ひつまぶし – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 基本情報
    • ひつまぶしとは:名古屋発祥の伝統料理で、細かく刻んだウナギの蒲焼きをご飯の上にのせたもの
    • 名前の由来:「ひつ」は木製のご飯容器、「まぶし」は混ぜることを意味する
  2. 食べ方
    • そのまま食べる:まずは何も加えずにそのままの状態で食べる
    • 薬味を加える:次に、ネギ、ワサビ、のりなどの薬味を加えて食べる
    • お茶漬けにする:お茶やだしをかけて、お茶漬けのようにして食べる
    • 好きな食べ方で楽しむ:最後に、上記の方法を組み合わせたり、自分の好みの方法で楽しむ
  3. 歴史と背景
    • 時代背景:江戸時代後期から明治時代初期にかけて、ウナギは高級食材であったため、少量のウナギを多くの人が楽しめるようにする工夫として、細かく刻んでご飯と混ぜるひつまぶしが生まれた
    • 地域文化:ひつまぶしは名古屋の食文化を代表する料理で、地元の人々や観光客に非常に人気
  4. 人気の理由
    • 多様な食べ方:一つの料理で異なる味わいを楽しめる点が人気の理由
    • おいしさ:ウナギの蒲焼きの香ばしさとタレの甘辛さがご飯とよく合い、薬味やお茶漬けなどで味の変化も楽しめる



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in hitsumabushi lately. Do you know much about it?


Yes, I do! Hitsumabushi is a famous dish from Nagoya. It’s made with grilled eel, which is cut into small pieces and served over rice.


That sounds delicious. What makes hitsumabushi different from other eel dishes?


One of the unique things about hitsumabushi is how you eat it. There are four ways to enjoy it. First, you eat it as it is. Then, you add condiments like green onions, wasabi, or seaweed.


Interesting. What are the other ways?


The third way is to pour hot tea or broth over it, making it like a soup, called ochazuke. Finally, you choose your favorite way or mix the methods as you like.


I didn’t know you could eat it in so many ways. What’s the history behind hitsumabushi?


Hitsumabushi originated in Nagoya during the late Edo to early Meiji period. At that time, eel was considered a luxury food, so cutting it into small pieces and mixing it with rice allowed more people to enjoy it.


That’s a smart way to make the most of expensive ingredients. Is hitsumabushi still popular today?


Absolutely. It’s a beloved dish in Nagoya. Many tourists and locals love it. Some famous hitsumabushi restaurants in Nagoya even have long lines because of its popularity.


I can see why. It sounds like a great experience. Is there a special reason why it’s so tied to Nagoya?


Hitsumabushi represents the local flavor and culinary traditions of Nagoya. It’s a key part of the city’s food culture. Trying hitsumabushi is like getting a taste of Nagoya’s history and traditions.


I really want to try it when I visit Nagoya. Do you have any recommendations for places to go?


Yes, there are several famous restaurants. Just be prepared for a bit of a wait, especially at the popular spots. But it’s definitely worth it.


Thanks, Key. I’m excited to try it. Do you think it’s okay to try making it at home?


You can try, but the experience of eating hitsumabushi at a traditional restaurant in Nagoya is unique. They have perfected the grilling and seasoning of the eel.


I see. Well, I’ll make sure to visit a hitsumabushi restaurant in Nagoya. Thanks for all the information!


No problem, Mack. Enjoy your hitsumabushi adventure!

関連情報 / related information




What is Hitsumabushi?
Hitsumabushi is a traditional dish from Nagoya, Japan. It is made with grilled eel (kabayaki) cut into small pieces and served over rice. The name comes from “hitsu,” meaning a wooden rice container, and “mabushi,” meaning to mix. Hitsumabushi is known for its unique way of eating.

How to Eat Hitsumabushi
There are four ways to enjoy hitsumabushi. First, you eat it as it is. Second, you add condiments like green onions, wasabi, or seaweed to change the flavor. Third, you pour hot tea or broth over the eel and rice, making it like a soup. Finally, you can choose your favorite way or mix the methods to suit your taste.

History of Hitsumabushi
Hitsumabushi originated in Nagoya during the late Edo to early Meiji period. At that time, eel was a luxury food, so cutting it into small pieces and mixing it with rice allowed more people to enjoy it. This made hitsumabushi an accessible and delicious dish for many.

Popularity and Cultural Significance
Hitsumabushi is very popular in Nagoya. Many tourists and locals love it. Some famous restaurants in Nagoya have long lines because of its popularity. Hitsumabushi represents Nagoya’s local flavor and culinary traditions. It is a key part of the city’s food culture and a must-try dish for anyone visiting Nagoya.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is hitsumabushi?
Hitsumabushi is a traditional Japanese dish from Nagoya, made with grilled eel cut into small pieces and served over rice.
2: How is hitsumabushi prepared?
Hitsumabushi is prepared by grilling eel, cutting it into small pieces, and placing it on top of a bowl of rice.
3: What does "hitsu" mean in hitsumabushi?
"Hitsu" means a wooden rice container in Japanese.
4: What does "mabushi" mean in hitsumabushi?
"Mabushi" means to mix in Japanese.
5: How many ways can you eat hitsumabushi?
You can eat hitsumabushi in four different ways.
6: What are the four ways to eat hitsumabushi?
You can eat it as it is, add condiments like green onions and wasabi, pour hot tea or broth over it, or mix and match the methods.
7: What condiments are commonly used with hitsumabushi?
Common condiments include green onions, wasabi, and seaweed.
8: When did hitsumabushi originate?
Hitsumabushi originated during the late Edo to early Meiji period in Nagoya.
9: Why was hitsumabushi created in its unique way?
It was created to make the expensive eel more accessible by cutting it into small pieces and mixing it with rice.
10: Why is hitsumabushi popular in Nagoya?
Hitsumabushi is popular in Nagoya because it represents the local flavor and culinary traditions, and it is loved by both locals and tourists.


会話 / dialogue


 Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in hitsumabushi lately. Do you know much about it?



Yes, I do! Hitsumabushi is a famous dish from Nagoya. It’s made with grilled eel, which is cut into small pieces and served over rice.



That sounds delicious. What makes hitsumabushi different from other eel dishes?



One of the unique things about hitsumabushi is how you eat it. There are four ways to enjoy it. First, you eat it as it is. Then, you add condiments like green onions, wasabi, or seaweed.



 Interesting. What are the other ways?



The third way is to pour hot tea or broth over it, making it like a soup, called ochazuke. Finally, you choose your favorite way or mix the methods as you like.



I didn’t know you could eat it in so many ways. What’s the history behind hitsumabushi?



Hitsumabushi originated in Nagoya during the late Edo to early Meiji period. At that time, eel was considered a luxury food, so cutting it into small pieces and mixing it with rice allowed more people to enjoy it.



That’s a smart way to make the most of expensive ingredients. Is hitsumabushi still popular today?



Absolutely. It’s a beloved dish in Nagoya. Many tourists and locals love it. Some famous hitsumabushi restaurants in Nagoya even have long lines because of its popularity.



I can see why. It sounds like a great experience. Is there a special reason why it’s so tied to Nagoya?



Hitsumabushi represents the local flavor and culinary traditions of Nagoya. It’s a key part of the city’s food culture. Trying hitsumabushi is like getting a taste of Nagoya’s history and traditions.



I really want to try it when I visit Nagoya. Do you have any recommendations for places to go?



Yes, there are several famous restaurants. Just be prepared for a bit of a wait, especially at the popular spots. But it’s definitely worth it.



Thanks, Key. I’m excited to try it. Do you think it’s okay to try making it at home?



You can try, but the experience of eating hitsumabushi at a traditional restaurant in Nagoya is unique. They have perfected the grilling and seasoning of the eel.



I see. Well, I’ll make sure to visit a hitsumabushi restaurant in Nagoya. Thanks for all the information!



No problem, Mack. Enjoy your hitsumabushi adventure!


関連情報 / related information



What is Hitsumabushi?

Hitsumabushi is a traditional dish from Nagoya, Japan. It is made with grilled eel (kabayaki) cut into small pieces and served over rice. The name comes from “hitsu,” meaning a wooden rice container, and “mabushi,” meaning to mix. Hitsumabushi is known for its unique way of eating.


How to Eat Hitsumabushi

There are four ways to enjoy hitsumabushi. First, you eat it as it is. Second, you add condiments like green onions, wasabi, or seaweed to change the flavor. Third, you pour hot tea or broth over the eel and rice, making it like a soup. Finally, you can choose your favorite way or mix the methods to suit your taste.


History of Hitsumabushi

Hitsumabushi originated in Nagoya during the late Edo to early Meiji period. At that time, eel was a luxury food, so cutting it into small pieces and mixing it with rice allowed more people to enjoy it. This made hitsumabushi an accessible and delicious dish for many.


Popularity and Cultural Significance

Hitsumabushi is very popular in Nagoya. Many tourists and locals love it. Some famous restaurants in Nagoya have long lines because of its popularity. Hitsumabushi represents Nagoya’s local flavor and culinary traditions. It is a key part of the city’s food culture and a must-try dish for anyone visiting Nagoya.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is hitsumabushi?
Hitsumabushi is a traditional Japanese dish from Nagoya, made with grilled eel cut into small pieces and served over rice.
2: How is hitsumabushi prepared?
Hitsumabushi is prepared by grilling eel, cutting it into small pieces, and placing it on top of a bowl of rice.
3: What does "hitsu" mean in hitsumabushi?
"Hitsu" means a wooden rice container in Japanese.
4: What does "mabushi" mean in hitsumabushi?
"Mabushi" means to mix in Japanese.
5: How many ways can you eat hitsumabushi?
You can eat hitsumabushi in four different ways.
6: What are the four ways to eat hitsumabushi?
You can eat it as it is, add condiments like green onions and wasabi, pour hot tea or broth over it, or mix and match the methods.
7: What condiments are commonly used with hitsumabushi?
 Common condiments include green onions, wasabi, and seaweed.
8: When did hitsumabushi originate?
Hitsumabushi originated during the late Edo to early Meiji period in Nagoya.
9: Why was hitsumabushi created in its unique way?
It was created to make the expensive eel more accessible by cutting it into small pieces and mixing it with rice.
10: Why is hitsumabushi popular in Nagoya?
Hitsumabushi is popular in Nagoya because it represents the local flavor and culinary traditions, and it is loved by both locals and tourists.

words & phrases



grilled : 形容詞
意味: グリルで焼かれた、焼き網で調理された。Cooked on a grill.

  • We had grilled chicken for dinner.
  • The restaurant is famous for its grilled seafood.
  • I love the taste of grilled vegetables.

condiments : 名詞
意味: 調味料。Sauces, spices, or seasonings added to food to enhance its flavor.

  • Ketchup and mustard are common condiments for hamburgers.
  • The table was set with various condiments.
  • Soy sauce is a popular condiment in Asian cuisine.

broth : 名詞
意味: 出汁、ブイヨン。Liquid in which meat, fish, or vegetables have been cooked, used as a base for soups and sauces.

  • The chicken broth added a lot of flavor to the soup.
  • She made a delicious vegetable broth for the stew.
  • The noodles were served in a rich beef broth.

culinary : 形容詞
意味: 料理の、調理の。Related to cooking or the kitchen.

  • She attended a prestigious culinary school in France.
  • The restaurant is known for its excellent culinary skills.
  • He has a passion for culinary arts.

seasoning : 名詞
意味: 調味料、香辛料。A substance (such as salt, herbs, or spices) used to add flavor to food.

  • The chef added some seasoning to the dish.
  • I prefer a bit of spicy seasoning on my food.
  • The right seasoning can make a simple dish delicious.
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