白川郷 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 白川郷の概要:
    • 岐阜県にある伝統的な村、合掌造りの家屋が特徴
  2. 合掌造り
    • 豪雪地帯に適応した伝統的な建築様式で、急勾配の茅葺き屋根が特徴
  3. ユネスコ世界遺産:
    • 1995年にユネスコの世界遺産に登録
    • 五箇山と共に独特な建築様式が評価されている
  4. 季節ごとの魅力:
    • 白川郷は四季折々に異なる美しさを持つ
    • 春は桜、夏は緑、秋は紅葉、冬は雪景色
  5. 冬のライトアップイベント:
    • 冬季には村全体がライトアップされ、幻想的な雰囲気を楽しめ、観光客に人気
  6. アクセス方法:
    • 名古屋や金沢からのバスでのアクセスが一般的
    • 合掌造りの家屋に宿泊、伝統的な生活を体験できる



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Shirakawa-go. Have you heard of it?


Yes, I have! It’s that village with the Gassho-zukuri houses, right?


Exactly. The houses have these steep thatched roofs, designed to handle heavy snow. They’re called “Gassho-zukuri” because they look like hands in prayer.


That sounds fascinating. I heard it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site. Do you know why?


Yes, it was designated in 1995 along with Gokayama. The village is recognized for its unique architecture and historical value. The way they built the houses without nails and the use of ancient techniques is pretty impressive.


I’ve seen pictures, and the village looks stunning, especially in winter. The snow-covered houses are beautiful.


Definitely. They even have a winter light-up event where they illuminate the houses. It creates this magical, fairytale-like atmosphere. I’m really interested in seeing that.


That sounds amazing. But is Shirakawa-go worth visiting in other seasons too?


Absolutely. In spring, there are cherry blossoms, and in summer, the greenery is lush and vibrant. Autumn brings beautiful fall colors. Each season offers something unique.


How do you plan to get there?


There are several options. You can drive, but I’ll probably take a bus. From Nagoya, it’s about a 3-hour bus ride, and from Kanazawa, it’s about 1.5 hours.


That’s convenient. Are you planning to stay overnight?


Yes, I want to stay in one of the Gassho-zukuri houses. It’s like a living museum because people still live there, keeping old customs alive. It would be an incredible cultural experience.


I agree. And there’s the Doburoku Festival, right? It sounds fun to try the local sake.


Yes, that’s in autumn. They serve a special cloudy sake called “doburoku.” It would be great to experience local traditions.


It sounds like Shirakawa-go has a lot to offer. From the history and architecture to the beautiful scenery and festivals.


Exactly. I think it’s a must-visit place for anyone interested in Japanese culture and history.


Definitely. Let me know how it goes when you visit. Maybe I’ll plan a trip there too!


Sure thing! I’ll share all the details. It’s going to be an unforgettable experience.

関連情報 / related information




Shirakawa-go is a traditional village in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. It is famous for its Gassho-zukuri houses, which have steep thatched roofs. These roofs are designed to handle heavy snow. The houses look like hands in prayer, which is why they are called “Gassho-zukuri.”

UNESCO World Heritage Site
Shirakawa-go, along with Gokayama, was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995. This status highlights the village’s unique architecture and historical importance. The houses are built using ancient techniques without nails, making them culturally significant.

Seasonal Beauty
The village is beautiful in all seasons. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, creating a picturesque scene. Summer is full of lush greenery, while autumn brings vibrant fall colors. In winter, the snow-covered village looks like a fairytale.

Winter Light-Up Event
One of the most popular events in Shirakawa-go is the winter light-up. During this event, the Gassho-zukuri houses are illuminated, creating a magical atmosphere. It attracts many tourists every year.

Access and Local Culture
Shirakawa-go can be reached by bus from Nagoya or Kanazawa, taking about 3 hours and 1.5 hours, respectively. Visitors can stay in traditional houses and experience the local lifestyle. The village also hosts the Doburoku Festival in autumn, where visitors can try a local cloudy sake called “doburoku.”

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Shirakawa-go?
Shirakawa-go is a traditional village in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, known for its unique Gassho-zukuri houses with steep thatched roofs designed to withstand heavy snowfall. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
2: What are Gassho-zukuri houses?
Gassho-zukuri houses are traditional Japanese homes with steep, thatched roofs that resemble hands in prayer. These roofs are built to handle the heavy snowfalls in the region.
3: When did Shirakawa-go become a UNESCO World Heritage site?
Shirakawa-go was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995, along with the nearby village of Gokayama, for its cultural and historical significance.
4: Why are the roofs of Gassho-zukuri houses so steep?
The steep roofs are designed to prevent snow from accumulating and collapsing the structure during heavy snowfall, which is common in Shirakawa-go during winter.
5: What is the Shirakawa-go winter light-up event?
The winter light-up event is a popular annual event where the Gassho-zukuri houses are illuminated, creating a magical, fairytale-like atmosphere. It usually takes place on specific weekends in January and February.
6: How can you access Shirakawa-go?
Shirakawa-go can be accessed by bus from major cities like Nagoya (about 3 hours) and Kanazawa (about 1.5 hours). Visitors can also drive to the village.
7: What can you experience in Shirakawa-go during other seasons?
Shirakawa-go is beautiful year-round. In spring, visitors can see cherry blossoms; in summer, the village is surrounded by lush greenery; and in autumn, the area is known for its vibrant fall colors.
8: Can you stay overnight in Shirakawa-go?
Yes, visitors can stay in traditional Gassho-zukuri houses that have been converted into inns. Staying overnight allows you to experience the local lifestyle and culture.
9: What is the Doburoku Festival?
The Doburoku Festival is a traditional event held in Shirakawa-go during autumn. During the festival, visitors can enjoy a local cloudy sake called doburoku, which is made in the village.
10: What makes Shirakawa-go a special place to visit?
Shirakawa-go offers a unique combination of history, culture, and natural beauty. Its well-preserved traditional houses, scenic landscapes, and seasonal events make it a must-visit for anyone interested in Japanese culture and heritage.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Shirakawa-go. Have you heard of it?



Yes, I have! It’s that village with the Gassho-zukuri houses, right?



Exactly. The houses have these steep thatched roofs, designed to handle heavy snow. They’re called “Gassho-zukuri” because they look like hands in prayer.



That sounds fascinating. I heard it’s a UNESCO World Heritage site. Do you know why?



Yes, it was designated in 1995 along with Gokayama. The village is recognized for its unique architecture and historical value. The way they built the houses without nails and the use of ancient techniques is pretty impressive.



I’ve seen pictures, and the village looks stunning, especially in winter. The snow-covered houses are beautiful.



Definitely. They even have a winter light-up event where they illuminate the houses. It creates this magical, fairytale-like atmosphere. I’m really interested in seeing that.



That sounds amazing. But is Shirakawa-go worth visiting in other seasons too?



Absolutely. In spring, there are cherry blossoms, and in summer, the greenery is lush and vibrant. Autumn brings beautiful fall colors. Each season offers something unique.



How do you plan to get there?



There are several options. You can drive, but I’ll probably take a bus. From Nagoya, it’s about a 3-hour bus ride, and from Kanazawa, it’s about 1.5 hours.



That’s convenient. Are you planning to stay overnight?



Yes, I want to stay in one of the Gassho-zukuri houses. It’s like a living museum because people still live there, keeping old customs alive. It would be an incredible cultural experience.



I agree. And there’s the Doburoku Festival, right? It sounds fun to try the local sake.



Yes, that’s in autumn. They serve a special cloudy sake called “doburoku.” It would be great to experience local traditions.



It sounds like Shirakawa-go has a lot to offer. From the history and architecture to the beautiful scenery and festivals.



Exactly. I think it’s a must-visit place for anyone interested in Japanese culture and history.



Definitely. Let me know how it goes when you visit. Maybe I’ll plan a trip there too!



Sure thing! I’ll share all the details. It’s going to be an unforgettable experience.


関連情報 / related information



Shirakawa-go is a traditional village in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. It is famous for its Gassho-zukuri houses, which have steep thatched roofs. These roofs are designed to handle heavy snow. The houses look like hands in prayer, which is why they are called “Gassho-zukuri.”


UNESCO World Heritage Site
Shirakawa-go, along with Gokayama, was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995. This status highlights the village’s unique architecture and historical importance. The houses are built using ancient techniques without nails, making them culturally significant.


Seasonal Beauty
The village is beautiful in all seasons. In spring, cherry blossoms bloom, creating a picturesque scene. Summer is full of lush greenery, while autumn brings vibrant fall colors. In winter, the snow-covered village looks like a fairytale.


Winter Light-Up Event
One of the most popular events in Shirakawa-go is the winter light-up. During this event, the Gassho-zukuri houses are illuminated, creating a magical atmosphere. It attracts many tourists every year.


Access and Local Culture
Shirakawa-go can be reached by bus from Nagoya or Kanazawa, taking about 3 hours and 1.5 hours, respectively. Visitors can stay in traditional houses and experience the local lifestyle. The village also hosts the Doburoku Festival in autumn, where visitors can try a local cloudy sake called “doburoku.”


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Shirakawa-go?  
Shirakawa-go is a traditional village in Gifu Prefecture, Japan, known for its unique Gassho-zukuri houses with steep thatched roofs designed to withstand heavy snowfall. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site.  
2: What are Gassho-zukuri houses?  
Gassho-zukuri houses are traditional Japanese homes with steep, thatched roofs that resemble hands in prayer. These roofs are built to handle the heavy snowfalls in the region.  
3: When did Shirakawa-go become a UNESCO World Heritage site?  
Shirakawa-go was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1995, along with the nearby village of Gokayama, for its cultural and historical significance.  
4: Why are the roofs of Gassho-zukuri houses so steep?  
The steep roofs are designed to prevent snow from accumulating and collapsing the structure during heavy snowfall, which is common in Shirakawa-go during winter.  
5: What is the Shirakawa-go winter light-up event?  
The winter light-up event is a popular annual event where the Gassho-zukuri houses are illuminated, creating a magical, fairytale-like atmosphere. It usually takes place on specific weekends in January and February.  
6: How can you access Shirakawa-go?  
Shirakawa-go can be accessed by bus from major cities like Nagoya (about 3 hours) and Kanazawa (about 1.5 hours). Visitors can also drive to the village.  
7: What can you experience in Shirakawa-go during other seasons?  
Shirakawa-go is beautiful year-round. In spring, visitors can see cherry blossoms; in summer, the village is surrounded by lush greenery; and in autumn, the area is known for its vibrant fall colors.  
8: Can you stay overnight in Shirakawa-go?  
Yes, visitors can stay in traditional Gassho-zukuri houses that have been converted into inns. Staying overnight allows you to experience the local lifestyle and culture.  
9: What is the Doburoku Festival?  
The Doburoku Festival is a traditional event held in Shirakawa-go during autumn. During the festival, visitors can enjoy a local cloudy sake called doburoku, which is made in the village.  
10: What makes Shirakawa-go a special place to visit?  
Shirakawa-go offers a unique combination of history, culture, and natural beauty. Its well-preserved traditional houses, scenic landscapes, and seasonal events make it a must-visit for anyone interested in Japanese culture and heritage.  

words & phrases



thatched : 形容詞
意味: 茅葺きの。Covered with straw or reeds, typically referring to roofs.

  • The cottage had a thatched roof, giving it a rustic charm.
  • Many traditional houses in England are thatched.
  • The thatched roof needed repairs after the storm.

Sure thing : 句
意味: もちろん、確実なこと。Used to express agreement or confirmation.

  • “Can you help me with this?” “Sure thing!”
  • “Are you coming to the party?” “Sure thing.”
  • “Is it okay if I call you later?” “Sure thing.”

picturesque : 形容詞
意味: 絵のように美しい。Visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way.

  • The village is picturesque, surrounded by mountains and rivers.
  • We stayed in a picturesque little town by the sea.
  • The picturesque landscape is perfect for photography.

handle : 動詞
意味: 扱う、処理する。To manage, control, or deal with something.

  • She knows how to handle difficult situations.
  • This car can handle rough terrain easily.
  • The roof is built to handle heavy snowfall.

fairytale : 名詞・形容詞
意味: おとぎ話のような、幻想的な。A story or atmosphere that is magical, idealized, or enchanting.

  • The snow-covered village was a fairytale scene.
  • The castle looked like something out of a fairytale.
  • They had a fairytale wedding in the countryside.
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