Seasonal Varieties
Wagashi come in different types depending on the season. In spring, you can enjoy sakura mochi, which is mochi wrapped in cherry blossom leaves. Summer offers mizuyokan, a cool jelly made from agar and red beans. In autumn, kuri yokan, made with chestnuts, is popular. Winter brings ichigo daifuku, mochi filled with a whole strawberry.


Beauty and Design
Wagashi are not only delicious but also beautiful. They are often designed to look like flowers, leaves, or other natural scenes. Skilled artisans make each piece by hand, creating delicate and intricate designs. The colors and shapes of wagashi are a feast for the eyes.


Enjoying Wagashi with Tea
Wagashi are traditionally enjoyed with Japanese tea, especially matcha. The sweetness of wagashi balances the bitterness of matcha perfectly. This combination enhances the flavors of both the sweet and the tea, making for a delightful experience.


Where to Buy Wagashi
You can buy wagashi at specialty shops, department stores, supermarkets, and convenience stores. For the best experience, visit a specialty shop, where you can find the most beautiful and seasonal wagashi.


Wagashi are a wonderful way to experience Japanese culture and the changing seasons. Enjoying these sweets is not only about taste but also about appreciating their beauty and craftsmanship.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is wagashi?  
Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets made from natural ingredients like rice, beans, and seasonal fruits. They are often enjoyed with tea and are known for their beautiful designs.  
2: What are the main ingredients in wagashi?  
The main ingredients in wagashi include rice flour, red bean paste, and sugar. Some types also use ingredients like matcha, chestnuts, or fruit.  
3: How are wagashi related to the seasons?  
Wagashi often reflect the seasons with different designs and flavors. For example, in spring, wagashi might be shaped like cherry blossoms, while in autumn, chestnuts are commonly used.  
4: What is sakura mochi?  
Sakura mochi is a type of wagashi made with sweet rice wrapped in a pickled cherry blossom leaf. It is often eaten in spring during cherry blossom season.  
5: What is nerikiri?  
Nerikiri is a type of wagashi made from white bean paste and rice flour. It is often shaped into intricate designs like flowers or animals and is known for its delicate appearance.  
6: Why is wagashi often paired with tea?  
Wagashi are paired with tea, especially matcha, because their sweetness balances the bitterness of the tea, creating a harmonious flavor combination.  
7: What is mizuyokan?  
Mizuyokan is a cool, jelly-like wagashi made from agar and red bean paste. It is often enjoyed in the summer for its refreshing texture.  
8: What is ichigo daifuku?  
Ichigo daifuku is a popular wagashi made with mochi filled with sweet red bean paste and a whole strawberry inside. It is often eaten in winter.  
9: How are wagashi made?  
Wagashi are often handmade by skilled artisans who shape the sweets into beautiful and intricate designs. The process involves cooking ingredients like rice flour or beans, then forming them into traditional shapes.  
10: Where can I buy wagashi?  
You can buy wagashi at specialty shops, department stores, supermarkets, and even convenience stores. Some stores offer seasonal varieties that change throughout the year.  

words & phrases



agar : 名詞 /ˈeɪ.ɡɑːr/
意味: 寒天。A gelatinous substance derived from seaweed, used in cooking and scientific culture media.
Agar is often used to make Japanese desserts like mizuyokan.
Scientists use agar as a medium for growing bacteria.
Agar can be found in many health foods because it is rich in fiber.

starch : 名詞
意味: デンプン。A carbohydrate found in many plants, used as a thickening agent in cooking.
Kudzu starch is used to make kuzukiri, a popular summer wagashi.
Corn starch is often used to thicken soups and sauces.
Starch is also used in laundry to stiffen clothes.

chestnut : 名詞
意味: 栗。A type of nut that is sweet and edible, often used in cooking and baking.
Chestnut yokan is a popular autumn wagashi.
We roasted chestnuts over an open fire.
Chestnut stuffing is a traditional dish for Thanksgiving.

tart : 形容詞 /tɑːrt/
意味: 酸っぱい。Having a sharp, sour taste.
The strawberry in ichigo daifuku is sweet and slightly tart.
Lemon juice has a tart flavor that adds freshness to dishes.
She prefers tart fruits like raspberries and cranberries.

intricate : 形容詞
意味: 複雑な、精巧な。Very detailed and complicated.
The intricate designs on wagashi are handcrafted by skilled artisans.
The lace on her dress was intricate and beautiful.
The watch has an intricate mechanism inside.

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