牧野富太郎 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 牧野富太郎の基本情報:
    • 1862年高知県生まれの日本の植物学者、「日本植物学の父」と呼ばれる
    • 独学で植物学を学び、約1500種の植物を発見し命名
  2. 代表作と業績:
    • 代表作は『牧野日本植物図鑑』、日本の植物に関する包括的なガイド
    • 高知には彼の功績を称える牧野植物園があり、彼の研究した植物を展示
  3. 哲学と影響:
    • 「雑草という草はない」という名言を残している
    • 彼の植物学に対する情熱と自然への尊敬は、今でも多くの人々に影響を与えている



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of Tomitaro Makino? I’ve been interested in learning more about him recently.


Yes, I know about him! He’s often called the “Father of Japanese Botany.” What got you interested in him?


I read that he discovered and named around 1,500 plant species. That sounds incredible! I’m curious about how he managed to do all that.


It’s quite an achievement, especially since he was mostly self-taught. He even dropped out of elementary school because he found it boring, but he taught himself botany.


That’s fascinating. So, he was really passionate about plants from the start?


Absolutely. He had a deep love for nature and believed that every plant had value. One of his famous quotes is, “There is no such thing as a weed.” He thought every plant plays an important role in its environment.


I really like that philosophy. It shows respect for all forms of life. What else did he do?


Makino wrote “Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan,” which is a comprehensive guide to Japanese plants. It’s still used by botanists today. He was known for his detailed and accurate botanical illustrations.


It sounds like he was very dedicated to his work. Did he have any other notable achievements?


Yes, besides discovering many species, he also worked as a researcher at the University of Tokyo’s Department of Botany. Although he didn’t have a formal teaching position, his contributions were significant. The Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi was established after his death to honor his work and legacy, showcasing many of the plants he studied.


That’s impressive. He must have been very passionate about educating others as well.


Definitely. He believed that understanding and appreciating plants could enrich people’s lives. His work wasn’t just about science; it was also about connecting people with nature.


I can see why he’s so respected. It’s amazing how he contributed so much without formal education in botany.


It really is. He was driven by curiosity and love for plants, which shows that passion can lead to great achievements.


I’d love to visit the Makino Botanical Garden someday and see the plants he worked with.


That would be a great experience. The garden is not only a place for research but also a beautiful spot to appreciate the diversity of plants. It’s a fitting tribute to his life’s work.


Thanks for telling me more about him. I feel like I have a much better understanding of who Tomitaro Makino was and why he’s important.


You’re welcome! He’s a great example of how one person’s dedication can have a lasting impact on the world.

関連情報 / related information




Early Life and Education
Tomitaro Makino was born in 1862 in Kochi Prefecture, Japan. He showed an early interest in plants and began studying botany on his own. Although he dropped out of elementary school, Makino continued to educate himself, becoming an expert in Japanese plants through self-study.

Major Contributions
Makino is renowned for discovering and naming around 1,500 plant species. One of his most significant works is “Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan,” which is a comprehensive guide to Japanese plants. This book is still an essential resource for botanists today.

Legacy and Philosophy
Makino believed that all plants have value, famously stating, “There is no such thing as a weed.” His dedication to studying plants and his contributions to botany are honored at the Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi, established after his death in 1958. This garden displays many of the plants he studied and continues his legacy by promoting the appreciation of plant life.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: Who was Tomitaro Makino?
Tomitaro Makino was a Japanese botanist known as the "Father of Japanese Botany." He discovered and named around 1,500 plant species during his lifetime.
2: What is Tomitaro Makino famous for?
He is famous for his work in botany, particularly for discovering and naming many plant species. He also authored "Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan," a comprehensive guide to Japanese plants.
3: How did Tomitaro Makino learn botany?
Makino was largely self-taught. He dropped out of elementary school but continued to study plants on his own, eventually becoming an expert in the field.
4: What is "Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan"?
It is a detailed book that Makino wrote, documenting many of Japan's plant species. It is still used by botanists today for its accurate botanical illustrations and descriptions.
5: What is Makino’s famous quote about weeds?
His famous quote is, "There is no such thing as a weed." He believed that every plant has value and plays a role in nature.
6: Where can we learn more about Makino’s work?
You can visit the Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi, Japan, which was established after his death to honor his contributions to botany. The garden showcases many of the plants he studied.
7: Why is Makino called the "Father of Japanese Botany"?
He earned this title because of his significant contributions to the study of Japanese plants, including discovering many new species and promoting the understanding and appreciation of plant life in Japan.
8: What role did Makino play at the University of Tokyo?
Makino worked as a researcher at the University of Tokyo’s Department of Botany, although he did not hold a formal teaching position.
9: What is the significance of the Makino Botanical Garden?
The Makino Botanical Garden was established to preserve and display the plants that Makino studied. It continues his legacy by promoting botanical research and education.
10: How did Makino’s philosophy impact botany?
Makino’s belief that all plants are valuable helped shift the way people think about nature. His dedication to plants inspires botanists and nature lovers to appreciate the importance of every species.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of Tomitaro Makino? I’ve been interested in learning more about him recently.



Yes, I know about him! He’s often called the “Father of Japanese Botany.” What got you interested in him?



I read that he discovered and named around 1,500 plant species. That sounds incredible! I’m curious about how he managed to do all that.



It’s quite an achievement, especially since he was mostly self-taught. He even dropped out of elementary school because he found it boring, but he taught himself botany.



That’s fascinating. So, he was really passionate about plants from the start?



Absolutely. He had a deep love for nature and believed that every plant had value. One of his famous quotes is, “There is no such thing as a weed.” He thought every plant plays an important role in its environment.



I really like that philosophy. It shows respect for all forms of life. What else did he do?



Makino wrote “Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan,” which is a comprehensive guide to Japanese plants. It’s still used by botanists today. He was known for his detailed and accurate botanical illustrations.



It sounds like he was very dedicated to his work. Did he have any other notable achievements?



Yes, besides discovering many species, he also worked as a researcher at the University of Tokyo’s Department of Botany. Although he didn’t have a formal teaching position, his contributions were significant. The Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi was established after his death to honor his work and legacy, showcasing many of the plants he studied.



That’s impressive. He must have been very passionate about educating others as well.



Definitely. He believed that understanding and appreciating plants could enrich people’s lives. His work wasn’t just about science; it was also about connecting people with nature.



I can see why he’s so respected. It’s amazing how he contributed so much without formal education in botany.



It really is. He was driven by curiosity and love for plants, which shows that passion can lead to great achievements.



I’d love to visit the Makino Botanical Garden someday and see the plants he worked with.



That would be a great experience. The garden is not only a place for research but also a beautiful spot to appreciate the diversity of plants. It’s a fitting tribute to his life’s work.



Thanks for telling me more about him. I feel like I have a much better understanding of who Tomitaro Makino was and why he’s important.



You’re welcome! He’s a great example of how one person’s dedication can have a lasting impact on the world.


関連情報 / related information



Early Life and Education
Tomitaro Makino was born in 1862 in Kochi Prefecture, Japan. He showed an early interest in plants and began studying botany on his own. Although he dropped out of elementary school, Makino continued to educate himself, becoming an expert in Japanese plants through self-study.


Major Contributions
Makino is renowned for discovering and naming around 1,500 plant species. One of his most significant works is “Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan,” which is a comprehensive guide to Japanese plants. This book is still an essential resource for botanists today.


Legacy and Philosophy
Makino believed that all plants have value, famously stating, “There is no such thing as a weed.” His dedication to studying plants and his contributions to botany are honored at the Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi, established after his death in 1958. This garden displays many of the plants he studied and continues his legacy by promoting the appreciation of plant life.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: Who was Tomitaro Makino?  
Tomitaro Makino was a Japanese botanist known as the "Father of Japanese Botany." He discovered and named around 1,500 plant species during his lifetime.  
2: What is Tomitaro Makino famous for?  
He is famous for his work in botany, particularly for discovering and naming many plant species. He also authored "Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan," a comprehensive guide to Japanese plants.  
3: How did Tomitaro Makino learn botany?  
Makino was largely self-taught. He dropped out of elementary school but continued to study plants on his own, eventually becoming an expert in the field.  
4: What is "Makino’s Illustrated Flora of Japan"?  
It is a detailed book that Makino wrote, documenting many of Japan's plant species. It is still used by botanists today for its accurate botanical illustrations and descriptions.  
5: What is Makino’s famous quote about weeds?  
His famous quote is, "There is no such thing as a weed." He believed that every plant has value and plays a role in nature.  
6: Where can we learn more about Makino’s work?  
You can visit the Makino Botanical Garden in Kochi, Japan, which was established after his death to honor his contributions to botany. The garden showcases many of the plants he studied.  
7: Why is Makino called the "Father of Japanese Botany"?  
He earned this title because of his significant contributions to the study of Japanese plants, including discovering many new species and promoting the understanding and appreciation of plant life in Japan.  
8: What role did Makino play at the University of Tokyo?  
Makino worked as a researcher at the University of Tokyo’s Department of Botany, although he did not hold a formal teaching position.  
9: What is the significance of the Makino Botanical Garden?  
The Makino Botanical Garden was established to preserve and display the plants that Makino studied. It continues his legacy by promoting botanical research and education.  
10: How did Makino’s philosophy impact botany?  
Makino’s belief that all plants are valuable helped shift the way people think about nature. His dedication to plants inspires botanists and nature lovers to appreciate the importance of every species.  

words & phrases



botany : 名詞
意味: 植物学。植物の構造、成長、分類、進化などを研究する科学の一分野。The scientific study of plants, including their structure, growth, classification, and evolution.

  • She is studying botany at university.
  • The botany of the region is quite diverse.
  • He published several books on botany.

passionate : 形容詞
意味: 情熱的な、熱心な。強い感情や興味を持っていること。Having strong feelings or emotions, especially enthusiasm or love.

  • She is passionate about her work.
  • He spoke in a passionate voice.
  • They are passionate supporters of the team.

weed : 名詞
意味: 雑草。一般的には、望ましくない場所に生えている不要な植物。A plant considered undesirable in a particular situation, often growing where it is not wanted.

  • The garden was full of weeds.
  • He spent the afternoon pulling weeds from the flowerbeds.
  • Not all weeds are harmful; some are beneficial to the ecosystem.

comprehensive : 形容詞
意味: 包括的な、広範囲にわたる。すべてを含む、または広範囲にわたること。Including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.

  • The report provides a comprehensive overview of the situation.
  • She wrote a comprehensive guide to French cuisine.
  • We need a comprehensive plan to address all the issues.

tribute : 名詞
意味: 賛辞、感謝の印。人や業績を称えるための行為や言葉。An act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration.

  • The film is a beautiful tribute to the artist’s life and work.
  • The ceremony was a tribute to the late president.
  • She paid tribute to her teachers for their support.
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