新紙幣 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ




>> 「英語で説明 – 渋沢栄一 – 」はこちら

>> 「英語で説明 – 津田梅子 – 」はこちら

>> 「英語で説明 – 北里柴三郎 – 」はこちら




  1. 新紙幣の発行日
    • 2024年7月3日から、新しい1万円、5千円、千円の紙幣を発行
  2. 新紙幣のデザインと肖像画
    • 1万円札: 渋沢栄一(日本資本主義の父)が肖像。裏面は東京駅丸の内駅舎
    • 5千円札: 津田梅子(女子教育の先駆者)が肖像。裏面は藤の花
    • 千円札: 北里柴三郎(細菌学者)が肖像。裏面は北斎の「神奈川沖浪裏」
  3. 偽造防止技術
    • 高精細すき入れ: 肖像の周りに細かい模様が見える技術
    • 3Dホログラム: 紙幣を傾けると肖像が動いて見える技術
  4. デザイン変更の理由
    • 偽造防止のため、およそ20年ごとにデザインを変更
    • 視覚障害者が識別しやすいよう、ユニバーサルデザインを採用
  5. 新紙幣発行のメリットとデメリット
    • メリット: セキュリティの向上、視覚障害者への配慮、美しいデザイン、耐久性の向上。
    • デメリット: 高コスト、調整期間の必要性、初期の偽造リスク、環境への影響



会話 / dialogue


Did you hear that new banknotes are being issued in Japan from July 3?


Yes, I read about it. The new designs are really interesting. Do you know what they look like?


The 10,000 yen note will have Eiichi Shibusawa’s portrait. He’s known as the father of Japanese capitalism. The back shows the Marunouchi building of Tokyo Station.


That sounds cool. What about the 5,000 yen and 1,000 yen notes?


The 5,000 yen note features Umeko Tsuda, a pioneer in women’s education, and the back has wisteria flowers. The 1,000 yen note shows Shibasaburo Kitasato, a famous bacteriologist, and the back displays Hokusai’s “The Great Wave off Kanagawa.”


Those are great choices. Do you know why they decided to issue new banknotes now?


They change the designs every 20 years to prevent counterfeiting and to include the latest security features. The new banknotes also use universal design principles to help visually impaired people.


Speaking of security, what new features do these banknotes have?


They have high-resolution watermarks with fine patterns around the portraits and 3D holograms that appear to move or rotate when you tilt the banknote.


That should make counterfeiting much harder. But, are there any downsides to introducing new banknotes?


Yes, there are a few. Producing and distributing the new banknotes is expensive. There’s also an adjustment period for people to get used to the new designs.


I see. Any other issues?


Initially, there might be some counterfeiting attempts as people familiarize themselves with the new notes. And don’t forget the environmental impact from producing new banknotes and disposing of the old ones.


I see. So, overall, do you think the new banknotes are a good idea?


Definitely. The improved security and ease of use for visually impaired people are huge benefits. Plus, the modern designs reflect Japan’s culture and history beautifully.


I agree. It’s always fascinating to see how technology evolves even in something as everyday as money.


Yes, and it’s important to stay ahead of counterfeiters. I’m looking forward to seeing the new banknotes in person.


Me too. It’s always interesting to see the new features and designs up close.


Absolutely. And now we know all the details, we can explain them to others when they start using the new banknotes.

関連情報 / related information




Issue Date
Starting from July 3, 2024, Japan will issue new 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen banknotes. These new banknotes will replace the current ones to enhance security and usability.

Designs and Portraits
The new 10,000 yen note features Eiichi Shibusawa, known as the father of Japanese capitalism. The back shows Tokyo Station’s Marunouchi building. The 5,000 yen note has a portrait of Umeko Tsuda, a pioneer in women’s education, with wisteria flowers on the back. The 1,000 yen note displays Shibasaburo Kitasato, a bacteriologist, and the back shows Hokusai’s “The Great Wave off Kanagawa.”

Anti-Counterfeit Technologies
The new banknotes use advanced anti-counterfeit technologies. They include high-resolution watermarks with fine patterns around the portraits and 3D holograms. These holograms make images appear to move or rotate when the banknote is tilted, making it much harder to produce fake notes.

Reasons for the Change
Japan changes its banknote designs about every 20 years. This helps prevent counterfeiting and allows the inclusion of the latest security features. The new banknotes also use universal design principles to help visually impaired people identify them more easily.

Benefits and Drawbacks
The new banknotes have several benefits. They offer better security, are easier to use for visually impaired people, have modern and beautiful designs, and are more durable. However, there are also drawbacks. Producing and distributing the new banknotes is expensive, and people need time to adjust to the new designs. Additionally, there might be initial counterfeiting attempts, and there are environmental impacts from producing and disposing of the banknotes.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What are the new Japanese banknotes?
The new Japanese banknotes are redesigned 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen notes, which will be issued starting from July 2024. They feature updated designs and advanced security features.
2: Who are the portraits on the new banknotes?
The 10,000 yen note features Eiichi Shibusawa, the 5,000 yen note has Umeko Tsuda, and the 1,000 yen note shows Shibasaburo Kitasato. These people were important figures in Japanese history.
3: What is the main reason for changing the banknotes?
The main reason for changing the banknotes is to improve security and prevent counterfeiting. The new notes include updated security features like 3D holograms and watermarks.
4: What are the key security features of the new banknotes?
The key security features include 3D holograms, high-resolution watermarks, and complex patterns that make the banknotes more difficult to counterfeit.
5: When will the new banknotes be issued?
The new banknotes will be issued in July 2024.
6: What is the design on the back of the 10,000 yen note?
The back of the 10,000 yen note features Tokyo Station’s Marunouchi building, an iconic structure in Tokyo.
7: What is special about the 1,000 yen note's design?
The 1,000 yen note's back features a famous scene from Hokusai’s "The Great Wave off Kanagawa," a well-known Japanese artwork.
8: Why do the banknotes need to change every 20 years?
The banknotes change every 20 years to include the latest security technologies and to make it harder for counterfeiters to produce fake money.
9: How will the new banknotes help visually impaired people?
The new banknotes use universal design features, such as larger numbers and tactile marks, which make it easier for visually impaired people to identify them.
10: Will the old banknotes still be usable after the new ones are issued?
Yes, the old banknotes will still be usable even after the new ones are issued, and they will gradually be replaced in circulation.


会話 / dialogue


Did you hear that new banknotes are being issued in Japan from July 3?



Yes, I read about it. The new designs are really interesting. Do you know what they look like?



The 10,000 yen note will have Eiichi Shibusawa’s portrait. He’s known as the father of Japanese capitalism. The back shows the Marunouchi building of Tokyo Station.



That sounds cool. What about the 5,000 yen and 1,000 yen notes?



The 5,000 yen note features Umeko Tsuda, a pioneer in women’s education, and the back has wisteria flowers. The 1,000 yen note shows Shibasaburo Kitasato, a famous bacteriologist, and the back displays Hokusai’s “The Great Wave off Kanagawa.”



Those are great choices. Do you know why they decided to issue new banknotes now?



They change the designs every 20 years to prevent counterfeiting and to include the latest security features. The new banknotes also use universal design principles to help visually impaired people.



Speaking of security, what new features do these banknotes have?



They have high-resolution watermarks with fine patterns around the portraits and 3D holograms that appear to move or rotate when you tilt the banknote.



That should make counterfeiting much harder. But, are there any downsides to introducing new banknotes?



Yes, there are a few. Producing and distributing the new banknotes is expensive. There’s also an adjustment period for people to get used to the new designs.



I see. Any other issues?



Initially, there might be some counterfeiting attempts as people familiarize themselves with the new notes. And don’t forget the environmental impact from producing new banknotes and disposing of the old ones.



I see. So, overall, do you think the new banknotes are a good idea?



Definitely. The improved security and ease of use for visually impaired people are huge benefits. Plus, the modern designs reflect Japan’s culture and history beautifully.



I agree. It’s always fascinating to see how technology evolves even in something as everyday as money.



Yes, and it’s important to stay ahead of counterfeiters. I’m looking forward to seeing the new banknotes in person.



Me too. It’s always interesting to see the new features and designs up close.



Absolutely. And now we know all the details, we can explain them to others when they start using the new banknotes.


関連情報 / related information



Issue Date
Starting from July 3, 2024, Japan will issue new 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen banknotes. These new banknotes will replace the current ones to enhance security and usability.


Designs and Portraits
The new 10,000 yen note features Eiichi Shibusawa, known as the father of Japanese capitalism. The back shows Tokyo Station’s Marunouchi building. The 5,000 yen note has a portrait of Umeko Tsuda, a pioneer in women’s education, with wisteria flowers on the back. The 1,000 yen note displays Shibasaburo Kitasato, a bacteriologist, and the back shows Hokusai’s “The Great Wave off Kanagawa.”


Anti-Counterfeit Technologies
The new banknotes use advanced anti-counterfeit technologies. They include high-resolution watermarks with fine patterns around the portraits and 3D holograms. These holograms make images appear to move or rotate when the banknote is tilted, making it much harder to produce fake notes.


Reasons for the Change
Japan changes its banknote designs about every 20 years. This helps prevent counterfeiting and allows the inclusion of the latest security features. The new banknotes also use universal design principles to help visually impaired people identify them more easily.


Benefits and Drawbacks
The new banknotes have several benefits. They offer better security, are easier to use for visually impaired people, have modern and beautiful designs, and are more durable. However, there are also drawbacks. Producing and distributing the new banknotes is expensive, and people need time to adjust to the new designs. Additionally, there might be initial counterfeiting attempts, and there are environmental impacts from producing and disposing of the banknotes.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What are the new Japanese banknotes?  
The new Japanese banknotes are redesigned 10,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 1,000 yen notes, which will be issued starting from July 2024. They feature updated designs and advanced security features.  
2: Who are the portraits on the new banknotes?  
The 10,000 yen note features Eiichi Shibusawa, the 5,000 yen note has Umeko Tsuda, and the 1,000 yen note shows Shibasaburo Kitasato. These people were important figures in Japanese history.  
3: What is the main reason for changing the banknotes?  
The main reason for changing the banknotes is to improve security and prevent counterfeiting. The new notes include updated security features like 3D holograms and watermarks.  
4: What are the key security features of the new banknotes?  
The key security features include 3D holograms, high-resolution watermarks, and complex patterns that make the banknotes more difficult to counterfeit.  
5: When will the new banknotes be issued?  
The new banknotes will be issued in July 2024.  
6: What is the design on the back of the 10,000 yen note?  
The back of the 10,000 yen note features Tokyo Station’s Marunouchi building, an iconic structure in Tokyo.  
7: What is special about the 1,000 yen note's design?  
The 1,000 yen note's back features a famous scene from Hokusai’s "The Great Wave off Kanagawa," a well-known Japanese artwork.  
8: Why do the banknotes need to change every 20 years?  
The banknotes change every 20 years to include the latest security technologies and to make it harder for counterfeiters to produce fake money.  
9: How will the new banknotes help visually impaired people?  
The new banknotes use universal design features, such as larger numbers and tactile marks, which make it easier for visually impaired people to identify them.  
10: Will the old banknotes still be usable after the new ones are issued?  
Yes, the old banknotes will still be usable even after the new ones are issued, and they will gradually be replaced in circulation.  

words & phrases



issue : 名詞、動詞
意味: (名詞)問題、課題、または発行。(動詞)発行する。A problem or matter for discussion, or the act of distributing something officially (noun). To distribute or provide something officially (verb).

  1. (動詞) The government will issue new banknotes next month.
  2. (名詞) This magazine issue features an interview with a famous actor.
  3. (動詞) The company issued a statement about the new policy.

bacteriologist : 名詞
意味: 細菌学者。A scientist who studies bacteria.

  1. The bacteriologist discovered a new type of bacteria.
  2. Bacteriologists play a crucial role in understanding infectious diseases.
  3. She became a bacteriologist to help fight diseases.

counterfeiting : 名詞、counterfeit:動詞
意味: (名詞)偽造。(動詞)偽造する。The act of making an imitation of something valuable with the intent to deceive or defraud (noun). To make a copy of something, especially money, to deceive or defraud (verb).

  1. (名詞) Counterfeiting money is a serious crime.
  2. (動詞) The new technology makes counterfeiting very difficult.
  3. (動詞) He was caught counterfeiting banknotes.

impaired : 形容詞
意味: 障害のある、損なわれた。Having a condition that limits physical or mental abilities.

  1. The new design helps visually impaired people.
  2. He drives carefully because his vision is impaired.
  3. The law protects the rights of hearing-impaired individuals.

watermark : 名詞、動詞
意味: (名詞)透かし。(動詞)透かしを入れる。A recognizable image or pattern in paper that appears when held up to light, used as a security feature (noun). To mark a document with a watermark (verb).

  1. (名詞) The banknote has a watermark that shows a portrait when held to light.
  2. (名詞) Documents with a watermark are harder to forge.
  3. (動詞) The company watermarked all its official documents to prevent forgery.
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