阿波踊り – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 阿波踊りの基本情報
    • 場所と時期:徳島県徳島市で毎年8月12日から15日に開催
    • 歴史:約400年前、1587年頃に徳島城の完成を祝うために始まったとされている
  2. 踊りのスタイル
    • 男踊り:力強くダイナミックな踊り
    • 女踊り:優雅で滑らかな踊り
  3. 楽器
    • 太鼓、三味線(しゃみせん)、笛、鐘(かね)などが使われる
  4. 観光客の参加方法
    • にわか連:観光客でも参加できるグループ。衣装をレンタルし、簡単なレッスンを受けて踊る
    • 踊りのレッスン:祭りの前に観光客向けのレッスンが行われる
  5. 阿波踊り会館
    • 徳島市にある博物館。阿波踊りの歴史や文化を学べ、実際に踊りを体験することもできる
  6. 他の地域での阿波踊り
    • 東京の高円寺や埼玉の越谷でも阿波踊りが開催され、特に高円寺の阿波踊りは人気が高い



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Awa Odori lately. Do you know much about it?


Absolutely, Mack. Awa Odori is a famous dance festival held in Tokushima City every year from August 12th to 15th. It’s been around for about 400 years.


That’s impressive! What’s the story behind it?


It started around 1587 when Lord Hachisuka Iemasa celebrated the completion of Tokushima Castle. The townspeople danced to celebrate, and it became a tradition.


Wow, I didn’t know it had such a long history. What are the dances like?


There are two main styles. The men’s dance is strong and dynamic, while the women’s dance is graceful and smooth. They dance to lively music played on drums, shamisen, flutes, and bells.


Sounds lively! Can tourists join the dancing?


Yes, they can. There are “Niwaka Ren” groups that welcome anyone. You can rent a costume and get a quick lesson on the basic dance moves. Some places even offer dance lessons before the festival.


That sounds fun. Is there a place where I can learn more about Awa Odori?


You should visit the Awa Odori Kaikan in Tokushima City. It’s a museum dedicated to Awa Odori. You can learn about its history, watch performances, and even try dancing.


I’d love to see a live performance. Are there other places in Japan where Awa Odori is celebrated?


Yes, Koenji in Tokyo and Koshigaya in Saitama have their own Awa Odori festivals. Koenji’s festival is held on the last Saturday and Sunday in August and is very popular.


That’s great! I live near Tokyo, so Koenji is perfect. What should I keep in mind if I want to participate?


Make sure to rent a costume in advance, stay hydrated because it can get hot, and follow the local rules and guidance from the organizers. Also, keep your belongings safe.


Good advice. What about the festival atmosphere?


It’s very festive and energetic. The streets are filled with dancers and spectators, and there are lots of food stalls. It’s a great way to enjoy traditional Japanese culture.


I’m really excited now. Thanks for all the information, Key!


Anytime, Mack. Enjoy the festival and have fun dancing!

関連情報 / related information




What is Awa Odori?
Awa Odori is a famous dance festival held in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, every year from August 12th to 15th. It started about 400 years ago, around 1587, to celebrate the completion of Tokushima Castle.

Dance Styles
There are two main dance styles in Awa Odori. The men’s dance is strong and dynamic, while the women’s dance is graceful and smooth. The dancers wear traditional costumes and move to lively music.

The music of Awa Odori is played with traditional Japanese instruments. These include drums, shamisen (a three-stringed instrument), flutes, and bells. The music is fast and energetic, matching the dance movements.

How to Participate
Tourists can join the Awa Odori festival in several ways. You can join a group called “Niwaka Ren,” where you can rent a costume and get a quick lesson on the basic dance moves. Some places also offer dance lessons before the festival to help you learn the steps.

Awa Odori Kaikan
Awa Odori Kaikan is a museum in Tokushima City. Here, you can learn about the history and culture of Awa Odori. You can also watch dance performances and try dancing yourself.

Awa Odori in Other Places
Awa Odori is also celebrated in other places in Japan, like Koenji in Tokyo and Koshigaya in Saitama. The Koenji Awa Odori is held on the last Saturday and Sunday in August and is very popular.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Awa Odori?
Awa Odori is a traditional Japanese dance festival held in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, every year from August 12th to 15th.
2: How old is the Awa Odori festival?
The Awa Odori festival has a history of about 400 years, dating back to around 1587.
3: Why did Awa Odori start?
Awa Odori started as a celebration of the completion of Tokushima Castle by Lord Hachisuka Iemasa.
4: What are the main dance styles in Awa Odori?
There are two main dance styles in Awa Odori: the men's dance, which is strong and dynamic, and the women's dance, which is graceful and smooth.
5: What instruments are used in Awa Odori music?
The music of Awa Odori is played with traditional instruments such as drums, shamisen (a three-stringed instrument), flutes, and bells.
6: Can tourists participate in Awa Odori?
Yes, tourists can join the Awa Odori festival by participating in groups called "Niwaka Ren," where they can rent costumes and learn basic dance moves.
7: What is the Awa Odori Kaikan?
The Awa Odori Kaikan is a museum in Tokushima City dedicated to the history and culture of Awa Odori. Visitors can learn about the festival, watch performances, and even try dancing.
8: Is Awa Odori celebrated in other places in Japan?
Yes, Awa Odori is also celebrated in places like Koenji in Tokyo and Koshigaya in Saitama. The Koenji Awa Odori is especially popular.
9: When is the Koenji Awa Odori held?
The Koenji Awa Odori is held on the last Saturday and Sunday of August each year.
10: What should you be careful of when participating in Awa Odori?
When participating in Awa Odori, it's important to stay hydrated, keep your belongings safe, and follow the local rules and instructions from organizers.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Awa Odori lately. Do you know much about it?



Absolutely, Mack. Awa Odori is a famous dance festival held in Tokushima City every year from August 12th to 15th. It’s been around for about 400 years.



That’s impressive! What’s the story behind it?



It started around 1587 when Lord Hachisuka Iemasa celebrated the completion of Tokushima Castle. The townspeople danced to celebrate, and it became a tradition.



Wow, I didn’t know it had such a long history. What are the dances like?



There are two main styles. The men’s dance is strong and dynamic, while the women’s dance is graceful and smooth. They dance to lively music played on drums, shamisen, flutes, and bells.



Sounds lively! Can tourists join the dancing?



Yes, they can. There are “Niwaka Ren” groups that welcome anyone. You can rent a costume and get a quick lesson on the basic dance moves. Some places even offer dance lessons before the festival.



That sounds fun. Is there a place where I can learn more about Awa Odori?



You should visit the Awa Odori Kaikan in Tokushima City. It’s a museum dedicated to Awa Odori. You can learn about its history, watch performances, and even try dancing.



I’d love to see a live performance. Are there other places in Japan where Awa Odori is celebrated?



Yes, Koenji in Tokyo and Koshigaya in Saitama have their own Awa Odori festivals. Koenji’s festival is held on the last Saturday and Sunday in August and is very popular.



That’s great! I live near Tokyo, so Koenji is perfect. What should I keep in mind if I want to participate?



Make sure to rent a costume in advance, stay hydrated because it can get hot, and follow the local rules and guidance from the organizers. Also, keep your belongings safe.



Good advice. What about the festival atmosphere?



It’s very festive and energetic. The streets are filled with dancers and spectators, and there are lots of food stalls. It’s a great way to enjoy traditional Japanese culture.



I’m really excited now. Thanks for all the information, Key!



Anytime, Mack. Enjoy the festival and have fun dancing!


関連情報 / related information



What is Awa Odori?
Awa Odori is a famous dance festival held in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, every year from August 12th to 15th. It started about 400 years ago, around 1587, to celebrate the completion of Tokushima Castle.


Dance Styles
There are two main dance styles in Awa Odori. The men’s dance is strong and dynamic, while the women’s dance is graceful and smooth. The dancers wear traditional costumes and move to lively music.


The music of Awa Odori is played with traditional Japanese instruments. These include drums, shamisen (a three-stringed instrument), flutes, and bells. The music is fast and energetic, matching the dance movements.


How to Participate
Tourists can join the Awa Odori festival in several ways. You can join a group called “Niwaka Ren,” where you can rent a costume and get a quick lesson on the basic dance moves. Some places also offer dance lessons before the festival to help you learn the steps.


Awa Odori Kaikan
Awa Odori Kaikan is a museum in Tokushima City. Here, you can learn about the history and culture of Awa Odori. You can also watch dance performances and try dancing yourself.


Awa Odori in Other Places
Awa Odori is also celebrated in other places in Japan, like Koenji in Tokyo and Koshigaya in Saitama. The Koenji Awa Odori is held on the last Saturday and Sunday in August and is very popular.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Awa Odori?  
Awa Odori is a traditional Japanese dance festival held in Tokushima City, Tokushima Prefecture, every year from August 12th to 15th.  
2: How old is the Awa Odori festival?  
The Awa Odori festival has a history of about 400 years, dating back to around 1587.  
3: Why did Awa Odori start?  
Awa Odori started as a celebration of the completion of Tokushima Castle by Lord Hachisuka Iemasa.  
4: What are the main dance styles in Awa Odori?  
There are two main dance styles in Awa Odori: the men's dance, which is strong and dynamic, and the women's dance, which is graceful and smooth.  
5: What instruments are used in Awa Odori music?  
The music of Awa Odori is played with traditional instruments such as drums, shamisen (a three-stringed instrument), flutes, and bells.  
6: Can tourists participate in Awa Odori?  
Yes, tourists can join the Awa Odori festival by participating in groups called "Niwaka Ren," where they can rent costumes and learn basic dance moves.  
7: What is the Awa Odori Kaikan?  
The Awa Odori Kaikan is a museum in Tokushima City dedicated to the history and culture of Awa Odori. Visitors can learn about the festival, watch performances, and even try dancing.  
8: Is Awa Odori celebrated in other places in Japan?  
Yes, Awa Odori is also celebrated in places like Koenji in Tokyo and Koshigaya in Saitama. The Koenji Awa Odori is especially popular.  
9: When is the Koenji Awa Odori held?  
The Koenji Awa Odori is held on the last Saturday and Sunday of August each year.  
10: What should you be careful of when participating in Awa Odori?  
When participating in Awa Odori, it's important to stay hydrated, keep your belongings safe, and follow the local rules and instructions from organizers.  

words & phrases



graceful : 形容詞
意味: 優雅な、上品な。Characterized by elegance and beauty in movement or appearance.
The dancer’s movements were graceful and captivating.
Her handwriting is very graceful.
The swan glided across the lake in a graceful manner.

lively : 形容詞
意味: 活気のある、元気いっぱい。Full of life, energy, and activity.
The festival was very lively with music and dancing.
She has a lively personality.
The market becomes lively during the weekends.

dedicated to : フレーズ
意味: ~に専念している、献身的な。Devoted to a task or purpose.
She is dedicated to her job.
The museum is dedicated to ancient history.
He is dedicated to helping the community.

belongings : 名詞
意味: 所持品、持ち物。Personal items or possessions.
Please keep an eye on your belongings.
She packed all her belongings in a suitcase.
He lost his belongings during the trip.

festive : 形容詞
意味: 祝祭の、陽気な。Relating to a festival or celebration.
The town was in a festive mood for the holiday.
They decorated the house in a festive manner.
The festival was very festive with lights and music.

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