津田梅子 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ




>> 「英語で説明 – 新紙幣 – 」はこちら




  1. 生い立ちと留学
    • 津田梅子は1864年に生まれた
    • 1871年に岩倉使節団の一員として、7歳でアメリカに留学
    • アメリカでの生活は、言葉や文化の違いから多くの困難があったが、津田は適応し、英語と西洋文化を学んだ
  2. 帰国後の活動
    • 1882年に日本に帰国した際、アメリカと日本の文化の違いにカルチャーショックを受けた
    • その後、ブリンマー大学で教育学と生物学を学ぶために再度アメリカに留学
  3. 教育者としての功績
    • 1900年に女子英学塾(現在の津田塾大学)を設立し、日本での女性の高等教育を推進
  4. 有名な言葉
    • 有名な言葉には、「時代に先んじて生きよ」、「他人の言うことに耳を傾けよ。しかし、最後は自分で判断せよ」、「人生に無駄はない」、「自立し、強くあれ」がある
  5. 新紙幣
    • 2024年、彼女の肖像が5,000円紙幣に採用



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Umeko Tsuda lately. Do you know much about her?


Yes, I do! Umeko Tsuda was a pioneering educator in Japan. She was one of the first Japanese women to study abroad.


That’s fascinating. How did she manage to go abroad in those days?


She went to America in 1871 as part of the Iwakura Mission when she was just seven years old. It was a government mission to learn about Western culture and systems.


I see. It must have been tough for her as a child in a foreign country.


Absolutely. She faced a lot of homesickness and had to adapt to a completely new environment. But she managed to learn English and about Western culture while living with an American host family.


What did she do after returning to Japan?


When she came back in 1882, she experienced culture shock because Japan was very different from America. Later, she went back to America to study more at Bryn Mawr College, focusing on education and biology.


And what did she do with her education?


In 1900, she founded Joshi Eigaku Juku, which is now Tsuda College. It was one of the first higher education institutions for women in Japan. She believed that education was the key to women’s independence and strength.


That’s impressive. Did she face any personal challenges?


Yes, she had chronic health problems throughout her life but continued her work despite them. She was very dedicated to her mission.


I heard she had some famous quotes. Can you tell me some?


Sure! Some of her notable quotes are “Live ahead of your time,” “Listen to others, but make your own decisions,” “Nothing in life is wasted,” and “Be independent, be strong.”


Those are really inspiring. I also heard she was recently featured on a new banknote?


Yes, in 2024, her portrait was featured on the new 5,000 yen banknote. It was a recognition of her significant contributions to women’s education in Japan.


Wow, that’s quite an honor. She really made a lasting impact.


Definitely. Her work and legacy continue to inspire many people today, especially in the field of women’s education.


Thanks for sharing all this, Key. I feel like I understand her much better now.


You’re welcome, Mack. It’s always great to learn about such inspiring figures in history.

関連情報 / related information




Early Life and Study Abroad
Umeko Tsuda was born in 1864 in Japan. At the young age of seven, she traveled to America in 1871 as part of the Iwakura Mission. This mission aimed to learn about Western culture and systems. Living in a foreign country was challenging for her because of the language and cultural differences. However, she adapted well and learned English and about American culture.

Return to Japan and Further Studies
Umeko returned to Japan in 1882. She experienced culture shock due to the significant differences between Japan and America. She later decided to go back to America to continue her studies. She attended Bryn Mawr College, where she focused on education and biology.

Contributions to Women’s Education
In 1900, Umeko founded Joshi Eigaku Juku, which is now called Tsuda College. This was one of the first higher education institutions for women in Japan. She strongly believed that education was essential for women’s independence and strength. Her work helped many women gain access to higher education.

Personal Challenges and Legacy
Umeko faced many health problems throughout her life, but she remained dedicated to her mission. Some of her famous quotes include “Live ahead of your time” and “Be independent, be strong.” In 2024, her portrait was featured on the new 5,000 yen banknote, honoring her significant contributions to women’s education in Japan.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: Who was Umeko Tsuda?
Umeko Tsuda was a pioneering Japanese educator who worked to improve women's education in Japan. She was one of the first Japanese women to study abroad.
2: Why did Umeko Tsuda go to America?
She went to America in 1871 as part of the Iwakura Mission, which was sent by the Japanese government to learn about Western culture and systems.
3: What was Umeko Tsuda's role in education?
Umeko Tsuda founded Joshi Eigaku Juku (now Tsuda College) in 1900, one of the first higher education institutions for women in Japan.
4: What difficulties did Umeko face during her time in America?
Umeko struggled with homesickness and adapting to the new culture and language, but she eventually learned English and Western customs.
5: What did Umeko Tsuda study at Bryn Mawr College?
She studied education and biology at Bryn Mawr College after returning to America for further studies.
6: What was Umeko Tsuda’s belief about education?
She believed that education was essential for women's independence and strength, which is why she dedicated her life to improving women's education in Japan.
7: What health problems did Umeko Tsuda face?
Umeko Tsuda had chronic health problems throughout her life but continued her work in education despite these challenges.
8: What are some of Umeko Tsuda's famous quotes?
Some of her well-known quotes include "Live ahead of your time" and "Be independent, be strong."
9: How is Umeko Tsuda honored in modern Japan?
In 2024, Umeko Tsuda's portrait was featured on the new 5,000 yen banknote, honoring her contributions to women's education.
10: What impact did Umeko Tsuda have on women's education?
Her efforts helped many women in Japan gain access to higher education, empowering them to become more independent and play active roles in society.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Umeko Tsuda lately. Do you know much about her?



Yes, I do! Umeko Tsuda was a pioneering educator in Japan. She was one of the first Japanese women to study abroad.



That’s fascinating. How did she manage to go abroad in those days?



She went to America in 1871 as part of the Iwakura Mission when she was just seven years old. It was a government mission to learn about Western culture and systems.



I see. It must have been tough for her as a child in a foreign country.



Absolutely. She faced a lot of homesickness and had to adapt to a completely new environment. But she managed to learn English and about Western culture while living with an American host family.



What did she do after returning to Japan?



When she came back in 1882, she experienced culture shock because Japan was very different from America. Later, she went back to America to study more at Bryn Mawr College, focusing on education and biology.



And what did she do with her education?



In 1900, she founded Joshi Eigaku Juku, which is now Tsuda College. It was one of the first higher education institutions for women in Japan. She believed that education was the key to women’s independence and strength.



That’s impressive. Did she face any personal challenges?



Yes, she had chronic health problems throughout her life but continued her work despite them. She was very dedicated to her mission.



I heard she had some famous quotes. Can you tell me some?



Sure! Some of her notable quotes are “Live ahead of your time,” “Listen to others, but make your own decisions,” “Nothing in life is wasted,” and “Be independent, be strong.”



Those are really inspiring. I also heard she was recently featured on a new banknote?



Yes, in 2024, her portrait was featured on the new 5,000 yen banknote. It was a recognition of her significant contributions to women’s education in Japan.



Wow, that’s quite an honor. She really made a lasting impact.



Definitely. Her work and legacy continue to inspire many people today, especially in the field of women’s education.



Thanks for sharing all this, Key. I feel like I understand her much better now.



You’re welcome, Mack. It’s always great to learn about such inspiring figures in history.


関連情報 / related information



Early Life and Study Abroad
Umeko Tsuda was born in 1864 in Japan. At the young age of seven, she traveled to America in 1871 as part of the Iwakura Mission. This mission aimed to learn about Western culture and systems. Living in a foreign country was challenging for her because of the language and cultural differences. However, she adapted well and learned English and about American culture.


Return to Japan and Further Studies
Umeko returned to Japan in 1882. She experienced culture shock due to the significant differences between Japan and America. She later decided to go back to America to continue her studies. She attended Bryn Mawr College, where she focused on education and biology.


Contributions to Women’s Education
In 1900, Umeko founded Joshi Eigaku Juku, which is now called Tsuda College. This was one of the first higher education institutions for women in Japan. She strongly believed that education was essential for women’s independence and strength. Her work helped many women gain access to higher education.


Personal Challenges and Legacy
Umeko faced many health problems throughout her life, but she remained dedicated to her mission. Some of her famous quotes include “Live ahead of your time” and “Be independent, be strong.” In 2024, her portrait was featured on the new 5,000 yen banknote, honoring her significant contributions to women’s education in Japan.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: Who was Umeko Tsuda?  
Umeko Tsuda was a pioneering Japanese educator who worked to improve women's education in Japan. She was one of the first Japanese women to study abroad.  
2: Why did Umeko Tsuda go to America?  
She went to America in 1871 as part of the Iwakura Mission, which was sent by the Japanese government to learn about Western culture and systems.  
3: What was Umeko Tsuda's role in education?  
Umeko Tsuda founded Joshi Eigaku Juku (now Tsuda College) in 1900, one of the first higher education institutions for women in Japan.  
4: What difficulties did Umeko face during her time in America?  
Umeko struggled with homesickness and adapting to the new culture and language, but she eventually learned English and Western customs.  
5: What did Umeko Tsuda study at Bryn Mawr College?  
She studied education and biology at Bryn Mawr College after returning to America for further studies.  
6: What was Umeko Tsuda’s belief about education?  
She believed that education was essential for women's independence and strength, which is why she dedicated her life to improving women's education in Japan.  
7: What health problems did Umeko Tsuda face?  
Umeko Tsuda had chronic health problems throughout her life but continued her work in education despite these challenges.  
8: What are some of Umeko Tsuda's famous quotes?  
Some of her well-known quotes include "Live ahead of your time" and "Be independent, be strong."  
9: How is Umeko Tsuda honored in modern Japan?  
In 2024, Umeko Tsuda's portrait was featured on the new 5,000 yen banknote, honoring her contributions to women's education.  
10: What impact did Umeko Tsuda have on women's education?  
Her efforts helped many women in Japan gain access to higher education, empowering them to become more independent and play active roles in society.  

words & phrases



mission: 名詞
意味: 使命、任務。A task or job that someone is given to do, especially a task that is seen as very important.

  1. The astronauts were on a mission to explore Mars.
  2. Our mission is to provide clean drinking water to all.
  3. The team completed their mission successfully.

pioneering: 形容詞
意味: 先駆的な、開拓者の。Introducing new and innovative methods or ideas.

  1. She did pioneering work in the field of genetics.
  2. His pioneering efforts changed the way we use technology.
  3. The scientist received an award for his pioneering research.

chronic: 形容詞
意味: 慢性的な、長期にわたる。Continuing for a long time or recurring frequently.

  1. She suffers from chronic back pain.
  2. Chronic stress can lead to serious health problems.
  3. The patient has a chronic illness that requires ongoing treatment.

quotes: 名詞
意味: 名言、引用。Words or sentences that are repeated by someone else, often from a famous person or a text.

  1. He included several quotes from famous philosophers in his speech.
  2. The book is filled with inspirational quotes.
  3. She always remembers the quotes her grandmother used to say.

inspiring: 形容詞
意味: 感動的な、鼓舞する。Giving someone the desire or enthusiasm to do something.

  1. Her story is truly inspiring.
  2. The teacher gave an inspiring speech to the students.
  3. The movie was inspiring and left everyone feeling hopeful.
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