ジョン万次郎 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. ジョン万次郎(中濱万次郎)の生涯:
    • 1827年、土佐国(現在の高知県)に生まれた
    • 1841年(14歳)に漁に出て遭難、アメリカの捕鯨船に救助された
    • アメリカで約10年間生活、英語や西洋の文化・技術を学んだ
    • 1851年に日本に帰国
  2. 歴史的背景:
    • 1800年代半ばまで、日本は鎖国政策を取っていた
    • この時期、西洋諸国は日本との通商を求めていた
    • 1868年の明治維新以降、日本は急速な近代化を進め、西洋の技術や制度を積極的に取り入れた
  3. 日本への帰国と貢献:
    • 通訳として活動、日米和親条約の締結時に手助け
    • 西洋の技術や知識を日本に伝え、近代化に貢献
  4. 文化の架け橋としての役割:
    • 日本とアメリカの文化の架け橋として、両国の理解と交流を深める上で重要な役割を果たした



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in John Manjiro lately. Do you know much about him?


Yeah, John Manjiro is a fascinating figure. He was actually one of the first Japanese people to live in the United States. He got stranded on a deserted island as a teenager and was rescued by an American whaling ship.


That’s right! I read that he was only 14 when it happened. It must have been such a shock to suddenly find himself in a completely different world.


Absolutely. He ended up living in America for several years. He learned English and a lot about Western technology and culture. That was really rare for a Japanese person at that time.


I can imagine. I heard he even got a new name there—John Manjiro. It’s amazing how he adapted to a new culture and language.


Yes, and when he returned to Japan, he helped as an interpreter. He was especially valuable during the negotiations with Commodore Perry that led to the Treaty of Peace and Amity. His knowledge of English and American ways helped smooth the communication process.


So he wasn’t directly negotiating the treaty but more like assisting and advising?


Exactly. He provided useful insights and helped the Japanese understand the Americans better. His role was supportive but still quite important given the circumstances.


It’s impressive. His skills must have been invaluable. He basically helped open Japan to the world, didn’t he?


He did. After returning, he also shared what he learned in America, teaching navigation and Western technology, which contributed to Japan’s modernization.


I read that he had a strong sense of resilience too. I mean, to survive such a long journey and then make a new life in a foreign land, that takes a lot of courage.


Definitely. His story is all about perseverance and the willingness to learn. He didn’t give up, even in the face of huge challenges.


And what about his legacy? How is he remembered today?


He’s remembered as a cultural bridge between Japan and the West. There are museums and memorials dedicated to him, especially in his hometown in Kochi Prefecture and in places he lived in the U.S. like Fairhaven.


It’s so inspiring. I’d love to visit those places and learn more about him firsthand. He seems like someone who truly embodied the spirit of cultural exchange.


Absolutely, visiting those places would be a great way to understand his impact better. He really made history by connecting two very different worlds.


It’s incredible how one person’s experience can influence an entire country’s history. Manjiro’s story really shows the power of education and curiosity.


I agree. His life is a testament to the importance of being open to new experiences and learning from them. It’s a great story of adventure and growth.


Definitely. I’m inspired to learn more about him and maybe even write something for my blog. It’s such a rich and interesting topic.


That sounds like a great idea, Mack. I’m sure many people would find his story as fascinating as we do.

関連情報 / related information




Early Life and Stranded
John Manjiro, also known as Nakahama Manjiro, was born in 1827 in Tosa Province, Japan. At 14, he was shipwrecked with his friends and stranded on a deserted island. They were rescued by an American whaling ship. Manjiro was taken to the United States, where he experienced a completely new culture.

Life in America
In America, Manjiro learned English and Western customs. He lived there for several years, gaining knowledge about navigation and other skills. This was a rare opportunity for a Japanese person at that time, as Japan was largely isolated from the rest of the world.

Return to Japan
After returning to Japan, Manjiro served as an interpreter and advisor during the country’s initial interactions with the West. He helped during the negotiations for the Treaty of Peace and Amity, providing valuable insights due to his understanding of English and American culture.

Manjiro is remembered as a cultural bridge between Japan and the United States. He helped introduce Western technology and ideas to Japan, playing a key role in the country’s modernization. His story is one of resilience and the power of learning.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: Who was John Manjiro?
John Manjiro, also known as Nakahama Manjiro, was a Japanese fisherman who was rescued by an American whaling ship after being stranded on a deserted island. He is known for being one of the first Japanese people to live in the United States.
2: How did John Manjiro get stranded?
When he was 14 years old, Manjiro was shipwrecked with his friends while fishing. They drifted to a deserted island, where they were later rescued by an American whaling ship.
3: Where did John Manjiro live in the United States?
John Manjiro lived in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, where he learned English and Western culture. He also attended school there and learned navigation.
4: What did John Manjiro do when he returned to Japan?
After returning to Japan, Manjiro became an interpreter and advisor. He helped the Japanese government in its interactions with the West, especially during the signing of important treaties with the United States.
5: Why is John Manjiro important in Japanese history?
John Manjiro is important because he helped Japan understand Western culture and technology. He played a role in Japan's modernization and helped open the country to international relations.
6: How did John Manjiro help with the Treaty of Peace and Amity?
John Manjiro helped as an interpreter during the negotiations between Japan and the United States. His knowledge of English and American culture made communication smoother during these important discussions.
7: What did John Manjiro teach in Japan?
John Manjiro taught Western navigation techniques and shared knowledge of Western technology, contributing to Japan's efforts to modernize.
8: What is John Manjiro remembered for?
John Manjiro is remembered as a cultural bridge between Japan and the United States. His experience living in America helped improve relations between the two countries.
9: Where can you learn more about John Manjiro?
You can learn more about John Manjiro at the John Manjiro Museum in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, or by visiting historical sites in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, where he lived.
10: How did John Manjiro’s story influence Japanese modernization?
John Manjiro’s exposure to Western ideas and technology helped Japan modernize by introducing new concepts in navigation, education, and international diplomacy. His efforts made Japan more open to the world.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in John Manjiro lately. Do you know much about him?



Yeah, John Manjiro is a fascinating figure. He was actually one of the first Japanese people to live in the United States. He got stranded on a deserted island as a teenager and was rescued by an American whaling ship.



That’s right! I read that he was only 14 when it happened. It must have been such a shock to suddenly find himself in a completely different world.



Absolutely. He ended up living in America for several years. He learned English and a lot about Western technology and culture. That was really rare for a Japanese person at that time.



I can imagine. I heard he even got a new name there—John Manjiro. It’s amazing how he adapted to a new culture and language.



Yes, and when he returned to Japan, he helped as an interpreter. He was especially valuable during the negotiations with Commodore Perry that led to the Treaty of Peace and Amity. His knowledge of English and American ways helped smooth the communication process.



So he wasn’t directly negotiating the treaty but more like assisting and advising?



Exactly. He provided useful insights and helped the Japanese understand the Americans better. His role was supportive but still quite important given the circumstances.



It’s impressive. His skills must have been invaluable. He basically helped open Japan to the world, didn’t he?



He did. After returning, he also shared what he learned in America, teaching navigation and Western technology, which contributed to Japan’s modernization.



I read that he had a strong sense of resilience too. I mean, to survive such a long journey and then make a new life in a foreign land, that takes a lot of courage.



Definitely. His story is all about perseverance and the willingness to learn. He didn’t give up, even in the face of huge challenges.



And what about his legacy? How is he remembered today?



He’s remembered as a cultural bridge between Japan and the West. There are museums and memorials dedicated to him, especially in his hometown in Kochi Prefecture and in places he lived in the U.S. like Fairhaven.



It’s so inspiring. I’d love to visit those places and learn more about him firsthand. He seems like someone who truly embodied the spirit of cultural exchange.



Absolutely, visiting those places would be a great way to understand his impact better. He really made history by connecting two very different worlds.



It’s incredible how one person’s experience can influence an entire country’s history. Manjiro’s story really shows the power of education and curiosity.



I agree. His life is a testament to the importance of being open to new experiences and learning from them. It’s a great story of adventure and growth.



Definitely. I’m inspired to learn more about him and maybe even write something for my blog. It’s such a rich and interesting topic.



That sounds like a great idea, Mack. I’m sure many people would find his story as fascinating as we do.


関連情報 / related information



Early Life and Stranded
John Manjiro, also known as Nakahama Manjiro, was born in 1827 in Tosa Province, Japan. At 14, he was shipwrecked with his friends and stranded on a deserted island. They were rescued by an American whaling ship. Manjiro was taken to the United States, where he experienced a completely new culture.


Life in America
In America, Manjiro learned English and Western customs. He lived there for several years, gaining knowledge about navigation and other skills. This was a rare opportunity for a Japanese person at that time, as Japan was largely isolated from the rest of the world.


Return to Japan
After returning to Japan, Manjiro served as an interpreter and advisor during the country’s initial interactions with the West. He helped during the negotiations for the Treaty of Peace and Amity, providing valuable insights due to his understanding of English and American culture.


Manjiro is remembered as a cultural bridge between Japan and the United States. He helped introduce Western technology and ideas to Japan, playing a key role in the country’s modernization. His story is one of resilience and the power of learning.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: Who was John Manjiro?  
John Manjiro, also known as Nakahama Manjiro, was a Japanese fisherman who was rescued by an American whaling ship after being stranded on a deserted island. He is known for being one of the first Japanese people to live in the United States.  
2: How did John Manjiro get stranded?  
When he was 14 years old, Manjiro was shipwrecked with his friends while fishing. They drifted to a deserted island, where they were later rescued by an American whaling ship.  
3: Where did John Manjiro live in the United States?  
John Manjiro lived in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, where he learned English and Western culture. He also attended school there and learned navigation.  
4: What did John Manjiro do when he returned to Japan?  
After returning to Japan, Manjiro served as an interpreter and advisor. He helped the Japanese government in its interactions with the West, especially during the signing of important treaties with the United States.  
5: Why is John Manjiro important in Japanese history?  
John Manjiro is important because he helped Japan understand Western culture and technology. He played a role in Japan's modernization and helped open the country to international relations.  
6: How did John Manjiro help with the Treaty of Peace and Amity?  
John Manjiro helped as an interpreter during the negotiations between Japan and the United States. His knowledge of English and American culture made communication smoother during these important discussions.  
7: What did John Manjiro teach in Japan?  
John Manjiro taught Western navigation techniques and shared knowledge of Western technology, contributing to Japan's efforts to modernize.  
8: What is John Manjiro remembered for?  
John Manjiro is remembered as a cultural bridge between Japan and the United States. His experience living in America helped improve relations between the two countries.  
9: Where can you learn more about John Manjiro?  
You can learn more about John Manjiro at the John Manjiro Museum in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, or by visiting historical sites in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, where he lived.  
10: How did John Manjiro’s story influence Japanese modernization?  
John Manjiro’s exposure to Western ideas and technology helped Japan modernize by introducing new concepts in navigation, education, and international diplomacy. His efforts made Japan more open to the world.  

words & phrases



stranded : 形容詞
意味: 立ち往生した、孤立した。Left in a difficult or helpless situation without a way to move or escape.

  • The boat was stranded on the island after the storm.
  • She felt stranded without her phone in the unfamiliar city.
  • The hikers were stranded in the mountains overnight.

deserted : 形容詞 
意味: 人気のない、放棄された。Empty of people; abandoned.

  • The town was completely deserted after the factory closed.
  • They found a deserted beach and decided to camp there.
  • The deserted house stood alone in the field.

invaluable : 形容詞
意味: 計り知れないほど貴重な。Extremely useful or valuable.

  • Her experience was invaluable to the team’s success.
  • This advice proved to be invaluable for the project.
  • The old book contained invaluable information about the town’s history.

perseverance : 名詞 
意味: 忍耐力、粘り強さ。The continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition.

  • His perseverance paid off when he finally passed the exam.
  • Perseverance is key to overcoming challenges.
  • The athlete’s perseverance inspired many people.

resilience : 名詞 
意味: 回復力、弾力性。The ability to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.

  • Resilience is an important trait for success.
  • The community showed great resilience after the natural disaster.
  • Children often have remarkable resilience in difficult situations.
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