出雲大社 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 歴史的背景
    • 出雲大社は、日本で最も古く、重要な神社の一つであり、その歴史は1500年以上にわたる
    • 主祭神は大国主大神で、縁結びの神として知られている
  2. 建築様式
    • 出雲大社の本殿は、日本最古の神社建築様式である「大社造り」で建てられている
    • 神楽殿には日本最大級の「注連縄(しめなわ)」がある
  3. 祭りと行事
    • 10月に行われる「神在月(かみありづき)」の祭りは特に有名、日本全国の神々が出雲大社に集まると信じられている
    • 他の地域では10月を「神無月(かんなづき)」と呼び、神々が出雲に集まるため神社を留守にするとされている
  4. 独特な礼拝方法
    • 出雲大社では、祈りの際に四拍手(二回自分のために、二回相手のために)するのが伝統
    • 多くの他の神社では二拍手が一般的
  5. 規模と見どころ
    • 出雲大社の敷地面積は16ヘクタール以上
    • 主な見どころには本殿、神楽殿、宝物殿、神門通り、そして稲佐の浜がある



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in learning more about Izumo Taisha. Have you ever been there?


Yes, I have! It’s one of the oldest and most important shrines in Japan. Did you know it has a history of over 1,500 years?


Wow, that’s impressive. What makes it so special compared to other shrines?


One unique aspect is the worship practice. At Izumo Taisha, you clap four times during prayers—twice for yourself and twice for your partner. Most other shrines only have two claps.


That’s interesting. Who is the main deity there?


The main deity is Ōkuninushi no Ōkami. He is known as the god of marriage and good relationships, which is why many people visit the shrine to pray for love and happiness.


I heard there are some significant festivals at Izumo Taisha. Can you tell me more about them?


Sure. The most famous one is the Kamiarizuki festival in October. It’s believed that all the gods from across Japan gather at Izumo Taisha during this month. This is unique because, in the rest of Japan, October is called Kannazuki, the month without gods, since the gods are thought to leave their shrines to gather at Izumo.


That’s fascinating. What about the architecture? I’ve heard it’s quite unique.


Yes, the main hall is built in the Taisha-zukuri style, which is the oldest style of shrine architecture in Japan. The hall is 24 meters tall and has large decorative elements like chigi on the roof. There’s also the Kaguraden, which has one of the largest shimenawa ropes in Japan.


What else can you see there?


Besides the main hall and Kaguraden, there’s the Treasure Hall with historical artifacts, Shinmon-dori Street with shops and eateries, and Inasanohama Beach where gods are welcomed during the Kamiarizuki festival.


It sounds like there’s a lot to see. How big is the shrine?


The shrine covers over 16 hectares. It’s quite large and attracts many visitors, especially during festivals when tens of thousands of people come to visit.


I’d love to visit during a festival. Any tips for visiting?


Definitely. Be sure to purify yourself at the chōzuya before entering, and remember the four claps during your prayers. Also, visiting in the early morning or late afternoon can help you avoid the crowds.


Thanks, Key. This has been really helpful. I can’t wait to visit Izumo Taisha and experience all this in person.


You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your visit!

関連情報 / related information




Historical Significance
Izumo Taisha is one of the oldest and most important Shinto shrines in Japan. It has a history of over 1,500 years. The main deity worshipped here is Ōkuninushi no Ōkami, who is known as the god of marriage and good relationships.

Architectural Style
The main hall (honden) of Izumo Taisha is built in the oldest style of shrine architecture in Japan, called Taisha-zukuri. This hall is 24 meters tall and has large decorative elements like chigi on the roof. The Kaguraden also has one of the largest shimenawa (sacred ropes) in Japan.

Festivals and Events
The Kamiarizuki festival in October is very famous. During this time, it is believed that all the gods from across Japan gather at Izumo Taisha. This is unique because, in the rest of Japan, October is called Kannazuki, the month without gods, since the gods are thought to leave their shrines to gather at Izumo.

Unique Worship Practices
At Izumo Taisha, it is traditional to clap four times during prayers—twice for oneself and twice for a potential partner. This is different from the usual practice of clapping twice at other Shinto shrines.

Scale and Points of Interest
Izumo Taisha covers an area of over 16 hectares. Key attractions include the main hall, Kaguraden, Treasure Hall, Shinmon-dori Street, and Inasanohama Beach. These places are significant and worth visiting when you go to Izumo Taisha.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Izumo Taisha?
Izumo Taisha is one of the oldest and most important Shinto shrines in Japan. It is located in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, and is dedicated to Ōkuninushi no Ōkami, the god of marriage and relationships.
2: Why is Izumo Taisha famous?
Izumo Taisha is famous for its ancient history, unique architectural style, and the Kamiarizuki festival in October when it is believed that all the gods from across Japan gather at the shrine.
3: Who is worshipped at Izumo Taisha?
The main deity worshipped at Izumo Taisha is Ōkuninushi no Ōkami. He is known as the god of marriage, good relationships, and the creation of the land of Japan.
4: What is the architectural style of Izumo Taisha?
The main hall of Izumo Taisha is built in the Taisha-zukuri style, which is the oldest type of shrine architecture in Japan. It is characterized by a tall structure with large decorative elements like chigi on the roof.
5: What is the Kamiarizuki festival?
The Kamiarizuki festival is held in October at Izumo Taisha. It is believed that during this time, all the gods from across Japan gather at the shrine to discuss the relationships and bonds for the coming year.
6: How do people pray at Izumo Taisha?
When praying at Izumo Taisha, it is traditional to clap four times—twice for oneself and twice for a potential partner. This is different from the usual practice of clapping twice at other Shinto shrines.
7: What can you see at Izumo Taisha?
Visitors can see the main hall, the Kaguraden with its massive shimenawa (sacred rope), the Treasure Hall, and the beautiful Inasanohama Beach nearby.
8: How big is Izumo Taisha?
Izumo Taisha covers an area of over 16 hectares, making it one of the largest shrine complexes in Japan.
9: What is the significance of the shimenawa at Izumo Taisha?
The shimenawa at Izumo Taisha’s Kaguraden is one of the largest in Japan. It symbolizes the boundary between the sacred and the profane, and it is believed to protect the shrine from evil spirits.
10: How do you get to Izumo Taisha?
Izumo Taisha is accessible by bus or train from Izumo City Station. It’s about a 7-minute walk from Izumo Taisha-mae Station.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in learning more about Izumo Taisha. Have you ever been there?



Yes, I have! It’s one of the oldest and most important shrines in Japan. Did you know it has a history of over 1,500 years?



Wow, that’s impressive. What makes it so special compared to other shrines?



One unique aspect is the worship practice. At Izumo Taisha, you clap four times during prayers—twice for yourself and twice for your partner. Most other shrines only have two claps.



That’s interesting. Who is the main deity there?



The main deity is Ōkuninushi no Ōkami. He is known as the god of marriage and good relationships, which is why many people visit the shrine to pray for love and happiness.



I heard there are some significant festivals at Izumo Taisha. Can you tell me more about them?



Sure. The most famous one is the Kamiarizuki festival in October. It’s believed that all the gods from across Japan gather at Izumo Taisha during this month. This is unique because, in the rest of Japan, October is called Kannazuki, the month without gods, since the gods are thought to leave their shrines to gather at Izumo.



That’s fascinating. What about the architecture? I’ve heard it’s quite unique.



Yes, the main hall is built in the Taisha-zukuri style, which is the oldest style of shrine architecture in Japan. The hall is 24 meters tall and has large decorative elements like chigi on the roof. There’s also the Kaguraden, which has one of the largest shimenawa ropes in Japan.



What else can you see there?



Besides the main hall and Kaguraden, there’s the Treasure Hall with historical artifacts, Shinmon-dori Street with shops and eateries, and Inasanohama Beach where gods are welcomed during the Kamiarizuki festival.



It sounds like there’s a lot to see. How big is the shrine?



The shrine covers over 16 hectares. It’s quite large and attracts many visitors, especially during festivals when tens of thousands of people come to visit.



I’d love to visit during a festival. Any tips for visiting?



Definitely. Be sure to purify yourself at the chōzuya before entering, and remember the four claps during your prayers. Also, visiting in the early morning or late afternoon can help you avoid the crowds.



Thanks, Key. This has been really helpful. I can’t wait to visit Izumo Taisha and experience all this in person.



You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your visit!


関連情報 / related information



Historical Significance
Izumo Taisha is one of the oldest and most important Shinto shrines in Japan. It has a history of over 1,500 years. The main deity worshipped here is Ōkuninushi no Ōkami, who is known as the god of marriage and good relationships.

出雲大社は、日本で最も古く、重要な神社の一つです。その歴史は1500年以上にわたります。ここで祀られている主祭神は大国主大神で、縁結びの神として知られています 。

Architectural Style
The main hall (honden) of Izumo Taisha is built in the oldest style of shrine architecture in Japan, called Taisha-zukuri. This hall is 24 meters tall and has large decorative elements like chigi on the roof. The Kaguraden also has one of the largest shimenawa (sacred ropes) in Japan.


Festivals and Events
The Kamiarizuki festival in October is very famous. During this time, it is believed that all the gods from across Japan gather at Izumo Taisha. This is unique because, in the rest of Japan, October is called Kannazuki, the month without gods, since the gods are thought to leave their shrines to gather at Izumo .


Unique Worship Practices
At Izumo Taisha, it is traditional to clap four times during prayers—twice for oneself and twice for a potential partner. This is different from the usual practice of clapping twice at other Shinto shrines.

出雲大社では、祈りの際に四拍手(二回自分のために、二回相手のために)するのが伝統です。多くの他の神社では二拍手が一般的です 。

Scale and Points of Interest
Izumo Taisha covers an area of over 16 hectares. Key attractions include the main hall, Kaguraden, Treasure Hall, Shinmon-dori Street, and Inasanohama Beach. These places are significant and worth visiting when you go to Izumo Taisha.

出雲大社の敷地面積は16ヘクタール以上です。主要な見どころには、本殿、神楽殿、宝物殿、神門通り、稲佐の浜があります。これらの場所は、出雲大社を訪れる際にぜひ訪れたいスポットです 。

10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Izumo Taisha?  
Izumo Taisha is one of the oldest and most important Shinto shrines in Japan. It is located in Izumo City, Shimane Prefecture, and is dedicated to Ōkuninushi no Ōkami, the god of marriage and relationships.  
2: Why is Izumo Taisha famous?  
Izumo Taisha is famous for its ancient history, unique architectural style, and the Kamiarizuki festival in October when it is believed that all the gods from across Japan gather at the shrine.  
3: Who is worshipped at Izumo Taisha?  
The main deity worshipped at Izumo Taisha is Ōkuninushi no Ōkami. He is known as the god of marriage, good relationships, and the creation of the land of Japan.  
4: What is the architectural style of Izumo Taisha?  
The main hall of Izumo Taisha is built in the Taisha-zukuri style, which is the oldest type of shrine architecture in Japan. It is characterized by a tall structure with large decorative elements like chigi on the roof.  
5: What is the Kamiarizuki festival?  
The Kamiarizuki festival is held in October at Izumo Taisha. It is believed that during this time, all the gods from across Japan gather at the shrine to discuss the relationships and bonds for the coming year.  
6: How do people pray at Izumo Taisha?  
When praying at Izumo Taisha, it is traditional to clap four times—twice for oneself and twice for a potential partner. This is different from the usual practice of clapping twice at other Shinto shrines.  
7: What can you see at Izumo Taisha?  
Visitors can see the main hall, the Kaguraden with its massive shimenawa (sacred rope), the Treasure Hall, and the beautiful Inasanohama Beach nearby.  
8: How big is Izumo Taisha?  
Izumo Taisha covers an area of over 16 hectares, making it one of the largest shrine complexes in Japan.  
9: What is the significance of the shimenawa at Izumo Taisha?  
The shimenawa at Izumo Taisha’s Kaguraden is one of the largest in Japan. It symbolizes the boundary between the sacred and the profane, and it is believed to protect the shrine from evil spirits.  
10: How do you get to Izumo Taisha?  
Izumo Taisha is accessible by bus or train from Izumo City Station. It’s about a 7-minute walk from Izumo Taisha-mae Station.  

words & phrases



clap : 動詞
意味: 手をたたく、拍手する。To strike the palms of the hands together with a sudden explosive sound, usually to show approval or appreciation.

  1. The audience clapped loudly after the performance.
  2. She clapped her hands in excitement.
  3. At the end of the speech, everyone clapped.

decorative : 形容詞
意味: 装飾の、飾りの。Serving to make something look more attractive; ornamental.

  1. The decorative lights made the room look festive.
  2. She added some decorative pillows to the couch.
  3. The vase has a decorative design.

eatery : 名詞
意味: 飲食店、レストラン。A place where people can buy and eat food.

  1. We found a nice eatery near the beach.
  2. The new eatery downtown is very popular.
  3. They decided to open an eatery specializing in vegan food.

purify : 動詞
意味: 浄化する、清める。To remove contaminants from something, making it clean or pure.

  1. They used a filter to purify the water.
  2. The priest performed a ritual to purify the temple.
  3. Air purifiers help to purify the air in your home.

prayer : 名詞
意味: 祈り、祈願。A solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or another deity.

  1. She said a prayer for her family’s health.
  2. They gathered for a moment of prayer before the ceremony.
  3. His prayer was answered when he found a new job.
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