銀閣寺 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ




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  1. 銀閣寺の概要
    • 京都にある禅寺、正式には慈照寺
    • 1482年に室町時代の将軍、足利義政によって建てられた
  2. 主要な建物
    • 銀閣:二階建ての美しい建物で、シンプルで優雅なデザインが特徴
    • 東求堂(とうぐどう):足利義政の書斎「同仁斎」があり、書院造の重要な例
  3. 庭園の特徴
    • 庭園には枯山水と池泉回遊式庭園があり、美しい苔や石組みが見どころ
    • 銀沙灘(ぎんしゃだん):白い砂の平らなエリア
    • 向月台(こうげつだい):円錐形の砂の塚で、月光を反射するために作られている
  4. 訪問のベストシーズン
    • 春(3月から5月):桜が美しい季節
    • 秋(10月から11月):紅葉が見事な季節



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’m planning to visit Ginkakuji soon. Have you been there before?


Yes, I’ve visited a few times. It’s a beautiful place with a lot of history. Are you familiar with its background?


Not really. I know it’s also called the Silver Pavilion, but why is that if it’s not covered in silver?


That’s a good question. Ginkakuji was built in 1482 by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, a shogun during the Muromachi period. It was supposed to be covered in silver, but that never happened. Still, the name stuck because the pavilion’s elegant appearance shines beautifully in the moonlight.


Interesting! What else is there to see apart from the Silver Pavilion itself?


Well, the temple complex includes Togu-do, which houses Yoshimasa’s study room called “Dojinsai.” This room is one of the oldest examples of Shoin-style architecture.


I’ve heard the gardens are stunning too. What makes them special?


The gardens are a mix of dry landscape and pond gardens. Two famous features are the Ginshadan, a flat area of white sand, and the Kogetsudai, a cone-shaped sand mound meant to reflect the moonlight.


That sounds amazing. When is the best time to visit?


Spring and autumn are the best times. In spring, the cherry blossoms are beautiful, and in autumn, the colorful leaves are breathtaking. However, these seasons are also the busiest, so try to go early in the morning or on weekdays to avoid the crowds.


Thanks for the tip. What about a plan for the day? How long should I spend there?


You can spend about 1 to 2 hours at Ginkakuji itself. After that, I recommend walking along the Philosopher’s Path, which is especially lovely in spring and autumn. You can then visit Nanzenji Temple and Eikando Temple nearby.


That sounds perfect. I’m really looking forward to it now. Any other tips?


Just make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a water bottle. Also, check the official website for any changes in visiting hours before you go.


Got it. Thanks a lot, Key. I can’t wait to explore Ginkakuji and the surrounding area!


You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your visit!

関連情報 / related information




Overview of Ginkakuji
Ginkakuji, also called the Silver Pavilion, is a Zen temple in Kyoto, Japan. It was built in 1482 by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, a shogun from the Muromachi period. Even though it is called the Silver Pavilion, it is not covered in silver. The name comes from its elegant appearance, which shines beautifully in the moonlight.

Main Buildings
The main building is the Silver Pavilion, a two-story structure with simple and elegant design. Another important building is Togu-do, which has Yoshimasa’s study room, called “Dojinsai.” This room is an important example of traditional Japanese architecture.

Ginkakuji is famous for its beautiful gardens. The gardens include a dry landscape garden and a pond garden. The most famous features are the Ginsadan (Silver Sand Platform), a flat area of white sand, and the Kogetsudai (Moon Viewing Platform), a cone-shaped sand mound meant to reflect the moonlight.

Best Seasons to Visit
The best times to visit Ginkakuji are in spring and autumn. In spring, the cherry blossoms are very beautiful. In autumn, the colorful leaves are stunning. These seasons are very popular, so it is good to visit early in the morning or on weekdays to avoid crowds.

Visiting Tips
When you visit Ginkakuji, wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a water bottle. You can spend about 1 to 2 hours exploring the temple and its gardens. After visiting Ginkakuji, you can also walk along the Philosopher’s Path, which is nearby and very scenic.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Ginkakuji?
Ginkakuji, also known as the Silver Pavilion, is a Zen temple located in Kyoto, Japan. It was built by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa in 1482.
2: Why is it called the Silver Pavilion?
Although it is called the Silver Pavilion, the building is not covered in silver. The name comes from its elegant appearance, especially under moonlight, which gives it a silvery glow.
3: Who built Ginkakuji?
Ginkakuji was built by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, a shogun during the Muromachi period, as a retirement villa. After his death, it became a Zen temple.
4: What are the main buildings in Ginkakuji?
The main buildings include the Silver Pavilion and Togu-do. Togu-do houses Yoshimasa’s study room, called Dojinsai, which is an important example of traditional Japanese architecture.
5: What is special about the gardens of Ginkakuji?
Ginkakuji's gardens are famous for their beauty and include both a dry landscape garden and a pond garden. Notable features are the Silver Sand Platform and the Moon Viewing Platform.
6: What is the Silver Sand Platform?
The Silver Sand Platform, called Ginsadan, is a flat area of white sand that reflects the beauty of the surrounding landscape, especially under moonlight.
7: What is the Moon Viewing Platform?
The Moon Viewing Platform, called Kogetsudai, is a cone-shaped sand mound in the garden that is designed to reflect the moonlight, adding to the peaceful atmosphere.
8: When is the best time to visit Ginkakuji?
The best times to visit Ginkakuji are in spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom, and in autumn, when the colorful leaves make the garden especially beautiful.
9: How long should you spend at Ginkakuji?
You can spend about 1 to 2 hours exploring Ginkakuji and its gardens. After visiting, many people also enjoy walking along the nearby Philosopher’s Path.
10: Is Ginkakuji a World Heritage Site?
Yes, Ginkakuji is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site called "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto," which includes many important temples and landmarks in Kyoto.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’m planning to visit Ginkakuji soon. Have you been there before?



Yes, I’ve visited a few times. It’s a beautiful place with a lot of history. Are you familiar with its background?



Not really. I know it’s also called the Silver Pavilion, but why is that if it’s not covered in silver?



That’s a good question. Ginkakuji was built in 1482 by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, a shogun during the Muromachi period.



Interesting! What else is there to see apart from the Silver Pavilion itself?



The temple complex includes Togu-do, which houses Yoshimasa’s study room called “Dojinsai.”



I’ve heard the gardens are stunning too. What makes them special?



The gardens are a mix of dry landscape and pond gardens. Two famous features are the Ginsadan and the Kogetsudai.



That sounds amazing. When is the best time to visit?



Spring and autumn are the best times. In spring, the cherry blossoms are beautiful, and in autumn, the colorful leaves are breathtaking.



Thanks for the tip. What about a plan for the day? How long should I spend there?



You can spend about 1 to 2 hours at Ginkakuji itself. After that, I recommend walking along the Philosopher’s Path.



That sounds perfect. I’m really looking forward to it now. Any other tips?



Just make sure to wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a water bottle. Also, check the official website for any changes in visiting hours before you go.



Got it. Thanks a lot, Key. I can’t wait to explore Ginkakuji and the surrounding area!



You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your visit!


関連情報 / related information



Overview of Ginkakuji
Ginkakuji, also called the Silver Pavilion, is a Zen temple in Kyoto, Japan. It was built in 1482 by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, a shogun from the Muromachi period. Even though it is called the Silver Pavilion, it is not covered in silver. The name comes from its elegant appearance, which shines beautifully in the moonlight.


Main Buildings
The main building is the Silver Pavilion, a two-story structure with simple and elegant design. Another important building is Togu-do, which has Yoshimasa’s study room, called “Dojinsai.” This room is an important example of traditional Japanese architecture.


Ginkakuji is famous for its beautiful gardens. The gardens include a dry landscape garden and a pond garden. The most famous features are the Ginsadan (Silver Sand Platform), a flat area of white sand, and the Kogetsudai (Moon Viewing Platform), a cone-shaped sand mound meant to reflect the moonlight.


Best Seasons to Visit
The best times to visit Ginkakuji are in spring and autumn. In spring, the cherry blossoms are very beautiful. In autumn, the colorful leaves are stunning. These seasons are very popular, so it is good to visit early in the morning or on weekdays to avoid crowds.


Visiting Tips
When you visit Ginkakuji, wear comfortable walking shoes and bring a water bottle. You can spend about 1 to 2 hours exploring the temple and its gardens. After visiting Ginkakuji, you can also walk along the Philosopher’s Path, which is nearby and very scenic.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Ginkakuji?  
Ginkakuji, also known as the Silver Pavilion, is a Zen temple located in Kyoto, Japan. It was built by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa in 1482.  
2: Why is it called the Silver Pavilion?  
Although it is called the Silver Pavilion, the building is not covered in silver. The name comes from its elegant appearance, especially under moonlight, which gives it a silvery glow.  
3: Who built Ginkakuji?  
Ginkakuji was built by Ashikaga Yoshimasa, a shogun during the Muromachi period, as a retirement villa. After his death, it became a Zen temple.  
4: What are the main buildings in Ginkakuji?  
The main buildings include the Silver Pavilion and Togu-do. Togu-do houses Yoshimasa’s study room, called Dojinsai, which is an important example of traditional Japanese architecture.  
5: What is special about the gardens of Ginkakuji?  
Ginkakuji's gardens are famous for their beauty and include both a dry landscape garden and a pond garden. Notable features are the Silver Sand Platform and the Moon Viewing Platform.  
6: What is the Silver Sand Platform?  
The Silver Sand Platform, called Ginsadan, is a flat area of white sand that reflects the beauty of the surrounding landscape, especially under moonlight.  
7: What is the Moon Viewing Platform?  
The Moon Viewing Platform, called Kogetsudai, is a cone-shaped sand mound in the garden that is designed to reflect the moonlight, adding to the peaceful atmosphere.  
8: When is the best time to visit Ginkakuji?  
The best times to visit Ginkakuji are in spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom, and in autumn, when the colorful leaves make the garden especially beautiful.  
9: How long should you spend at Ginkakuji?  
You can spend about 1 to 2 hours exploring Ginkakuji and its gardens. After visiting, many people also enjoy walking along the nearby Philosopher’s Path.  
10: Is Ginkakuji a World Heritage Site?  
Yes, Ginkakuji is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site called "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto," which includes many important temples and landmarks in Kyoto.  

words & phrases



complex : 名詞、形容詞
意味:(名詞) 複合施設、複雑な構造。A group of buildings or a system made of many different parts./ (形容詞) 複雑な。Consisting of many different and connected parts.
The temple complex includes several important buildings.
The shopping complex has many different stores.
Understanding this complex issue requires time.

stuck : 形容詞 、stick: 動詞
意味:(形容詞)動けなくなった、行き詰まった。Unable to move or escape from a particular position or situation./ (動詞)定着する。to place or put in a specified position
The name stuck because of its elegant appearance.
The car got stuck in the mud.
She was stuck in traffic for over an hour.

mound : 名詞
意味:塚、盛り土。A large pile of earth, stones, or other materials, often created for a specific purpose.
The Kogetsudai is a cone-shaped sand mound.
The children built a small mound of sand on the beach.
Ants often create mounds as their homes.

stunning : 形容詞
意味:驚くほど美しい、素晴らしい。Extremely impressive or attractive.
The colorful leaves are stunning in autumn.
She looked stunning in her wedding dress.
The view from the mountain was absolutely stunning.

pavilion : 名詞
意味:パビリオン、(庭園の)あずまや。A large and often decorative building or tent used for shelter or entertainment.
The main building is the Silver Pavilion.
They held the wedding reception in a beautiful pavilion.
The garden features a charming pavilion by the pond.

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