祇園祭 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 祇園祭の概要:
    • 開催時期: 祇園祭は毎年7月に京都で開催
    • 歴史: 869年に始まり、1100年以上の歴史がある
    • 起源: 八坂神社で疫病退散を祈るために始まった
  2. 主要なイベント:
    • 山鉾巡行: 7月17日と24日に行われる大規模なパレードで、美しく装飾された山鉾(やまぼこ)が登場する
    • 宵山: 7月14日から16日に行われる前夜祭で、山鉾がライトアップされる
    • 神輿巡行: 八坂神社の神輿が街を巡るイベント
  3. 山鉾(やまぼこ)について:
    • 種類: 山(神話や歴史上の人物を飾る)と鉾(長い槍を飾る)の二種類
    • 装飾: 絹や金箔を使って豪華に装飾
  4. ユネスコ無形文化遺産:
    • 祇園祭は「日本の山・鉾・屋台行事」の一部としてユネスコ無形文化遺産に登録
  5. 日本三大祭り:
    • 祇園祭は東京の神田祭、大阪の天神祭と共に、日本三大祭りの一つ



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know the Gion Festival is in July?


Yes, I’ve heard about it. It’s one of Kyoto’s biggest events, right?


Exactly. It has over 1100 years of history, starting back in 869 AD. It began as a way to pray to the gods at Yasaka Shrine to stop a plague.


That’s fascinating. What are the main events during the festival?


The biggest events are the Yamaboko Junko parades on July 17 and 24. They feature these huge, beautifully decorated floats called Yamaboko.


What’s special about these floats?


There are two types of floats: Yama, which often have figures from myths or history, and Hoko, which have tall spears. They’re incredibly detailed and covered in silk and gold.


I see. I also heard there’s an evening festival?


Yes, that’s Yoiyama, from July 14 to 16. The floats are lit up at night, and it’s a great time to walk around and enjoy the festive atmosphere.


Sounds amazing. Is the Gion Festival recognized internationally?


Yes, it’s part of the “Yama, Hoko, and Yatai float festivals in Japan,” which are listed as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. This recognition highlights its cultural importance.


That’s impressive. What else can you do at the festival?


Besides watching the parades, you can enjoy traditional music and dance, and there are many food stalls. It’s a great way to experience Japanese culture.


Have you been to the festival before?


Not yet, but I’m really interested in going this year. I’ve heard that getting there early is key to finding a good spot to watch the parades.


That makes sense. Kyoto must be packed with tourists during the festival.


Definitely. It’s one of Japan’s three great festivals, along with the Kanda Festival in Tokyo and the Tenjin Festival in Osaka.


Thanks for the info, Mack. I think I’ll join you this year. It sounds like a fantastic experience.


I’m glad to hear that! Let’s make sure we prepare well and enjoy the Gion Festival to the fullest.

関連情報 / related information




The Gion Festival is a famous festival in Kyoto, Japan. It happens every July and has over 1100 years of history. The festival began in 869 AD to pray at Yasaka Shrine to stop a plague. Now, it is one of Japan’s biggest and most important festivals.

Main Events
The Gion Festival has many events, but the most famous are the Yamaboko Junko parades on July 17 and 24. In these parades, people pull large, beautifully decorated floats through the streets of Kyoto. Another important event is Yoiyama, from July 14 to 16, where the floats are lit up at night. There are also Mikoshi processions where portable shrines are carried through the city.

Yamaboko Floats
There are two types of floats in the Gion Festival: Yama and Hoko. Yama floats have figures from myths or history, and Hoko floats have tall spears. These floats are decorated with silk and gold, making them very beautiful and impressive.

Cultural Significance
The Gion Festival is not only fun but also important culturally. It is part of the “Yama, Hoko, and Yatai float festivals in Japan,” which are recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage. The festival shows the strong community spirit in Kyoto, as local people work together to prepare and manage the events.

Japan’s Three Great Festivals
The Gion Festival is one of Japan’s three great festivals. The other two are the Kanda Festival in Tokyo and the Tenjin Festival in Osaka. These festivals are famous throughout Japan and attract many tourists every year.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is the Gion Festival?
The Gion Festival is a traditional Japanese festival held every July in Kyoto. It has over 1100 years of history and is one of the most famous festivals in Japan.
2: Why did the Gion Festival start?
The Gion Festival started in 869 AD to pray for protection from a plague that was spreading in Kyoto at that time.
3: What is the main event of the Gion Festival?
The main event of the Gion Festival is the Yamaboko Junko, which is a parade of large, beautifully decorated floats that are pulled through the streets of Kyoto.
4: What are Yamaboko floats?
Yamaboko floats are traditional festival floats used in the Gion Festival. There are two types: Yama floats, which have figures from myths, and Hoko floats, which have tall spears.
5: When does the Yamaboko Junko parade take place?
The Yamaboko Junko parade takes place on July 17 and 24 as part of the Gion Festival.
6: What is Yoiyama in the Gion Festival?
Yoiyama is an evening festival held from July 14 to 16, where the Yamaboko floats are lit up at night, and people enjoy walking around the festival area.
7: How is the Gion Festival recognized internationally?
The Gion Festival is recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage because of its cultural importance and long history.
8: What is the significance of the Gion Festival?
The Gion Festival is important because it reflects Kyoto's rich cultural history and community spirit, as local people work together to prepare for the event.
9: What other festivals are part of Japan’s three great festivals?
Japan’s three great festivals are the Gion Festival in Kyoto, the Kanda Festival in Tokyo, and the Tenjin Festival in Osaka.
10: How can visitors enjoy the Gion Festival?
Visitors can enjoy the Gion Festival by watching the parades, attending the evening events, exploring the food stalls, and experiencing traditional music and dance.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know the Gion Festival is in July?



Yes, I’ve heard about it. It’s one of Kyoto’s biggest events, right?



Exactly. It has over 1100 years of history, starting back in 869 AD. It began as a way to pray to the gods at Yasaka Shrine to stop a plague.



That’s fascinating. What are the main events during the festival?



The biggest events are the Yamaboko Junko parades on July 17 and 24. They feature these huge, beautifully decorated floats called Yamaboko.



What’s special about these floats?



There are two types of floats: Yama, which often have figures from myths or history, and Hoko, which have tall spears. They’re incredibly detailed and covered in silk and gold.



I see. I also heard there’s an evening festival?



Yes, that’s Yoiyama, from July 14 to 16. The floats are lit up at night, and it’s a great time to walk around and enjoy the festive atmosphere.



Sounds amazing. Is the Gion Festival recognized internationally?



Yes, it’s part of the “Yama, Hoko, and Yatai float festivals in Japan,” which are listed as UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage. This recognition highlights its cultural importance.



That’s impressive. What else can you do at the festival?



Besides watching the parades, you can enjoy traditional music and dance, and there are many food stalls. It’s a great way to experience Japanese culture.



Have you been to the festival before?



Not yet, but I’m really interested in going this year. I’ve heard that getting there early is key to finding a good spot to watch the parades.



That makes sense. Kyoto must be packed with tourists during the festival.



Definitely. It’s one of Japan’s three great festivals, along with the Kanda Festival in Tokyo and the Tenjin Festival in Osaka.



Thanks for the info, Mack. I think I’ll join you this year. It sounds like a fantastic experience.



I’m glad to hear that! Let’s make sure we prepare well and enjoy the Gion Festival to the fullest.


関連情報 / related information



The Gion Festival is a famous festival in Kyoto, Japan. It happens every July and has over 1100 years of history. The festival began in 869 AD to pray at Yasaka Shrine to stop a plague. Now, it is one of Japan’s biggest and most important festivals.


Main Events
The Gion Festival has many events, but the most famous are the Yamaboko Junko parades on July 17 and 24. In these parades, people pull large, beautifully decorated floats through the streets of Kyoto. Another important event is Yoiyama, from July 14 to 16, where the floats are lit up at night. There are also Mikoshi processions where portable shrines are carried through the city.


Yamaboko Floats
There are two types of floats in the Gion Festival: Yama and Hoko. Yama floats have figures from myths or history, and Hoko floats have tall spears. These floats are decorated with silk and gold, making them very beautiful and impressive.


Cultural Significance
The Gion Festival is not only fun but also important culturally. It is part of the “Yama, Hoko, and Yatai float festivals in Japan,” which are recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage. The festival shows the strong community spirit in Kyoto, as local people work together to prepare and manage the events.


Japan’s Three Great Festivals
The Gion Festival is one of Japan’s three great festivals. The other two are the Kanda Festival in Tokyo and the Tenjin Festival in Osaka. These festivals are famous throughout Japan and attract many tourists every year.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is the Gion Festival?  
The Gion Festival is a traditional Japanese festival held every July in Kyoto. It has over 1100 years of history and is one of the most famous festivals in Japan.  
2: Why did the Gion Festival start?  
The Gion Festival started in 869 AD to pray for protection from a plague that was spreading in Kyoto at that time.  
3: What is the main event of the Gion Festival?  
The main event of the Gion Festival is the Yamaboko Junko, which is a parade of large, beautifully decorated floats that are pulled through the streets of Kyoto.  
4: What are Yamaboko floats?  
Yamaboko floats are traditional festival floats used in the Gion Festival. There are two types: Yama floats, which have figures from myths, and Hoko floats, which have tall spears.  
5: When does the Yamaboko Junko parade take place?  
The Yamaboko Junko parade takes place on July 17 and 24 as part of the Gion Festival.  
6: What is Yoiyama in the Gion Festival?  
Yoiyama is an evening festival held from July 14 to 16, where the Yamaboko floats are lit up at night, and people enjoy walking around the festival area.  
7: How is the Gion Festival recognized internationally?  
The Gion Festival is recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage because of its cultural importance and long history.  
8: What is the significance of the Gion Festival?  
The Gion Festival is important because it reflects Kyoto's rich cultural history and community spirit, as local people work together to prepare for the event.  
9: What other festivals are part of Japan’s three great festivals?  
Japan’s three great festivals are the Gion Festival in Kyoto, the Kanda Festival in Tokyo, and the Tenjin Festival in Osaka.  
10: How can visitors enjoy the Gion Festival?  
Visitors can enjoy the Gion Festival by watching the parades, attending the evening events, exploring the food stalls, and experiencing traditional music and dance.  

words & phrases



plague : 名詞 
意味: 疫病、伝染病。A contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium, typically with the formation of buboes and sometimes infection of the lungs.
1.The plague spread rapidly through the city.
2.Many people died during the plague.
3.The Gion Festival started to pray for protection from a plague.

float : 名詞
意味: 浮かぶもの、山車。Decorated vehicles or platforms that are part of a parade.
1.The floats in the parade were beautifully decorated.
2.Children enjoyed watching the colorful floats.
3.The festival features large floats pulled through the streets.

spear : 名詞
意味: 槍。A weapon with a pointed tip, typically of steel, and a long shaft, used for thrusting or throwing.
1.The soldiers carried spears into battle.
2.Ancient hunters used spears to catch animals.
3.Hoko floats are decorated with tall spears.

intangible : 形容詞
意味: 形のない、無形の。Unable to be touched or grasped; not having a physical presence.
1.Love is an intangible feeling.
2.The company values intangible assets like goodwill.
3.The Gion Festival is recognized as an intangible cultural heritage by UNESCO.

packed : 形容詞
意味: ぎっしり詰まった、満員の。Completely filled with people or things.
1.The theater was packed with fans.
2.The streets were packed during the festival.
3.Kyoto is packed with tourists during the Gion Festival.

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