松本城 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 松本城の基本情報
    • 所在地: 長野県松本市にある
    • 歴史的価値: 日本の国宝城の一つで、現存12天守の一つ
    • 建築: 美しい黒い外観を持ち、五層の天守閣が特徴、別名「烏城」
  2. 見どころ
    • 天守閣: 武器や鎧、歴史的な遺物を展示
    • 月見櫓: 江戸時代に月見の宴に使われた特別な部屋
  3. 観光の所要時間
    • 約1〜2時間。城の敷地を30分、天守閣を30〜45分、博物館を15〜30分程度で見学
  4. アクセス
    • 松本駅から徒歩約15分、市内観光バスも利用可能
  5. 周辺の観光スポット
    • 松本市美術館: 松本の歴史や文化、伝統工芸や地元の祭りについて展示
    • 縄手通り: 伝統的なお店やカフェが並ぶ、懐かしい雰囲気のショッピングストリート



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’m really interested in Matsumoto Castle. Do you know much about it?


Yes, Matsumoto Castle is one of Japan’s national treasure castles. It’s located in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture. Have you visited it before?


No, I haven’t, but I’m planning to go. I heard it’s one of the twelve original surviving castles in Japan. Is that right?


Exactly. Matsumoto Castle has kept its main keep since the Edo period, which makes it very special. The main keep has five stories and is famous for its beautiful black exterior, which is why it’s also called the “Crow Castle.”


That sounds fascinating. What can I expect to see inside the castle?


Inside, there are exhibits with weapons, armor, and other historical artifacts. You can also visit the Moon Viewing Room, which was used for moon viewing parties during the Edo period.


Wow, that sounds interesting. How long does it take to tour the castle?


It usually takes about 1 to 2 hours. You can spend around 30 minutes walking around the castle grounds, another 30 to 45 minutes exploring the main keep, and about 15 to 30 minutes in the museum.


Good to know. I heard the scenery around the castle is beautiful too. When’s the best time to visit?


Yes, the scenery is amazing. In spring, the cherry blossoms around the castle are stunning, and in autumn, the leaves change color beautifully. Winter also offers a picturesque view with the snow-covered castle.


That sounds perfect. How do I get there from Matsumoto Station?


It’s quite easy. The castle is about a 15-minute walk from Matsumoto Station. There are also city tour buses that can take you there if you prefer.


Great, I think I’ll walk to enjoy the city a bit more. Is there anything else I should check out nearby?


Yes, after visiting the castle, you might want to check out the Matsumoto City Museum. It has exhibits on the history and culture of Matsumoto, including traditional crafts and local festivals.


That sounds interesting. And what about Nawate Street?


Nawate Street is a charming shopping street near the castle. It’s known for its traditional shops, cafes, and a nostalgic atmosphere. You can find local snacks, souvenirs, and even some historical landmarks along the way.


Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really looking forward to my trip now.


You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your visit to Matsumoto Castle and the surrounding areas!

関連情報 / related information




Location and Historical Value
Matsumoto Castle is in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is one of Japan’s national treasure castles and one of the twelve original surviving castles. This means the main keep has been preserved since the Edo period. The castle is also called the “Crow Castle” because of its beautiful black exterior.

Architecture and Highlights
The main keep of Matsumoto Castle has five stories. Inside, you can see displays of weapons, armor, and other historical artifacts. There is also a special room called the Moon Viewing Room, which was used for moon viewing parties during the Edo period. This room offers beautiful views of the surrounding area.

Seasonal Scenery
Matsumoto Castle is famous for its beautiful scenery. In spring, cherry blossoms surround the castle, creating a stunning view. In autumn, the leaves change color, making the castle look even more beautiful. In winter, the snow-covered castle offers a picturesque scene.

Visiting Time and Access
Visiting Matsumoto Castle usually takes about 1 to 2 hours. You can spend around 30 minutes walking around the castle grounds, another 30 to 45 minutes exploring the main keep, and about 15 to 30 minutes in the museum. The castle is about a 15-minute walk from Matsumoto Station. You can also take city tour buses to get there.

Nearby Attractions
After visiting the castle, you can check out the Matsumoto City Museum. It has exhibits on the history and culture of Matsumoto, including traditional crafts and local festivals. Another nearby spot is Nawate Street, a charming shopping street with traditional shops, cafes, and local snacks.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Matsumoto Castle?
Matsumoto Castle is a historic castle located in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is known for its black exterior and is one of Japan's national treasure castles.
2: Why is Matsumoto Castle called the "Crow Castle"?
Matsumoto Castle is called the "Crow Castle" because of its black exterior, which resembles the color of a crow.
3: How many stories does the main keep of Matsumoto Castle have?
The main keep of Matsumoto Castle has five stories, although it looks like it has only three from the outside.
4: What can visitors see inside the main keep?
 Inside the main keep, visitors can see displays of weapons, armor, and other historical artifacts from the Edo period.
5: What is the Moon Viewing Room in Matsumoto Castle?
The Moon Viewing Room is a special room in Matsumoto Castle that was used for moon viewing parties during the Edo period. It offers beautiful views of the surrounding area.
6: When is the best time to visit Matsumoto Castle?
The best times to visit Matsumoto Castle are in spring for cherry blossoms, in autumn for colorful leaves, and in winter for a picturesque snow-covered view.
7: How long does it usually take to tour Matsumoto Castle?
Touring Matsumoto Castle usually takes about 1 to 2 hours, including time to walk around the grounds, explore the main keep, and visit the museum.
8: How can visitors get to Matsumoto Castle from Matsumoto Station?
Visitors can walk to Matsumoto Castle from Matsumoto Station in about 15 minutes. There are also city tour buses available.
9: What other attractions are near Matsumoto Castle?
Near Matsumoto Castle, you can visit the Matsumoto City Museum. It has exhibits on the history and culture of Matsumoto, including traditional crafts and local festivals.
10: What can visitors enjoy at Nawate Street?
Visitors can enjoy shopping and eating at Nawate Street, a charming street with traditional shops, cafes, and local snacks. It has a nostalgic atmosphere and is popular among tourists.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’m really interested in Matsumoto Castle. Do you know much about it?



Yes, Matsumoto Castle is one of Japan’s national treasure castles. It’s located in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture. Have you visited it before?



No, I haven’t, but I’m planning to go. I heard it’s one of the twelve original surviving castles in Japan. Is that right?



Exactly. Matsumoto Castle has kept its main keep since the Edo period, which makes it very special. The main keep has five stories and is famous for its beautiful black exterior, which is why it’s also called the “Crow Castle.”



That sounds fascinating. What can I expect to see inside the castle?



Inside, there are exhibits with weapons, armor, and other historical artifacts. You can also visit the Moon Viewing Room, which was used for moon viewing parties during the Edo period.



Wow, that sounds interesting. How long does it take to tour the castle?



It usually takes about 1 to 2 hours. You can spend around 30 minutes walking around the castle grounds, another 30 to 45 minutes exploring the main keep, and about 15 to 30 minutes in the museum.



Good to know. I heard the scenery around the castle is beautiful too. When’s the best time to visit?



Yes, the scenery is amazing. In spring, the cherry blossoms around the castle are stunning, and in autumn, the leaves change color beautifully. Winter also offers a picturesque view with the snow-covered castle.



That sounds perfect. How do I get there from Matsumoto Station?



It’s quite easy. The castle is about a 15-minute walk from Matsumoto Station. There are also city tour buses that can take you there if you prefer.



Great, I think I’ll walk to enjoy the city a bit more. Is there anything else I should check out nearby?



Yes, after visiting the castle, you might want to check out the Matsumoto City Museum. It has exhibits on the history and culture of Matsumoto, including traditional crafts and local festivals.



That sounds interesting. And what about Nawate Street?



Nawate Street is a charming shopping street near the castle. It’s known for its traditional shops, cafes, and a nostalgic atmosphere. You can find local snacks, souvenirs, and even some historical landmarks along the way.



Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really looking forward to my trip now.



You’re welcome, Mack. Enjoy your visit to Matsumoto Castle and the surrounding areas!


関連情報 / related information



Location and Historical Value
Matsumoto Castle is in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is one of Japan’s national treasure castles and one of the twelve original surviving castles. This means the main keep has been preserved since the Edo period. The castle is also called the “Crow Castle” because of its beautiful black exterior.


Architecture and Highlights
The main keep of Matsumoto Castle has five stories. Inside, you can see displays of weapons, armor, and other historical artifacts. There is also a special room called the Moon Viewing Room, which was used for moon viewing parties during the Edo period. This room offers beautiful views of the surrounding area.


Seasonal Scenery
Matsumoto Castle is famous for its beautiful scenery. In spring, cherry blossoms surround the castle, creating a stunning view. In autumn, the leaves change color, making the castle look even more beautiful. In winter, the snow-covered castle offers a picturesque scene.


Visiting Time and Access
Visiting Matsumoto Castle usually takes about 1 to 2 hours. You can spend around 30 minutes walking around the castle grounds, another 30 to 45 minutes exploring the main keep, and about 15 to 30 minutes in the museum. The castle is about a 15-minute walk from Matsumoto Station. You can also take city tour buses to get there.


Nearby Attractions
After visiting the castle, you can check out the Matsumoto City Museum. It has exhibits on the history and culture of Matsumoto, including traditional crafts and local festivals. Another nearby spot is Nawate Street, a charming shopping street with traditional shops, cafes, and local snacks.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Matsumoto Castle?
Matsumoto Castle is a historic castle located in Matsumoto City, Nagano Prefecture, Japan. It is known for its black exterior and is one of Japan’s national treasure castles.
2: Why is Matsumoto Castle called the “Crow Castle”?
Matsumoto Castle is called the “Crow Castle” because of its black exterior, which resembles the color of a crow.
3: How many stories does the main keep of Matsumoto Castle have?
The main keep of Matsumoto Castle has five stories, although it looks like it has only three from the outside.
4: What can visitors see inside the main keep?
 Inside the main keep, visitors can see displays of weapons, armor, and other historical artifacts from the Edo period.
5: What is the Moon Viewing Room in Matsumoto Castle?
The Moon Viewing Room is a special room in Matsumoto Castle that was used for moon viewing parties during the Edo period. It offers beautiful views of the surrounding area.
6: When is the best time to visit Matsumoto Castle?
The best times to visit Matsumoto Castle are in spring for cherry blossoms, in autumn for colorful leaves, and in winter for a picturesque snow-covered view.
7: How long does it usually take to tour Matsumoto Castle?
Touring Matsumoto Castle usually takes about 1 to 2 hours, including time to walk around the grounds, explore the main keep, and visit the museum.
8: How can visitors get to Matsumoto Castle from Matsumoto Station?
Visitors can walk to Matsumoto Castle from Matsumoto Station in about 15 minutes. There are also city tour buses available.
9: What other attractions are near Matsumoto Castle?
Near Matsumoto Castle, you can visit the Matsumoto City Museum. It has exhibits on the history and culture of Matsumoto, including traditional crafts and local festivals.
10: What can visitors enjoy at Nawate Street?
Visitors can enjoy shopping and eating at Nawate Street, a charming street with traditional shops, cafes, and local snacks. It has a nostalgic atmosphere and is popular among tourists.

words & phrases



exterior : 名詞
意味: 外部、外観。The outer surface or structure of something.
The exterior of the house is painted white.
The car’s exterior was shiny and new.
The castle’s exterior is impressive and well-preserved.

picturesque : 形容詞
意味: 絵のように美しい。Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.
The village is very picturesque with its old houses and narrow streets.
We took a walk through the picturesque countryside.
The lake looked picturesque under the setting sun.

armor : 名詞
意味: 鎧、甲冑。Protective metal clothing worn by soldiers in past times.
The knight wore a suit of armor.
Ancient warriors often fought in heavy armor.
The museum has a collection of medieval armor.

artifacts : 名詞
意味: 人工遺物、工芸品。Objects made by humans, typically of historical or cultural interest.
The museum displays many ancient artifacts.
These artifacts tell us a lot about the culture of that time.
Archaeologists discovered several artifacts at the site.

surviving : 形容詞
意味: 生き残っている、現存している。Continuing to live or exist.
Only a few surviving members of the tribe remain.
The surviving documents provide insight into ancient history.
Surviving buildings from the era are rare.

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