忍者 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 歴史:
    • 忍者は、主に15世紀から17世紀にかけて日本で活躍した秘密工作員や戦士のこと
    • 情報収集や破壊工作、暗殺などを行っていた
  2. 忍術:
    • 忍者が使う特別な技術の総称で、隠密行動、変装、戦闘技術などが含まれる
  3. 伊賀忍者と甲賀忍者の違い:
    • 伊賀忍者(現在の三重県)は、隠密行動や諜報活動に優れていた
    • 甲賀忍者(現在の滋賀県)は、直接戦闘や毒、罠の使用に特化していた
  4. 観光資源としての忍者:
    • 伊賀流忍者博物館や甲賀流忍者屋敷などの施設では、忍者の歴史や技術を学べる
    • 忍者ショーや体験型プログラムも多くの観光客に人気
  5. 外国人に人気の理由:
    • 映画、アニメ、漫画などのポップカルチャーを通じて、世界中で人気がある



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know that ninjas are really popular among foreigners?


Yeah, I’ve noticed that. It’s fascinating how much interest there is in ninjas. What makes them so appealing, do you think?


Well, ninjas have a unique and exotic history. They were like secret agents in ancient Japan, active mainly during the 15th to 17th centuries. They specialized in espionage, sabotage, and even assassinations.


That’s interesting. They must have had some special skills, right?


Absolutely. They trained in “ninjutsu,” which included skills like stealth, disguise, and combat techniques. They were also great at escaping and using various tools and weapons.


I heard there were different types of ninjas. Is that true?


Yes, there were two main groups: Iga ninjas from Mie Prefecture and Koka ninjas from Shiga Prefecture. Iga ninjas were experts in stealth and espionage, while Koka ninjas focused more on direct combat and used poisons and traps.


Wow, I didn’t know that. Do people still learn about ninjas today?


Definitely. There are museums and attractions like the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum and Koka Ninja House where you can learn about their history and even try out some ninja skills. These places are very popular with tourists.


That sounds fun. Why do you think ninjas are so popular with foreigners?


 I think it’s because ninjas are often featured in movies, TV shows, and anime. Shows like “Naruto” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” have made ninjas famous worldwide. Plus, their skills and mysterious lifestyle are really intriguing.


I agree. Have you ever been to one of those ninja museums?


Not yet, but I’d love to visit. I hear you can see ninja weapons and tools, watch ninja shows, and even try on ninja costumes. It sounds like a great experience.


That does sound cool. Maybe we should plan a trip together. It would be fun to learn more about ninjas and see those places.


Absolutely! I also read that there are festivals like the Iga Ueno Ninja Festa where you can watch ninja performances and participate in activities. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in ninja culture.


That would be amazing. I think learning about ninjas through these experiences would be really exciting.


For sure. It’s a perfect mix of history, culture, and fun. Let’s make it happen soon.


I’m in. Let’s start planning our ninja adventure!

関連情報 / related information




History of Ninjas

Ninjas were secret agents and warriors in Japan, active mainly from the 15th to 17th centuries. They were known for their stealth and special skills. Ninjas worked for powerful lords, gathering information, sabotaging enemy plans, and sometimes performing assassinations. They were essential for espionage and secret missions.

Ninjutsu Skills

Ninjutsu is the art of ninja skills. This included stealth, disguise, escape techniques, and combat skills. Ninjas also used special tools and weapons. They trained very hard to master these techniques, which helped them complete their secret missions successfully.

Types of Ninjas

There were two main groups of ninjas: Iga ninjas and Koka ninjas. Iga ninjas came from what is now Mie Prefecture. They were experts in stealth and espionage. Koka ninjas, from present-day Shiga Prefecture, were more focused on direct combat and used poisons and traps.

Modern Ninja Tourism

Today, ninjas are a popular part of Japanese culture and tourism. Museums like the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum and Koka Ninja House attract many visitors. These places offer ninja shows, exhibits, and even hands-on ninja training. Tourists can learn about ninja history and try out ninja skills.

Global Popularity

Ninjas are famous worldwide, partly due to movies, anime, and manga. Popular shows like “Naruto” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” feature ninjas, making them well-known and loved by people around the world. This global interest brings many tourists to Japan to learn more about ninjas.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is a ninja?
A ninja was a secret agent and warrior in Japan, active mainly during the 15th to 17th centuries. They specialized in espionage, sabotage, and stealthy operations.
2: What does "ninjutsu" mean?
Ninjutsu refers to the art of ninja skills, including stealth, disguise, escape techniques, and combat. It is the set of skills that ninjas trained in to carry out their missions.
3: Where were the two main groups of ninjas from?
The two main groups of ninjas were from Iga (in present-day Mie Prefecture) and Koka (in present-day Shiga Prefecture). Each group had its own specialized techniques.
4: What were Iga ninjas known for?
Iga ninjas were known for their expertise in stealth and espionage. They were highly skilled at gathering information without being detected.
5: What were Koka ninjas known for?
Koka ninjas were known for their skills in direct combat and their use of poisons and traps. They focused on more aggressive tactics.
6: Why are ninjas popular in modern times?
Ninjas are popular today because they are featured in movies, TV shows, and anime, such as "Naruto" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Their mysterious and skilled nature fascinates people around the world.
7: What is the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum?
The Iga-ryu Ninja Museum is a museum in Iga, Japan, where visitors can learn about the history of ninjas, see ninja tools, and watch ninja performances.
8: How did ninjas contribute to Japanese history?
Ninjas contributed to Japanese history by serving as spies and assassins for powerful lords. They helped in gathering intelligence, disrupting enemy plans, and carrying out covert operations.
9: What is "stealth" in the context of ninjas?
Stealth refers to the ability to move or act quietly and undetected. For ninjas, stealth was a key skill that allowed them to complete missions without being noticed.
10: Can tourists experience ninja activities today?
Yes, tourists can experience ninja activities today at various museums and attractions in Japan. These include ninja training experiences, shows, and exhibits where people can learn about ninja history and skills.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, did you know that ninjas are really popular among foreigners?



 Yeah, I’ve noticed that. It’s fascinating how much interest there is in ninjas. What makes them so appealing, do you think?



Well, ninjas have a unique and exotic history. They were like secret agents in ancient Japan, active mainly during the 15th to 17th centuries. They specialized in espionage, sabotage, and even assassinations.



That’s interesting. They must have had some special skills, right?



Absolutely. They trained in “ninjutsu,” which included skills like stealth, disguise, and combat techniques. They were also great at escaping and using various tools and weapons.



I heard there were different types of ninjas. Is that true?



Yes, there were two main groups: Iga ninjas from Mie Prefecture and Koka ninjas from Shiga Prefecture. Iga ninjas were experts in stealth and espionage, while Koka ninjas focused more on direct combat and used poisons and traps.



Wow, I didn’t know that. Do people still learn about ninjas today?



Definitely. There are museums and attractions like the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum and Koka Ninja House where you can learn about their history and even try out some ninja skills. These places are very popular with tourists.



That sounds fun. Why do you think ninjas are so popular with foreigners?



I think it’s because ninjas are often featured in movies, TV shows, and anime. Shows like “Naruto” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” have made ninjas famous worldwide. Plus, their skills and mysterious lifestyle are really intriguing.



I agree. Have you ever been to one of those ninja museums?



Not yet, but I’d love to visit. I hear you can see ninja weapons and tools, watch ninja shows, and even try on ninja costumes. It sounds like a great experience.



That does sound cool. Maybe we should plan a trip together. It would be fun to learn more about ninjas and see those places.



Absolutely! I also read that there are festivals like the Iga Ueno Ninja Festa where you can watch ninja performances and participate in activities. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in ninja culture.



That would be amazing. I think learning about ninjas through these experiences would be really exciting.



For sure. It’s a perfect mix of history, culture, and fun. Let’s make it happen soon.



I’m in. Let’s start planning our ninja adventure!


関連情報 / related information



History of Ninjas
Ninjas were secret agents and warriors in Japan, active mainly from the 15th to 17th centuries. They were known for their stealth and special skills. Ninjas worked for powerful lords, gathering information, sabotaging enemy plans, and sometimes performing assassinations. They were essential for espionage and secret missions.


Ninjutsu Skills
Ninjutsu is the art of ninja skills. This included stealth, disguise, escape techniques, and combat skills. Ninjas also used special tools and weapons. They trained very hard to master these techniques, which helped them complete their secret missions successfully.


Types of Ninjas
There were two main groups of ninjas: Iga ninjas and Koka ninjas. Iga ninjas came from what is now Mie Prefecture. They were experts in stealth and espionage. Koka ninjas, from present-day Shiga Prefecture, were more focused on direct combat and used poisons and traps.


Modern Ninja Tourism
Today, ninjas are a popular part of Japanese culture and tourism. Museums like the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum and Koka Ninja House attract many visitors. These places offer ninja shows, exhibits, and even hands-on ninja training. Tourists can learn about ninja history and try out ninja skills.


Global Popularity
Ninjas are famous worldwide, partly due to movies, anime, and manga. Popular shows like “Naruto” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” feature ninjas, making them well-known and loved by people around the world. This global interest brings many tourists to Japan to learn more about ninjas.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is a ninja?  
A ninja was a secret agent and warrior in Japan, active mainly during the 15th to 17th centuries. They specialized in espionage, sabotage, and stealthy operations.  
2: What does "ninjutsu" mean?  
Ninjutsu refers to the art of ninja skills, including stealth, disguise, escape techniques, and combat. It is the set of skills that ninjas trained in to carry out their missions.  
3: Where were the two main groups of ninjas from?  
The two main groups of ninjas were from Iga (in present-day Mie Prefecture) and Koka (in present-day Shiga Prefecture). Each group had its own specialized techniques.  
4: What were Iga ninjas known for?  
Iga ninjas were known for their expertise in stealth and espionage. They were highly skilled at gathering information without being detected.  
5: What were Koka ninjas known for?  
Koka ninjas were known for their skills in direct combat and their use of poisons and traps. They focused on more aggressive tactics.  
6: Why are ninjas popular in modern times?  
Ninjas are popular today because they are featured in movies, TV shows, and anime, such as "Naruto" and "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Their mysterious and skilled nature fascinates people around the world.  
7: What is the Iga-ryu Ninja Museum?  
The Iga-ryu Ninja Museum is a museum in Iga, Japan, where visitors can learn about the history of ninjas, see ninja tools, and watch ninja performances.  
8: How did ninjas contribute to Japanese history?  
Ninjas contributed to Japanese history by serving as spies and assassins for powerful lords. They helped in gathering intelligence, disrupting enemy plans, and carrying out covert operations.  
9: What is "stealth" in the context of ninjas?  
Stealth refers to the ability to move or act quietly and undetected. For ninjas, stealth was a key skill that allowed them to complete missions without being noticed.  
10: Can tourists experience ninja activities today?  
Yes, tourists can experience ninja activities today at various museums and attractions in Japan. These include ninja training experiences, shows, and exhibits where people can learn about ninja history and skills.  

words & phrases



espionage : 名詞
意味: スパイ活動。The practice of spying or using spies to obtain secret information, especially about a government or business.

  • The government was involved in an international espionage scandal.
  • Espionage was a crucial part of the ninja’s duties.
  • Many countries use espionage to protect their national security.

sabotage : 名詞、動詞
意味: 破壊工作。The act of deliberately destroying or damaging something to prevent it from working properly.

  • The rebels engaged in sabotage to disrupt the enemy’s supply lines.
  • The company’s rivals tried to sabotage their new project.
  • Industrial sabotage can cause significant financial losses.

stealth : 名詞
意味: 隠密。The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way to avoid detection.

  • The cat moved with perfect stealth across the room.
  • Stealth is a key skill for a ninja.
  • He approached the building with extreme stealth to avoid being seen.

intriguing : 形容詞
意味: 興味をそそる。Arousing one’s curiosity or interest; fascinating.

  • The idea of time travel is very intriguing to many scientists.
  • The ninja’s secretive lifestyle is intriguing.
  • She found his mysterious past intriguing.

immerse : 動詞
意味: 浸る。To involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest.

  • He decided to immerse himself in Japanese culture.
  • Tourists can immerse themselves in ninja training at the museum.
  • She likes to immerse herself in a good book during weekends.
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