精進料理 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ




>> 「英語で紹介 – 高野山 宿坊体験と精進料理 –」はこちら




  1. 精進料理の定義:
    • 精進料理は仏教の教えに基づく日本の伝統的な菜食料理
    • 肉や魚を使用せず、野菜、穀物、豆類、海藻などの植物性食材のみを使用
  2. 主な特徴:
    • 五葷(にんにく、ねぎ、にら、らっきょう、たまねぎ)を避ける
    • 煮る、焼く、蒸す、揚げる、生のままの五つの調理法を駆使
  3. 代表的な料理:
    • 天ぷら、煮物、胡麻豆腐、湯葉、お吸い物
  4. 健康効果:
    • 植物性食品を使用するため、ビタミンやミネラルが豊富で低脂肪
    • 高い食物繊維含有量で消化に良い
    • 抗酸化物質が豊富で細胞を保護
  5. 有名な地域:
    • 京都、奈良、高野山、鎌倉、兵庫(丹波)
    • 寺院や宿坊(寺院に併設された宿泊施設)で提供されることが多い



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever tried Shojin Ryori? I’ve recently become interested in it.


Yes, I have! It’s fascinating how it’s deeply connected to Buddhist culture. What sparked your interest?


I read about it and learned that it’s a vegetarian cuisine with no meat or fish, only plant-based ingredients like vegetables, grains, beans, and seaweed.


Exactly. It’s often served in temples and shukubo, which are temple lodgings. Did you know that places like Kyoto and Nara are famous for Shojin Ryori?


Yes, I found out that Kyoto’s temples like Nanzen-ji and Daitoku-ji, and Nara’s Todai-ji are well-known for their Shojin Ryori. I’m actually planning to visit one of these places soon.


That sounds great! Mount Koya is another excellent spot. You can stay overnight in a shukubo and experience the monks’ lifestyle, including their meals.


I’ve heard that too. The food is beautifully presented and uses seasonal ingredients. It’s not just healthy but also a spiritual experience.


True. The dishes are usually low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals. However, some people might find the flavors too mild or the lack of meat less satisfying.


Yes, that’s one downside. But the balanced nutrition and the variety of dishes like tempura, nimono, and goma tofu make up for it, I think.


Definitely. I love how Shojin Ryori brings out the natural flavors of the ingredients. And it’s not just about eating; it’s a way to practice mindfulness.


Absolutely. I recently bought a book on Shojin Ryori and tried making some dishes at home. It was time-consuming but very rewarding.


That’s amazing! It can be a bit challenging to master the recipes, but it’s worth the effort.


I agree. It’s a beautiful way to connect with Japanese culture and improve my cooking skills.


For sure. Let me know if you need any tips or recipes. I’d love to help.


Thanks, Key. I appreciate it. Let’s try making some Shojin Ryori together next time.


Sounds like a plan. I’m looking forward to it!


By the way, have you visited any specific temples for Shojin Ryori?


Yes, I’ve been to a few in Kyoto. Each temple has its own unique take on Shojin Ryori. It’s a great experience.


That sounds exciting. I’ll definitely make a detailed plan for my visit.


You won’t regret it. It’s an unforgettable experience!

関連情報 / related information




What is Shojin Ryori?
Shojin Ryori is a traditional Japanese vegetarian cuisine. It is based on Buddhist teachings and does not use any meat or fish. Instead, it uses plant-based ingredients like vegetables, grains, beans, and seaweed. This type of food is often eaten by monks as part of their practice.

Features of Shojin Ryori
Shojin Ryori avoids using five pungent vegetables: garlic, onions, leeks, chives, and scallions. It focuses on a balance of colors and nutrients in the dishes. The food is prepared using five main cooking methods: boiling, grilling, steaming, frying, and raw.

Typical Dishes
Some typical dishes in Shojin Ryori include tempura (fried vegetables and seaweed), nimono (vegetables and beans cooked in broth), goma tofu (tofu made from sesame seeds), yuba (skin from heated soy milk), and osuimono (simple soup with broth). These dishes are known for their simple yet rich flavors.

Health Benefits
Shojin Ryori is very healthy. It is low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals. The high fiber content is good for digestion. The use of many vegetables and seaweed provides antioxidants that protect the body’s cells.

Famous Places
Shojin Ryori is famous in places like Kyoto, Nara, Mount Koya, Kamakura, and Tamba in Hyogo. You can often enjoy it at temples and shukubo (temple lodgings). Eating Shojin Ryori in these places is a unique and peaceful experience.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Shojin Ryori?  
Shojin Ryori is a traditional Japanese vegetarian cuisine that follows Buddhist teachings. It uses only plant-based ingredients like vegetables, grains, beans, and seaweed.
2: Where is Shojin Ryori usually served? 
Shojin Ryori is often served in temples and temple lodgings, known as shukubo. It is also popular in regions like Kyoto, Nara, and Mount Koya.
3: Why does Shojin Ryori avoid certain vegetables?  
Shojin Ryori avoids five pungent vegetables like garlic, onions, and leeks because they are believed to disturb the mind and hinder meditation in Buddhist practices.
4: What are some common dishes in Shojin Ryori?  
Common dishes include tempura (fried vegetables), nimono (vegetables cooked in broth), goma tofu (sesame tofu), and yuba (tofu skin).
5: Is Shojin Ryori healthy? 
Yes, Shojin Ryori is considered very healthy because it is low in fat, rich in vitamins and minerals, and high in fiber, which aids digestion.
6: Can you eat Shojin Ryori outside of temples?
Yes, you can find Shojin Ryori in specialized restaurants, especially in cities like Kyoto and Nara, but it is most commonly served at temples and shukubo.
7: What does Shojin Ryori emphasize in cooking? 
Shojin Ryori emphasizes the natural flavors of the ingredients and focuses on balance, using five colors and five cooking methods: boiling, grilling, steaming, frying, and raw.
8: How does Shojin Ryori reflect Buddhist teachings? 
Shojin Ryori reflects Buddhist teachings by promoting mindfulness, respect for all life, and simplicity, avoiding the harm of animals and strong flavors that could disturb concentration.
9: Can tourists experience Shojin Ryori?  
Yes, many tourists can experience Shojin Ryori by staying at shukubo or visiting temples that offer it, especially in famous locations like Mount Koya or Kyoto.
10: What is the significance of seasonal ingredients in Shojin Ryori? 
Seasonal ingredients are important in Shojin Ryori because they reflect the natural cycle of life and help create dishes that are fresh, flavorful, and in harmony with the environment.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever tried Shojin Ryori? I’ve recently become interested in it.



Yes, I have! It’s fascinating how it’s deeply connected to Buddhist culture. What sparked your interest?



I read about it and learned that it’s a vegetarian cuisine with no meat or fish, only plant-based ingredients like vegetables, grains, beans, and seaweed.



Exactly. It’s often served in temples and shukubo, which are temple lodgings. Did you know that places like Kyoto and Nara are famous for Shojin Ryori?



Yes, I found out that Kyoto’s temples like Nanzen-ji and Daitoku-ji, and Nara’s Todai-ji are well-known for their Shojin Ryori. I’m actually planning to visit one of these places soon.



That sounds great! Mount Koya is another excellent spot. You can stay overnight in a shukubo and experience the monks’ lifestyle, including their meals.



I’ve heard that too. The food is beautifully presented and uses seasonal ingredients. It’s not just healthy but also a spiritual experience.



True. The dishes are usually low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals. However, some people might find the flavors too mild or the lack of meat less satisfying.



Yes, that’s one downside. But the balanced nutrition and the variety of dishes like tempura, nimono, and goma tofu make up for it, I think.



Definitely. I love how Shojin Ryori brings out the natural flavors of the ingredients. And it’s not just about eating; it’s a way to practice mindfulness.



Absolutely. I recently bought a book on Shojin Ryori and tried making some dishes at home. It was time-consuming but very rewarding.



That’s amazing! It can be a bit challenging to master the recipes, but it’s worth the effort.



I agree. It’s a beautiful way to connect with Japanese culture and improve my cooking skills.



For sure. Let me know if you need any tips or recipes. I’d love to help.



Thanks, Key. I appreciate it. Let’s try making some Shojin Ryori together next time.



Sounds like a plan. I’m looking forward to it!



By the way, have you visited any specific temples for Shojin Ryori?



Yes, I’ve been to a few in Kyoto. Each temple has its own unique take on Shojin Ryori. It’s a great experience.



That sounds exciting. I’ll definitely make a detailed plan for my visit.



You won’t regret it. It’s an unforgettable experience!


関連情報 / related information



What is Shojin Ryori?
Shojin Ryori is a traditional Japanese vegetarian cuisine. It is based on Buddhist teachings and does not use any meat or fish. Instead, it uses plant-based ingredients like vegetables, grains, beans, and seaweed. This type of food is often eaten by monks as part of their practice.


Features of Shojin Ryori
Shojin Ryori avoids using five pungent vegetables: garlic, onions, leeks, chives, and scallions. It focuses on a balance of colors and nutrients in the dishes. The food is prepared using five main cooking methods: boiling, grilling, steaming, frying, and raw.


Typical Dishes
Some typical dishes in Shojin Ryori include tempura (fried vegetables and seaweed), nimono (vegetables and beans cooked in broth), goma tofu (tofu made from sesame seeds), yuba (skin from heated soy milk), and osuimono (simple soup with broth). These dishes are known for their simple yet rich flavors.


Health Benefits
Shojin Ryori is very healthy. It is low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals. The high fiber content is good for digestion. The use of many vegetables and seaweed provides antioxidants that protect the body’s cells.


Famous Places
Shojin Ryori is famous in places like Kyoto, Nara, Mount Koya, Kamakura, and Tamba in Hyogo. You can often enjoy it at temples and shukubo (temple lodgings). Eating Shojin Ryori in these places is a unique and peaceful experience.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Shojin Ryori?  
Shojin Ryori is a traditional Japanese vegetarian cuisine that follows Buddhist teachings. It uses only plant-based ingredients like vegetables, grains, beans, and seaweed.  
2: Where is Shojin Ryori usually served?  
Shojin Ryori is often served in temples and temple lodgings, known as shukubo. It is also popular in regions like Kyoto, Nara, and Mount Koya.  
3: Why does Shojin Ryori avoid certain vegetables?  
Shojin Ryori avoids five pungent vegetables like garlic, onions, and leeks because they are believed to disturb the mind and hinder meditation in Buddhist practices.  
4: What are some common dishes in Shojin Ryori?  
Common dishes include tempura (fried vegetables), nimono (vegetables cooked in broth), goma tofu (sesame tofu), and yuba (tofu skin).  
5: Is Shojin Ryori healthy?  
Yes, Shojin Ryori is considered very healthy because it is low in fat, rich in vitamins and minerals, and high in fiber, which aids digestion.  
6: Can you eat Shojin Ryori outside of temples?  
Yes, you can find Shojin Ryori in specialized restaurants, especially in cities like Kyoto and Nara, but it is most commonly served at temples and shukubo.  
7: What does Shojin Ryori emphasize in cooking?  
Shojin Ryori emphasizes the natural flavors of the ingredients and focuses on balance, using five colors and five cooking methods: boiling, grilling, steaming, frying, and raw.  
8: How does Shojin Ryori reflect Buddhist teachings?  
Shojin Ryori reflects Buddhist teachings by promoting mindfulness, respect for all life, and simplicity, avoiding the harm of animals and strong flavors that could disturb concentration.  
9: Can tourists experience Shojin Ryori?  
Yes, many tourists can experience Shojin Ryori by staying at shukubo or visiting temples that offer it, especially in famous locations like Mount Koya or Kyoto.  
10: What is the significance of seasonal ingredients in Shojin Ryori?  
Seasonal ingredients are important in Shojin Ryori because they reflect the natural cycle of life and help create dishes that are fresh, flavorful, and in harmony with the environment.  

words & phrases



nutrition : 名詞
意味: 栄養、栄養学。The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.

  1. Good nutrition is essential for a healthy life.
  2. The nutrition in vegetables and grains is very beneficial.
  3. She studied nutrition to become a dietitian.

rewarding : 形容詞 
意味: やりがいのある、報われる。Providing satisfaction; gratifying.

  1. Teaching is a very rewarding profession.
  2. Completing the project was extremely rewarding.
  3. Volunteering at the shelter is rewarding.

pungent : 形容詞 
意味: 強烈な、刺激的な。Having a sharply strong taste or smell.

  1. The pungent smell of garlic filled the kitchen.
  2. The cheese has a pungent flavor.
  3. The pungent aroma of spices was unmistakable.

grilling : 名詞 
意味: グリルすること、焼くこと。The act of cooking food on a grill.

  1. Grilling vegetables can bring out their natural sweetness.
  2. We enjoy grilling outdoors during the summer.
  3. He is an expert in grilling meats.

digestion : 名詞 
意味: 消化、消化作用。The process by which the body breaks down food into small components that can be absorbed.

  1. Proper digestion is essential for good health.
  2. Fiber is important for good digestion.
  3. The doctor recommended a diet that aids digestion.
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