偕楽園 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 偕楽園について:
    • 茨城県水戸市に位置する日本三名園の一つ
    • 1842年に徳川斉昭によって開園
    • 約3,000本の梅の木があり、梅まつりが有名
    • 「偕楽園」の名前は「共に楽しむ公園」を意味
  2. 弘道館について:
    • 同じく徳川斉昭によって設立された水戸藩の学校
    • 学問と武術の教育が行われていた
    • 歴史的な建物で、江戸時代の教育施設の雰囲気を感じる
  3. 訪問時期とアクセス:
    • 梅まつりが行われる2月から3月が最も人気の時期
    • 春の桜や秋の紅葉も楽しめる
    • JR常磐線の水戸駅からアクセスでき、梅まつりの時期には臨時の偕楽園駅も開設



>> 「兼六園 – 英語で説明するには」はこちら

>> 「後楽園 – 英語で説明するには」はこちら

会話 / dialogue


Hi Key, I’ve been reading about Kairakuen recently. It sounds like a beautiful place. Have you ever been there?


Yes, I’ve visited Kairakuen a few times. It’s one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan. What caught your interest about it?


I heard that it’s famous for its plum trees. They have around 3,000 trees, right? I’d love to see them during the Plum Blossom Festival.


Exactly! The Plum Blossom Festival usually happens from February to March. The garden looks stunning with all the plum blossoms in full bloom, and the air is filled with their sweet fragrance.


That sounds amazing. I also read that the name “Kairakuen” means “a park to enjoy together.” It’s interesting that it was meant for both the ruling class and common people.


Yes, Tokugawa Nariaki, who built the garden in 1842, wanted everyone to enjoy it. He even built a place called Kobuntei inside the garden, where people could enjoy cultural activities like poetry and tea ceremonies.


I’ve heard that the view from Kobuntei is really good, especially from the third floor. You can see Mito City and the Pacific Ocean on clear days, right?


Exactly! It’s one of the highlights of visiting Kairakuen. The view is spectacular, especially during the plum blossom season or even in autumn when the leaves change color.


Speaking of seasons, is there a best time to visit Kairakuen? I guess the Plum Blossom Festival is popular, but what about other times of the year?


The Plum Blossom Festival is definitely the most famous time to visit, but each season offers something different. In spring, there are cherry blossoms, summer brings lush greenery, and autumn offers beautiful foliage.


That sounds great. Is it easy to get there? I don’t have a car, so I’d probably take public transport.


Yes, it’s quite accessible. You can take the JR Joban Line to Mito Station, and from there, it’s just a short bus ride or a 20-minute walk. There’s also a temporary station, Kairakuen Station, during the Plum Blossom Festival, which makes it even easier.


Perfect! I think I’ll plan a visit during the festival next year. I’ve always wanted to see Japanese gardens, and this seems like a perfect place to start.


Definitely. And while you’re there, you should also check out Kodokan. It’s close to Kairakuen and was also built by Tokugawa Nariaki.


Kodokan? What’s that?


Kodokan was the school for the Mito Domain. It was an important educational institution where both academic subjects and martial arts were taught. It’s a great place to learn about the history of the area and the educational practices of that time.


That sounds interesting. I didn’t know there was such a historic school nearby. I’ll definitely add that to my itinerary.


Yes, it’s worth a visit. You can see the old classrooms and get a sense of how students were taught in the Edo period. It’s a nice complement to the visit to Kairakuen.


Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really looking forward to it. It sounds like a place where you can not only enjoy nature but also learn a lot about Japanese culture and history.


Absolutely. Enjoy your visit to Kairakuen and Kodokan!

関連情報 / related information




Overview of Kairakuen
Kairakuen is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, located in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It was established in 1842 by Tokugawa Nariaki, the ninth lord of the Mito Domain. The garden is famous for its beautiful landscape and cultural significance.

Plum Trees and Festivals
Kairakuen is well-known for its plum trees. There are around 3,000 plum trees in the garden, with about 100 different types. Every year, from February to March, the Plum Blossom Festival takes place. During this festival, the garden is filled with beautiful plum blossoms, and the air is sweet with their fragrance.

Meaning of the Name
The name “Kairakuen” means “a park to enjoy together.” Tokugawa Nariaki created this garden for both the ruling class and the common people to enjoy. It was designed as a place where everyone could appreciate nature and culture together.

Key Features
Inside Kairakuen, there is a three-story building called Kobuntei. From the top floor, visitors can enjoy a stunning view of Mito City and, on clear days, the Pacific Ocean. The garden is also beautiful in other seasons, with cherry blossoms in spring and colorful leaves in autumn.

Kairakuen is easily accessible by train. Visitors can take the JR Joban Line to Mito Station and then a short bus ride or a 20-minute walk to the garden. During the Plum Blossom Festival, there is also a temporary Kairakuen Station, making it even easier to visit.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Kairakuen?
Kairakuen is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, located in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It was created by Tokugawa Nariaki in 1842.
2: Why is Kairakuen famous?
Kairakuen is famous for its 3,000 plum trees, which attract many visitors, especially during the Plum Blossom Festival in February and March.
3: What does the name "Kairakuen" mean?
The name "Kairakuen" means "a park to enjoy together." It was designed for both the ruling class and common people to enjoy nature and culture.
4: What can you see at Kairakuen?
Visitors can see beautiful landscapes with seasonal flowers, especially plum blossoms, and a historic building called Kobuntei with a great view.
5: What is Kobuntei?
Kobuntei is a three-story building in Kairakuen. It was used for cultural activities like poetry and tea ceremonies and offers a beautiful view of Mito City.
6: When is the best time to visit Kairakuen?
The best time to visit Kairakuen is during the Plum Blossom Festival in February and March, but it is also beautiful in spring and autumn.
7: How do you get to Kairakuen?
You can take the JR Joban Line to Mito Station, and from there, it's a short bus ride or a 20-minute walk. There is also a temporary Kairakuen Station during the Plum Blossom Festival.
8: What is the significance of Kairakuen in Japanese history?
Kairakuen was created by Tokugawa Nariaki as a place for cultural enrichment and education, reflecting the values of the Mito Domain during the Edo period.
9: Can you visit Kairakuen year-round?
Yes, Kairakuen is open year-round, and each season offers something different, such as cherry blossoms in spring and colorful leaves in autumn.
10: Is there anything else to see near Kairakuen?
Yes, near Kairakuen is Kodokan, a historic school also built by Tokugawa Nariaki, where you can learn about the education system of the Edo period.


会話 / dialogue


Hi Key, I’ve been reading about Kairakuen recently. It sounds like a beautiful place. Have you ever been there?



Yes, I’ve visited Kairakuen a few times. It’s one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan. What caught your interest about it?



I heard that it’s famous for its plum trees. They have around 3,000 trees, right? I’d love to see them during the Plum Blossom Festival.



Exactly! The Plum Blossom Festival usually happens from February to March. The garden looks stunning with all the plum blossoms in full bloom, and the air is filled with their sweet fragrance.



That sounds amazing. I also read that the name “Kairakuen” means “a park to enjoy together.” It’s interesting that it was meant for both the ruling class and common people.



Yes, Tokugawa Nariaki, who built the garden in 1842, wanted everyone to enjoy it. He even built a place called Kobuntei inside the garden, where people could enjoy cultural activities like poetry and tea ceremonies.



I’ve heard that the view from Kobuntei is really good, especially from the third floor. You can see Mito City and the Pacific Ocean on clear days, right?



Exactly! It’s one of the highlights of visiting Kairakuen. The view is spectacular, especially during the plum blossom season or even in autumn when the leaves change color.



Speaking of seasons, is there a best time to visit Kairakuen? I guess the Plum Blossom Festival is popular, but what about other times of the year?



The Plum Blossom Festival is definitely the most famous time to visit, but each season offers something different. In spring, there are cherry blossoms, summer brings lush greenery, and autumn offers beautiful foliage.



That sounds great. Is it easy to get there? I don’t have a car, so I’d probably take public transport.



Yes, it’s quite accessible. You can take the JR Joban Line to Mito Station, and from there, it’s just a short bus ride or a 20-minute walk. There’s also a temporary station, Kairakuen Station, during the Plum Blossom Festival, which makes it even easier.



Perfect! I think I’ll plan a visit during the festival next year. I’ve always wanted to see Japanese gardens, and this seems like a perfect place to start.



Definitely. And while you’re there, you should also check out Kodokan. It’s close to Kairakuen and was also built by Tokugawa Nariaki.



Kodokan? What’s that?



Kodokan was the school for the Mito Domain. It was an important educational institution where both academic subjects and martial arts were taught. It’s a great place to learn about the history of the area and the educational practices of that time.



That sounds interesting. I didn’t know there was such a historic school nearby. I’ll definitely add that to my itinerary.



Yes, it’s worth a visit. You can see the old classrooms and get a sense of how students were taught in the Edo period. It’s a nice complement to the visit to Kairakuen.



Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really looking forward to it. It sounds like a place where you can not only enjoy nature but also learn a lot about Japanese culture and history.



Absolutely. Enjoy your visit to Kairakuen and Kodokan!


関連情報 / related information



Overview of Kairakuen
Kairakuen is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, located in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It was established in 1842 by Tokugawa Nariaki, the ninth lord of the Mito Domain. The garden is famous for its beautiful landscape and cultural significance.


Plum Trees and Festivals
Kairakuen is well-known for its plum trees. There are around 3,000 plum trees in the garden, with about 100 different types. Every year, from February to March, the Plum Blossom Festival takes place. During this festival, the garden is filled with beautiful plum blossoms, and the air is sweet with their fragrance.


Meaning of the Name
The name “Kairakuen” means “a park to enjoy together.” Tokugawa Nariaki created this garden for both the ruling class and the common people to enjoy. It was designed as a place where everyone could appreciate nature and culture together.


Key Features
Inside Kairakuen, there is a three-story building called Kobuntei. From the top floor, visitors can enjoy a stunning view of Mito City and, on clear days, the Pacific Ocean. The garden is also beautiful in other seasons, with cherry blossoms in spring and colorful leaves in autumn.


Kairakuen is easily accessible by train. Visitors can take the JR Joban Line to Mito Station and then a short bus ride or a 20-minute walk to the garden. During the Plum Blossom Festival, there is also a temporary Kairakuen Station, making it even easier to visit.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Kairakuen?  
Kairakuen is one of the Three Great Gardens of Japan, located in Mito City, Ibaraki Prefecture. It was created by Tokugawa Nariaki in 1842.  
2: Why is Kairakuen famous?  
Kairakuen is famous for its 3,000 plum trees, which attract many visitors, especially during the Plum Blossom Festival in February and March.  
3: What does the name "Kairakuen" mean?  
The name "Kairakuen" means "a park to enjoy together." It was designed for both the ruling class and common people to enjoy nature and culture.  
4: What can you see at Kairakuen?  
Visitors can see beautiful landscapes with seasonal flowers, especially plum blossoms, and a historic building called Kobuntei with a great view.  
5: What is Kobuntei?  
Kobuntei is a three-story building in Kairakuen. It was used for cultural activities like poetry and tea ceremonies and offers a beautiful view of Mito City.  
6: When is the best time to visit Kairakuen?  
The best time to visit Kairakuen is during the Plum Blossom Festival in February and March, but it is also beautiful in spring and autumn.  
7: How do you get to Kairakuen?  
You can take the JR Joban Line to Mito Station, and from there, it's a short bus ride or a 20-minute walk. There is also a temporary Kairakuen Station during the Plum Blossom Festival.  
8: What is the significance of Kairakuen in Japanese history?  
Kairakuen was created by Tokugawa Nariaki as a place for cultural enrichment and education, reflecting the values of the Mito Domain during the Edo period.  
9: Can you visit Kairakuen year-round?  
Yes, Kairakuen is open year-round, and each season offers something different, such as cherry blossoms in spring and colorful leaves in autumn.  
10: Is there anything else to see near Kairakuen?  
Yes, near Kairakuen is Kodokan, a historic school also built by Tokugawa Nariaki, where you can learn about the education system of the Edo period.  

words & phrases



fragrance : 名詞
意味: 香り、芳香。A pleasant and sweet smell.

  • The garden was filled with the fragrance of blooming flowers.
  • She loves the fragrance of freshly baked bread.
  • The perfume has a light and refreshing fragrance.

foliage : 名詞
意味: 葉、葉っぱ。The leaves of a plant or tree, or leaves collectively.

  • The autumn foliage in the park is stunning.
  • The plant’s foliage is lush and green.
  • The tropical foliage adds to the exotic atmosphere of the garden.

itinerary : 名詞 
意味: 旅行日程、旅程表。A planned route or journey, or a detailed plan for a journey.

  • Our itinerary includes visiting several famous landmarks.
  • The tour guide provided a detailed itinerary for the trip.
  • We need to finalize the itinerary for our vacation.

complement : 動詞/名詞
意味: 補完する、補う。To complete or enhance something else.

  • The red wine complements the meal perfectly.
  • Her skills complement his experience.
  • The new curtains are a nice complement to the room’s decor.

appreciate : 動詞
意味: 感謝する、理解する、鑑賞する。To recognize the value of something or to be grateful for something.

  • He doesn’t appreciate the effort she puts into her work.
  • I really appreciate your help.
  • We should appreciate the beauty of nature.
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