伏見稲荷大社 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話形式で学ぶ

【伏見稲荷大社 千本鳥居】






  1. 伏見稲荷大社の概要
    • 京都にある日本全国の稲荷神社の総本社
    • 稲荷神(稲荷大神)は、稲作や農業、商売繁盛の神として信仰されている
  2. 狐の役割
    • 狐(キツネ)は稲荷神の使者とされ、神と人間をつなぐ存在とされる
    • 境内には多数の狐像があり、特に鍵や巻物をくわえた姿が見られる
  3. 朱色の鳥居
    • 朱色の鳥居は、邪気を払う色として信仰されている
    • 「千本鳥居」は、1万本以上の鳥居が連なるトンネルのような参道
  4. アクセス方法
    • 京都駅からJR奈良線で約5分の「稲荷駅」が最寄り
    • 京阪本線「伏見稲荷駅」からも徒歩5分



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha. Have you ever been there?


Yes, I have! It’s one of the most impressive shrines in Kyoto. What made you interested in it?


I’ve heard a lot about the place, especially about the thousands of red torii gates. I’m curious to know more about it before I go.


You’re in for a treat. Fushimi Inari Taisha is actually the head shrine of all Inari shrines in Japan, which means it’s the most important one. It’s dedicated to Inari Ōkami, the god of rice, agriculture, and business prosperity.


I didn’t realize it was that significant. And what’s the deal with the fox statues everywhere?


The foxes, or kitsune, are believed to be the messengers of Inari. They play a crucial role in the shrine’s spiritual practices, symbolizing protection and communication between the gods and humans.


That’s fascinating. I’ve also read that the torii gates are bright red. Why is that?


The torii are painted vermilion, a color that’s believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The color also represents life and energy. And there are over 10,000 torii gates at Fushimi Inari, many of which form the famous “Senbon Torii,” or “Thousand Torii Gates.”


Wow, over 10,000? That’s incredible. Why are there so many gates?


Each torii gate is actually donated by individuals or businesses who want to give thanks for their blessings or wish for prosperity in the future. It’s a tradition that started back in the Edo period and continues today.


I see. What about the history of the shrine? How old is it?


The shrine was founded in 711 AD, so it’s over 1,300 years old. It’s been a central place of worship for centuries, and its importance has only grown over time. Today, it attracts millions of visitors every year.


That’s impressive. I heard there’s also a hiking trail?


Yes, there is. The trail goes up Mount Inari and is about 4 kilometers long. It’s a bit of a hike, but the views of Kyoto from the top are worth it. Plus, along the way, you’ll pass by smaller shrines and even more torii gates.


It sounds like a great experience. Is it easy to get there?


Definitely. You can take the JR Nara Line from Kyoto Station to Inari Station, which takes about 5 minutes. The shrine entrance is right in front of the station. You can also take the Keihan Line to Fushimi-Inari Station, which is just a short walk away.


That sounds convenient. I’m really excited to visit now.


You should be! It’s a unique place, rich in history and culture. I’m sure you’ll have a memorable experience there.


Thanks, Key. I’ll definitely go soon and check it out.


No problem, Mack. Enjoy your visit to Fushimi Inari Taisha!

関連情報 / related information




Introduction to Fushimi Inari Taisha
Fushimi Inari Taisha is one of Japan’s most famous shrines, located in Kyoto. It is the head shrine of all Inari shrines in the country, which totals around 30,000. The shrine is dedicated to Inari Ōkami, the god of rice, agriculture, and prosperity. Many people visit Fushimi Inari to pray for success in business and good harvests.

The Role of Foxes
Foxes, or kitsune, are believed to be the messengers of Inari. At Fushimi Inari Taisha, you can see many fox statues throughout the grounds. These foxes often hold items like keys or rice stalks, symbolizing their role in bringing good fortune and protection.

The Iconic Red Torii Gates
One of the most famous features of Fushimi Inari Taisha is the thousands of red torii gates. These gates form long, tunnel-like paths that lead up Mount Inari. Each gate is donated by individuals or businesses as a way to show gratitude or to wish for prosperity. The red color is believed to protect against evil spirits.

Visiting the Shrine
Fushimi Inari Taisha is open 24 hours a day, and there is no entrance fee. It is easily accessible from Kyoto Station, with a short train ride on the JR Nara Line to Inari Station. From there, the shrine’s entrance is just a short walk away. Many visitors also enjoy hiking the trails up Mount Inari, where they can experience the beauty and spirituality of the shrine.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Fushimi Inari Taisha?

Fushimi Inari Taisha is a famous Shinto shrine in Kyoto, Japan. It is the head shrine of all Inari shrines in Japan and is dedicated to Inari Ōkami, the god of rice, agriculture, and prosperity.

2: Why are there so many torii gates at Fushimi Inari Taisha?

The thousands of torii gates at Fushimi Inari Taisha are donated by individuals and businesses to show gratitude for blessings or to pray for future prosperity. The red color of the gates is believed to protect against evil spirits.

3: What role do foxes play at Fushimi Inari Taisha?
Foxes, or kitsune, are considered the messengers of Inari, the god worshipped at Fushimi Inari Taisha. They are believed to protect the shrine and its visitors, and many fox statues can be found throughout the shrine grounds.
4: What is the significance of the red color of the torii gates?

The red color of the torii gates at Fushimi Inari Taisha is believed to have protective qualities, keeping away evil spirits and bringing good fortune. The color also symbolizes life and energy.

5: How old is Fushimi Inari Taisha?

Fushimi Inari Taisha was founded in 711 AD, making it over 1,300 years old. It has been a central place of worship for centuries and continues to attract millions of visitors each year.

6: What can visitors expect when hiking up Mount Inari?

Visitors can expect a scenic hike up Mount Inari, passing through thousands of red torii gates and several smaller shrines. The trail is about 4 kilometers long, and the views of Kyoto from the top are breathtaking.

7: How can I get to Fushimi Inari Taisha?

Fushimi Inari Taisha is easily accessible from Kyoto Station. You can take the JR Nara Line to Inari Station, which is just a 5-minute ride. The shrine entrance is right in front of the station.

8: What is the role of Inari Ōkami at Fushimi Inari Taisha?

Inari Ōkami, the god worshipped at Fushimi Inari Taisha, is the deity of rice, agriculture, and prosperity. People pray to Inari for success in business, good harvests, and overall well-being.

9: Why is Fushimi Inari Taisha so famous?

Fushimi Inari Taisha is famous for its thousands of red torii gates, its historical significance as the head shrine of all Inari shrines, and its beautiful hiking trails on Mount Inari. It is also a popular spot for tourists and pilgrims.

10: Are there any special events or festivals at Fushimi Inari Taisha?

Yes, Fushimi Inari Taisha hosts several festivals throughout the year, including the Hatsu-uma Festival in February and the Inari Matsuri in spring. These events attract many visitors and are a great way to experience Japanese culture.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Fushimi Inari Taisha. Have you ever been there?



Yes, I have! It’s one of the most impressive shrines in Kyoto. What made you interested in it?



I’ve heard a lot about the place, especially about the thousands of red torii gates. I’m curious to know more about it before I go.



You’re in for a treat. Fushimi Inari Taisha is actually the head shrine of all Inari shrines in Japan, which means it’s the most important one. It’s dedicated to Inari Ōkami, the god of rice, agriculture, and business prosperity.



I didn’t realize it was that significant. And what’s the deal with the fox statues everywhere?



The foxes, or kitsune, are believed to be the messengers of Inari. They play a crucial role in the shrine’s spiritual practices, symbolizing protection and communication between the gods and humans.



That’s fascinating. I’ve also read that the torii gates are bright red. Why is that?



The torii are painted vermilion, a color that’s believed to ward off evil spirits and bring good fortune. The color also represents life and energy. And there are over 10,000 torii gates at Fushimi Inari, many of which form the famous “Senbon Torii,” or “Thousand Torii Gates.”



Wow, over 10,000? That’s incredible. Why are there so many gates?



Each torii gate is actually donated by individuals or businesses who want to give thanks for their blessings or wish for prosperity in the future. It’s a tradition that started back in the Edo period and continues today.



I see. What about the history of the shrine? How old is it?



The shrine was founded in 711 AD, so it’s over 1,300 years old. It’s been a central place of worship for centuries, and its importance has only grown over time. Today, it attracts millions of visitors every year.



That’s impressive. I heard there’s also a hiking trail?



Yes, there is. The trail goes up Mount Inari and is about 4 kilometers long. It’s a bit of a hike, but the views of Kyoto from the top are worth it. Plus, along the way, you’ll pass by smaller shrines and even more torii gates.



It sounds like a great experience. Is it easy to get there?



Definitely. You can take the JR Nara Line from Kyoto Station to Inari Station, which takes about 5 minutes. The shrine entrance is right in front of the station. You can also take the Keihan Line to Fushimi-Inari Station, which is just a short walk away.



That sounds convenient. I’m really excited to visit now.



You should be! It’s a unique place, rich in history and culture. I’m sure you’ll have a memorable experience there.



Thanks, Key. I’ll definitely go soon and check it out.



No problem, Mack. Enjoy your visit to Fushimi Inari Taisha!


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Fushimi Inari Taisha
Fushimi Inari Taisha is one of Japan’s most famous shrines, located in Kyoto. It is the head shrine of all Inari shrines in the country, which totals around 30,000. The shrine is dedicated to Inari Ōkami, the god of rice, agriculture, and prosperity. Many people visit Fushimi Inari to pray for success in business and good harvests.


The Role of Foxes
Foxes, or kitsune, are believed to be the messengers of Inari. At Fushimi Inari Taisha, you can see many fox statues throughout the grounds. These foxes often hold items like keys or rice stalks, symbolizing their role in bringing good fortune and protection.


The Iconic Red Torii Gates
One of the most famous features of Fushimi Inari Taisha is the thousands of red torii gates. These gates form long, tunnel-like paths that lead up Mount Inari. Each gate is donated by individuals or businesses as a way to show gratitude or to wish for prosperity. The red color is believed to protect against evil spirits.


Visiting the Shrine
Fushimi Inari Taisha is open 24 hours a day, and there is no entrance fee. It is easily accessible from Kyoto Station, with a short train ride on the JR Nara Line to Inari Station. From there, the shrine’s entrance is just a short walk away. Many visitors also enjoy hiking the trails up Mount Inari, where they can experience the beauty and spirituality of the shrine.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Fushimi Inari Taisha?  

Fushimi Inari Taisha is a famous Shinto shrine in Kyoto, Japan. It is the head shrine of all Inari shrines in Japan and is dedicated to Inari Ōkami, the god of rice, agriculture, and prosperity.

2: Why are there so many torii gates at Fushimi Inari Taisha?  

The thousands of torii gates at Fushimi Inari Taisha are donated by individuals and businesses to show gratitude for blessings or to pray for future prosperity. The red color of the gates is believed to protect against evil spirits.

3: What role do foxes play at Fushimi Inari Taisha?  

Foxes, or kitsune, are considered the messengers of Inari, the god worshipped at Fushimi Inari Taisha. They are believed to protect the shrine and its visitors, and many fox statues can be found throughout the shrine grounds.

4: What is the significance of the red color of the torii gates?  

The red color of the torii gates at Fushimi Inari Taisha is believed to have protective qualities, keeping away evil spirits and bringing good fortune. The color also symbolizes life and energy.

5: How old is Fushimi Inari Taisha?  

Fushimi Inari Taisha was founded in 711 AD, making it over 1,300 years old. It has been a central place of worship for centuries and continues to attract millions of visitors each year.

6: What can visitors expect when hiking up Mount Inari?  

Visitors can expect a scenic hike up Mount Inari, passing through thousands of red torii gates and several smaller shrines. The trail is about 4 kilometers long, and the views of Kyoto from the top are breathtaking.

7: How can I get to Fushimi Inari Taisha?  

Fushimi Inari Taisha is easily accessible from Kyoto Station. You can take the JR Nara Line to Inari Station, which is just a 5-minute ride. The shrine entrance is right in front of the station.

8: What is the role of Inari Ōkami at Fushimi Inari Taisha?  

Inari Ōkami, the god worshipped at Fushimi Inari Taisha, is the deity of rice, agriculture, and prosperity. People pray to Inari for success in business, good harvests, and overall well-being.

9: Why is Fushimi Inari Taisha so famous?  

Fushimi Inari Taisha is famous for its thousands of red torii gates, its historical significance as the head shrine of all Inari shrines, and its beautiful hiking trails on Mount Inari. It is also a popular spot for tourists and pilgrims.

10: Are there any special events or festivals at Fushimi Inari Taisha?  

Yes, Fushimi Inari Taisha hosts several festivals throughout the year, including the Hatsu-uma Festival in February and the Inari Matsuri in spring. These events attract many visitors and are a great way to experience Japanese culture.

words & phrases



be in for a treat : イディオム
意味: 素晴らしい経験や驚きを楽しみにしていること。To expect something enjoyable or pleasantly surprising.

  • You’re in for a treat with this new movie.
  • If you love Japanese food, you’re in for a treat at this restaurant.
  • The concert tonight will be amazing—you’re in for a treat!

dedicated : 形容詞
意味: 何かに捧げられた、または献身的な。Devoted to a task or purpose; used for a specific purpose.

  • This building is dedicated to scientific research.
  • She is a dedicated teacher who always puts her students first.
  • The book is dedicated to the author’s parents.

vermilion : 名詞、形容詞
意味: 鮮やかな朱色。A bright red to reddish-orange color.

  • The artist used vermilion to paint the sunset.
  • Her dress was a striking vermilion.
  • The walls were painted vermilion to match the traditional decor.

ward off : 句動詞
意味: 何か悪いことを防ぐ、または遠ざける。To prevent or repel something undesirable.

  • Garlic is believed to ward off vampires.
  • The medicine helped ward off the flu.
  • She wore a charm to ward off bad luck.

rice stalks : 名詞
意味: 稲穂。The stems or stalks of the rice plant.

  • The farmers carefully harvested the rice stalks.
  • The fox statue held rice stalks in its mouth.
  • The wind rustled through the rice stalks in the field.
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