兼六園 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 兼六園の基本情報:
    • 石川県金沢市にある日本三名園の一つ、兼六園、後楽園(岡山)、偕楽園(茨城)を指す
    • 江戸時代に加賀藩の前田家によって作られた
  2. 名前の意味:
    • 「兼六園」は「六つの優れた特質を持つ庭」という意味
    • 広大さ、幽静さ、人工美、古雅、多水、眺望の六つの要素を表す
  3. 主要な見どころ:
    • 庭園内には徽軫灯籠、霞ヶ池、日本最古の噴水、夕顔亭などの名所がある
  4. 季節の特徴:
    • 春は桜、秋は紅葉、冬は雪吊りが見どころ
    • 四季折々の美しさが楽しめる
  5. 雪吊り:
    • 木の枝を縄で支え、雪の重みから守る
    • 兼六園の冬の風物詩



>> 「後楽園 – 英語で説明するには」こちら

>> 「偕楽園 – 英語で説明するには」はこちら

会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Kenrokuen. I’ve heard it’s one of the most beautiful gardens in Japan.


Yes, Kenrokuen is stunning! It’s one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, along with Kairakuen and Korakuen. Do you know much about its history?


Not much, actually. Just that it’s in Kanazawa. What’s the story behind it?


It was created in the 17th century by the Maeda family, who were the lords of the Kaga Domain. The garden has a long history and was designed to showcase six ideal qualities: spaciousness, seclusion, artificiality, antiquity, water sources, and scenic views.


That’s interesting! And the name “Kenrokuen,” does it have a special meaning?


Yes, the name means “Garden of the Six Sublimities.” It reflects those six ideal qualities I mentioned. The garden was named by Matsudaira Sadanobu, who was inspired by a Chinese classic.


I see. What are some of the must-see spots in Kenrokuen?


Definitely the Kotojitoro Lantern, which is an iconic stone lantern with two legs. There’s also Kasumigaike Pond, which has beautiful reflections of the scenery. Don’t miss the oldest fountain in Japan, which works without pumps, using natural water pressure.


Sounds beautiful. I’m also curious about visiting in winter. I’ve heard about something called yukitsuri. What’s that?


Yukitsuri is a traditional technique used in Kenrokuen to protect the trees from heavy snow. Ropes are tied to the branches and lifted up to prevent them from breaking under the snow’s weight. It’s a unique feature of the garden, especially in winter, creating a picturesque scene.


That sounds like a magical winter scene. When is the best time to visit?


Spring and autumn are the most popular because of the cherry blossoms and the autumn foliage. But winter with the yukitsuri is also special, and summer offers lush greenery. Each season has its own charm.


I think I’ll try to visit during spring for the cherry blossoms. They must be amazing there.


Absolutely, the cherry blossoms are breathtaking. And there’s also a tea house called Yugao-tei where you can experience a traditional tea ceremony. It’s the oldest building in the garden.


That sounds perfect. I’m really looking forward to exploring Kenrokuen. Thanks for all the information, Key!


No problem, Mack. I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s a great place to experience traditional Japanese garden design and natural beauty.


I can’t wait to see it all for myself. I’ll definitely take lots of pictures!


You should! Kenrokuen is one of those places that looks amazing in photos and even better in person. Enjoy your visit!

関連情報 / related information




Basic Information
Kenrokuen is a famous garden located in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. It is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, along with Kairakuen and Korakuen. The garden was created by the Maeda family during the Edo period and has a rich history.

Name Meaning
The name “Kenrokuen” means “Garden of the Six Sublimities.” It represents the six ideal qualities of a garden: spaciousness, seclusion, artificiality, antiquity, water sources, and scenic views. These qualities make Kenrokuen a perfect example of a traditional Japanese garden.

Main Attractions
Kenrokuen has many beautiful spots. The Kotojitoro Lantern is an iconic stone lantern with two legs. Kasumigaike Pond offers lovely reflections of the surrounding scenery. The garden also has the oldest fountain in Japan, which works using natural water pressure. Another highlight is the Yugao-tei tea house, where visitors can experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

Seasonal Features
Kenrokuen is beautiful in every season. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, making the garden colorful. In autumn, the leaves turn vibrant red and orange. Winter is special because of the yukitsuri, a traditional technique used to protect trees from heavy snow. This makes Kenrokuen a great place to visit all year round.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Kenrokuen?
Kenrokuen is a famous traditional Japanese garden located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. It is known as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan.
2: Who created Kenrokuen?
Kenrokuen was created by the Maeda family, who were the feudal lords of the Kaga Domain, during the Edo period.
3: What does the name "Kenrokuen" mean?
The name "Kenrokuen" means "Garden of the Six Sublimities," referring to the six ideal qualities of a garden: spaciousness, seclusion, artificiality, antiquity, water sources, and scenic views.
4: What are some of the main attractions in Kenrokuen?
Some main attractions in Kenrokuen include the Kotojitoro Lantern, Kasumigaike Pond, the oldest fountain in Japan, and the Yugao-tei tea house.
5: What is special about the Kotojitoro Lantern?
The Kotojitoro Lantern is an iconic stone lantern with two legs, making it one of the most recognizable features of Kenrokuen.
6: What is yukitsuri?
Yukitsuri is a traditional technique used in winter to protect trees from heavy snow. Ropes are tied in a conical shape around the trees to support the branches.
7: When is the best time to visit Kenrokuen?
The best times to visit Kenrokuen are in spring for cherry blossoms and in autumn for the colorful leaves. However, winter with the yukitsuri is also very beautiful.
8: What can visitors experience at the Yugao-tei tea house?
Visitors can experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony at the Yugao-tei tea house, which is the oldest building in Kenrokuen.
9: How is the garden maintained during winter?
During winter, Kenrokuen uses the yukitsuri technique to protect the trees from snow, and the garden is carefully maintained to preserve its beauty.
10: Why is Kenrokuen important in Japanese culture?
Kenrokuen is important because it represents the height of Japanese garden design and reflects the cultural and historical values of the Edo period. It is also a popular tourist destination that showcases traditional Japanese aesthetics.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Kenrokuen.



Yes, Kenrokuen is stunning! It’s one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, along with Kairakuen and Korakuen. Do you know much about its history?



Not much, actually. Just that it’s in Kanazawa. What’s the story behind it?



It was created in the 17th century by the Maeda family, who were the lords of the Kaga Domain. The garden has a long history and was designed to showcase six ideal qualities: spaciousness, seclusion, artificiality, antiquity, water sources, and scenic views.



That’s interesting! And the name “Kenrokuen,” does it have a special meaning?



Yes, the name means “Garden of the Six Sublimities.” It reflects those six ideal qualities I mentioned. The garden was named by Matsudaira Sadanobu, who was inspired by a Chinese classic.



I see. What are some of the must-see spots in Kenrokuen?



Definitely the Kotojitoro Lantern, which is an iconic stone lantern with two legs. There’s also Kasumigaike Pond, which has beautiful reflections of the scenery. Don’t miss the oldest fountain in Japan, which works without pumps, using natural water pressure.



Sounds beautiful. I’m also curious about visiting in winter. I’ve heard about something called yukitsuri. What’s that?



Yukitsuri is a traditional technique used in Kenrokuen to protect the trees from heavy snow. Ropes are tied to the branches and lifted up to prevent them from breaking under the snow’s weight. It’s a unique feature of the garden, especially in winter, creating a picturesque scene.



That sounds like a magical winter scene. When is the best time to visit?



Spring and autumn are the most popular because of the cherry blossoms and the autumn foliage. But winter with the yukitsuri is also special, and summer offers lush greenery. Each season has its own charm.



I think I’ll try to visit during spring for the cherry blossoms. They must be amazing there.



Absolutely, the cherry blossoms are breathtaking. And there’s also a tea house called Yugao-tei where you can experience a traditional tea ceremony. It’s the oldest building in the garden.



That sounds perfect. I’m really looking forward to exploring Kenrokuen. Thanks for all the information, Key!



No problem, Mack. I’m sure you’ll love it. It’s a great place to experience traditional Japanese garden design and natural beauty.



I can’t wait to see it all for myself. I’ll definitely take lots of pictures!



You should! Kenrokuen is one of those places that looks amazing in photos and even better in person. Enjoy your visit!


関連情報 / related information



Basic Information
Kenrokuen is a famous garden located in Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan. It is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, along with Kairakuen and Korakuen. The garden was created by the Maeda family during the Edo period and has a rich history.


Name Meaning
The name “Kenrokuen” means “Garden of the Six Sublimities.” It represents the six ideal qualities of a garden: spaciousness, seclusion, artificiality, antiquity, water sources, and scenic views. These qualities make Kenrokuen a perfect example of a traditional Japanese garden.


Main Attractions
Kenrokuen has many beautiful spots. The Kotojitoro Lantern is an iconic stone lantern with two legs. Kasumigaike Pond offers lovely reflections of the surrounding scenery. The garden also has the oldest fountain in Japan, which works using natural water pressure. Another highlight is the Yugao-tei tea house, where visitors can experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony.


Seasonal Features
Kenrokuen is beautiful in every season. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, making the garden colorful. In autumn, the leaves turn vibrant red and orange. Winter is special because of the yukitsuri, a traditional technique used to protect trees from heavy snow. This makes Kenrokuen a great place to visit all year round.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Kenrokuen?  
Kenrokuen is a famous traditional Japanese garden located in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture. It is known as one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan.  
2: Who created Kenrokuen?  
Kenrokuen was created by the Maeda family, who were the feudal lords of the Kaga Domain, during the Edo period.  
3: What does the name "Kenrokuen" mean?  
The name "Kenrokuen" means "Garden of the Six Sublimities," referring to the six ideal qualities of a garden: spaciousness, seclusion, artificiality, antiquity, water sources, and scenic views.  
4: What are some of the main attractions in Kenrokuen?  
Some main attractions in Kenrokuen include the Kotojitoro Lantern, Kasumigaike Pond, the oldest fountain in Japan, and the Yugao-tei tea house.  
5: What is special about the Kotojitoro Lantern?  
The Kotojitoro Lantern is an iconic stone lantern with two legs, making it one of the most recognizable features of Kenrokuen.  
6: What is yukitsuri?  
Yukitsuri is a traditional technique used in winter to protect trees from heavy snow. Ropes are tied in a conical shape around the trees to support the branches.  
7: When is the best time to visit Kenrokuen?  
The best times to visit Kenrokuen are in spring for cherry blossoms and in autumn for the colorful leaves. However, winter with the yukitsuri is also very beautiful.  
8: What can visitors experience at the Yugao-tei tea house?  
Visitors can experience a traditional Japanese tea ceremony at the Yugao-tei tea house, which is the oldest building in Kenrokuen.  
9: How is the garden maintained during winter?  
During winter, Kenrokuen uses the yukitsuri technique to protect the trees from snow, and the garden is carefully maintained to preserve its beauty.  
10: Why is Kenrokuen important in Japanese culture?  
Kenrokuen is important because it represents the height of Japanese garden design and reflects the cultural and historical values of the Edo period. It is also a popular tourist destination that showcases traditional Japanese aesthetics.  

words & phrases



stunning : 形容詞
意味: 驚くほど美しい、見事な。Extremely impressive or attractive.

  • The garden’s cherry blossoms were absolutely stunning.
  • She wore a stunning dress to the party.
  • The sunset over the mountains was stunning.

reflection : 名詞
意味: 反射、映像、考え。The return of light or sound waves from a surface; an image seen in a mirror or shiny surface; a thought or opinion.

  • The reflection of the trees in the pond was beautiful.
  • She spent some time in reflection before making a decision.
  • The glass showed a clear reflection of the room.

seclusion : 名詞
意味: 隠遁、隔離。The state of being private and away from other people.

  • The garden offers a sense of seclusion from the busy city.
  • He enjoys the seclusion of his cabin in the woods.
  • The writer found inspiration in the seclusion of the mountains.

fountain : 名詞
意味: 噴水、水の泉。A structure that sends water up into the air, often as a decoration.

  • The fountain in the garden is the oldest in Japan.
  • They threw coins into the fountain for good luck.
  • The children played near the water fountain in the park.

picturesque : 形容詞
意味: 絵のように美しい、風光明媚な。Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.

  • The coastline is known for its picturesque scenery.
  • The snow-covered garden was truly picturesque.
  • The small village looked picturesque against the mountain backdrop.
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