織田信長 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 織田信長の基本情報
    • 生涯: 織田信長(1534年 – 1582年)は戦国時代の大名、尾張国(現在の愛知県)出身
    • 目標: 全国統一を目指し、多くの戦いに勝利して勢力を拡大
    • 最期: 1582年、本能寺の変で家臣の明智光秀に裏切られ、自害
  2. 主要な業績
    • 桶狭間の戦い(1560年): 少数の軍勢で大軍を打ち破った奇襲作戦
    • 楽市楽座: 商業の自由化政策、経済の活性化を図った
    • 鉄砲の使用: ヨーロッパから導入し、戦国時代の戦い方を変革
  3. 文化的貢献
    • 茶道: 茶の湯(茶道)を愛し、千利休を支援
    • 西洋文化の受容: ヨーロッパの宣教師や商人を受け入れ、南蛮文化や技術を導入
  4. スローガン
    • 天下布武: 「武力で天下を治める」という信長の野望を示す


織田信長の生涯、桶狭間の戦いや鉄砲の使用、経済政策の「楽市楽座」、「茶の湯」の千利休の支援、「天下布武」のスローガン、本能寺の変での最期、 豊臣秀吉や徳川家康が信長の志を継いだことなどを話題にしています。

会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Oda Nobunaga lately. Do you know much about him?


Yeah, Nobunaga is a fascinating figure. He was one of the most powerful warlords during the Sengoku period. What got you interested in him?


I read about the Battle of Okehazama where he defeated a much larger army with a surprise attack. It was incredible how he managed that.


Absolutely, that battle in 1560 really put him on the map. His use of innovative tactics was revolutionary at the time.


I also heard about his economic policies, like the Rakuichi Rakuza. What exactly was that?


Rakuichi Rakuza was a policy that allowed free trade and eliminated monopolies by merchant guilds. This helped boost the economy in his territories significantly.


That’s pretty smart. And he was open to foreign influences, right?


Yes, he welcomed European missionaries and traders. He even adopted Western technology, like firearms, which played a big role in his military campaigns.


Speaking of firearms, the Battle of Nagashino in 1575 was another example of his innovative tactics, right?


Exactly. He used gun squads effectively against the Takeda cavalry, which was a game-changer in Sengoku warfare.


He seemed really ruthless too. What about the burning of Mount Hiei?


That happened in 1571. Nobunaga attacked and burned Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei because they opposed him. It was a brutal but strategic move to eliminate resistance.


His death was also dramatic. Can you tell me more about the Incident at Honno-ji?


Sure. In 1582, while staying at Honno-ji Temple in Kyoto, he was betrayed by his vassal, Akechi Mitsuhide. Nobunaga, trapped and with no way out, chose to commit seppuku, taking his own life.


That’s such a tragic end. But his legacy lived on, right?


Definitely. His successors, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, continued his work and eventually unified Japan. Nobunaga’s policies and strategies laid the foundation for a unified Japan.


What about his cultural contributions?


Nobunaga was a patron of the arts. He loved the tea ceremony and supported Sen no Rikyu, the famous tea master. He also promoted Western culture and technology, integrating them into Japanese society.


I also read about his famous sayings. One of them is “Tenka Fubu,” right?


Yes, “Tenka Fubu” means “Rule the world by force.” It reflects his ambition to unify Japan through military power.


He really was a remarkable leader. His combination of military genius, economic savvy, and cultural openness is inspiring.


Absolutely. Nobunaga’s impact on Japan is still felt today. Learning about him gives a lot of insights into how Japan transformed during that period.


Thanks for the information, Key. It’s really deepened my understanding of Oda Nobunaga.


Anytime, Mack. It’s always great to discuss such an influential figure in Japanese history.

関連情報 / related information




Early Life
Oda Nobunaga was born in 1534 in Owari Province, which is now Aichi Prefecture. He was a warlord during the Sengoku period, a time of many wars and battles in Japan. Nobunaga was known for his ambition to unify Japan.

Major Achievements
Nobunaga is famous for his innovative military tactics. In 1560, at the Battle of Okehazama, he defeated a much larger army with a surprise attack. This victory made him very famous. He also used European firearms, which changed the way wars were fought in Japan.

Economic Reforms
Nobunaga introduced a policy called Rakuichi Rakuza. This policy allowed free trade and eliminated monopolies by merchant guilds. It helped boost the economy in his territories and made trade more active.

Cultural Contributions
Nobunaga loved the tea ceremony and supported the famous tea master Sen no Rikyu. He also welcomed European missionaries and traders, adopting Western culture and technology. This included new ideas, goods, and firearms.

Famous Saying
Nobunaga had a famous saying: “Tenka Fubu,” which means “Rule the world by force.” This reflected his ambition to unify Japan through military power.

Death and Legacy
In 1582, Nobunaga was betrayed by his vassal, Akechi Mitsuhide, and took his own life during the Incident at Honno-ji. His successors, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, continued his work and eventually unified Japan. Nobunaga’s influence and innovations had a lasting impact on Japanese history.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: Who was Oda Nobunaga?
Oda Nobunaga was a powerful warlord during Japan's Sengoku period. He aimed to unify Japan and is known for his innovative military tactics and reforms.
2: What is Oda Nobunaga most famous for? 
Oda Nobunaga is most famous for his military victories, such as the Battle of Okehazama in 1560, and for his efforts to unify Japan.
3: What was the Battle of Okehazama?  
The Battle of Okehazama was a significant battle in 1560 where Nobunaga defeated a much larger army led by Imagawa Yoshimoto using a surprise attack.
4: What were Nobunaga's economic reforms? 
Nobunaga introduced the Rakuichi Rakuza policy, which allowed free trade and eliminated monopolies by merchant guilds, helping boost the economy in his territories.
5: How did Nobunaga use firearms in battle? 
Nobunaga effectively used firearms, especially in the Battle of Nagashino in 1575, where his gun squads defeated the powerful Takeda cavalry.
6: What role did European missionaries play in Nobunaga's time? 
European missionaries introduced Christianity and Western technology to Japan. Nobunaga welcomed them and adopted some Western influences, including firearms.
7: What does "Tenka Fubu" mean?  
"Tenka Fubu" means "Rule the world by force." It was Nobunaga's slogan, reflecting his ambition to unify Japan through military power.
8: What was the Incident at Honno-ji? 
The Incident at Honno-ji occurred in 1582 when Nobunaga was betrayed by his vassal Akechi Mitsuhide. Nobunaga, trapped in a temple, took his own life.
9: How did Nobunaga contribute to Japanese culture? 
Nobunaga supported the tea ceremony and patronized Sen no Rikyu. He also integrated Western culture and technology into Japan, including new ideas and goods.
10: Who continued Nobunaga's work after his death?
After Nobunaga's death, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu continued his work, eventually unifying Japan and establishing lasting peace.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Oda Nobunaga lately. Do you know much about him?



Yeah, Nobunaga is a fascinating figure. He was one of the most powerful warlords during the Sengoku period. What got you interested in him?



I read about the Battle of Okehazama where he defeated a much larger army with a surprise attack. It was incredible how he managed that.



Absolutely, that battle in 1560 really put him on the map. His use of innovative tactics was revolutionary at the time.



I also heard about his economic policies, like the Rakuichi Rakuza. What exactly was that?



Rakuichi Rakuza was a policy that allowed free trade and eliminated monopolies by merchant guilds. This helped boost the economy in his territories significantly.



That’s pretty smart. And he was open to foreign influences, right?



Yes, he welcomed European missionaries and traders. He even adopted Western technology, like firearms, which played a big role in his military campaigns.



Speaking of firearms, the Battle of Nagashino in 1575 was another example of his innovative tactics, right?



Exactly. He used gun squads effectively against the Takeda cavalry, which was a game-changer in Sengoku warfare.



He seemed really ruthless too. What about the burning of Mount Hiei?



That happened in 1571. Nobunaga attacked and burned Enryakuji Temple on Mount Hiei because they opposed him. It was a brutal but strategic move to eliminate resistance.



His death was also dramatic. Can you tell me more about the Incident at Honno-ji?



Sure. In 1582, while staying at Honno-ji Temple in Kyoto, he was betrayed by his vassal, Akechi Mitsuhide. Nobunaga, trapped and with no way out, chose to commit seppuku, taking his own life.



That’s such a tragic end. But his legacy lived on, right?



Definitely. His successors, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, continued his work and eventually unified Japan. Nobunaga’s policies and strategies laid the foundation for a unified Japan.



What about his cultural contributions?



Nobunaga was a patron of the arts. He loved the tea ceremony and supported Sen no Rikyu, the famous tea master. He also promoted Western culture and technology, integrating them into Japanese society.



I also read about his famous sayings. One of them is “Tenka Fubu,” right?



Yes, “Tenka Fubu” means “Rule the world by force.” It reflects his ambition to unify Japan through military power.



He really was a remarkable leader. His combination of military genius, economic savvy, and cultural openness is inspiring.



Absolutely. Nobunaga’s impact on Japan is still felt today. Learning about him gives a lot of insights into how Japan transformed during that period.



Thanks for the information, Key. It’s really deepened my understanding of Oda Nobunaga.



Anytime, Mack. It’s always great to discuss such an influential figure in Japanese history.


関連情報 / related information



Early Life
Oda Nobunaga was born in 1534 in Owari Province, which is now Aichi Prefecture. He was a warlord during the Sengoku period, a time of many wars and battles in Japan. Nobunaga was known for his ambition to unify Japan.


Major Achievements
Nobunaga is famous for his innovative military tactics. In 1560, at the Battle of Okehazama, he defeated a much larger army with a surprise attack. This victory made him very famous. He also used European firearms, which changed the way wars were fought in Japan.


Economic Reforms
Nobunaga introduced a policy called Rakuichi Rakuza. This policy allowed free trade and eliminated monopolies by merchant guilds. It helped boost the economy in his territories and made trade more active.


Cultural Contributions
Nobunaga loved the tea ceremony and supported the famous tea master Sen no Rikyu. He also welcomed European missionaries and traders, adopting Western culture and technology. This included new ideas, goods, and firearms.


Famous Saying
Nobunaga had a famous saying: “Tenka Fubu,” which means “Rule the world by force.” This reflected his ambition to unify Japan through military power.


Death and Legacy
In 1582, Nobunaga was betrayed by his vassal, Akechi Mitsuhide, and took his own life during the Incident at Honno-ji. His successors, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu, continued his work and eventually unified Japan. Nobunaga’s influence and innovations had a lasting impact on Japanese history.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: Who was Oda Nobunaga?  
Oda Nobunaga was a powerful warlord during Japan's Sengoku period. He aimed to unify Japan and is known for his innovative military tactics and reforms.  
2: What is Oda Nobunaga most famous for?  
Oda Nobunaga is most famous for his military victories, such as the Battle of Okehazama in 1560, and for his efforts to unify Japan.  
3: What was the Battle of Okehazama?  
The Battle of Okehazama was a significant battle in 1560 where Nobunaga defeated a much larger army led by Imagawa Yoshimoto using a surprise attack.  
4: What were Nobunaga's economic reforms?  
Nobunaga introduced the Rakuichi Rakuza policy, which allowed free trade and eliminated monopolies by merchant guilds, helping boost the economy in his territories.  
5: How did Nobunaga use firearms in battle?  
Nobunaga effectively used firearms, especially in the Battle of Nagashino in 1575, where his gun squads defeated the powerful Takeda cavalry.  
6: What role did European missionaries play in Nobunaga's time?  
European missionaries introduced Christianity and Western technology to Japan. Nobunaga welcomed them and adopted some Western influences, including firearms.  
7: What does "Tenka Fubu" mean?  
"Tenka Fubu" means "Rule the world by force." It was Nobunaga's slogan, reflecting his ambition to unify Japan through military power.  
8: What was the Incident at Honno-ji?  
The Incident at Honno-ji occurred in 1582 when Nobunaga was betrayed by his vassal Akechi Mitsuhide. Nobunaga, trapped in a temple, took his own life.  
9: How did Nobunaga contribute to Japanese culture?  
Nobunaga supported the tea ceremony and patronized Sen no Rikyu. He also integrated Western culture and technology into Japan, including new ideas and goods.  
10: Who continued Nobunaga's work after his death?  
After Nobunaga's death, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and Tokugawa Ieyasu continued his work, eventually unifying Japan and establishing lasting peace.  

words & phrases



missionary : 名詞
意味: 宣教師。宗教を広めるために派遣される人。A person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country.

  • The missionary traveled to many countries to spread his faith.
  • She worked as a missionary in Africa for many years.
  • The missionary introduced new ideas and technologies to the local people.

squad : 名詞
意味: 小隊、分隊。特定の任務を持った小規模のグループ。A small group of people having a particular task.

  • The rescue squad arrived quickly at the scene.
  • Each squad has a specific role in the operation.
  • The football squad trained hard for the upcoming match.

cavalry : 名詞
意味: 騎兵隊。馬に乗って戦う軍隊。Soldiers who fight on horseback.

  • The cavalry charged towards the enemy lines.
  • In medieval times, the cavalry was a crucial part of the army.
  • The cavalry units were known for their speed and mobility.

vassal : 名詞
意味: 家臣、封臣。領主に忠誠を誓う人。A person who has entered into a mutual obligation to a lord or monarch, often in exchange for land.

  • The vassal swore loyalty to his lord.
  • In return for protection, the vassal provided military service.
  • The vassal managed the land given to him by the king.

savvy : 名詞
意味: 知識、理解。Practical knowledge and ability.

  • You need to be tech-savvy to work in this field.
  • She has a lot of business savvy.
  • His political savvy helped him win the election.
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