推し活 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 推し活の定義と意味
    • 推し活とは、お気に入りのアイドル、キャラクター、アーティストなどを応援する活動
    • 「推し」とは「応援する対象」を指し、「活」は「活動」を意味する
  2. 推し活の主な活動
    • グッズ購入: CD、DVD、ポスター、その他の関連商品を購入
    • イベント参加: コンサート、握手会、ファンミーティングなどのイベントに参加
    • ソーシャルメディアでの交流: 推しのSNSアカウントをフォローし、いいねやコメント、シェアを通じて応援
    • 投票への参加: タレントショーやランキングで推しに投票
  3. 推し活の利点
    • 幸福感: 推し活を通じての幸福感
    • コミュニティの形成: 同じ推しを応援する仲間と知り合える
    • サポートの実感: 自分の応援が推しの成功に繋がることでの満足感
  4. 推し活の問題点
    • 費用の負担: グッズ購入やイベント参加に費用がかかる
    • 時間の消費: 推し活には多くの時間がかかる
    • 執着: 推しに対する過度の執着が生活に悪影響を与える
  5. 日本での推し活の広がり
    • 日本では約1,000万人以上が推し活を行っている



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of “oshi-katsu”?


Yeah, I have! It’s all about supporting your favorite idols or characters, right?


Exactly! I’m really interested in it and want to know more. What can you tell me about it?


Well, “oshi-katsu” means supporting your favorite idols, celebrities, or even anime characters. It involves various activities like buying merchandise, attending events, and engaging on social media.


That sounds fun! What are some specific things people do?


Fans often buy CDs, posters, and other items. They also go to concerts and fan meetings to see their idols in person. Social media is big too, where fans like, comment, and share posts to boost their idols’ popularity.


Interesting. Are there any creative aspects to it?


Definitely. Fans create and share fan art, write fan fiction, and make videos. It’s a great way to express creativity and connect with others who share the same passion.


What are the benefits of doing oshi-katsu?


It brings a lot of happiness and something to look forward to. Plus, you can meet new friends who like the same idols. It’s also fulfilling to see your support help your idols succeed.


That sounds rewarding, but are there any downsides?


Yes, it can be expensive and time-consuming. Some fans might feel stressed or pressured to support their idols more. There’s also a risk of becoming too obsessed, which can affect personal life and relationships.


I see. How popular is oshi-katsu in Japan?


It’s very popular. About 10 million people in Japan do oshi-katsu, especially teenage girls. But it’s not just for young people. Many adults enjoy it too.


Wow, I didn’t know it was that widespread. What do adults get out of it?


Adults find it fulfilling and a great way to de-stress. It allows them to be part of a community and express themselves creatively. Plus, it often involves traveling to events, which can be exciting.


Thanks, Key. This has been really insightful. I think I might try getting into oshi-katsu myself.


You should! It’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet people and enjoy your hobbies. Just remember to balance it with other aspects of your life.


Definitely. Thanks for the advice!

関連情報 / related information




What is “Oshi-Katsu”?
“Oshi-katsu” means supporting your favorite idols, celebrities, or characters. “Oshi” means “favorite,” and “katsu” means “activities.” It includes buying merchandise, attending events, engaging on social media, creating fan content, voting, and traveling to support your favorites.

Main Activities
Fans buy items like CDs, posters, and DVDs. They attend concerts and fan meetings to see their idols in person. On social media, they follow, like, comment, and share posts. Fans also create fan art, fan fiction, and videos. Voting in talent shows and rankings is another key activity. Some fans travel to different cities or countries for events or to visit places related to their idols.

“Oshi-katsu” brings happiness and excitement. Fans meet new friends who share their interests and express their creativity. They create special memories by attending events and feel proud when their support helps their idols succeed. Traveling for “oshi-katsu” is also an exciting experience.

However, “oshi-katsu” can be expensive and time-consuming. Some fans feel stressed or pressured to support their idols more. It can lead to obsessive behavior and affect personal life and relationships. Social pressure from other fans and privacy issues for idols are also concerns.

Popularity in Japan
“Oshi-katsu” is very popular in Japan, with about 10 million people participating. It is especially popular among teenage girls, but many adults enjoy it too. Adults find it fulfilling and a good way to relieve stress, be part of a community, and express creativity.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is oshi-katsu?
Oshi-katsu means supporting your favorite idols, celebrities, or characters. It includes activities like buying merchandise, attending events, and engaging on social media.
2: Why do people do oshi-katsu?
People do oshi-katsu because it brings them happiness, allows them to meet new friends, and lets them express their creativity. It also helps them feel proud when their support helps their idols succeed.
3: What are some common activities in oshi-katsu?
Common activities in oshi-katsu include buying CDs, posters, and other merchandise, attending concerts and fan meetings, creating and sharing fan art, and voting in talent shows.
4: How does oshi-katsu benefit fans?
Oshi-katsu benefits fans by making them happy, giving them something to look forward to, and helping them connect with a community of like-minded people. It also allows them to travel and create special memories.
5: Are there any problems associated with oshi-katsu?
Yes, oshi-katsu can be expensive and time-consuming. Some fans might feel stressed or pressured to support their idols more. It can also lead to obsessive behavior and affect personal relationships.
6: How popular is oshi-katsu in Japan?
Oshi-katsu is very popular in Japan, with about 10 million people participating. It is especially popular among teenage girls, but many adults enjoy it as well.
7: What do adults get out of oshi-katsu?
Adults find oshi-katsu fulfilling and a great way to relieve stress. It allows them to be part of a community and express themselves creatively. Traveling for events is also exciting for them.
8: What kind of merchandise do fans buy for oshi-katsu?
Fans buy items like CDs, DVDs, posters, figures, and other related goods to support their favorite idols or characters.
9: How do social media platforms play a role in oshi-katsu?
Social media platforms are used by fans to follow their idols, like and comment on posts, and share content. This helps increase the idols' popularity and allows fans to stay updated with their activities.
10: Can oshi-katsu have a negative impact on fans' lives?
Yes, if not managed well, oshi-katsu can lead to financial strain, stress, and obsessive behavior. It can also negatively impact personal relationships and social interactions outside the fan community.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of “oshi-katsu”?



Yeah, I have! It’s all about supporting your favorite idols or characters, right?



Exactly! I’m really interested in it and want to know more. What can you tell me about it?



Well, “oshi-katsu” means supporting your favorite idols, celebrities, or even anime characters. It involves various activities like buying merchandise, attending events, and engaging on social media.



That sounds fun! What are some specific things people do?



Fans often buy CDs, posters, and other items. They also go to concerts and fan meetings to see their idols in person. Social media is big too, where fans like, comment, and share posts to boost their idols’ popularity.



Interesting. Are there any creative aspects to it?



Definitely. Fans create and share fan art, write fan fiction, and make videos. It’s a great way to express creativity and connect with others who share the same passion.



What are the benefits of doing oshi-katsu?



It brings a lot of happiness and something to look forward to. Plus, you can meet new friends who like the same idols. It’s also fulfilling to see your support help your idols succeed.



That sounds rewarding, but are there any downsides?



Yes, it can be expensive and time-consuming. Some fans might feel stressed or pressured to support their idols more. There’s also a risk of becoming too obsessed, which can affect personal life and relationships.



I see. How popular is oshi-katsu in Japan?



It’s very popular. About 10 million people in Japan do oshi-katsu, especially teenage girls. But it’s not just for young people. Many adults enjoy it too.



Wow, I didn’t know it was that widespread. What do adults get out of it?



Adults find it fulfilling and a great way to de-stress. It allows them to be part of a community and express themselves creatively. Plus, it often involves traveling to events, which can be exciting.



Thanks, Key. This has been really insightful. I think I might try getting into oshi-katsu myself.



You should! It’s a lot of fun and a great way to meet people and enjoy your hobbies. Just remember to balance it with other aspects of your life.



Definitely. Thanks for the advice!


関連情報 / related information



What is “Oshi-Katsu”?
“Oshi-katsu” means supporting your favorite idols, celebrities, or characters. “Oshi” means “favorite,” and “katsu” means “activities.” It includes buying merchandise, attending events, engaging on social media, creating fan content, voting, and traveling to support your favorites.


Main Activities
Fans buy items like CDs, posters, and DVDs. They attend concerts and fan meetings to see their idols in person. On social media, they follow, like, comment, and share posts. Fans also create fan art, fan fiction, and videos. Voting in talent shows and rankings is another key activity. Some fans travel to different cities or countries for events or to visit places related to their idols.


“Oshi-katsu” brings happiness and excitement. Fans meet new friends who share their interests and express their creativity. They create special memories by attending events and feel proud when their support helps their idols succeed. Traveling for “oshi-katsu” is also an exciting experience.


However, “oshi-katsu” can be expensive and time-consuming. Some fans feel stressed or pressured to support their idols more. It can lead to obsessive behavior and affect personal life and relationships. Social pressure from other fans and privacy issues for idols are also concerns.


Popularity in Japan
“Oshi-katsu” is very popular in Japan, with about 10 million people participating. It is especially popular among teenage girls, but many adults enjoy it too. Adults find it fulfilling and a good way to relieve stress, be part of a community, and express creativity.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is oshi-katsu?  
 Oshi-katsu means supporting your favorite idols, celebrities, or characters. It includes activities like buying merchandise, attending events, engaging on social media, creating fan content, voting, and traveling to support your favorites.  
2: Why do people do oshi-katsu?  
People do oshi-katsu because it brings them happiness, allows them to meet new friends, and lets them express their creativity. It also helps them feel proud when their support helps their idols succeed.  
3: What are some common activities in oshi-katsu?  
Common activities in oshi-katsu include buying CDs, posters, and other merchandise, attending concerts and fan meetings, creating and sharing fan art, and voting in talent shows.  
4: How does oshi-katsu benefit fans?  
Oshi-katsu benefits fans by making them happy, giving them something to look forward to, and helping them connect with a community of like-minded people. It also allows them to travel and create special memories.  
5: Are there any problems associated with oshi-katsu?  
Yes, oshi-katsu can be expensive and time-consuming. Some fans might feel stressed or pressured to support their idols more. It can also lead to obsessive behavior and affect personal relationships.  
6: How popular is oshi-katsu in Japan?  
Oshi-katsu is very popular in Japan, with about 10 million people participating. It is especially popular among teenage girls, but many adults enjoy it as well.  
7: What do adults get out of oshi-katsu?  
Adults find oshi-katsu fulfilling and a great way to relieve stress. It allows them to be part of a community and express themselves creatively. Traveling for events is also exciting for them.  
8: What kind of merchandise do fans buy for oshi-katsu?  
Fans buy items like CDs, DVDs, posters, figures, and other related goods to support their favorite idols or characters.  
How do social media platforms play a role in oshi-katsu?  
Social media platforms are used by fans to follow their idols, like and comment on posts, and share content. This helps increase the idols' popularity and allows fans to stay updated with their activities.  
10: Can oshi-katsu have a negative impact on fans' lives?  
Yes, if not managed well, oshi-katsu can lead to financial strain, stress, and obsessive behavior. It can also negatively impact personal relationships and social interactions outside the fan community.  

words & phrases



merchandise : 名詞
意味: 商品、製品。Goods that are bought and sold.

  • The store sells a variety of merchandise including clothes and toys.
  • Fans bought merchandise at the concert to support their favorite band.
  • She designed new merchandise for the event.

boost : 動詞
意味: 高める、押し上げる。To increase or improve something.

  • The company’s new marketing strategy helped to boost sales.
  • She drank coffee to boost her energy levels.
  • His positive attitude boosted team morale.

fulfilling : 形容詞
意味: 充実した、満足感を与える。Making someone feel satisfied or happy because of fully developing their character or abilities.

  • Teaching is a very fulfilling career.
  • She finds her volunteer work fulfilling.
  • Completing the project was a fulfilling experience.

rewarding : 形容詞
意味: 報われる、やりがいのある。Providing satisfaction; gratifying.

  • Working with children is very rewarding.
  • The hard work was rewarding when they saw the results.
  • She finds gardening to be a rewarding hobby.

obsessed : 形容詞
意味: 取りつかれた、夢中になった。Unable to stop thinking about something; too interested in or worried about something.

  • They are obsessed with keeping their house clean.
  • He is obsessed with collecting rare stamps.
  • She became obsessed with the new TV series.
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