清水寺 – 英語で説明するには – 英会話ダイアローグを通して学ぶ







  1. 清水寺の概要:
    • 京都にある778年創建の歴史ある寺院
    • 1994年にユネスコ世界文化遺産に登録
  2. 建築的特徴
    • 「清水の舞台」と呼ばれる本堂が有名
    • 高さ約13メートルの崖の上に建てられている
  3. 音羽の滝:
    • 清水寺内にある滝で、3つの流れから水を飲むと長寿、学業成就、恋愛成就のご利益があるとされている
  4. ベストシーズン:
    • 春の桜や秋の紅葉の時期が特に美しく、夜間ライトアップも行われる
  5. 周辺の観光スポット:
    • 二年坂、三年坂などの伝統的な街並み
    • 高台寺や八坂神社など



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever been to Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto? I’m really interested in visiting, but I want to know more about it first.


Oh, Kiyomizu-dera is amazing! It’s one of the most famous temples in Japan, and it’s known for its large wooden stage that juts out from the Main Hall. Have you heard about that?


Yeah, I’ve read about the stage. It’s built using a technique called “kake-zukuri,” right? No nails were used at all. That sounds impressive. But why is the stage so famous?


Exactly! The stage is about 13 meters high, and from there, you can get a fantastic view of Kyoto, especially during the cherry blossom season in spring or when the leaves change color in autumn. People love the view from up there. The whole structure is supported by wooden pillars that are over 400 years old!


Wow, that sounds incredible. I’d love to see that. I also heard Kiyomizu-dera is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy?


Yes, that’s right. The Main Hall, which is a National Treasure, is dedicated to Kannon. People come to pray for health, success, and love. And there’s Otowa Waterfall, where you can drink from three different streams for blessings—long life, success in studies, or finding love.


I didn’t know that. Drinking from the waterfall sounds like a special experience. Do you know how old the temple is?


It was founded in 778 during the Nara period, so it’s over 1,200 years old! And at one point, it was rebuilt with the help of a general named Sakanoue no Tamuramaro. He played an important role in supporting the temple.


I see. So he helped make it what it is today. That’s really interesting. No wonder the temple has such a long history and deep connections.


Exactly. And that’s one of the reasons why Kiyomizu-dera is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s not just a temple—it’s a cultural and historical landmark.


No wonder so many people visit. Speaking of which, when’s the best time to go? I don’t want to miss the best views.


Definitely spring or autumn. The cherry blossoms in spring and the autumn leaves in November are both stunning. Plus, Kiyomizu-dera does special night illuminations during those times. The temple and trees are lit up, and it looks magical.


That sounds perfect. I love autumn, so maybe I’ll plan for November. Do you think I could spend a whole day there?


For sure! You could start by walking through Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka. These are traditional streets with lots of shops and cafés. Then, head to Kiyomizu-dera and explore the temple. Don’t forget to drink from Otowa Waterfall! After that, you could have lunch nearby, maybe some Kyoto-style cuisine.


That sounds great. I’d love to experience the old streets before visiting the temple. And what should I do after lunch?


You could visit Kodaiji Temple or Yasaka Shrine, both are close by. Kodaiji has beautiful gardens, and Yasaka Shrine is one of Kyoto’s most important shrines.


This is shaping up to be an amazing day. And if I’m there in autumn, I’ll stay for the night illumination at Kiyomizu-dera.


That’s a great idea. The night view from the stage is breathtaking. It’ll be a memorable experience, for sure.


Thanks for all the info, Key. I feel like I have a much better understanding of Kiyomizu-dera now. I can’t wait to visit.


You’re welcome! I’m sure you’ll love it. Kiyomizu-dera is one of those places that leaves a lasting impression. Enjoy your trip!

関連情報 / related information




Kiyomizu-dera is a famous Buddhist temple located in Kyoto, Japan. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is one of the most visited temples in the country. The temple is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy, offering visitors a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere.

Kiyomizu-dera was founded in 778 during the Nara period. The temple’s early development was supported by a famous general, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, during the Heian period. He played an important role in rebuilding and expanding the temple. Over its long history of more than 1,200 years, the temple has been rebuilt multiple times due to fires. The current structure dates back to the early Edo period, when it was reconstructed with the support of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.

Main Attractions
The highlight of Kiyomizu-dera is the large wooden stage that extends from the Main Hall, offering breathtaking views of Kyoto. This stage was built using a traditional Japanese technique without the use of nails. Another popular feature is the Otowa Waterfall, where visitors drink from three streams, each believed to grant blessings—long life, academic success, or love.

Best Season to Visit
Spring and autumn are the best times to visit Kiyomizu-dera. In spring, the cherry blossoms around the temple create a stunning scene, while in autumn, the red and golden leaves make the temple surroundings even more beautiful. During these seasons, the temple holds special night illuminations, where the temple and trees are beautifully lit, creating a magical atmosphere.

Nearby Attractions
After visiting Kiyomizu-dera, you can explore the nearby Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka streets, which are lined with traditional shops and cafés. You can also visit nearby temples like Kodaiji, known for its beautiful Zen gardens, or Yasaka Shrine, one of Kyoto’s most important Shinto shrines. These nearby sites add to the overall experience and make for a full day of exploring Kyoto’s rich history and culture.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Kiyomizu-dera?

Kiyomizu-dera is a famous Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy.

2: When was Kiyomizu-dera founded?

Kiyomizu-dera was founded in 778 during the Nara period, making it over 1,200 years old.

3: What is the main attraction of Kiyomizu-dera?
The main attraction is the large wooden stage that extends from the Main Hall, offering breathtaking views of Kyoto. The stage was built without using nails.
4: Who supported the early development of Kiyomizu-dera?

A famous general named Sakanoue no Tamuramaro supported the early development of Kiyomizu-dera during the Heian period, playing a key role in its expansion.

5: What is the significance of Otowa Waterfall at Kiyomizu-dera?

Otowa Waterfall has three streams, and visitors can drink from them for blessings such as long life, academic success, or love.

6: When is the best time to visit Kiyomizu-dera?

The best times to visit are in spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom, and in autumn, when the leaves turn red and gold. The temple also holds special night illuminations during these seasons.

7: How was Kiyomizu-dera rebuilt in the Edo period?

Kiyomizu-dera was rebuilt during the early Edo period with the support of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.

8: What is unique about the construction of the Kiyomizu-dera stage?

The stage is built using a traditional Japanese technique called “kake-zukuri,” which does not use nails. The structure is supported by large wooden pillars over 400 years old.

9: What other nearby attractions can you visit after Kiyomizu-dera?

After visiting Kiyomizu-dera, you can explore Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka streets or visit nearby temples like Kodaiji and Yasaka Shrine.

10: Why is Kiyomizu-dera considered a cultural landmark?

Kiyomizu-dera is not just a temple but a symbol of Japan’s cultural and historical heritage. Its long history, architecture, and spiritual importance make it a significant cultural landmark.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever been to Kiyomizu-dera in Kyoto? I’m really interested in visiting, but I want to know more about it first.

ねえキー、京都の清水寺に行ったことある? すごく行きたいんだけど、まずもっと知りたいんだ。


Oh, Kiyomizu-dera is amazing! It’s one of the most famous temples in Japan, and it’s known for its large wooden stage that juts out from the Main Hall. Have you heard about that?



Yeah, I’ve read about the stage. It’s built using a technique called “kake-zukuri,” right? No nails were used at all. That sounds impressive. But why is the stage so famous?



Exactly! The stage is about 13 meters high, and from there, you can get a fantastic view of Kyoto, especially during the cherry blossom season in spring or when the leaves change color in autumn. People love the view from up there. The whole structure is supported by wooden pillars that are over 400 years old!



Wow, that sounds incredible. I’d love to see that. I also heard Kiyomizu-dera is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy?



Yes, that’s right. The Main Hall, which is a National Treasure, is dedicated to Kannon. People come to pray for health, success, and love. And there’s Otowa Waterfall, where you can drink from three different streams for blessings—long life, success in studies, or finding love.



I didn’t know that. Drinking from the waterfall sounds like a special experience. Do you know how old the temple is?



It was founded in 778 during the Nara period, so it’s over 1,200 years old! And at one point, it was rebuilt with the help of a general named Sakanoue no Tamuramaro. He played an important role in supporting the temple.



I see. So he helped make it what it is today. That’s really interesting. No wonder the temple has such a long history and deep connections.



Exactly. And that’s one of the reasons why Kiyomizu-dera is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s not just a temple—it’s a cultural and historical landmark.



No wonder so many people visit. Speaking of which, when’s the best time to go? I don’t want to miss the best views.



Definitely spring or autumn. The cherry blossoms in spring and the autumn leaves in November are both stunning. Plus, Kiyomizu-dera does special night illuminations during those times. The temple and trees are lit up, and it looks magical.



That sounds perfect. I love autumn, so maybe I’ll plan for November. Do you think I could spend a whole day there?



For sure! You could start by walking through Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka. These are traditional streets with lots of shops and cafés. Then, head to Kiyomizu-dera and explore the temple. Don’t forget to drink from Otowa Waterfall! After that, you could have lunch nearby, maybe some Kyoto-style cuisine.



That sounds great. I’d love to experience the old streets before visiting the temple. And what should I do after lunch?



You could visit Kodaiji Temple or Yasaka Shrine, both are close by. Kodaiji has beautiful gardens, and Yasaka Shrine is one of Kyoto’s most important shrines.



This is shaping up to be an amazing day. And if I’m there in autumn, I’ll stay for the night illumination at Kiyomizu-dera.



That’s a great idea. The night view from the stage is breathtaking. It’ll be a memorable experience, for sure.



Thanks for all the info, Key. I feel like I have a much better understanding of Kiyomizu-dera now. I can’t wait to visit.



You’re welcome! I’m sure you’ll love it. Kiyomizu-dera is one of those places that leaves a lasting impression. Enjoy your trip!


関連情報 / related information



Kiyomizu-dera is a famous Buddhist temple located in Kyoto, Japan. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is one of the most visited temples in the country. The temple is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy, offering visitors a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere.


Kiyomizu-dera was founded in 778 during the Nara period. The temple’s early development was supported by a famous general, Sakanoue no Tamuramaro, during the Heian period. He played an important role in rebuilding and expanding the temple. Over its long history of more than 1,200 years, the temple has been rebuilt multiple times due to fires. The current structure dates back to the early Edo period, when it was reconstructed with the support of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.


Main Attractions
The highlight of Kiyomizu-dera is the large wooden stage that extends from the Main Hall, offering breathtaking views of Kyoto. This stage was built using a traditional Japanese technique without the use of nails. Another popular feature is the Otowa Waterfall, where visitors drink from three streams, each believed to grant blessings—long life, academic success, or love.


Best Season to Visit
Spring and autumn are the best times to visit Kiyomizu-dera. In spring, the cherry blossoms around the temple create a stunning scene, while in autumn, the red and golden leaves make the temple surroundings even more beautiful. During these seasons, the temple holds special night illuminations, where the temple and trees are beautifully lit, creating a magical atmosphere.

Nearby Attractions
After visiting Kiyomizu-dera, you can explore the nearby Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka streets, which are lined with traditional shops and cafés. You can also visit nearby temples like Kodaiji, known for its beautiful Zen gardens, or Yasaka Shrine, one of Kyoto’s most important Shinto shrines. These nearby sites add to the overall experience and make for a full day of exploring Kyoto’s rich history and culture.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Kiyomizu-dera?  

Kiyomizu-dera is a famous Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is dedicated to Kannon, the goddess of mercy.

2: When was Kiyomizu-dera founded?  

Kiyomizu-dera was founded in 778 during the Nara period, making it over 1,200 years old.

3: What is the main attraction of Kiyomizu-dera?  

The main attraction is the large wooden stage that extends from the Main Hall, offering breathtaking views of Kyoto. The stage was built without using nails.

4: Who supported the early development of Kiyomizu-dera?  

A famous general named Sakanoue no Tamuramaro supported the early development of Kiyomizu-dera during the Heian period, playing a key role in its expansion.

5: What is the significance of Otowa Waterfall at Kiyomizu-dera?  

Otowa Waterfall has three streams, and visitors can drink from them for blessings such as long life, academic success, or love.

6: When is the best time to visit Kiyomizu-dera?  

The best times to visit are in spring, when the cherry blossoms bloom, and in autumn, when the leaves turn red and gold. The temple also holds special night illuminations during these seasons.

7: How was Kiyomizu-dera rebuilt in the Edo period?  

Kiyomizu-dera was rebuilt during the early Edo period with the support of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate.

8: What is unique about the construction of the Kiyomizu-dera stage?  

The stage is built using a traditional Japanese technique called “kake-zukuri,” which does not use nails. The structure is supported by large wooden pillars over 400 years old.

9: What other nearby attractions can you visit after Kiyomizu-dera?  

After visiting Kiyomizu-dera, you can explore Ninen-zaka and Sannen-zaka streets or visit nearby temples like Kodaiji and Yasaka Shrine.

10: Why is Kiyomizu-dera considered a cultural landmark?  

Kiyomizu-dera is not just a temple but a symbol of Japan’s cultural and historical heritage. Its long history, architecture, and spiritual importance make it a significant cultural landmark.

words & phrases



jut out : 動詞
意味: 突き出る、突出する。To extend outward beyond the main body or line.

  • The rocks jut out from the side of the mountain.
  • The balcony juts out over the garden.
  • Her chin jutted out defiantly.

dedicated : 形容詞
意味: 献身的な、捧げられた。Devoted to a task, purpose, or person, or designed for a specific purpose.

  • She is dedicated to her work as a doctor.
  • This room is dedicated to meditation.
  • The temple is dedicated to the goddess of mercy.

mercy : 名詞
意味: 慈悲、寛大さ。Compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm.

  • The judge showed mercy and reduced the sentence.
  • She begged for mercy from the king.
  • Kannon is the goddess of mercy in Japanese Buddhism.

general : 名詞
意味: 将軍、軍の高官。A high-ranking officer in the army.

  • The general led his troops to victory.
  • Sakanoue no Tamuramaro was a famous general during the Heian period.
  • The general gave the order to retreat.

stunning : 形容詞
意味: 驚くほど美しい、目を見張る。Extremely impressive or attractive.

  • The sunset over the ocean was absolutely stunning.
  • She wore a stunning dress to the party.
  • The view from the top of the mountain was stunning.
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